To discourage review bombing and trolling, YouTube made the number of "Dislikes" a video receives private back in 2021. However, various websites and extensions quickly surfaced which make those numbers - or at least a close approximation of them - available for all to see.
Disney's live-action remake of Snow White has been deciding opinions from the start and, following reports of extensive reshoots to bring it more in line with the 1937 animated classic, Disney is thought to have sunk a love of money into fixing the movie.
That's not good news when all signs already point to Snow White - which stars Rachel Zegler and Gal Gadot - struggling to connect with audiences. Will it be a box office flop? That remains to be seen, but the number of YouTube Dislikes the recent trailer has received is hard to ignore.
As we first reported on, after racking up over 56 million views, the Snow White trailer has a mere 27,000 Likes compared to over 705,000 Dislikes.
That's still a small percentage of the overall number of views but suggests the odds will be stacked against the remake next year.
At the very least, we'd expect it to face potential review bombing; however, everything from the CGI Seven Dwarfs to the rumoured story changes are a pretty good indication that critics themselves won't be kind to the movie.
In case you missed it, you can watch the latest Snow White trailer below.
Breaking her silence on those who plan to boycott Snow White because she doesn't have "skin as white as snow," Zegler - who many of you will remember from her standout role in Shazam! Fury of the Gods - said, "It fell back to another version of 'Snow White,' where she survived a snowstorm that occurred when she was a baby."
"So the king and queen decided to name her Snow White to remind her of her resilience," she added before clarifying her past comments about Prince Charming being akin to a "stalker" in the original movie.
"In all honesty, it made me sad that it was taken in such a way, because I believe that women can do anything. But I also believe that they can do everything," Zegler explained. "The love story is very integral. A lot of people wrote that we weren’t doing [that storyline] anymore — we were always doing that; it just wasn’t what we were talking about on that day."
Snow White is a live-action musical reimagining of the classic 1937 film. The magical music adventure journeys back to the timeless story with beloved characters Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezy.
The movie is directed by Marc Webb and produced by Marc Platt and Jared LeBoff, with Callum McDougall serving as executive producer, and features all-new original songs from Benj Pasek and Justin Paul.
Disney's Snow White opens exclusively in theaters March 21, 2025.