My Batman fan cast takes place in an alternate time period where Gotham is on the verge of gang wars, crime is up and Arkham is being run by the inmates. Gotham PD is drastically losing officers and riots are breaking out. Overall Gotham city is on the verge of being taken over by the criminals. An older Bat- Family is also facing a crisis with Batman ( Bruce Wayne) retired for more than a decade, Jim Gordon retired due to old age, Catwomen (Selina Kyle), Huntress ( Helena), Cassandra Cain, Harvey Bullock and Alfred Pennyworth dead things aren’t the same as before. The Bat- Family which consists of Robin (Damien Wayne), Redhood (Jason Todd), Red Robin (Tim Drake), Batwomen (Barbra Gordon) and Nightwing (Dick Grayson) who is the current leader of The Bat- Family. Joker and Scarecrow have taken over Arkham with other villains like Riddler, Dead shot, Killer Croc and Firefly Etc. have taken over Gotham. When things start to look grim for the Gotham Bruce Wayne is aware of what’s happening and finally comes out of retirement after a year of training.
My cast contains older versions of the characters due to the time period it takes place in.
The Villains
Dead shot: Steven Lang
Steven Lang is a good actor who I believe would make a decent older Dead shot. He does have experience in this kind of role (Terra Nova and Avatar).
Dead shot is working for Riddler to maintain control of Gotham. He is in his early fifty’s.

Riddler: Johnny Depp
This isn’t original but he would make a convincing Riddler and its Johnny Depp so I don’t need to say why.
Riddler is in charge of the East side of Gotham due to Dead shot and his men. Riddler in this time period is in his early fifty’s.
Scarecrow:Steve Buscemi
He was considered for Scarecrow back in the day and he is pretty creepy looking and is a good actor.
Scarecrow is assisting the Joker with controlling Gotham.He is in his late fourty's.
Ras Al Ghul: Danial DayLewis
I know this isnt original but he would be pretty awsome as Ras.He is a very good actor and can easily pull of this roll.
Ras is still using the Lazarus pit even after Talia has died in battle.He is aware of whats Happening in Gotham but believes The Bat- Family can handle it.
The Joker: William Dafoe
He would make a perfect Joker because he is a Talented and versatile actor. He also has that creepy smile which the Joker needs just look at my picture. He has been in Spiderman and Once Upon A Time in Mexico. He would make a perfect older version of the Joker.
Joker is running Arkham with the assistance of other villains. He is in his early sixty’s but still has creepy and dangerous than ever. Harley is dead in this timeline like many other people but the Joker doesn’t really care.He is thrilled when Batman returns.
The Bat- Family
Jim Gordon: Jeremy Irons
He is a talented actor who would easily pull off an older Jim Gordon.
Jim Gordon is retired due to old age and he also helps the Bat- Family. He also knows their identities and despite being in his seventies Gordon still helps out where he can.
Barbra Gordon/ Batwomen: Rachel Nichols
She is a decent actor (criminal Minds, Star Trek, Conan the Barbarian) and has the look.
Barbra Gordon is meant to be in her late thirty’s she has also taken over her dad’s job in charge of Gotham PD (Just like in Batman Beyond).
Damien Wayne/ Robin: Garrett Hedlund
Garrett Hedlund is a good actor who can pull of the stubborn and broody act Damien Wayne has. Hedlund has been in movie like Troy, Death sentence and Tron.
Damien Wayne is in his late twenties and still has a bit a rivalry with Tim Drake (Red Robin).
Tim Drake/ Red Robin: Johnny Pascar
He is a decent actor (Zombie Apocalypse, Warehouse 13 and Fort McCoy) who is the right age for my fan cast and the right built.
Tim Drake is in his early Thirties and is still using the Red Robin identity.
Jason Todd/ Redhood: Jenson Ackles
Jenson Ackles is one of the best actors (Supernatural, Ten inch Hero) and will easily pull of this role. He did voice Redhood in Batman under the Redhood.
Jason has stopped killing and decided to join the Bat- family despite the issues from the past. He is in his mid-thirties and works closely with Nightwing (Dick Grayson).
Dick Grayson/ Nightwing: Jason Behr
Jason Behr is here and there (Breakout Kings, Roswell and The tattooist). He is a good actor and would make a cool Nightwing.
Dick is the leader of the Bat- Family and often seeks advice from Bruce Wayne regarding the situation in Gotham. He is in his late thirties. Dick becomes Batman at the end when Bruce retires.
Bruce Wayne/ Batman in his prime: Richard Armitage
Richard Armitage is tall and pretty big. He is a good actor who would make a good Batman for the upcoming JLA movie if he was 10yrs younger.
This is Batman in his prime.
Older Bruce Wayne/Batman: Viggo Mortenson
Viggo Mortenson is a really good actor (Lord of the Rings Trilogy, the road and Good). He is more than capable of playing and older version of batman.
This is the Batman who has to return to help Gotham. He is in his late fifty’s. he hands over the Batman costume to Dick Grayson at the end.
Sorry if the age differences are incorrect.