DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE: 5 Signs This Will Be The Movie That "Saves" The Marvel Cinematic Universe

DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE: 5 Signs This Will Be The Movie That "Saves" The Marvel Cinematic Universe DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE: 5 Signs This Will Be The Movie That "Saves" The Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has faced its fair share of challenges in recent years, but with Deadpool & Wolverine now just over a month away, we're looking at why it really could "save" the MCU...

By JoshWilding - Jun 21, 2024 12:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Deadpool & Wolverine

Earlier this week, Deadpool & Wolverine director Shawn Levy addressed the pressure that comes with helming a movie many believe is going to "save" the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

While an argument could be made that it doesn't need saving, Marvel Studios has made some missteps in recent years and, with so much talk of "superhero fatigue," is in desperate need of a win. As it happens, Wade Wilson and Logan could be the duo that delivers just that. 

In this feature, we're exploring why 2024's only MCU movie may indeed be the one that rescues this franchise. From early box office projections to fan-pleasing cameos, and its place in the wider Multiverse Saga, Deadpool & Wolverine looks set to be crucial to Marvel Studios' continued success.

You can find more on that by clicking the "Next"/"View List" buttons below. 

5. The Team-Up We've Been Waiting For


A big part of the reason Spider-Man: No Way Home broke box office records is because fans and moviegoers were positively buzzing over the possibility of Tom Holland sharing the screen with Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. 

That team-up was only ever rumoured and hinted at, so the fact Deadpool & Wolverine's marketing campaign has put these two front and centre will only further build excitement. After all, even the most casual Marvel fan has dreamed of seeing Jackman and Reynolds share the screen as these iconic characters. 

Marvel Studios has struggled to please fans in recent years, with the likes of The Marvels, Thor: Love and Thunder, and Secret Invasion falling flat. Deadpool & Wolverine, however, can make up for that in a big way.

4. It's Already Breaking Records


While it's vital that Deadpool & Wolverine be a good movie, money talks, and all signs point to this threequel making a whole heap of it. 

The movie has already broken several ticket-selling records, with many of those relating specifically to R-Rated movies. There have been some concerns the older rating would put a dent in box office takings; instead, the Merc with the Mouth and Logan are on track to shatter the records set by 2019's Oscar-nominated Joker

As we write this, there's talk of a domestic opening weekend that could range from $200 million - $239 million. Those are pre-COVID numbers and, with a Chinese day-and-date release also secured, we're betting on a $500 million global debut.

That would vanquish talk of "superhero fatigue," eh?

3. It Can Fix The Multiverse


Marvel Studios first teased the existence of the Multiverse in Avengers: Endgame with the introduction of time travel. Since then, it's been a mixed bag, with some great takes on the premise (Loki and Spider-Man: No Way Home) and others which have underwhelmed. 

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness proved very hit-and-miss, and the "rules" have become increasingly convincing. Why do some Variants look the same and others don't? How do Incursions work again? And where is all of this going?

While Deadpool & Wolverine needs to keep the spotlight on its titular duo, Marvel Studios has the opportunity here to better explain the Muiltiverse and what it means for the MCU moving forward.

2. Showcasing Variants Fans WANT To See


We're all fans here and have high expectations for what the Multiverse means for the MCU. While Avengers 5 and Avengers: Secret Wars will likely be where we get the biggest cameos, Deadpool & Wolverine can also deliver the goods in that respect. 

Multiple versions of Doctor Strange and characters like Black Bolt and Mister Fantastic are one thing; however, this movie can follow in the footsteps of Spider-Man: No Way Home by bringing back the X-Men and even characters from the Fantastic Four franchise.

20th Century Fox made a great many missteps with its Marvel offerings, but those heroes and villains remain both iconic and beloved. There's another reason their presence here will be crucial for the Multiverse Saga...

1. Setting The Stage For Avengers 5


It's been far too long since we've seen The Avengers assemble in the MCU, and whatever Marvel Studios once had planned for these movies has likely changed significantly in recent years. 

With Kang the Conqueror sidelined, a Multiversal Avengers vs. X-Men tale would be a perfect premise for Avengers 5. With their two worlds colliding, the teams going to war before an inevitable team-up is a thrilling prospect and Deadpool and Wolverine can be smack bang in the middle. 

The Marvels laid the groundwork for this and, with a couple of post-credits scenes, Deadpool & Wolverine can do the same. With that, Avengers 5 would go from an anticipated movie to one we all can't wait to see!

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DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE TV Spot Includes New Fight Footage As Hugh Jackman Suits Up As Wolverine...On A Bike?!

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BobGarlen - 6/21/2024, 12:53 PM
Look, I'm not going to consider Marvel to be "Back" until there is more than one occasional hit. When they get to a point of consistent box office and audience acclaim, then I'll say the MCU is back. I don't think one movie can save it, I don't think two movies can save it. One or two hits among a sea of boring flops isn't a positive sign. Give me several consistent back-to-back hits then we'll talk.
MyCoolYoung - 6/21/2024, 12:55 PM
@BobGarlen - one or two flops can sink it but one or two hits can’t?
Blergh - 6/21/2024, 1:06 PM
@BobGarlen - hard to be back after being so far on top, the fall was even deeper given their slump. IMO the best we’ll get is two hits followed by single stinkers and the set repeating.

As far as box office goes it’s not necessarily hard for them to get butts back into seats but will eventually damage the profitability: bring back the stars that the universe was built on. These will be expensive but I assume worth it given that this seems to be what folks want (not necessarily me).

What IMO needs to happen: a third Doctor Strange movie that “retires” the character until needed for team-ups, a fourth Thor movie to set up Hercules & Olympia, a final sixth Thor movie that sees him team up with Loki and finally “retire” to Valhalla in peace, a “Young Avengers” that ends in chaos leading into “Secret Wars” by also wrapping up the Multiverse Arc; and ultimately a Scarlet Witch/Vision movie that sees them reunite and turn human.

Other than that we’ll certainly see Black Panther 3, a final movie that phases out Carol Danvers (ideally paired with something that also fades out the Eternals).

I’d like the MCU to lead into its horror themed chapter next. Blade, Moon Knight, Frankencastle, Lillith, Ghost Rider it’s all right there
SpiderParker - 6/21/2024, 2:59 PM
@BobGarlen - Your parents must be really proud of your grades.
BobGarlen - 6/21/2024, 3:42 PM
@MyCoolYoung - Once it hits a point of consistency it's either down or up. Taking into account the losses of the Disney + shows, and a few box office flops/underperformers you are giving a consistent downward trend. One movie isn't going to be the sign the studio is creatively "back", it's just the sign the studio made a successful film. Two is lucky, but one or two a pattern does not make. I usually go by a rule of three, but that's myself.
BobGarlen - 6/21/2024, 3:44 PM
@SpiderParker - A pointless personal attack because you disagree. Just say 'I don't think so' give a reason and move on. No need to be disrespectful, especially when I didn't lobby any insults at you.
BobGarlen - 6/21/2024, 3:48 PM
@Blergh - I just think they need some time to be missed and wanted again. I think if they took 2 or 3 years off, without a disney + or theatrical release (and I'm not saying don't work on anything) it would help. Take some time to re-calibrate things according to genuine audience feedback then come out the gate with your best foot forward. I think they really should have taken some time off just to let the audience miss them.
SpiderParker - 6/21/2024, 4:04 PM
@BobGarlen - What do you mean? I thought you got great grades every single time so your parents must be proud. But your perception that its an insult tells me you didn't.

Don't tell me when you actually did good, your parents said "Give me several consistent back-to-back hits then we'll talk."? That must have been tough.

"Pointless"? I don't think so.
lvcl - 6/21/2024, 4:37 PM
obgarlen -

At this moment there is no team of Avengers, it would be good if Dr Strange formed The Defenders, taking advantage of all those characters that have been presented in the last films and have been forgotten, with Namor, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Clea, Wong, Valkyrie, Black Knight and all the NETFLIX characters like Hellcat, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones.

MCU has all the characters.

I don't understand, what are you waiting for, Christmas?
BobGarlen - 6/21/2024, 4:50 PM
@SpiderParker - I do not accept the idea your comment was anything resembling good faith. I don't find a comparison of education to entertainment to be a valid or effective mode of calibrating success or failure of a multi-billion-dollar franchise.
BobGarlen - 6/21/2024, 4:55 PM
@lvcl - With as many available characters as they have, and the complicated nature of developing adequate projects to showcase the sizable entourage, it seems it would behoove them to take their time to figure out moves and allow time to pass. They won big time with Endgame's release; they could have afforded to take a couple years off to relax the studio pressure of getting something out on time. They could have taken 2020/2021 without releasing anything, and then aim to get a project in development mid-2021 for mid-2022 release. I don't believe there have been any projects during that time that seriously threatened Disney's position as top of the Box Office. Just (apparently dumb) wishful thinking on my part.
VISIONaryNPa1 - 6/21/2024, 10:59 PM
@BobGarlen - this ^ 100%

SpiderParker - 6/22/2024, 2:17 AM
@BobGarlen - Well Bob, 'One or two flops among a sea of hits isn't a negative sign'.

Let me enlighten you that almost every Marvel movie since pandemic has been in the top 10 highest grossing movies of the respective year. Quantumania was top 11 and if not for the lack of marketing, The Marvels would have joined as well. So, your sea of flops looks like a drop. Technically, all of them except The Marvels are hits.

And before you debate about quality of any movie, flop and hits have nothing to do with subjective quality but everything to do with objective box office. And even in pandemic, writers strike, streaming boom, theater's decline and people's lack of enthusiasm for movies in general - Marvel have still been on the top.
BobGarlen - 6/22/2024, 5:16 AM
@SpiderParker - it doesn't matter if your top 11 in year with record low turnout, middling reviews, and box office receipts that don't recoup when you add in things like Marketing costs. Not to mention that the Disney + shows haven't earned the subscriber count nor in any way have positively contributed to the companies overall bottom line. What I sense is that we've hit and inpass. Where as you believe Marvel is still in a strong position and I simply do not agree.
SpiderParker - 6/22/2024, 10:02 AM
@BobGarlen - It does matter. Their only flop since pandemic till now has been The Marvels and you make it as if they are flopping everywhere. They have 156million subscribers in less than 4years, apparently it took Netflix more than a decade to even cross 100million subscribers. Currently, Disney+ has almost 60% subscribers as Netflix.

Marvel has been breaking pandemic records left and right, tell me one other company who has continuously been in top 10 gross list several times a year. Your points are speculations without merit. You fail to realize the industry as a whole is in shambles and Marvel has been carrying the whole industry on its back. You are looking to Marvel as some sort of messiah to bring the film industry back on its feet all by itself without considering the fact that people like you would rather watch the movies in their home 3months later but review bomb during theatrical release.
ThreadIsFemale - 6/21/2024, 12:54 PM
No Amandla Stenberg, hard pass.
Vigor - 6/21/2024, 1:35 PM
@ThreadIsFemale - are you the malatrova, but for star wars ?
ThreadIsFemale - 6/21/2024, 1:44 PM
@Vigor - what's malatrova? Is that a personal attack or something?
Vigor - 6/21/2024, 1:54 PM
@ThreadIsFemale - you'll find out soon enough
Blergh - 6/21/2024, 12:56 PM
Just make a movie that people like, don’t focus too hard on the future but have fun creating a new story.

I love the MCUs interconnectiveness but sometimes it’s not helping the individual movie
S8R8M - 6/21/2024, 12:57 PM
No pressure then haha.

It can make all the money but still be a crap movie. We will find out soon.
Comicmoviejunki - 6/21/2024, 1:18 PM
@S8R8M - most likely a bloody, gory, f-bomb dropping pile of shit that will gross over 800 million.
MotherGooseUPus - 6/21/2024, 1:01 PM
Surprised this list didnt come out after the trailer dropped months ago.

p.s. i HOPE TO GOD that last picture is NOT of the "future Avengers" cuz that team looks like dogshit that no one wants to see.

anyways... wicked excited for this movie, will be there day 1. LFG
mountainman - 6/21/2024, 1:13 PM
@MotherGooseUPus - Agreed with all of that.

With the next iteration of Avengers, why not mix old and new characters? If it’s all new, there will be less interest.

Hulk, Thor and Hawkeye are still around. So are Dr Strange, Vision and Spider-man.

Throw in some OGs and mix in a few new ones. But this line up looks like the B squad of rhe OG team.

ThreadIsFemale - 6/21/2024, 1:16 PM
@MotherGooseUPus - just replace Rhodey with Riri, add Shuri and we're golden.
Apophis71 - 6/21/2024, 2:16 PM
@MotherGooseUPus - Fairly sure that was just a bad 'fan' made think switching out the original 6 with one of each of their respective legacy characters and highly doubtfull to be the ACTUAL team as will likely be or, or at least mostly characters who have been leads in a FILM, not supporting or leads in a D+ show (not to negate supporting and/or ones from D+ could show up in supporting roles).

We've already kinda had a sorta confirmation from the actor the Dr Strange will be one of them, Sam obviously will and decent chance of Yelena (which shouldn't be an issue for anyone realy as the new Black Widow). We still have THE Hulk who can easily return to a more savage duality form rather than the merged one we had in Endgame, still have Thor and Jane cannot easily turn up cos she's dead, still have Clint so and deffo will include Spider-Man.
MotherGooseUPus - 6/21/2024, 3:10 PM
@mountainman - @Apophis - yea i think your both right... its fan made and a mix of OG that are still around and some new blood is fine... just dont pander to a certain crowd... make it a good, strong team with different power sets like the OG and we are good.
DravenCorvis - 6/21/2024, 1:02 PM
Only 5? I mean, as far as your lists go, this is pretty low.

Why not 7 or 8? Those seem like your arbitrary numbers of choice lately - I'm aware I kinda contradicted myself there.

C'mon, you plucky, list making sumbitch! When you phone it in, we all kinda lose hope and sense of meaning here.

Gambito - 6/21/2024, 1:03 PM
Back for a year until their next inescapable flop brave new world brings it down again and then when thunderbolts gets laughed out of the theater we’ll be hearing talks about a Deadpool 4
Ryguy88 - 6/21/2024, 1:08 PM
@Gambito - maybe then they will go back to basics and stick to the dozens of A listers they have. Guardians was an outlier and warped their perception that any character can headline massive hits.
Comicmoviejunki - 6/21/2024, 1:20 PM
@Gambito - shut the [frick] up
KennKathleen - 6/21/2024, 1:12 PM
Team-ups I want more than Deadpool & Wolverine

5. T'Chakka and Capt America

4. Spider-Man and Daredevil

3. Batman and Nightwing

2. The Fantasic 4

1. X-MEN Gold and Blue

Honsestly... I will give DP & Wolverine 1000 cmb points if they do an end credit scene with HULK vs Wolverine. No words- just visceral Jason vs Freddy asswhup.
Brondern - 6/21/2024, 1:15 PM
Enough glazing Josh, just because Deadpool & Wolverine might be good doesn't mean the MCU isn't doomed in the long run
VISIONaryNPa1 - 6/22/2024, 4:22 AM
@Brondern - yup
marvel72 - 6/21/2024, 1:16 PM
It will be then Agatha and Ironheart will be released.
A case of one step forward two steps back.
ThreadIsFemale - 6/21/2024, 1:20 PM
@marvel72 - one step back, two forward. No one wants, or needs, 2 white guys saving MCU.
marvel72 - 6/21/2024, 1:47 PM
@ThreadIsFemale - Two straight white guys are going to be in the biggest movie of the year.

Say thank you Hollywood for saving you in 2024.
ThreadIsFemale - 6/21/2024, 1:56 PM
@marvel72 - doubt it. But if true, it's because people saw The Acolyte on streaming and realized Disney still got it.
JustAWaffle - 6/21/2024, 1:18 PM
I doubt they’ll set much up with this. Making a more insular film will be a part of why it’ll be good.
vectorsigma - 6/21/2024, 1:19 PM
Too optimistic.

Every shill site is declaring this a winner already. Disnet money working double time i see.

Wolverine and deadpool films havent broken 1B so what makes you think putting them together is that special? And the GA wont know if this is part of the mcu or not.

And even if this becomes a mild hit, the mcu will go back to mediocrity right away with the list of films/shows next year.

It will be the DCUs time starting next year
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