Batmans Family Trilogy

Batmans Family Trilogy

Is Batman stronger or weaker with his family? Read on for my intriguing take on The Dark Knight focusing on the relationships he has with characters such as Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Barbara Gordon.

By TheRedHood - Dec 17, 2012 03:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

*This Fan Cast/Fic assumes you know the backstories of these characters especially since the first film has Batman 10 years into his career as Batman*


Bruce Wayne must accept his own limitations as a singular entity of justice. As he spirals down in such a self-destructive manner; it's not until he rescues Dick Grayson that he decides to focus young Dicks energies towards justice.

Notable Plot Points:
- Batman is at least ten years into his career as Batman
- Bruised and battered; Bruce is at his perceived limits
- Bruce sees parallels between him and Dick in both losing their parents tragically
- Through their trials, Dick notices a strong level of control over him by Bruce. He tries to take charge, but Bruce angrily denies Dick.
- The Graysons murderer is kept a secret; but later revealed that Two-Face decided the Graysons fate via a coin-toss. Commisioner Gordon and Batman/Robin slowly deduce this through precision detective work.
- By the end of the movie; Two-Face is hung above a city street and while it's a victory for the duo -- Dick becomes frustrated with Bruce's lack of respect or any fondness for Dick. He refuses to remain Robin and in a fight against Batman; defeats him and leaves him on a rainy rooftop. As he leaves he proclaims, "I'm no longer Robin; I'm Nightwing now"
- As Batman is running along rooftops, he saves a young boy running from what's seen as bursting manholes. As Batman turns to confront whatever is following him, he throws a batarang at the creature and picks up a scale from the ground and bags it for further study. He turns to the child and asks the boys name, to which the boy replies "Jason"


Asa Butterfield as Dick Grayson/Robin/Nightwing


Asa was great in Hugo; he's a talented young actor who I believe would make for a compelling and yet still slightly innocent Dick Grayson. The role would expand in films, and with luck, Butterfield would eventually grow into the role of Nightwing.

Blair Redford as Bruce Wayne/Batman


Blair is an underratted actor who's done great work on many projects that have flown under the radar. I think he'd be a great choice for Bruce Wayne and Batman. Plus, at the age of 30, he's the best age to be considered a young Batman, but perhaps a Batman who has been around for years. That balance of experience and youth.

Bryan Cranston as Commisioner Gordon


Doesn't hurt that he's already voiced Gordon; but thanks to the wonderful and amazing Breaking Bad; poor old Bryan Cranston will be typecasted for life in any role where you need a middle-aged guy with a mustache. All kidding aside; he's a highly talented actor who can handle a wide range of roles.

John Lithgow as Alfred Pennyworth


We've seen Lithgow in a variety of roles from menacing (Dexter) to comedic (3rd Rock From The Sun) to vulnerable (Rise of the Planet of the Apes). Yet, I think I could see him as the selflessly devoted and loyal butler to Bruce. He handles dialogue well; and could very well put in a phenomenl performance as Alfred.

Armie Hammer as Harvey Dent/Two-Face


While Armie is a lot of peoples first choice for Bruce Wayne; I think his distinguished looks and sense of professionalism would be completely uprooted when he becomes the insane Two-Face. The film could play off of this notion that underneath the insanity and deformity is a decent man who's just driven off the deep end.

Chandler Riggs as Jason Todd


Chandler has proved to be a strong child actor through his role on The Walking Dead as Carl. He's young, and is familiar with researching comic book characters. A skill that would help him be a great Jason.


Bruce is trying to move past his failiure and shortcomings with Dick by training Jason Todd, his latest sidekick. However, with his greatest adversary on the loose; will Bruce be able to stop The Joker before he tells the ultimate joke.

Notable Plot Points:
- The movie would be set 3-4 years after the events of All in the Family
Killer Croc is hired by The Joker to penetrate the sewers of Gotham and break The Joker out. His first act of violence is hanging both of his lawyers from a bridge. Joker makes Batman make a choice, but With Jasons help he's able to save both the Lawyers. The Joker escapes but heeds a warning for Bruce that next time he, "won't be so lucky"
- Joker plans on conducting a classic red herring. Parallel crimes, two bank heists. One at a bigger scale bank, and one at a smaller bank. Knowing that Jason will be sent to the smaller bank -- Joker plans to kidnap him.
- Bruce doesn't want to send Jason; but doesn't want to repeat the mistakes he made with Dick and decides to let Jason go. Ultimately this causes for Jasons kidnapping.
- Batman attempts to rescue Jason by himself but fights Killer Croc and is nearly defeated. Barely surviving the skirmish, he retreats to the Batcave.
- Alfred suggests a joint assault in the underground sewers where Joker and Croc are. Batman is forced to apologize to Nightwing for how he treated Dick.
- Dick and Bruce assault the sewers. With Dick taking on Killer Croc and Bruce taking on The Joker. The Joker reveals that he's set up explosives around the sewer network and is going to sink all of Gotham
- Croc leaves a bloodied and beaten Nightwing and tackles Batman who's about to beat Joker to a pulp; leaving Joker with Jason. Joker announces that he's had enough, and starts mercilessly beating Jason with a nearby pipe. He's ready to sink Gotham when Batman emerges victorious with a subdued Croc and destroys the remote.
- Joker then says not to worry and that if he can't destroy Gotham; he'll destroy batman and his family. He informs them that he had an 'insurance policy' and he later detoates the bomb; creating a huge hole in the sewer starting a chain reaction of explosions. Jason is left dangling from a nearby bar with Nightwing holding Batman by the hand. Batman aims his grappler at Jason and attempts to grab him but a sudden explosion envelopes Jason and sends Bruce, Dick, Croc, and The Joker through a pipe.
- Bruce is woken by Commisioner Gordon who followed the explosion. He asks Batman what happened and Batman has gone silent. He sees a beaten but awake Nightwing as well as Croc and Joker being escorted away. Bruce asks Gordon if they found Todd. Gordon simply shakes his head and Batman approaches the huge hole all he sees is a pit of fire. Gordon asks Batman what the chances are that he's still alive and Batman replies "there's always one" Batman sends sends out a drone to scan the area. It comes back with nothing, he retrieves it and claims that its sensors need to be calibrated but Nightwing approaches and asks Bruce if he truly believes Jason is still alive; Bruce turns and simply leaves the tunnel.


Vincent Cassel as The Joker


Vincent has these body movements that to me are almost pure joker. The way he is smooth and confident but has this aurora of menace. He looks similar to Joker, and besides a few prosthetics I think it's possible that he could play a different take on The Joker that's different then Ledger and Nicholson. A joker who is pure menace but can't stop laughing the whole time. I think Vincent would be great for that.

Jason Momoa as Waylon Jones/Killer Croc


Jason is a huge guy; and with a blend of CGI and practical effects he could pull off the scaly skin. As the film progresses, he would slowly grow larger and more monstrous until finally he loses all semblance of normalcy.



Following the death of Jason Todd; Bruce continues his quest to bring justice to Gotham. While Nightwing keeps to himself; a new threat arises and with the help of Nightwing and Barbara; must discover the identity of the mysterious Red Hood.

Notable Plot Points:
- Film opens with Mr. Freeze holding hostages in a Library while a frightened Barbara Gordon hides under a desk. As Batman fights Freeze, he drops a Batarang from his belt which Barbara picks up
- Meanwhile, Gordon is finally approached to do something about the vigilantes. Gordon is hesitant, but is introduced to Hugo Strange who claims to know who Batman is, and is willing to capture him if he has the backing of the Gotham Police Force. With no other options, Gordon is forced to accept.
-Barbara researches into the Batarangs and through her research discovers that Bruce is Batman. She manages to enter the Batcave undetected.
- Bruce is watching footage from the explosion in the sewers, and is still combing through the footage. Barbara greets Bruce and introduces herself. Bruce asks how she found out about him and she tells him that his paper trail lead her straight to him, but claims to have destroyed this trail. Batman thanks her, but asks her to leave. She refuses.
- She notices Bruce's leg has a large gash and asks if she can tend to it. Bruce says no but is still tended to by Barbara. Batman says he didn't asks for any of this, and she replies that she knows he wouldn't.
- Batman gets an alarm that there's a robbery in progress; he goes and ponders what to do with Barbara. He asks her if she can stay and monitor the comm. She agrees.
- Batman fights and subdues the robbers but discovers that it was a trap by Strange; he has the bank surrounded by SWAT and Police. Batman has no way out until four smoke bombs are deployed creating a window for Bruce's escape. He runs and notices SWAT being shot at left and right. He finally turns and sees the Red Hood.
- Meanwhile Barbara quizes Bruce about how come she can't be out in the field and she ultimately revelas her full name, revealing herself as the Commisioner's daughter.
- Bruce then tunes in where he watches a televised coverage from the scene of the crime where Hugo proclaims that he'll catch Batman; and when he does he'll reveal his identity for a price. A reporter asks if Strange really knows who Batman is and Strange looks at the camera and says "Yes, he's a man expressing his pain and suffering at the expense of others"
- Batman decides to confront Strange, with Barbara asking to tag along. As Strange is in his office, he's taking notes; when Bruce and Barbara show up in costume; Strange says "Oh Bruce, a family affair?" Bruce is in utter shock that Strange knows who he is. Strange then delivers an ultimatum: Solve a formula in 24 hours of Strange will reveal his identity to the city. As Batman agrees, him and Barbara are subdued, tied, and tossed out the window. Batman is able to break the ropes and brake his fall at the last minute, but discovers that Barbara has broken her spine.
- He brings her in to the Batcave, and calls in Dick; Dick and Alfred are asked to help tend to her while he looks at the formula. He discovers that it's incomplete; and that the missing link acts as a enhancer -- giving the subject enhanced strength at the expense of their mind. Dick ask why they don't just apprehend Strange, and Bruce proclaims he can't. Both Dick and Bruce come to the conclusion that Strange must've found out who Bruce was somehow.
- Bruce visits Strange as Bruce Wayne. When he enters, Strange asks if he's readied the formula. Bruce bluffs, saying he has. As he does, Strange injects him with a serum via a dart. Bruce is visibly in pain, convulsing. Strange adds that it'll only be hours before Bruce is a mindless brute. Strange looks off-camera and says "Your apprentice is at his knees! What should we do" Bruce looks over to see Ras Al Ghul with Bane as an enforcer.
- Ras looks at Batman, and tells him that the serum he has was only a ruse to get Batman in a spot of vulnerability. He then states that they're now going to release all the inmates at Arkham, stating that "Every army needs generals" and use the already completed Venom to turn Gotham against itself. Batman hears a voice over the comm, "Sins of our fathers…" and Bruce utters "Jason…"
- The floor below Strange and co. blows. Ras sticks his sword into the ground and Bane grabs Strange and grabs onto a pillar. Batman tumbles down, unable to muster the strength needed. As he falls out of the building he's grabbed by the mysterious Red Hood.
- Red Hood takes a sample of Bruce's blood, and injects Bruce with an antidote. He tells Batman that he's been following Strange for months, and knows where they're held up. Bruce asks who Red Hood is, and he simply says "an act of vengeance"
- Bruce returns to the Batcave, Barbara and Dick are attentive. Barbara says she's going to have a tough time telling her dad; Dick asks about Strange and Batman tells him that he's allied himself with the League of Shadows and Bane. Dick asks what his play is and Bruce says "A Power Play"
- All of Bruce's monitors show a missile setting off in the middle of Gotham, turning the populace into mindless brutes. Dick asks what they plan to do, and Bruce says nothing. Both Barbara and Dick protest, but as Bruce points out, they're outnumbered and outgunned. Bruce says the best they can do is train and strategize.
- We see Red Hood scoping out Gotham Central which has become the base of operations for Ras. Strange is there, as Croc and Bane hook harnesses on the brutes as a form of control. The Joker approaches and is awe-struck by the levels of anarchy.
- Batman and co. are in the cave when Red Hood drops in. Dick goes to attack but Bruce tells him to stand down. He asks the Red Hood what they can do; he states that there's a remote console that Ras keeps on him at all times. It constantly keeps the Venom flowing and the brutes under his control; and that if they can get the remote console, then they can return everybody to normal. Bruce asks him to join them, but the Red Hood turns around and leaves saying he has a different fight. Bruce then says "Jason; we all regret what happened…but you'll get yourself killed to which he turns and replies "We're all mourning something aren't we Bruce?" and disappears.
- Barbara monitors the comm while Dick and Bruce suit up. They go to Gotham Central to find brutes all around. Bruce notes that due to Gotham being cut off, he can't mass produce the antidote he has. But he says that being strategic enough, they can get in with little to no problem. As they land on the streets, they inject a few of the brutes along the way leaving them incapacitated and walk into Gotham Central. Nightwing is immediately grabbed by Bane and thrown against the wall; Batman states that Bane is nothing, and as Bane swipes at Batman, Batman removes the tubing leading into his mask and watches him fall to the ground. Nightwing has a few broken ribs, and gets back up telling Bruce that this is one fight he may have to sit out of if he's not careful. As they approach the Commisioners office they find Joker, Ras, and Strange. Batman tosses a gel that turns to foam around Strange as he says I'll deal with you later. Joker pulls a gun on Bruce and Dick telling them that killing the family is on his list. The Joker is shot in the leg by a sniper round. It's the Red Hood.
- Ras fights Batman while Joker fights Nightwing; but Red Hood intervenes and starts fighting Joker kicking dick into a wall. The Joker states that he wore it better, but Red Hood keeps heavy on the attack. Red Hood easily incapacitates The Joker; meanwhile Bruce fights Ras and disarms him before kicking him off the building. Dick meanwhile tries to grab the remote operator. He has the brutes corner Ras, and as Ras attempts to fight each of the brutes, he's beaten unconscious.
- Jason is about to kill The Joker; but Joker says "Awe, my little boy is all grown up, how charming" and sticks a knife into Jason. Jason then picks him up, stating that this never ends. Bruce argues with him, but Jason is adamant that the conflict will be in a continuous cycle. Bruce tells Jason to remember the first lesson he was taught and we flashback to a shakedown at The Penquins Bar; Jason is near close to killing The Penquin until Bruce knocks him off his feet and cuffs him. Bruce then takes the gun and breaks it apart. Telling Jason that if they kill the criminals of Gotham; that they're no better then them. Back to present, Jason then tosses The Joker aside and swings out.
- Film ends with Bruce meeting with Gordon at the top of the newly christened Gotham Central. Batman asks Gordon about Barbara; and Gordon says that they found her on the street like that, an apparent hit-and-run but says that she has plenty of hobbies to keep her mind pre-occupied. Gordon asks if Batman will ever retire, and Bruce proclaims that there's no foreseeable future in retirement. Gordon insists that he asks because Batman is recruiting; possibly finding a replacement. Gordon asks if his 'family' makes him weaker; stating that when Gordon had Barbara, he had to give up a piece of himself for her. Batman says "No, my family makes me stronger" and with the sound of police sirens Gordon answers a two-way radio. Poison Ivy has escaped from Arkham; and before he looks to Batman; he's soaring off towards Gotham.


Shailene Woodley as Barbara Gordon


I argued heavily between Emma Stone and Shailene. Shailene to me is a little more grounded; plus with Cranston playing Gordon I could see them as father and daughter.

Mark Strong as Mr. Freeze


A relatively small role in the film; but Mark Strong plays great villains and under the frosty helmet I could see him as Freeze

Stanley Tucci as Hugo Strange


Stanley looks similar to Strange; maybe if they just gave him the infamous chin-strap they'd be ready to go!

Viggo Mortensen as Ras Al Ghul


Viggo certainly looks the part; but he's also a phenomenal actor to boot.

Unknown as Bane

Honestly for Bane, all you'd need is a huge actor. Doesn't really matter as their mask is on the whole time and they rarely if ever talk.


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bazinga85 - 12/17/2012, 4:41 PM
Bane wearing lucha-lord mask and rarely talks. I like your plot and a few of your cast choices, but any similarity with the schumacher movies is never good. I'd love chandler riggs as a robin though, maybe not jason, but yeah, assuming he still looks bad-ass when he's older. And no to your dick grayson pick, I'd rather it be someone a bit older and taller and not sissy looking.
bazinga85 - 12/17/2012, 4:42 PM
And I know bane wears the mask in the comics, I personally just never liked it.
AshleyWilliams - 12/20/2012, 2:13 PM
I would recast the Robins. But overall pretty nice.
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