Aladdin didn't exactly have a lot of positive buzz surrounding it before it arrived in theaters, but it went on to receive positive reviews and is now the most successful movie of Will Smith's career. For the most part, it faithfully adapted the animated classic it was baded upon, but it sounds like
Mulan will take some huge liberties which are going to upset fans in a big way.
Apparently, Mushu (the beloved dragon voiced by Eddie Murphy in the original movie) is going to be replaced by a Phoenix. That's not the only change, though, because the movie will reportedly feature only instrumental versions of the original songs.
Mulan has already faced backlash for changing the love interest and villain, and it now seems like more of what fans love about the movie is going to be removed. It's said that test screenings could lead to some alterations, but it's hard to escape the feeling that Disney's plan to make this a more authentic tale (which would be a huge hit at the box office in China) will make it a tad generic.
Then again, is it really a bad thing that the studio wants to make this story a little more realistic?