BATTLE: Dante vs Deadpool

BATTLE: Dante vs Deadpool

(Inspired by their famous rivalry in Marvel vs Capcom 3), I pitted these two against each other to battle it out. Who do you think would win? The Son of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda....or the Unpredictable Merc With the Mouth?

Feature Opinion
By SageMode - Jun 22, 2011 05:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

"Though a fight every now and then does make life a little more interesting, don't ya think?"

Brief Bio
Dante is main protagonist in the Devil May Cry series. He is the second son of Sparda and Eva, and the younger twin brother of Vergil. As such, he is a half-demon, half-human hybrid. Dante is a mercenary dedicated to exterminating demons, a mission he follows in pursuit of those that killed his mother and corrupted his brother.

Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Electric Blue
Hair: White

(Powers / Abilities / Weapons)
Dante possesses power that surpasses that of most demons. He has enough strength to punch through stone with little difficulty, and often overpowers demons much larger than himself. Dante is inhumanly fast, capable of moving faster than the eye can see, and also extremely agile; able to jump to great heights or even to balance on a flying rocket. He is able to channel his power into various physical objects, ranging from his guns to the air itself. Dante can instantly heal from nearly any wound; even the Hell Prides were surprised when he mostly ignored their attack on him at the beginning of Devil May Cry 3. Dante has been shown to survive wounds that would kill a normal human, such as being impaled through the chest with his own sword (something that happens to him during almost every game) or being shot point-blank in the head. Dante's natural abilities are far greater than humans, allowing him to achieve vast feats that humans cannot.

On top of his incredible demonic powers, Dante has also proven himself to be an extremely capable combatant. He has shown incredible proficiency with many types of weapons including several different types of swords, nunchaku, gauntlets, and a scythe/guitar hybrid, displaying near mastery of them within moments of picking them up. He has also shown some skill in unarmed combat, managing to disarm and subdue Nero bare-handed in their second fight. He also displays impeccable shooting skills. He has been shown able to flawlessly hit targets as small as the pommel of his sword, and can shoot other peoples bullets out of mid-air. Dante is also shown to have incredible hand-eye coordination; for example, he kicks the Neo-Generator into the statue above the bridge approximately 20 feet away from where he stands in Devil May Cry 3, and kicks the seed of Echidna the She-Viper back at her to get her attention in Devil May Cry 4. Dante is rarely shown to struggle in battle and wins most of his fights with such ease that it often seems as though he were merely toying with his opponent, though he has been defeated by Vergil on two occasions. He is also seemingly defeated by Nero at the beginning of Devil May Cry 4, but at their second encounter he reveals that he had underestimated Nero, and after fighting again, Nero speculates that Dante had just been playing with him.

Thanks to his half-demon nature, Dante can release his demon power through his Devil Trigger. The appearance of this form varies throughout the games — in Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 3, the form is influenced by which Devil Arm he carries, while in Devil May Cry 2 and Devil May Cry 4 he has a pair of Devil Forms believed to be his "true" Devil form. These forms usually increase his speed and give him slow regeneration, and sometimes grant him new abilities, like flying.

In Devil May Cry 4, it is implied that Dante's strength is not just due to his father, but also from his will to protect others. After Dante defeats Agnus, Dante tells him that the reason he's inferior is because Agnus surrendered his humanity. It is suggested that any demon who possesses the will to protect and love others rather than to simply destroy will gain the full might of their demonic power, though Dante, Vergil, and Nero may simply be exceptions due to possessing both human souls and demonic power. Dante also makes this statement to a demon named Sid near the end of the Animated Series.

Dante's trademark weapons are the Rebellion, Sparda (Force Edge), and Ebony & Ivory. He has also used a shotgun in every title in the series, though its exact form changes throughout the games. Over the course of the past four games, Dante has collected a wide variety of weapons in addition to his regular arsenal, ranging from a curious electric guitar and several pairs of gauntlets to twin submachine guns and a demonic briefcase able to transform into six hundred sixty six powerful forms. He keeps many weapons and trophies displayed within his office, so it is likely that he keeps old weapons there as well.

Devil Trigger:The Devil Trigger (often abbreviated as DT) is a special technique possessed by demons and half-demons which allows its user to release their demonic side. While in Devil Trigger, the user will assume their true, demonic form. In this form, many of the character's attributes are amplified, and the character may have access to upgrades or even additions to their normal abilities like flying or hovering. When playing on higher difficulties, enemies can enter a Devil Trigger-like state after a certain time limit (which is fixed for each enemy). This causes enemies to strengthen their attributes as well as making them attack more often and more powerfully.

Devil Arms

1. Sparda (Force Edge)

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry: The Animated Series, Devil May Cry 4, Devil May Cry 2 (Trish)
* Element: Demon
* Description: The legendary sword of the Dark Knight Sparda, containing the bulk of his devilish powers. It is the goal of Vergil and Arkham in Devil May Cry 3, is awakened by Dante in Devil May Cry, is seen with Sparda in a flashback in The Animated Series, and is used by Sanctus in the final battle in Devil May Cry 4.

2. Yamato

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 4
* Element: Dark
* Description: The trademark katana belonging to Vergil as an heirloom from his father, and later coming in to the possession of Nero. It is able to cut through nearly anything effortlessly.

3. Rebellion

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry: The Animated Series, Devil May Cry 4, Devil May Cry 2
* Element: Magic
* Description: The trademark broadsword belonging to Dante as an heirloom from his father. It is a key element in releasing Dante's devil half, though it must first taste his blood.

4. Alastor

* Appearance: Devil May Cry
* Element: Lightning
* Description: The sword manifestation of Alastor the Thunder Devil. Dante finds it impaled through a sculpture of a woman. It is capable of attacking with lightning speed, and allows Dante to perform Air Raid.

5. Ifrit

* Appearance: Devil May Cry
* Element: Fire
* Description: The gauntlet manifestation of Ifrit the Fire Devil. Dante finds it resting on an altar in the Colosseum. It is capable of attacking with infernal hellfire.

6. Cerberus

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3
* Element: Ice
* Description: A tripartite nunchaku originating from Cerberus the Ice Guardian. Dante obtains it after defeating Cerberus, the guardian of Temen-ni-gru's gate.

7. Agni & Rudra

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3
* Element: Fire and Wind
* Description: A pair of living scimitars, wielded by demonic golems, better known as Agni & Rudra the Firestorm, the guardians of Temen-ni-gru's upper portion. They have rather accommodating personalities, and can be temporarily combined into a double-sided scimitar.

8. Nevan

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3
* Element: Lightning
* Description: A transforming guitar/scythe originating from Nevan the Lightning Witch. Dante obtains it after defeating Nevan. It is capable of summoning Nevan's bats to attack, and allows Dante to perform Air Raid.

9. Beowulf

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3
* Element: Light
* Description: A set of gauntlets and greaves originating from Beowulf the Lightbeast. Vergil obtains them after killing Beowulf and Dante finds them after Arkham activates the Temen-ni-gru and Vergil falls into an abyss.

10. Gilgamesh

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 4
* Element: Metal
* Description: A set of gauntlets, greaves, mask, and back armor made of a living, organic metal equipped with thruster-like machine built inside.

11. Lucifer

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 4
* Element: Dark
* Description: An armor-like apparatus that is capable of summoning spectral blades similar to Vergil's Summoned Swords.

1. Ebony & Ivory

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry: The Animated Series, Devil May Cry 4, Devil May Cry 2
* Description: A pair of trademark handguns customized by Dante.

2. Kalina Ann

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry: The Animated Series, Devil May Cry 4
* Description: A combination bazooka/bayonet belonging to Lady. It can only be fired while on the ground, and possesses a strong recoil, but can fire multiple missiles and can shoot its bayonet as a grappling hook.

3. Shotgun

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2
* Description: A shotgun with greater firepower, but shorter range and longer reload-time than Ebony & Ivory. (A variant of the Shotgun appears in Devil May Cry 4 as the Coyote-A)

4. Grenadegun

* Appearance: Devil May Cry
* Description: A drum-fed grenade launcher.

5. Needlegun

* Appearance: Devil May Cry
* Description: An aquatic weapon that rapidly fires needles.

6. Nightmare-β

* Appearance: Devil May Cry
* Description: A demonic fire-arm which fires reflectable lasers powered by Dante's Devil Trigger.

7. Missile Launcher

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 2
* Description: A missile launcher used by Dante.

8. Submachine Guns

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 2
* Description: A pair of submachine guns used by Dante.

9. Artemis

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3
* Description: A demonic fire-arm which can fire multiple lasers at either one or many targets, as well as into the sky, creating an "Acid Rain" effect.

10. Spiral

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 3
* Description: An armor-piercing sniper rifle with a slow reload-time that can only be fired while on the ground. Its rounds can pierce multiple targets and always increase the Style meter.

11. Coyote-A

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 4
* Description: A shotgun with greater firepower, but shorter range and longer reload-time than Ebony & Ivory.

12. Pandora

* Appearance: Devil May Cry 4
* Element: Light
* Description: A demonic briefcase belonging to Dante. It is capable of changing its form to 666 weapons. It is acquired after defeating Dagon and features a new gauge called the Disaster Gauge. The gauge fills through use of Pandora's standard forms and is depleted whenever its Gunslinger modes are used.

* Trickster Style: emphasizes quick dodges and maneuvers.

* Swordmaster Style: emphasizes mastery of different Devil Arms and maximization of their elemental power.

* Gunslinger Style: emphasizes mastery of different guns and maximization of their technique.

* Royalguard Style: emphasizes minimization and countering of enemy attacks.

* Quicksilver Style: a time-controlling style appearing in Devil May Cry 3 which is obtained from Geryon. It allows Dante to move at lightning quick speeds relative to enemies and the environment, thus allowing him to experiment with different tactics and combos.

* Doppelganger Style: a shadow-controlling style appearing in Devil May Cry 3 which is obtained from Doppelganger. It allows Dante to create copies of himself to assist in battle, thus allowing him to experiment with different tactics and combos. The Doppelganger wields the gun and Devil Arm equipped to Dante when it was created, and performs those weapons' analogues to whichever actions Dante performs.

* Dark Slayer Style: Vergil's personal style in Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition, and one of Dante's styles in Devil May Cry 4. As a warrior fallen from grace, Vergil can use the power of darkness to obtain new weapons and skills by leveling the style. The style itself performs much like Dante's Trickster Style.

In Devil May Cry 4, Dante obtains this style after receiving Yamato, but instead of being based on teleportation, it allows Dante to replicate a few of Vergil's skills with the Yamato.

"Doorknobs don't kill people, I kill people."

Gender: Male
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 210 lbs (95 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Bald, (previously Brown)

(Powers / Abilities / Weapons)

Regenerative Healing Factor: Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that of the mutant Wolverine that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Deadpool is able to heal injuries such as slashes, puncture wounds, bullet wounds, and severe burns within moments. His healing factor is significantly more powerful than Wolverines as he can regrow missing limbs and organs and has survived blades through his brain on several occasions. His head or any other limb can be reattached using this ability, but has to be placed in the proper place. As Deadpool had cancer at the time of the gene therapy which endowed him with these abilities, it bound to the "healing factor" so that in a sense the cancer is his healing factor, which is why his skin is still horribly scarred. Unlike Wolverine’s natural healing factor, Deadpool’s is mentally driven to a partial extent.

-Foreign Chemical Resistance: Deadpool's body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins. For example, it is extremely difficult, though not impossible, for him to become intoxicated (Blind Al made several references to Deadpool being hungover since he once drunkenly spoke to the Telletubbies on the TV he was watching). He can, however, be affected by certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, if he is exposed to a massive enough dosage.

-Disease Immunity: The unique regenerative qualities of Deadpool's healing factor also extends to his Immune System, rendering him immune to the effects of all known diseases and infections.

-Extended Longevity: Deadpool's healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process to an unknown degree. His life span is extended to such a degree, that an alternate reality version of him was alive and still in business as Deadpool 800 years in the future. Deadpool has established a relationship with the personification of Death and as a result has been cursed by T-Ray, to be unable to die[citation needed].

-Telepathic Immunity: The healing factor causes his brain cells to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering him immune to psychics such as Professor X and Emma Frost.

-Peak human Strength: Deadpool possesses great, though not unnatural, physical strength. However, he does have at least the strength of an Olympic level weightlifter. He is capable of lifting at least 420 lbs but no more than 800 lbs.

-Superhuman Stamina: Deadpool's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several days fatigue begins to impair him.

-Superhuman Agility: Deadpool's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

-Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes are similarly enhanced, superior to those of even the finest human athlete.

Master Martial Artist: Deadpool is an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant and is a master in multiple unarmed combat techniques such as taekwondo, hapkido, tangsoodo, shaolin kung-fu, wingchun, kendo, ninjitsu, and ju-jutsu. He has been shown fighting such amazingly skilled fighters as Wolverine and Taskmaster and even defeating them in hand to hand combat. This shows that Deadpool himself is among the most skilled fighters in the Marvel universe. He is a master of assassination techniques, is a master marksman, and is highly skilled with bladed weapons (frequently carrying two swords strapped to his back).

Teleportation Device:Deadpool has utilized different teleportation devices to whisk him out of (and occasionally into) danger, as well as a holographic image inducer that he can use to disguise his true appearance as necessary.

Weapons Mastery:Deadpool employs any number of weapons depending on his current assignment. Most often, Deadpool uses guns, grenades, sais, knives, and katanas. Wade can use any weapon known to man and learn how to use the weapon in less than 5 minutes. Wade is mainly seen using a gun.
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BigK1337 - 6/22/2011, 5:32 PM
I have to go with Dante since not only he have more powers than Deadpool, but he also can withstand all of Deadpool's psychotic comments due to his cocky, smart ass attitude.
Cap82 - 6/23/2011, 1:26 AM
Neither can die and while Deadpool could at least be knocked out I think Dante will be far too annoyed with him to keep the fight going long enough to get to that point.
kriswone - 6/23/2011, 7:29 AM
SolidSnake007 - 6/23/2011, 2:34 PM
Dante would eventually come out on top.
axiouz - 6/24/2011, 7:15 PM
chasen1083 - 6/24/2011, 9:15 PM
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