To Consider: Throughout the 10 years, each actor would age normally once I added them to a casting. For later Actor castings of new characters, imagine they’re the age they are right now and only start to age once I added them to a Casting. (Hope that made sense.) — Many of the characters have begun their stories, while some will be beginning their own.

Concealed at Wayne Manor, Bruce continues his alcohol induced grieving of Jason. Gotham City has fallen to hard times. Barbara Gordon, has been trying to keep Gotham safe as Batgirl. A new drug has consumed Gotham and making the citizens violently unstable. One night Batgirl saves a woman; going by the name Spoiler, fighting off a man that Barbara thinks is The Joker. After closer examination, it appears to be an impersonator of The Joker, that has surfaced before. Spoiler tells Batgirl a rumour that the new drug contains the Jokers blood. In Watchtower, Barbara contacts Dick Greyson and seeks his help. The next night, Barbara uncovers a gathering of Joker impersonators being ordered by Harley Quinn. Seeing her chance to apprehend Harley, Batgirl interrupts the gathering. She fights, but gets overwhelmed by the growing number of Impersonators. Spoiler, who followed Batgirl, tries to save her and falls in the same predicament as Batgirl. Nightwing appears and saves the day. He allows Batgirl and Spoiler to escape and he follows afterward. In the melee, Batgirl lost her mask and her identity was revealed to Spoiler. Because of that, Spoiler removes her mask and introduces herself as Stephanie Brown. Nightwing welcomes her to the team and departs to try and speak with Bruce. Barbara returns to her home with Stephanie, as she fills her in on the rules, Bruce once preached.
The Joker
Jake Gyllenhaal
In the Batcave, Bruce is sleeping off another drunken day. A figure appears from the darkness and wakes Bruce. It's Talia Al Ghul. Hungover, Bruce is unmoved by the appearance of his old flame. He pours himself a glass whiskey but Talia shows him no pity and knocks away the glass. She tells Bruce that his son is in danger and that she seeks his help to keep him safe from her father; who discovered that Bruce was the father, and now wants the child dead. The news shakes Bruce to the core. A switch flips inside him and he contacts Barbara.
Ra's Al Ghul
Edgar Ramirez
Barbara who still has Stephanie over, receives Bruce's call. It has been over a year since they've spoken. She politely tells Stephanie to leave and begins to search for sightings of Ra's Al Ghul.
Talia Al Ghul
Mia Maestro
Dick arrives at Wayne Manor and his greeted by his friend Alfred. Bruce questions Talia more about their son. His name is Damien and he is already approaching adulthood and that her sister is keeping him safe. An alarm goes off and glimmers in the darkness approach. Bruce and Talia are attacked by The League of Assassins. At the same time, Dick and Alfred are attacked. Dick fights off the assassins, keeping Alfred safe. Bruce and Talia do the same. Bruce receives a minor injury.
Harley Quinn
Fiona Dourif
There is a knock on the door and Barbara thinks it's Stephanie but on the other side is The Joker and Harley Quinn. They greet her with a smile and the Joker shoots Barbara. He leaves his calling card with a note telling Batman to come out and play. Luckily, Jim Gordon planned on visiting his daughter. He calls for an ambulance and finds Barbara's Batgirl uniform close by. Dick and Alfred find that Bruce is safe and with Talia. They are shocked by Bruce's news. Alfred prepares a concoction to sober Bruce. Dick tells Bruce the news of the Jokers new antics and that Barbara needs his help. A notification tells Bruce that Jim is using the Bat Signal. Bruce answers the call and wears the batsuit once again.
Batgirl/ Barbara
Gordon Lucy Boynton
Batman finds Jim distraught and angry. He demands to know why he allowed his daughter to become a vigilante. Batman learns about Barbara. Jim plans to hunt Joker down and lay his own justice to the monster. Before leaving Jim tosses Batman, Jokers message. Bruce contacts Dick and tells him about Barbara. Bruce arrives at the hospital, where Barbara is in surgery. Bruce becomes unfocused and withdrawals begin to form in his hand. A woman watches from another seat. Dick rushes in and finds Bruce becoming unhinged. He helps to calm him. Bruce's phone rings and Alfred urges him to return. Alfred sounds hurt. Bruce hurries away and tell Dick to keep Barbara safe. Dick notices Stephanie.
Nightwing/ Dick Greyson
Alexander Dreymon
Bruce arrives at Wayne Manor. He finds Alfred dying. A stab wound through his stomach. Bruce cradles Alfred. He tells Bruce that Ra's has taken Talia. Being the formidable man that he is, Alfred planted and tracker on Ra's. Alfred says some heart wrenching words to Bruce and dies in his arms.
Spoiler/ Stephanie Brown
Natasha Liu Bordizzo

Bruce recovers himself and leaves to chase down Ra's. The trail ends at a warehouse. Batman sneaks in and discovers Talia chained and hanging by the hands, while being interrogated by Ra's himself. Several Assassins stand ready. Batman makes his entrance. He fights off the assassins and frees Talia before he's overwhelmed. Together, Batman and Talia fight against the assassins and take many of them out. Ra's enters the fray and fights Batman. With Batman suffering from withdrawals, Ra's and the remaining Assassins prove to be to much. Batman is forced to his knees and watches Ra's kill his daughter. Talia's last words are to Protect Damien. Ra's plans to kill Bruce next. Before he does, The Joker suddenly appears and jabs a needle into Ra's' neck. Ra's struggles for a moment and collapses. Joker releases his gun and kills the remaining Assassins. Ra's tries to fight off the injection. He forces himself to his knees. Ra's has a mixture of agony and anger on his face. Joker looks disappointed. He casually turns to Batman and tells him it's another flaw in his drug. He unleashes a blade from his cane, practices a swing and takes a step closer to Ra's. In one cut, The Joker cuts off the Demon's Head. In a swift movement, Joker pulls another gun from his belt and fires at Batman. A flag comes out with the word BANG!. From behind, Harley jumps on Batman's back and knock him unconscious with an injection.
Hugo Strange
Giancarlo Esposito
Bruce has a vivid dream of him turning into The Joker. Batman wakes up with a Doctor named Strange applying tests on him. Batman is strapped to a gurney and weirdly calm. Strange leaves and returns with Joker.
Nyssa Al Ghul
Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey
Barbara Gordon survived her surgery but became paralyzed from the waist down. Days have passed since Bruce and Jim went missing and the bodies of Ra's and Talia have been found. Barbara searches for her father and Bruce on the computer. Dick and Stephanie are still by her side. She located a sighting of Harley Quinn and sends Dick and Stephanie to recover them.
Damien Wayne
Aramis Knight

Joker explains that the drug is a concoction made of his blood. It turns people into remnants of himself. The entire time Joker has had Batman, he never once removed his mask. The reveal would ruin the fun for him. Strange tells Joker that Batman is fully under the control of the drug. Joker removes the straps and ushers him to another room containing Jim Gordon. To test the effect of his control, Joker tells Batman to kill Jim. Nightwing and Spoiler arrive in time to alter Batman's control. They fight the Joker Impersonators and Harley Quinn. The gun fire causes Batman to snap back to reality. He attacks Joker and demands to know if there's a cure. Joker is angry and mutters something about Jason Todd; calling him another failure. Batman furiously beats Joker for his mention of Jason. Strange tries to run but Batman stops him and demands again to know if there's a cure. Strange points to a room. Batman takes the antidote. Joker tries to escape. Batman tackles Joker and they fly outside a couple stories up. Batman falls to the ground and The Joker is impaled by a pipe in the ground. Batman regains himself as Joker calls for him. He tells Batman a Knock Knock joke, where he has Batman reveal his true identity. Before his last breathe, Joker laughs at the fact that Bruce Wayne was his Batsy. Bruce, himself, laughs alongside his greatest adversary. Joker dies with a smile on his face and Bruce succumbs to darkness.
Jim Gordon
Brian Cranston
Bruce, Dick and Barbara finish paying their respects to Alfred. Barbara tells Bruce that his visitor arrived. Dick and Barbara leave Bruce to his thoughts. Bruce walks to another grave, Talia's. The grave is under a tree. In that tree, the Joker sits on a branch, dangling his feet, watching Bruce. Bruce ignores him.
Alfred Pennyworth
Christopher Plummer
Inside, Bruce walks toward the gathering at his front door. Barbara, Dick, Stephanie, Nyssa Al Ghul and Damien converse. Bruce finally meets his son.
Imagine this takes place in a 150 to a 180 minute film. So there are windows for more detail and story.
This was much longer than I anticipated writing. It will happen again with the other Batman stories I have thought of already and maybe with a few others. Next I'll do the Flash; one of my weaker ideas.
Hope you enjoyed this.
Back in a flash.