A new America?

A new America?

With all the Ackles hype recently and a certain Tick's disgrace at this choice of First Avenger, I've been thinking, why not Jensen Ackles? Or is there someone better out there?

Editorial Opinion
By ThunderCougarFalconBird - Aug 17, 2009 10:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Before I start I'd like to make it clear. I voted for Ackles in the recent poll and think he would make a very watchable Cap. But does LEEE777 have a valid reason for not liking this choice, beyond the "he's gay" comments he just throws out? Well, partially out of boredom but mainly out of plain old good form, I've decided to help LEEE777 with his argument and throw another another name into the hat in the process.

Jensen Ackles would be very good as Captain America (stay with me Lee). He is the right age and a good build to play the role. I have never seen Cap to be a bulging muscle bound hero, I've always thought of him as perfectly toned and just plain ripped. Jensen also has good acting talent to pull off the demanding role.

So his look and skill are all good, why not him? Well, Marvel is looking ahead into the future with it's movie property. "The Avengers" being their focal point and this is where the Ackles train may come off the tracks.

I can see him during WW2, I can see him in the suit sporting the famous shield but ask yourself honestly, can you see him commanding a scene with RDJ, Sam Jackson and maybe even Norton? No, I can't and if you're honest with yourself you will at least have doubts (Shaman, Joshw24, I'm talking to you). He will look like the new boy, only good for fetching the morning coffee. Captain America needs to lead these people, not be lead by them. That is why, to stay true to their movie universe, Marvel need to stray slightly from the comic and make Cap older. The actor doesn't need to be a massive name, he just needs to fit into a room with the other Avengers and look like he's in the right place.

The actor I think could do this is Scott Speedman. Like Jensen, he has a good look, build and talent for the role but where Ackles fails, Speedman will look right stood along side RDJ and co. Even if you hate my choice, surely you can see my reasoning, or has boredom consumed my sanity?

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LEEE777 - 8/17/2009, 10:18 AM
HOWLETT @ I ain't the only one man lol! ; D

Heh heh heh.

That guys alright too! Got that UNKNOWN Quality to him, nice call! ; )

But come onnnnnn, there loads of better choices than Ackles!


Ackles might be just watchable in CAP AMERICA but...

In AVENGERS it'll be a JOKE!

Its like having TATUM as DUKE, not the right choice and unbelievable!

GEEZUZ HOWLLET, me an JOSH have just made up lol! ; D

LEEE777 - 8/17/2009, 10:25 AM


; )
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 8/17/2009, 10:28 AM
LEEE777 - I like to stir things up ;) I honestly like Ackles as Cap but only if he's on his own. Throw the other actors already signed on into a room with him and he'll fold faster than superman on laundry day! Speedman has more back bone and a better chin to square off against RDJ about who's calling the shots.
EvilEd2000 - 8/17/2009, 10:37 AM
I agree 100%
EvilEd2000 - 8/17/2009, 10:46 AM
...with your reason for not picking Ackles that is, the underworld dude though don't really like him.
LEEE777 - 8/17/2009, 10:48 AM

TEA @ I do NOT like him in the CAP role, total bad miscasting and just because he has blonde hair doesn't make him friggin' STEVE ROGERS!!! : D

I just think as many others, it would FLOP and then what happens to AVENGERS! It'll give it a bad rap before its friggin' out lol, that's what!

ANIL @ Exactly! ; )

HOWLETT @ Lol!!! Heh heh.
ironknight27 - 8/17/2009, 11:45 AM
The main problem that I have with Ackles is that I cant see him with the likes of Cheadle, RDJ, Norton, and Jackson. Marvels best bet is to go with an unknown or a great actor who we havent even thought about yet.
LEEE777 - 8/17/2009, 12:00 PM
TEA @ All you love is that TACKLES A$$!

I bet he shaves it though lol! ; D

WORTHINGTON and LEWIS don't heh heh!

A VIN is a great choice, use your imagination though i said BEHR aint a bad choice its just i got memories of watching him as ROSWELL boy for THREE SEASONS still!

Though he's still much better than all the rest!

I mean who's gonna want HEROES boy as NAMOR after SPOCK??? No friggin' way!!! PPL will not accept that! No way in HELL! : D (plus he's a skinny sh!te too lol).

Personally i cant see how anyone cant see how stupid it'll look when you see him (ackles) up against all the other BIG NAMES and GOOD actors? I would'nt care so much if it was just a CAP movie, though i still think it'll be crap but no way for THE AVENGERS, no way!

InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 12:06 PM
Worthington and Lewis's new sitcom:

"I'm a whisperer!
I'm an advertiser!
Together we started our own little business!
We're Advertising Whisperers!
Get it?"

Inspired by:

Back to serious, I have argued about the RDJ outshining thing, and here is my argument:

No matter who plays Cap, RDJ will outshine them. The way Stark is written in the films, and the way RDJ plays him, he'll always be the center of attention.

Worthington would fail just as much as you think Ackles would standing with them.

How do you honestly think that Lewis or Worthington could actually stand with them, yet Ackles can't?
ecksmanfan - 8/17/2009, 12:28 PM
I'm with Tyler. RDJ owns the screen and when you add the likes of Jackson, Cheadle, Norton (hopefully), you will be hard pressed to find someone to hold their own. I don't think Ackles stands a snowball's chance against these guys. If I had to pick someone out of all those mentioned that could possibly hold their own, I'd say Worthington or Valley, but even then...

I really think we're going to see an unknown for this role. I have faith that Marvel and Johnston will do this character justice.
InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 12:30 PM
It's really up to the director to balance everyone out and keep the actors on the same level.

Look at Chris Hemsworth, no one would have thought that he could stand next to these guys, but now Marvel has casted him as the God of Thunder himself.
LEEE777 - 8/17/2009, 1:21 PM
Lol @ TYLER! I love the vid man!!! Heh heh.

Difference about HEMSWORTH is he has that UNKNOWN factor about him, ackles don't!

Seriously, its like having WELLING as SUPERMAN in a movie with GENE HACKMAN as LEX LUTHOR! Funny as Fcuk lol! ; D
InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 1:29 PM
Ackles does have a somewhat unknown factor, but whether they have an unknown factor or not doesn't matter.

Howlett: And I doubt that Speedman would be able to hold his own against them. It sort of perplexes me how you can think Speedman wouldn't look silly next to RDJ and the others, and you say Ackles fails in that department.
SabretoothTiger - 8/17/2009, 1:51 PM
Ya it shouldn't matter how known they are it matters about actin....now I haven't seen this ackles guy act but he looks like he should be wearin abercrombie and fitch with his collar turned up bein a douchey frat boy chris hemsworth actually looks a lot like thor and even in that 5-10 min scene with him in star trek he killed it he's gonna be one of the next great actors of our time in my opinion and I think that leo has the ability to command as cap he just doesn't have the voice captain americas has to be commandin and boomin like garrett hedlund I think he would be one of the best choices even though rdj will steal the shine I could see garrett and him buttin heads and each demandin to be the leader they also wouldn't have to make cap older cause hedlunds young....also leee do you mean zachary quinto I saw on another cast he was put as daken and I thought that would be perfect even though he's skinny he can bulk up he also is gonna be one of the better actors we see for awhile I think he would be a great namor as well...sorry for the rant GARRETT HEDLUND AS CAP
InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 1:55 PM
Ackles has a commanding voice and he is a terrific actor. Hedlund doesn't have the voice to be Cap, and I see him as Winter Soldier or Angel in X-Men.
LEEE777 - 8/17/2009, 2:08 PM
SABRE @ LEO's is deff interested as CAP!

TYLER @ I thought you loved BRET 'Friggin' HARRISON as WINTER SOLDIER lol!

InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 2:23 PM
I never said I loved Bret Harrison for Winter Soldier. I said I supported him for Bucky, but Jamie Bell was my top choice for Bucky. I firmly believe that Bucky and WS should be played by 2 different actors.

Yes, Hedlund as Angel, and teabag agrees with me. It makes 10 times as much sense as Hedlund for Bucky, and I'm serious.

ThunderCougarFalconBird - 8/17/2009, 2:23 PM
InTylerWeTrust82 - I understand your point. Talent wise, having Speedman is not really different than Ackles. Physically though it's a massive difference. Speedman has a much more formidable look about him. In all the shots I've seen of Ackles trying to look "hard" or "serious" he looks doped up! His eyes droop like he's high. Speedman has a good chiseled jaw, stronger neck and shoulders to stand up convincingly. Talent wise there aren't many who can command RDJ, Jackson, Cheadle and Norton but at least Speedman has a shot of casting the illusion.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 8/17/2009, 2:26 PM
As for Leo, he's an amazing actor and I'm sure he can bulk up for the role but that voice is plain wrong. In all his roles I've not seen anything that convinces me he can change that.
InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 2:26 PM
Howlett: Those pictures up there you posted of Speedman are not formidable looking at all IMO. He looks like a major D-bag. I doubt Speedman would be able to cast an illusion like that.

But I do agree about Leo. He is wrong for Cap. Great actor, but wrong for Cap.
SabretoothTiger - 8/17/2009, 2:30 PM
Ya I could see him as winter soldier tyler but doesn't winter soldier become the new cap anyway so I figure why not skip the middle man in a sense also hedlund is good in action when I see him runnin up the beach in troy I think that's cap even if I didn't at the time when I first saw the movie if you just put him in the cap outfit and give him a gun instead it would be dead on with caps look and his voice is way deep he could get caps voice down easy...again I've never seen or heard this ackles guy in anythin but he just doesn't have the look of cap idk maybe if I saw him act I would see what you are talkin about
InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 2:31 PM
Yeah, I should have said I don't see him as Steve Rogers hehe.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 8/17/2009, 2:32 PM
Yeah, it was hard finding pics he wasn't smiling in, but he can do it, I'm sure of that. The 1st pic isn't too bad, I can imagine the Cap suit on that.
InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 2:35 PM
Is it me, or does he remind anyone else of Aaron Eckhart in the first pic?
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 8/17/2009, 2:38 PM
I thought that too Tyler, just a smaller ass on his face!
InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 2:39 PM
Hehe, definitely.
AshleyWilliams - 8/17/2009, 2:53 PM
ackles for hawkeye!
worthington for cap!
InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 2:56 PM
Worthington for Captain Australia

Chris Pine for Hawkeye

ecksmanfan - 8/17/2009, 3:04 PM
A friend of mine suggested John Barrowman from Torchwood. Never seen the show and I don't know much about him.
InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 3:18 PM
Yeah, and start the Luke Goss for Namor campaign while you're at it! ;)

Luke Goss (or Jason Behr) for Namor!
InTylerWeTrust - 8/17/2009, 3:32 PM
iNsaneMilesy - 8/17/2009, 6:30 PM
Damn it! Why isn't there a captain Australia? We keep gettng shafted. Every other bloody western nation has a hero.
ALmighty1080 - 8/17/2009, 9:32 PM
morgan freeman as captain
theFACE - 8/18/2009, 3:18 AM
Jonathan Rhys-Meyers for Namor!

TheJester - 8/18/2009, 8:13 AM
Acting chops isn't the only thing you would want.....

We need someone with presence. As an example: Bale, Wayne, Eastwood. When these people are on the screen, they need no dialogue.

This is what I would expect from Cap. A leader.

"You think this "A" stands for France????"
ALmighty1080 - 8/18/2009, 4:20 PM
pamela anderson for captain america
SabretoothTiger - 8/18/2009, 6:13 PM
Garrett Hedlund for cap damnit
superdog - 8/19/2009, 7:15 AM
Nobody for cap. Bow bout that!!!!!
Shaman - 8/19/2009, 1:19 PM
This is a copy paste from the IMDB thread which no longer appears on the main. It’s not aimed at you personally Howlett and I haven’t read the posts on this thread.

The role's requirements are UNDISPUTED beyond all debate. Steve Rodgers is a 6'2" tall, 26 year old who is a blond haired, bleue eyed american that is given a super soldier sirum and then is frozen for years. It is as simple as that. Now normaly, for roles that require young actors, sometimes it is better to find unkowns that aren't already "type cast". But for us fans, it is IMPOSSIBLE to know who would be the perfect choice aside from "known" actors. So it's only natural to want for the best possible choice out of the actors we're already aware of, to get the gig.

Now REGARDLESS of all the arguments of the actor having to stand in the company of RDJ and SLJ, the casting agencies have their orders! The role's requirements are OBSOLETE! It's the chosen actor's job to deliver a stellar performance and it's the director's job to make sure all the actors on set are at the same level on screen even though their resumes would state otherwise. Now the argument of whether the chosen actor has the required resume or not is also beside the point because as actors they are required to portray different personalities in different roles. Granted for us fans, it does put a kink in our hopes and dreams if say Ryan Reynolds is cast as Green Lantern but it's still the studio's job to proove us all wrong and to blow all our minds to smitherines at the box office. But what if one of the actors that did fit ALL the requirements ALSO HAD past experiences in very very similar roles??? Wouldn't it also be logical in all "common sense" for us to want that particular actor in the role?

You see, you can't please EVERYONE in the entertainment field so whoever they do cast aside from unkowns, will be met with as much praise as prejudice. But everyone can agree on the fact that any actor's job is to deliver the performance so personal tastes CAN be put aside. And if we had to go with the actor that fullfils the most aspects that the role required, Jensen Ackles is by far the best choice. I'm truly not saying that as a Supernatural fan. Brandon Routh was also the best choice for Superman as was Christian Bale for Batman. All three have a "decent" resume but whether the franchise sinks or sails, it NEVER is the actor's fault. The actor does what he is ASKED to do. If the actor is not competent enough, it's the casting agency's fault as much as the Director's. So it is stupid to say that an actor could ever be the ONLY reason for the downfall of the franchise. The story and it's direction is what can make or break a franchise and judging by Marvel's track record, this movie is setting up to be out of this world spectacular whether Ackles stars in it or not, as Cap or Hawkeye or any other role.

In my honnest opinion, Jensen is a very decent actor in any show or film he's ever done whether the script or concept sucked or not. And putting all opinions aside, right now, IN THE WHOLE INDUSTRY, Jensen Ackles is the ONLY (dirty) Blond Haired, Bleue Eyed, 6'1 American actor that has an athlete's build (which is what the super soldier is), can still look like he's in his late 20ies and that ever has played a similar performance to Steve Rogers's character. Now whether you or anyone on here "likes" him or not is actually besides the fact that he fits perfectly the role's requirements. Here's another fact, Jensen has more people that DO like him than people who don't regardless of CBM posters's tamper tantrums in front of this reality. And "common sense" and "logic" are siding with the role's requirements.

So that's why i've started this whole Jensen Campaign way back in October 2008. That was when i bought my girlfriend the three seasons of Supernatural, that's when i first saw Jensen Ackles's acting and it's also when it hit me like a ton of bricks that he is one of the best choices for Captain America. It's about the time where the fansites first started and naturally, it was my first order of business to start the "Jensen Ackles for Captain America" campaign on CBM.

In no way, shape or form does Sam Worthington fit this character. And as you can see for yourself, NO ONE on here can bring a better argument than mine. They say Jensen sucks and that he doesn't fit the role but they can't say why. They can't go passed their own personal tastes. They're all biased but they don't realise that the casting agencies aren't and Marvel isn't either. They didn't just hand Thor's role to Hemsworth all gift wrapped after watching Star Trek with a bowl of popcorn. They made him audition like 3 or 4 times. And that's EXACTLY what they'll do to ANY actor on the list for Cap. I just hope that Jensen is on it. He is the undisputed best contender so far. Not because of this silly poll we had but on account of him fitting EVERY SINGLE requirement the role has.

And I enjoyed Scott in Underworld and i think he's a decent actor but nothing stellar. I would enjoy him as much if he was Cap but i personaly prefer Jensen's acting and presence which is much much more commanding than Scott's. In fact, Wentworth Miller was more commanding than Speedman in Underworld. He had what... 10 lines at the most??? I honestly and truthfully don’t see where you say Jensen would fail where Scott would succeed. They are both in the same range of acting talent but Jensen has the advantage of his character in Supernatural. The only thing remotely close to Cap that Scott has played is a half vampire, half werewolf in Underworld… not very close now is it??? And IMO, the whole charm behind the concept of Captain America joining the Avengers was for him to EARN his leadership. His leadership is a privilege which he has to EARN, not a right that is merely handed to him for wearing the red white and blue. So NO they shouldn't choose an older actor, any young actor cast as Cap is supposed to have the talent to EARN the character’s leadership and it’s up to the casting agencies to choose the right one as well as the director’s responsibility to make sure that no one get’s overshadowed on screen. Whether it’s Speedman, Miller or Ackles, it doesn’t matter but nothing can take away the fact that Jensen fits the bill much more than Speedman.

BTW LEEE- Speedman IS NOT UNKNOWN. Neither is Worthington now. No one's UNKNOWN if there known. Everybody saw Underworld and most watched Felicity which was his big break. He's not unknown. Stop saying ANY choice is better than Ackles cause it's retarded.
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