Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
The Dark Knight Returns is a 1986 four-issue comic book miniseries starring Batman, written by Frank Miller, illustrated by Miller and Klaus Janson, and published by DC Comics
Mickey Rourke as Bruce Wayne/Batman
Chloe Grace Moretz as Carrie Kelly/Robin
Donald Sutherland as Commissoner James Gordon
John Hurt as Alfred Pennyworth
Guy Pearce as Harvey Dent/Two-Face
Kevin Durand as The Mutant Leader
David Thewlis as Dr. Bartholomew Wolper
Willem Dafoe as The Joker
Jodie Foster as Ellen Yindel
Carla Gugino as Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Mark Valley as Clark Kent/Superman
John Malkovich as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Alan Rickman as Presidant Ronald Reagan
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