The Avengers are a team of superheroes that appear in the Marvel Universe. The team first appeared in The Avengers #1 (Sep. 1963), and were created by writer-editor Stan Lee artist and co-plotter Jack Kirby.
Labeled "Earth's Mightiest Heroes", the Avengers originally consisted of Ant-Man, Wasp, Thor, Iron Man, and The Hulk (Captain America did not join until issue #4, although he was given the status of an honorary founding member). The rotating roster has become a hallmark of the team, although one theme remains consistent: the Avengers fight the foes no single superhero can withstand — hence their battle cry, "Avengers Assemble!" The team has featured humans, mutants, robots, gods, aliens, supernatural beings, and even former villains.
The first adventure features the Asgardian trickster god Loki, who seeks revenge against his adopted brother Thor. Using an illusion, Loki tricks the Hulk into destroying a railroad track, after that he then diverts a radio call by Rick Jones for help to Thor, whom Loki hopes will battle the Hulk. Unknown to Loki, the radio call is also answered by Ant-Man, the Wasp and Iron Man. After an initial misunderstanding, the heroes unite and defeat Loki. Ant-Man states the five work well together and suggests they form a combined team — with the Wasp naming the group the Avengers. The original members are known as the "founding members," and courtesy of an Avengers Charter are responsible for the good name of the team. As a result, their wishes regarding the direction of the team are given additional weight and deference.
Many thanks to Wikipedia.
Well here it is, The Avengers movie cast:
Michael Weatherly as Captain America:
Captain America was the alter ego of Steve Rogers, a sickly young man who was enhanced to the peak of human perfection by an experimental serum in order to aid the United States war effort. Captain America wears a costume that bears an American flag motif, and is armed with an indestructible shield that can be thrown as a weapon.
Well there here he is, and i for one can totally see him in the role of Captain America. He's got the look, the charm, the bad ass factor, plus he is a Super Soldier and he can act fantastic too!
Robert Downey Junior as Iron Man:
Born Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark, he is an industrialist playboy and genius engineer who suffers a severe heart injury during a kidnapping and is forced to build a destructive weapon to escape captivity.. He instead creates a powered suit of armor to save his life and escape captivity. He later decides to use the suit to protect the world as Iron Man. Through his multinational corporation, Stark Industries, Tony created military weapons and his own metal suit is laden with technological devices that enable him to fight crime. Initially, Iron Man was a vehicle for Stan Lee to explore Cold War themes, particularly the role of American technology and business in the fight against communism. Subsequent re-imaginings of Iron Man have gradually removed the Cold War themes, replacing them with more contemporary concerns such as corporate crime and terrorism.
Hulk-Buster armor wink wink, and bring on Iron Man II!
Edward Norton as The Incredible Hulk:
During the experimental detonation of a gamma bomb, scientist Bruce Banner rushes to save a teenager who has driven onto the testing field. Pushing the teen, Rick Jones, into a trench, Banner himself is caught in the blast, absorbing massive amounts of radiation. He awakens later in an infirmary, seeming relatively unscathed, but that night transforms into a lumbering grey form that breaks through the wall and escapes. A soldier in the ensuing search party dubs the otherwise unidentified creature a "hulk".
No brainer really, as much as i loved Eric Bana in the role Norton screamed Bruce Banner that much more.
Chris Hemsworth as The Mighty Thor:
Being the son of the Elder Goddess Gaea, Thor has a natural affinity for Earth and feels obliged to protect the mortals that occupy it. Thor's time on Earth is marked by battles against supervillains, monsters, cosmic beings, and even other gods.
Thor's principal foe is his adopted brother Loki, who has hated Thor since childhood. Although a master of magic, Loki usually avoids direct confrontations for fear of angering Odin. He is discreetly responsible for the creation and awakening of three of Thor's principal foes: the Absorbing Man; the Wrecker, and the Destroyer. On one noteworthy occasion, Loki's tactics are accidentally beneficial - although successful in using the Hulk to draw Thor into battle, it results in the formation of the superhero team the Avengers, of which Thor is a founding and longstanding member.
What can i say, i liked him from the start, so yes to Chris Hemsworth.
Patrick Wilson as Ant-Man:
Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym's character debuted in a standalone science-fiction anthology story, returning several issues later as the superhero Ant-Man, with the power to shrink to the size of an insect. Pym is eventually given a crime-fighting partner, Janet van Dyne, the Wasp, and goes on to assume other superhero identities, including the size-changing Giant-Man; the physically aggressive Goliath; the insect- themed and advanced Yellowjacket and as of 2009, the Wasp. He is also the daddy/maker of Ultron.
Yeah this is becoming a hot favorite here at CBM, him as Ant-Man and Ali Larter for Ms Marvel keep coming up, and why not both perfect for their roles.
Morena Baccarin as The Wasp:
Janet Van Dyne was born in Cresskill, New Jersey. She was initially a shallow, self-centered, flighty heiress and debutante, daughter of wealthy scientist Vernon Van Dyne. During an experiment, however, an alien monster was unleashed from an alternate dimension and Dr. Van Dyne was killed. Her father's associate, Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym, had created a substance called "Pym particles," which allowed the user to grow or shrink in size, and had become the superhero Ant-Man. When Janet's father died, she convinced Pym to help her. He gave her a supply of "Pym particles" and subjected her to a biochemical procedure which granted her the ability to, upon shrinking, grow wings and fire blasts of energy, which she called her "wasp's stings." As Ant-Man and The Wasp, they defeated the monster, sent it to its own dimension, and had several more adventures together.
What can i say, she has the part hands down, not only does she look the part she can act too, just check out the show "Firefly" or the new "V" series out November the 3rd. She's also got that petite look to her too, just like Jan Van Dyne, born for the role.
Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow:
Natasha was born in Stalingrad (now Volgograd), Russia. The first and best-known Black Widow is a Soviet agent trained as a spy, martial artist, and sniper, and outfitted with an arsenal of high-tech weaponry, including a pair of wrist-mounted energy weapons dubbed her "Widow's Bite". She wears no costume during her first few appearances but simply evening wear and a veil. Romanova eventually defects to the U.S. for reasons that include her love for the reluctant-criminal-turned-superhero archer Hawkeye.
Yes we know she's already got the part, but i for one love her for it right from the very start. I think she'll do the character justice.
Jensen Ackles as Hawkeye:
Clint Barton was an orphan, and ran away from the orphanage as a pre-teen to join the circus as a carnival performer, where he was trained in the use of the bow and arrow by the Swordsman and Trickshot. When he discovered that his mentors were both criminals he rejected them, leading to a beating by Swordsman which left Barton badly injured and hospitalized. Years later, he saw Iron Man in action, and was inspired and decided to become a costumed hero called Hawkeye. However, there is a misunderstanding on Hawkeye's first outing and he is believed to be a criminal, accused of theft.
On the run, the naive Hawkeye meets the Black Widow, a spy for the Soviet Union, whom he falls in love with. She tricks him into helping her to steal technology developed by Tony Stark, Iron Man's alter ego. After several battles with Iron Man — who defeats the pair on every occasion — the Black Widow is injured and Hawkeye flees with her, deciding to go "straight" from then on. Hawkeye later "applies" for membership in the superhero team the Avengers, by breaking into Avengers Mansion and binding and gagging the team's butler, Edwin Jarvis. Hawkeye is accepted, and together with leader Captain America and mutant siblings Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch become the new team when the original members take a leave of absence.
Well you CBMers say, no surprise for Jensen as Hawkeye here, i wont go on about him if you don't, deal? ; )
Ultron will have to be total CGI and a computer generated voice:
Ultron's flashbacks reveal that he was the creation of Henry Pym, and based on Pym's brain patterns. The robot gradually developed its own intelligence and rebelled, and almost immediately suffers from an Oedipus Complex, whereby it feels irrational hatred for his "father" Hank, and demonstrates an interest in Hank's lover Janet van Dyne, the Wasp. Rebuilding itself and upgrading five times, Ultron then hypnotizes Pym and brainwashed him into forgetting that the robot had ever existed.
The visual appearance and powers of the character have varied, but common powers include superhuman levels of strength, speed, stamina, durability, and reflexes; flight at subsonic speeds; and various offensive weapons such as concussive blasts of energy fired from its optical sensors and hands, and an "encephalo-ray", which places victims into a deathlike coma. The latter ray also allows Ultron to mesmerize and mind-control victims, or implant subliminal hypnotic commands within their minds to be enacted at a later time. Ultron also has the ability to convert electromagnetic radiation into electrical energy for use or storage. Ultron has a genius intellect, a capacity for creative intelligence and self-repair, superhuman cybernetic analytical capabilities, and the ability to process information and make calculations with superhuman speed and accuracy. The character is an expert roboticist and strategist.
I believe they will use Ultron more than say the Red Skull. Red Skull (My pick by the way is Daniel Day Lewis), will probably be used heavily in Captain America: First Avenger, so i doubt they will use the character so quick after that when The Avengers have so many other Villain's to look out for.
Tom Hiddleston as Loki:

Throughout their childhood and into adolescence, Loki was resentful of the differences in which he and Thor were treated by the citizens of Asgard. The Asgardians valued great strength, tenacity, and bravery in battle above all things and Loki was clearly inferior to his foster brother Thor in these areas. However, Loki's gifts lay in other areas, most notably sorcery. He possessed a natural affinity to command great magical forces and hoped to somehow use these powers to become the most powerful god in all of Asgard and to destroy Thor. As Loki grew to adulthood, his natural talent for causing mischief would manifest itself and earned him a nickname as the God of Lies and Mischief. However, instead of playing harmless pranks, he grew steadily more malicious in his deeds, and his lust for both power and revenge was apparent to all those around him. In time, his nickname grew from being a playful and mischievous trickster god to the "God of Evil". Over the centuries, Loki attempted on many occasions to seize rulership of Asgard and to destroy Thor. Odin, who had long tolerated Loki's attempts, magically imprisoned him within a tree. Loki eventually freed himself from his prison, and his thirst for power and vengeance became even more consuming than it had been. Loki compiled an extensive criminal record in Asgard, and was frequently exiled.
Yep, why mess with greatness Tom Heddleston is the perfect Loki and somehow Loki could be behind the scenes concerning Ultron.
Nick Fury as The Hoff! Just joking.
As for Nick Fury, yeah it's Samuel L Jackson, this to me is a okay pick but i'd much prefer the classic Nick Fury as Fury. He really should of stayed in the Ultimates, oh well...
Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury:
My own personal pick would've been
Bruce Willis as Nick Fury:
Or a close second maybe
George Clooney as Fury:
LEEE777 - Your thoughts below, be kind.