Well, my poster with Zod went down pretty well, so I kind of felt this was needed. Unfortunately I remembered why I've only done one poster with Superman. Trying to find a usable picture of Henry Cavill for a Superman manip is next to impossible. He's either rocking the stubble or grinning like a fool. I love the guy, but I may kill him if he doesn't do a proper Superman photoshoot soon.
That being said, I think this turned out alright. Because of the lighting in the picture of Cavill I used, I couldn't recreate the lovely colour effect in my Zod poster, but apart from that I don't have too many complaints about it.
I changed the costume a little, bringing the cape more over his shoulders, making the collar more uniform like, and replacing the symbol with the exquisite one created by Medusone which you can see here:
Cavill actually looks like he suits the Superman costume. Not in my poster I mean, just generally. He'll hopefully be an amazing Supes.
Oh, and in case I get any flak for this, yes his lip is bleeding. I made it that way, because I see this as being a moment of self-doubt after battling Zod for the first time. This would be the first time he's bled, and he's [frick]ing terrified.
Anyway, enough talking from me. Hope you like it!