I'm a fan of The Incredible Hulk movie and was disappointed to hear that Ed Norton wouldn't be returning to the role of Bruce Banner for the Avengers or possible future Hulk sequels. So with that in mind I decided to post up my take for a Hulk movie. I 've had most of these picks in mind from before The Incredible Hulk movie was even in the works, dating mostly back around the time the sucky Ang Lee version Hulk movie came out plus a few choices I thought of over time since.
Guy Pearce = Bruce Banner. Pierce is of course a top notch actor. He has the perfect looks, build and personality to pull off a great rendition of Bruce Banner.

CGI Hulk. Voice and motion capture by Lou Ferrigno. Ferrigno of course is famous for being the 70's TV series version of the Hulk as well as providing the minor speaking parts for the Hulk in The Incredible Hulk movie and the major voice acting for the character in the mid/late 90's animated series. Not sure how true this is, but I recall reading or hearing somewhere quite some time ago that he did the voice for the Hulk in the “Puny Human” mirror sequence for Ang Lee's Hulk also.
Rachel Weisz = Betty Ross. A great actress with the skills and looks to pull off Betty Ross.
Ryder Strong = Rick Jones. Throwing in Rick Jones for my movie go round. I went with Strong as my Rick Jones because he has that perfect balance of older teen/ young adut vibe that would work for the Rick Jones character.
William Hurt = Thadeus “Thunderbolt” Ross. I hHad him in mind right off the bat and was greatly surprised and pleased when he was chosen for the role in The Incredible Hulk, so gladly sticking with this choice.
Ed Quinn = Glenn Talbot. Quinn is a pretty solid actor and is pretty good at playing asshole when necessary. Plus at 6' 4'' and with added muscle he works perfect as Talbot against a lean and scrawny Pierce as Banner.
Kevin Sorbo = Leonard “Doc” Samson. Cast Sorbo mainly for the physically that would go into the role of “Doc” Samson. Samson always seems to end up doing more fighting than headshrinking in my opinion.
CGI Abomination. Although I wouldn't go with the exact comic look of the character, my Abomination design would be more reptilian in nature to stay as true as possible to comics source.
Robert Carlyle = Samuel Sterns/the Leader. Carlyle is another top quality actor and has the ability to bring forth the creepiness and menace needed to potray the Leader.
CGI Bi-Beast. The Bi-Beast in my movie take would more than likely be a creation of the Leader, his attempt at countering and matching the Hulk's physical power.
David Anders = Tyrannus. Anders can bring the right combination of arrogance, menace and meglomania needed for Tyrannus to be brought to life on the big screen.
Anna Belknap = Jennifer Walters. Belknap is a pretty good actress and I think she has the right looks and qualities for the cousin of Bruce Banner. Just give her the proper short hairstyleand we are set.
Khloe Kardashian = She-Hulk. Because I'm not a fan of the glamorous take of the She-Hulk, my movie take would indeed be more towards a “Savage She-Hulk”. With that in mind , I'm going for the intial appearance of the character and I went with someone that had a combination attractive but scary vibe to them for my take on the character.
Alan Rickman = voice and facial capture for CGI MODOK. Rickman besides being a great actor for playing great villains has the proper cultured, monotone droning cadance to his voice that I think would work for the character of the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing.
The U-Foes:
Billy Crudup = human face of Simon Utrecht/voice and motion capture for CGI Vector. I've been seeing Crudup pop up a lot as a choice for Reed Richards, but since I have my own choice already down, I thought how about he be the “counter” Reed Richards, Simon Utrecht instead?
Winona Ryder-Ann Darnell/Vapor. I'm trying to think if Ryder has ever played a villianous character or not. I think she would work great for this character and would be nice to see her as a bad guy for once.
Kevin Nash = human face of Michael Steel/voice and motion capture for CGI Iron Clad. Somewhat of a no-brainer. No need to over think this by casting a classically trained actor to play the part of a muscle bound bruiser. Nash has the perfect smart assed trash talking attitude that would work for this character.
Seann William Scott = human face of Jimmy Darnell/voice and motion capture for CGI X-Ray. He's in the same category as Nash for this character, his personality would work perfectly to bring this character to life.
As always feedback is welcome. And I'm off to finish typing and hopefully have another X-Men related posting up within the next week or two. Ugly Black Bastard signing off for now.