Ant-Man will be a awesome movie !!!!

Ant-Man will be a awesome movie !!!!

Why I am looking forward to the film adaptation of the Astonishing Avengers and who I want to see in the film.

By wolverinesfury - Sep 08, 2011 11:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Hey sure, why not do my first fan cast for a Marvel character to be Ant-Man ?? Not X-Men reboot or the Runaways or characters I like to see in Avengers 2. A comic book character who I only know from the Avengers animated series and Wikipedia, a character I only read in Ultimates 2 where he abuse Janet, got his ass kick by Captain America despite grew 59 feet tall, and betray the Avengers or whatever the [frick] they call themselves in the Ultimate Universes ? Oh I dids read him in one issue of Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man but didn't finish because it wasn't he wasn't that too interesting. Why am I doing a Ant-Man fan cast ? Three words: Edgar Mothertrucking Wright.

The brilliant British director, who been attach to the project since....hmmmm '99 ? Maybe longer ?? Yeah long time since Marvel announce Edgar Wright will co-write and direct Ant-Man for the Marvel Cinema Universe and the latest news concerning Ant-Man were he and his writing partner Joe Cornish had handed over the SECOND draft to Marvel Studio. Well what the F they waiting for ??!! See I know Ant-Man is a hard product to sell for not only the general public but us comic book geeks; a scientist who can shrank and grew himself with the help of a helmet, who can communicate with ants and other insect. Yeah. Box office gold ! Watch out, Batman; here comes....Ant-Man !!!! Oh and Wasp. But really, I'm excited for this movie because I am a huge fan of Edgar Wright. He's to me one of the best director out there right now. And I've been overly obsess with his movies ever since Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, a movie I have been waiting for. And Shaun of the Dead is on of the best zombie flick of all time ! Sorry Dawn of the Dead or Night of the Living Dead ! Shaun beat out those zombie films with a cricket bat and the Batman soundtrack in vinyl. I know Ant-Man will not also deliver the laugh-out loud comedy we expect from Mr. Wright. But the action scenes will be amazing, Edgar Wright has said it is a comedy but not a spoof, he'll take it super seriously, we'll quoting the movie till someone slaps us in the face and honestly, who wouldn't love to see a guy riding on a ant ??

Now I agree with all of you that Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyme should have been in next year Avengers, at least as a cameo as S.H.E.I.L.D scientist. That was a big mistake from Marvel Studio and quite honestly Edgar Wright who should have focus more on the script and already cast Hank and Janet and had those actors in the Avengers. So than the general public will get to know and be familiar with these two characters and read or heard afterwards they having their own movie so it will cause a big curiosity and buzz. But still, I am looking forward to Ant-Man, and the title of the movie has to be The Astonishing Avengers: Ant-Man and Wasp because just call a film, Ant-Man will be just too damn silly. Again, Marvel Studio has to think about the general public because they'r the ones who make or break a superhero movie. It was not like every comic book fan saw The Dark Knight and made it the highest grossing superhero film of all time ! And here's a [frick]ing shocker: I'm looking forward to Ant-Man than I am for Amazing Spider-Man; dispute Amazing Spider-Man coming out next year and who [frick]ing knows when Ant-Man will ever start production. Why you may ask I'm looking forward to a Ant-Man movie or The Astonishing Avengers: Ant-Man and Wasp than the Spidey reboot ?? Because I already seen Spider-Man on the big 2002 !!!! I'm so freaking interest to see a scientist in red and black tights and a ant-shape helmet, shrinking himself and a hot model who also shrink herself and grew wings and shoots bio-electric energy blast (gracias Wikipedia) outta her hands ! If you don't know SHIT about Pym and Wasp and if I just tell you the concept of the movie, would have you go "Wow, that kinda [frick]ing cool !" ??

Again, I'm excited for Ant-Man only for the director, Edgar Wright. If it was anyone else taking the helm, I wouldn't give two shit. No way I be doing a Ant-Man fan cast ! And I'm interest to see which Hank Pym will be in the film; the arrogant, cocky Dr. Pym who's addicted to the drug Prozac, had a mental breakdown and abuse his wife, Janet ? Or the reluctant, low self esteem superhero who prefers scientific tactics and strategy to win battles rather than violence that we see in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon ? Either way, I trust Mr. Wright because he do now Wrong! (Get it ?? Nevermind...)

So here are my fan cast, I'm only doing Hank Pym/Ant-Man and Janet Van Dyne. Don't ask me who should play Egghead or The Scarlet Beetle or Whirlwind ! That is for you guys ! ;) I'm doing multiple actors and actresses for each two. You pick who do you like. And as always Allons-y, Alonso !!!!

NOTE: I will however not pick Nathan Fillion and Morena Baccarin to be in the solo film. Maybe for Avengers, these two can work but not for a potential film franchise.

Jason Bateman as Hank Pym/Ant-Man
Jason Bateman Pictures, Images and Photos

Ant-Man Pictures, Images and Photos

This to me is a slam dunk casting; Jason Bateman embodying Hank Pym ! Of course he can be super hilarious in a Edgar Wright film, Bateman dry humor is a damn perfect match for Edgar. And he also can be serious if needed, watch Juno or The Kingdom or Up In The Air. He is such a fantastic actor and in a somewhat comedy Ant-Man is going to be but absolutely not a shameful comedy like Fantastic Four. Eww...The downside? If Jason Bateman does Ant-Man, the Arrested Development film will be push back even further. Sad but you have to make sacrifices.

James Franco as Hank Pym/Ant-Man
James Franco Pictures, Images and Photos


Now all of you will be saying "But Franco already played a Marvel comic character, he was Harry Osborn in the original Spider-Man !!" A) Stop yelling you hurting my ears and 2: You have said the same thing with Chris Evans when first being cast as Captain America after playing the Human Torch for 2 FF films and look what happen. You guys love him as Cap ! More when he was Johnny ! So I believe James can do both he's a great actor, he play almost everything you throw at him; serial murder obsess painter, drug dealer, gay lover, a super villain, James Dean. And like Hank Pym, he can be a scientist like he was in Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Can do comedy, we see that in Pineapple Express and Date Night so if Jason Bateman can't do be Ant-Man because he really wants to do a Arrested Development movie, give it to James Franco ! And I believe he should have been a better Green Hornet than Seth Rogen.

Mila Kunis as Janet Van Dyne/Wasp
mila kunis 2011 Pictures, Images and Photos

Wasp Pictures, Images and Photos

.....I mean....come on !!!! LOOK AT HER !!!! SEXY !! With a capital SEX !! But seriously, Mila Kunis is an great actress and we know she can deliver the funny. But damn ! Dare you all to imagine her in those tight black suit without cleaning yourself afterwards.

Lyndsy Fonseca as Janet Van Dyne/Wasp
lyndsy fonseca Pictures, Images and Photos

Wasp Pictures, Images and Photos

Here my reason why I pick Kick-Ass girlfriend: Wasp in the Avengers animated series kinda reminds me of Lyndsy Fonseca; how she looks, how she talks, the fact Wasp is really the comic relief of the show. So I base this pick by the Wasp from Avengers: EMH.

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Axelbratoski - 9/8/2011, 1:10 PM
I'm making an Avengers fan cast and thought in Bateman as Pym! But there's something about him as Hank I don't like....
BigK1337 - 9/8/2011, 2:20 PM
Hmm, interesting choice.
For character of Hanky Pym, I have to go with the Earth's Mightiest Heroes personality; that made more sense than the Ultimate personality, too early for the mentally ill Ant Man story and too soon to make the audience hate the character when it is an origin movie.

And choice for cast, I think James Franco should be Ant-Man and Mila Kunis for the Wasp for these reasons:
-James Franco was great in Rise of the Planet of the Apes as a scientist; so give him blond hair and he will be a good Henry Pym.
-Mila Kunis's looks, voice and character in That 70s Show just makes me think that she is a great choice. Plus I started becoming a fan of her in serious work since The Book of Eli.
-Both actors, just so happen, to have played as a couple in the movie Date Night (you know, those con artists); so with that experience, this will make the two a good choice for pairing in terms of the characters they are portraying.
jjmeylar - 9/8/2011, 2:21 PM
I agree with Bateman, but the Janet picks are both total "nos"
MaddMonkk - 9/8/2011, 2:41 PM
check out booyah's fancast.Halle Berry for Wasp.I never thought about it until I seen it and she's perfect. Jason Bateman should be a mega movie star.He is a great actor.
MikeZ - 9/8/2011, 4:17 PM
My picks for Ant-Man and Wasp.

MikeZ - 9/8/2011, 4:19 PM
By the way, Mila Kunis is annoying. I'm not sure if I want her anywhere near a Marvel movie at this point. The fact that she went nude in Black Swan, but needed a double in Friends with Benefits, is whiplashing.

But I love the choice of Lyndsy Fonseca. Her voice is great.
MikeZ - 9/8/2011, 5:49 PM
@ wolverinesfury

I never saw Black Swan. I just read reports about this story. Now I hear that she didn't even get naked for BS. I had no idea. So, my mistake.

What do you think about my choices for Ant-Man and Wasp, however?
GreendaleHumanBeing - 9/8/2011, 6:28 PM
Zachary Levi for Hank Pym in a Edgar Wright Ant Man
MikeZ - 9/8/2011, 6:44 PM
wolverinesfury - 9/8/2011, 6:02 PM

That is Autumn Reeser from The O.C. and No Ordinary Family.
MikeZ - 9/8/2011, 9:19 PM
@ wolverinesfury - 9/8/2011, 6:02 PM

Well, look, I enjoyed your cast. I'm not trying to shoot it down or anything. Plus, after Rise of the Planet of the Apes, James Franco does have what it takes to play Ant-Man. Jason Bateman is also a wonderful alternative as well.

I like Colin Ferguson for Henry Pym, because his character in Eureka has all the characteristics of the character: neurotic, self-loathing, humorous at times, and intense. He's practically the spitting image of him like Christian Kane is for Wolverine.

Autumn Reeser has the bangs of Janet van Dyne, and she played a scientist on No Oridinary Family. And she's really feisty.

But those are MY preferences, so don't take my opinions as bile. They weren't even to begin with.
HaroldOfGalactus - 9/9/2011, 8:33 AM
Reeser is perfect for Wasp, but none of these choices are fit for Pym.

Ferguson might have been a good pick 10 years ago, but his age has really caught up to him.

Franco has to be the worst choice I've ever heard for Pym. He played a scientist in a different movie, so he should play one in this movie too? seriously? FAIL!!!
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