Ant-Man/Hank Pym (Ant-Man Solo Movie/Avengers 2) - Tie: Joel Kinnaman or Lee Pace
Many actors have previously been rumored for the role of Hank Pym since the first Iron Man came out. Most recently Bradley Cooper and Adrian Brody have been mentioned as have the two names that I put out but I chose my picks based more off potential and the embodiment of the character rather than star power.

Joel Kinnaman isn't too well known yet, but he will be. He is set to star in the Robocop reboot/remake due out in August 2013 and currently stars in AMC's "The Killing". He looks how Hank Pym should look; Lean, lengthy and nerdy. I haven't watched many episodes of "The Killing" but I did see Kinnam in a small role in "Safe House" which made me want to see more of what he brings to the table. Apparently he auditioned to play Thor and we all know that Marvel has started to have a history of testing actors for a role only to hire them in a different one (Hiddleston famously auditioned for the role of Thor before being cast as Loki). I also think his age (33) is perfect for Pym and matches up well with my pick for the Wasp.

Lee Pace would be another spot on casting of Hank Pym. Pace, mostly known for his role in the show "Pushing Daisies", also looks a lot how Hank Pym should (he's 6'3" and has that "I'm really intelligent" look). Now that Pace is starting to do major film roles ("The Hobbit", "Lincoln"), it would make a lot of sense for him to be cast as Hank Pym. He fits the Marvel mold of someone who isn't an A-lister but is most certainly capable of carrying a film. Like Kinnaman, Pace is also 33 which is a great age for someone who signs a multi-movie contract to be.
"Hey Why Not" Picks - Ben Foster & Benedict Cumberbatch
Give Ben Foster a second shot at being in the Marvel Universe, one that doesn't have Brett Ratner's name attached to it.
Cumerbatch is about to be a very BIG name as he is playing the villain Khan in the new Star Trek sequel and currently stars as Sherlock Holmes in BBC's hit show "Sherlock". It also was recently reported he visited Marvel Studios, so who knows, he may already be our Hank Pym.
*Note - The height of the actors has nothing to do with the fact that Pym will eventually be Giant Man, although it would look better proportionately. I only mention height because before changing his size he still always looks tall and lengthy in the comics. I couldn't see an actor that is shorter than 6 ft play him.
The Wasp/Janet Van Dyne (Ant-Man Solo Movie/Avengers 2) - Rooney Mara
You may have only have seen her as Lisbeth Salander in "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" or her small part in "The Social Network", but she is one of the most talented young actresses around (already with an Academy Award nomination). She hasn't shown much of the "pizazz" or quirky nature that Janet Van Dyne often does, but I do not doubt she would be able to pull it off with ease. I also believe her look is perfect for Van Dyne. She is 27 now which makes her a great age to play Wasp for the next decade.
"Hey, Why Not" Pick - Mila Kunis
She has become pretty popular over the past year but if and when Edgar Wright makes his "Ant-Man" movie, he is going to need two leads that can sell the farfetched idea of the film and also come off as funny, intelligent, quirky and most of all good at acting. I used to think of Kunis as pretty dull ("The Book of Eli", "Max Payne") but she has since turned herself into both a comedic ("Friends With Benefits") and dramatic ("Black Swan") actress with a large fan base. She would be great as Janet Van Dyne.
Black Panther/T'Challa (Avengers 2/Black Panther Solo Movie)- Tie: John Boyega or Omar Sy
Although he is currently young (19 or 20) and seems shorter than 6 feet, Boynga would be a perfect fit for Prince T'Challa of Wakanda. By the time we see the Black Panther hit the big screen for the first time, Boyenga will be more matured and ready for a starring role. He was great in the amazing but under-seen "Attack the Block" and he also has the perfect accent for the role so not much change of character would be needed from the young actor. If they were to cast someone in their late 20's for the part of T'Challa they would have to find a physically fit but older actor to play T'Chaka, which may be tough to do. If Boyega was cast they could get someone like Chiwetel Ejiofor or Djimon Hounsou, who were both once rumored for T'Challa, to play T'Chaka.

I can't find any interviews or videos of Omar Sy speaking English but if he can, would there be a better person to step into the role of "The Black Panther" was filming tomorrow? He was the first black actor to take home the Cesar Award for Best Actor (he won over Jean Dujardin of "The Artist" who walked away with the Academy Award). Please green-light "The Black Panther" and audition this guy ASAP!
Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel (Avengers 2?/Avengers 3) - Evan Rachel Wood
Evan Rachel Wood has that Cobie Smulders thing going on where she is gorgeous but also looks like she can kick your butt if she needs to. Thats the type of actress that needs to be cast as Ms. Marvel/Carol Danvers. Rachel Wood has been acting in numerous roles since a very young age and has been parts of ensembles before so she wouldn't have trouble fitting in with already established characters.
*Note. You can't really include Ms. Marvel into a film that doesn't have the Kree involved but lets pretend they will be showing up in either Avengers 2 or 3.
Luke Cage/Power Man(Heroes for Hire film/Avengers 3) - Anthony Mackie
Yes he's only 5'11" and yes he is rumored to be playing most key African American roles these days (Jackie Robinson, 2Pac etc.), but there is no denying the fact that he is a talented and intense actor. There are many people that look the part more than him but with some Gandalf-esque camera trickery and some time hitting the gym, his acting would take precedence over the bigger dudes vying for the role (sorry Henry Simmons and Terry Crews). His performance in the film "Night Catches Us" should help sell my point.
*Note - Idris Elba would be my pick in a heartbeat if he weren't already in the Marvel Universe as Heimdall.
Danny Rand/Iron Fist (Heroes for Hire film/Avengers 3) - Dave Franco
I will probably get a lot of flack for this one but I'm sticking to my pick. If and when an Iron Fist/Heroes for Hire movies comes out, it won't be for a few years. Dave Franco is just starting to break out as he was great in "21 Jump Street" and will be starring in the ensemble magic heist flick "Now You See Me" (alongside Bruce Banner himself, Mark Ruffalo). In these few years I expect Franco to make leaps and bounds at becoming a credible actor much like his older brother (who also can give him a few pointers on playing a character in the Marvel Universe). Franco also has the build and stature to play Iron Fist and would look good next to Mackie's Luke Cage.