Here is the next installment in my British Batman series, this is episode 4.
To see episode 3, here's the link:
There are no new major additions to the cast.
A group of the Penguin’s thugs are receiving a guns shipment and talk about Batman stopping the last one. There is an explosion and they think Batman has come, barrels in the port start exploding, killing some men and leaving some on the floor wounded. Harvey Dent walks over to them and says that they are the ones who killed his family. He says that his father used to flip a coin to decide whether to beat him and that there is one barrel left. He flips the coin and says “Unlucky.” Knocking it over and pouring acid all over them.

Next scene is Batman raiding a drugs warehouse, when he is done he calls Gordon and tells him. Gordon says they may have enough evidence to take down the Penguin. The Police Commissioner is at home when Dent walks in. When he asks why Dent is here Harvey pulls a gun telling the Commissioner where he got it and that the Police are failing to protect the city. He takes his son and says that he wants to be able to prosecute the Penguin and for Officers to carry guns or he’ll kill the boy. He leaves taking the child with him.

The Penguin is in his office shouting at his men about another failed arms deal when a Batarang flies into the room and explodes as a flash-bang. Batman takes down the men and then the Penguin, taking his laptop too. The court hearing has Dent as the prosecutor and the Commissioner looks very uneasy, as Dent is also saying about how the Police should carry guns. At the end of the trial Jonathon Crane convinces the jury that the Penguin is insane and belongs in Arkham. He has threatened them beforehand with his fear gas.

When this verdict is given Dent is angry and rants about there being no justice in the city, saying “here’s justice” flipping a coin, he looks at it and scowls then says “and your men” this time the coin flip is different and he pulls out a gun and shoots them. As Police go to arrest him he pulls out his phone with a live feed to the Commissioner’s son tied up and demands to be let go. As Dent walks out of the court and away Batman grabs him and tries to beat the information out of him but Dent says that if he tries anything then the boy is dead.

We see the Penguin arrive at Arkham and is taken to talk to Jonathon Crane once the door closes we hear the Penguin screaming. Next Batman arrives in the docks and is scanning all shipping containers before spotting the one that Dent is in blowing the door off with an explosion before beating Dent in a fight. Harvey says “Now the boy dies.” But Batman responds “I bugged your phone and traced the signal, the boy is safe.” Before knocking him out.