Sorry for the delay, life was a bitch and a half as always! Not only that but apparently, the more i sketch, the more time it takes me to finish... for a certain reason i have yet to put my finger on. Improvement maybe? I'll let all you CBMers be the judge ;)
The first batter up, who came in third place, is Patriautism as Wiccan:
Second but not least is Airbeyonder as Plastic Man:
And the grand prize winner, who also won herself a bag o' swag, is Ceghead as Powergirl:
As what was said before, these sketches will remain my property for preservation purposes, however should any of you three wish to visit Canada's fine capital, shoot me an e-mail and i'll personally deliver them to you in hand! So there you have 'em, ladies and gents! Thanks for participating and/or spectating! Feel free to click on any of them to look at more of my art ;)