Champions Battle Poll (Week 6: Round 2)

Today the battles are:
The Question vs The Riddler...
Wolverine vs Captain America...
Lex Luthor (In Warsuit) vs Crimson Dynamo...

Feature Opinion
By GuardianDevil - Mar 28, 2013 03:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Fenix122

Previous battles:

Captain America beat Bullseye.

Green Lantern (Jordan) beat Wonder Woman.

Beta Ray Bill beat Supergirl.

Use most iconic version unless otherwise stated (like today the Warsuit for example) and please vote objectively.

The Riddler vs The Question

Captain America vs Wolverine

Crimson Dynamo vs Lex Luhtor (In Warsuit)

Thanks for reading and voting, please leave your opinion in the comments and feel free to explain your decisions.
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relentless1 - 3/28/2013, 4:05 PM
Lex Luthor
unknownfacts - 3/28/2013, 5:01 PM
Question vs Riddler

Question wins Vic was trained by Richard Dragon a master martial artist while Edward is .....well basic at best.

Captain America vs Wolverine

Wolverine he has a higher pain tolerence then Cap.

Lex Luthor vs Crison Dynamo

Lex wins.War suits design to fight Superman.Dynamo suit design to fight Ironman.Nuff said
SpideyQuad - 3/28/2013, 5:47 PM
1st fight is majorly stupid but who couldn't beat up the Riddler?

Captain America, anyone who has read comics would know this.

Never like Lex Luther (and I read Superman for well over 10 years before I outgrew DC) during that time he adopted the "suit". I never understood how it could possibly give Superman a problem. I couldn't respected then I definitely don't now. Lex Luther should just die. He is one of the most stupid villains ever developed besides Capt. marvels silly villains
ravennpilot - 3/28/2013, 9:28 PM
didnt vote on the first because lacking in info for the question.

Captain for a second one. I believe he would rattle Logans head around with the shield. The claws are dangerous but those attacks would be telegraphed.

Lex because of superman battles.
jojofmd - 3/29/2013, 1:36 PM
Question is a better combatant.

Cap- can't stand wolverine but Cap has beaten him in the comics and his shield and skills give him the edge.

Lex Luthor- the thing about Lex is if you look at it from a philosophical stand point. Lex is the superman. The one who is only human who can get away with crime, Nietzsche's ubermensch, which better translated is superhuman. When Jerry siegel and Joel Shuster first made the comic, the superman looked and acted like Lex Luthor. So though they then invented Clark. Lex was for all intense and purposes the first superman. Plus Clark isn't human, he's kryptonian.
GuardianDevil - 3/29/2013, 2:52 PM
When did Cap beat Logan in the comics? I remember the time in AvX, it looked to me like Cap was winning, but then Pym stepped in and beat Logan. So i dont think that one counts, I'd like to know for future reference...
jojofmd - 3/29/2013, 3:27 PM
They "beat up each other" a few times, AvX and in the past, I can't remember the series, but not sure if there was a "clear" winner. However I was thinking of AvX as a win for cap.
jojofmd - 3/29/2013, 3:28 PM
Plus, I just think Wolvie is far overpowered nowadays. Plus he's annoying.
GuardianDevil - 3/29/2013, 4:01 PM
Yeah, I agree his character has been ruined he had such potential before. Now, the writers just focus on making him heal from everything instead of showcasing his skills like they did originally. I guess they like that so-called "gritty" stuff...

Anyways, like I said in AvX it looked like Cap was winning and was going to win but then Pym helped out and made it easy to beat him. I've heard many a Wolverine fan claim that had Hank not helped out Logan would've won and/or stalemated. Personally, I still think Cap would've won in the end but idk if that one actually counts.
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