welcome to my first review. Lets hope it goes well then I can do many, many, many more... LETS GET STARTED!!!
Deadpool is the latest in a long list of FOX comic book movie adaptations with most... but not all, defonitally not all... being great and well recieved. Considering that the last CBM Fox released was fant4stic... Deadpool had a lot of preasure for it to go well and fox to not... well... fox it, and kill another franchise. So lets get into what I liked, what I didn't like/where it could have been improved then finishing off with a nice lovely prediction into what it could mean for the caracter, franchise and general universe. lets begin!
I liked a great deal about this movie, it was a funny, upbeat movie with some great action in there, the underying plot of the whole film didnt feel forced or contrived. From the opening credits its all good times and smooth sailing with plenty of 4th wall breaks and not going to spoil it; those opening credits had me laughing, had me giggling away in my popcorn and nachos. Into the film, most of the cast were fantastic, Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool/Wade Wilson was by far the best role I've seen him in for a long time. Morena Bockerin as the love interest was as always fantastic and a good piece of casting, she never stole the show but neathertheless she never had too, their chemistry amazingly. All the rest of the supporting cast where also great.
I found the way the plot moved on, very well thought out and generally had purpose, with backflashes that would put arrow to shame, sex scenes that... well their sex scenes... they're good, well shot and handled well... but you wouldnt watch with your nan. Saying that, if you're nan is seeing a Deadpool film, shes a badass nan and you are very lucky!!! give the women a kiss. Getting back on point. I felt that they handled the caracter of Deadpool really well, they got his sarcasm down, his wit and fast humour and that costume design was on point. The cameaos that were in the film were used to great affect. Colossus and Megasonic Teenage Warhead (her awesome name is addressed in the film) being good side caracters and having good chemistry with Deadpool. However you're a big Megasonic Teenage Warhead fan from the comics... Her powers have changed... but she's more badass so dont complian.
WIth over 100 easter eggs in the film, its filled with little winks and nudges at the audiances and alot of pop culture and previous movie references. I liked that they poked fun at X-men origins: wolverine which I'm glad about, considering everything that happened to the caracter in that movie, as well as nice nod to green lantern, wolverine, proffeser X (both actors) and many many more.
What I didnt like, Theres not alot I can say about not liking this film, however i may be slightly bias due to Deadpool being one of my favourite caracters in comics. Some problems people are having with it is its action scenes being either to scarce or being to CGI yoda flipping, and I get where both sides of this are coming from, However... with a budget of 52,000,000 usd they can be forgiven for not wanting to do a whole movie of action scenes, and the cgi flipping, I felt their was enough going on in the fight that I stopped noticing it after a while.
The things they could of done differently.... In the Deadpool game witch is one of my favourite games, one thing that I loved about it was the voices in his head, and I thought it could of been really cool if they did something to that effect in the film, however I can understand why they didnt... but the biggest and only problem I had in the film, is right at the end, again no spoilers, but something gets smashed by a sword... then gets thrown like 100ft but remains intact, and its just something that stuck with me from when I left the cinema to writing this, its not a massive issue I just noticed it.
What they could do from now: Well, we will be getting a sequal, as this will do well, and they've already anounced one. But I feel they could defonitly slide Deadpool into an X-men film, maybe a slick cameao in a different solo movie? hopefully they do, and hopefully they dont FOX up the sequal or the caracter in future films.
So in final judgements its when I give my verdict on the film, I'm thinking of keeping it simple... (two thumbs up is great, one thumb up is good, shakey hands is okay, one thumb down is bad, two thumbs down is awful, cutting my hands off is holy hell or crap)
So yeah, Deadpool gets a solid two tumbs up!! Its great movie, and great time and will be one of my favourite films of the year... can Batman V Superman beat this... I'm not sure...But Deadpool is great... well done fox... you can make a good Deadpool! I'm very proud.
Cheers for reading this!
Hope you enjoyed!!!
Till next time! be good! stay out of trouble!
Cheers guys!