Green Arrow:Savage Hunt

Green Arrow:Savage Hunt

Green Arrow has to face Brick and Red Hood, while still holding on to his sanity against Deathstroke, will he be able to? Read to find out.

By Batmanknight - Oct 11, 2009 08:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

In a press meeting at the Mayor’s Office in Star City the speaker of the house is giving a speech. “Before, this city was in shambles,” a news paper is shown declaring Oliver Queens addition to the Mayor’s ballot. “You would go out and hear the cries that plague our city on every street. People were scavenging for food and necessities, and betraying their own to better themselves.” Another news paper headline reads “Queen and Johnson Neck and Neck in the polls.” “Crime was escalating and robbery and murder became the sports of our city. But now we can look to the future. We can hope for a better day because we have a greater leader.” A clip of a mayor’s debate is shown. “Mr. Queen what is your position on the Green Arrow,” asks a reporter. “Well that man is a vigilante, although he might have taken down the Clock King and a lot of other dangerous criminals in this city, he is still a killer, and if and when the Green Arrow is caught I say life in a Super Max prison just like all dangerous murderers should.” Oliver smiles at the camera. “We have a man that has felt the crime of this city on multiple occasions. He has seen his loved ones murdered and kidnapped by the evils of our city.” Green Arrow is seen beating up criminals in an alley and shooting his arrows as a water mark of a head line passes over the screen reading “Queen Promises to Rebuild Schools and Open More Hospitals”. “What The Green Arrow and Clock King did to him may have left any of us in depression with a feeling of betrayal. But this man rose from the ashes and saw a brighter day. A day where there would be no more evil. A day we could walk on the streets with our children and feel secure.” Another newspaper headline reads “218 Crimes Thwarted by The Green Arrow” and below it reads “Hero or Villain?” “Well I tell you that day has arrived. And I am happy to introduce the hero of our city, the light to guide us in the night. I give you MAYOR OLIVER QUEEN.” The crash of applause fills the room as the speaker and the rest of the crowd look to the door that the mayor was supposed to walk through. Instead the Deputy Mayor Frederick Tuckman walks through the door and waves at the people in the audience that snap pictures as he approaches the podium. “I know you were expecting the mayor, but um, he…he’s a bit busy with his plans for the city and apologizes that he couldn’t attend tonight. He has briefed me on everything and I can answer any and all questions,” Tuckman laughs trying to hide his embarrassment as people start to shout to and blurt out questions at him.

In an alley in Star City a large man with a dragon tattoo on his back and dressed with black baggy pants is thrown against a wall and an arrow is shot millimeters next to his head. The man quickly jumps back up and throws multiple punches and kicks at Green Arrow who is hardly able to block them. Then the man slams Green Arrow with a kick to the chest with the strength of a wrecking ball causing our hero to fall back several feet. Then Green Arrow shoots up to a balcony and fires ten arrows at the man who is able to dodge all of them and even grab four and throw them back with a tremendous force that break against the armor. The assailant jumps up to the balcony as Green Arrow jumps down. Then the man shoots down with a leg pointed down as Green Arrow takes two katanas out of his quiver and slashes the man across the chest causing him to fall to the floor in pain. “Catch those,” Green Arrow says in anger and exhaustion. Then he shoots two arrows through the man’s hands and they fuse to the wall behind him. The man screams in pain in Greek as Green Arrow ties him to a stop sign with a steel cable from one of his grapples. “Constantine Drakon, I would kill you, but you’re not worth dirtying my arrows.” Green Arrow shoots a grapple at the roof above him and flies off leaving Drakon screaming in Greek.

As he walks away from the alley Roy Harper’s voice is heard over Green Arrow’s ear piece. “I bet you like that people fear you,” says Roy with a hint of sarcasm. “Whatever makes the job easier,” says Green Arrow with a chuckle.

A TV is shown with the end of Fred Tuckman’s press conference when suddenly a bullet pierces through the screen. The room is revealed to be a small worn out apartment, with pictures of people with red X’s across their faces hanging on the wall. Only the back of the man sitting on a worn out couch is shown. He has short brown hair and wearing a blue leather suite with orange trim, the pistol still smoking in his hand. “I take it that’s not the man you want me to kill.” A man in a suite steps forward but his head is still shrouded in the shadows. “No it is not,” says the man slowly with a hint of fury, “someone else, with the same irritating look of omnipotence.” “Well,” says the man on the couch reloading his pistol with a surprising speed, “people who think they are gods deserve to be struck down like devils.” “I agree, and he will be struck down by your hand Deathstroke” says the man in the suite with a close up on his eyes.

Roy Harper is walking towards his house in Adams Heights. He lives in a small two floor house with his father Roy Harper Sr. He walks in and sees the TV on and his father passed out in his chair. He lifts his father off the chair and finds three 40 oz beer bottles beneath the foot rest. He lets out a sigh and continues to help his father to his room. His father lets out a few slurred thank you’s as Roy takes him to his room and lays him on his bed. Roy goes to the kitchen and washes his hands; he opens the refrigerator to find food, but finds more large bottles of beer. Finding this angers him and he pulls them all out and pours them down the drain shaking his head.

Green Arrow is in a pitch black room facing the floor. Nothing is heard or seen, only the spotlight on Green Arrow. Suddenly a spotlight is on a knife covered in blood and a woman’s yell for help is heard. He runs in the direction of the scream when suddenly a large flame in the shape of a 3 ignites in front of him and pocket watches and clocks start to surround him. “What…what is this,” says Green Arrow in fear? Suddenly smoke erupts in front of him and it starts to take the shape of a person. The person is revealed to be Amy Taylor. “Oliver…help me…please,” says Amy, tears falling down her face. Green Arrow runs at her when suddenly a cane is shoved through her stomach. “NO,” yells Green Arrow. Amy falls and Clock King is standing behind her laughing. “I told you I’d be back Arrow, it was just a matter of…time,” says Clock King then exploding into a maniacal laugh. Oliver wakes up in a shock with his head and right arm hanging off the bed. Sweat pouring down his face as he gasps for air. He sits on the side of his bed and rubs his face. His shirtless back is shown with many scars and impact wounds.

He is now dressed in his suite and walks into the kitchen of his new home, the mayor’s mansion, and finds a man sitting at the table with a newspaper in front of his face with a headline that reads “Lex Luthor Placed in Super Max Prison” and his feet on the table. Oliver walks to the table and pushes the man’s feet off and the man is revealed to be Frederick Tuckman. “You read today’s headlines Oliver,” asks Tuckman still looking at the paper? “Now, now Fred you know I don’t read those,” says Oliver smiling. “Well if you don’t read the paper,” Tuckman drops the paper and switches on a small TV in the corner of the room, “You can watch the news.” “Last night in Mayor Queen’s first press conference in his second year as mayor, Queen shocked the public by not attending,” says the female reporter with the cold voice of a person that truly doesn’t care, “Deputy Mayor Fredrick Tuckman took his place stating that Oliver Queen was, and I quote “a bit busy with his plans for the city and apologizes that he couldn’t attend tonight” this left many people wondering if the play boy turned serious politician is actually serious or is just trying to get back in the spot light.” The report continues as Tuckman stares at Oliver. “How can they think I’m not serious, they elected me didn’t they? I’ve served this city a year and gave jobs to half of the jobless and given homes to the homeless.” “Oliver that’s not the point, now every move you make, everything you say, and everything you MISS, is turned against you.” “What did you expect me to do? Let Drako escape again. This guy shows up randomly every week and is impossible to trace, if I would have left him for the cops he would have escaped again and killed more people?” “Oliver you have to pick your battles sometimes and—“ “Yeah I know, and I picked Drako.” They turb back to the TV as the news coverage continues. “Also last night, hit man and mass murderer Constantine Drako was apprehended by the police last night after many months of pursuit. Commissioner Brian Nudocerdo had this to say “Due to the fine efforts by the Star City Police Department we were finally able to bring down Drako and bring peace to Star City if only for a little while” when asked whether the Green Arrow had anything to do with this he responded by saying “The Green Arrow had nothing to do with the arrest of Constantine Drako. In no way is, has, or will the Green Arrow be associated with SCPD. He is as much of a criminal as Drako and the SCPD does not need help from criminals.” The TV turns off and Tuckman looks at Oliver in shame. “That stupid piece of shit, he’s a bigger criminal than Green Arrow is. Get my press secretary and issue a statement about the new free clinic that’s going to be built,” says Oliver trying to gather himself back together. “What clinic?” “The clinic I was working on last night and the reason I couldn’t be there.” Oliver gets up and begins to walk out the door. “Where’s Roy,” asks Oliver. “Where do you think he is?” Oliver exits and leaves Tuckman rubbing his head and letting out a sigh of disapproval.

Oliver drives down a ramp in an old run down building. A wall in front the ramp opens and Oliver drives into his layer and finds Roy shooting arrows in a raging furry at robots in the training room. He shoots arrows at three robots that blow up then spins around and shoots four arrows that hit three robots and Oliver catches the last one. “Watch out man, aim is the most important thing. You should drop your arm a little bit too it’ll make your aim better.” Roy puts down the bow and the quiver. “And what did I say about using the training room, those things are hard to build and harder to repair. The Arrowcave is not a play ground.” “The Arrowcave? That’s original,” scoffs Roy. “Aren’t you supposed to be directing a meeting at Queen Industries?” “Oliver we’re right under Queen Industries, and I’m the new VP, I can be as late as I want, plus I already know all I need to say.” Roy begins to walk toward the super computer. “How’s your father Roy,” asks Oliver. “Just fine Oliver.” “You know there are many AA places for him, I just opened one that leaves all peoples identities confidential and---““I said he’s fine Oliver,” interrupts Roy, “No offense but this is one problem you can’t solve.” Roy goes back to typing on the computer as Oliver tries to find something to say that would break the tension. “Any news on the crime wave, “asks Oliver. “No, this guy steals and steals and police don’t know anything, and all that’s left are dead bodies at the scene….You know maybe he’d be easier to find if you had a…partner at the scene,” says Roy quietly entering data into the computer. “We’ve discussed this Roy. We need someone as the eyes and ears of the city. Without that how will we be able to trace anyone or find data while we’re fighting someone?” “Alright fine Oliver,” Roy puts on his suite jacket and begins to walk up the stairs to the Queen Industries basement, “but remember Oliver, you’re 36 years-old, and you’re going to run out of gas sooner or later.” “Hey, I’m at the peak of my physical ability,” yells Oliver as Roy closes the door to the basement, “the peak baby, the peak.”

Oliver is walking down the street of Star City. Most of the people wave and take pictures with him, while others boo and berate his status. Oliver doesn’t seem to care and retains his smile and professional demeanor as he enters a flouriest shop. He walks in looking at all the flowers and admiring the beautifully made carnations as a woman walks past him carrying flower pots. She drops one and Oliver catches it one handed. “I think you dropped this miss,” says Oliver with a smile. She puts down the other two pots and snatches the other from Oliver’s hand. She is a beautiful tall women with long black hair.“Yeah, thank you,” she says with a wide smile, “can I help you with something?” Asks the woman, but Oliver is to taken away by her beauty to utter any words. “Um...Yeah actually I need a dozen roses.” She grabs the roses and walks behind the counter. “So Mr. Queen, hot date tonight,” asks the woman with a smile? “No actually I was about to visit the cemetery, seeing some old friends,” he says with a. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” “No its fine. Ms…” “Lance. Dinah Lance.” “Well Dinah thank you for the flowers. I would love to buy you some one day,” says Oliver with a smile. “Good line…but, I’m currently busy with other work. And believe me; I definitely see enough flowers that a few dozen won’t do anything for me.” “You dare reject the mayor. I could put you in prison for that,” says Oliver with a smile. “Well Mr. Mayor,” she hands him the flowers; “You’ll have to lock me up then.” With a smile he walks out of the shop leaving her to her work.

In the cemetery he’s looking down at his parent’s grave. Next to it lays Stanley Dover’s, his once trusted friend turned enemy. He has mixed feelings of anger and remorse but restrains them as he thinks of his parents and friends he’s lost. He turns and looks at Amy Taylor’s his ex-girlfriend he keeps seeing in his dreams. “Why can’t I forget you? Why can’t I move on,” he asks looking down at the grave somehow expecting an answer. He kneels down and places a rose in front of the grave stone and rubs it gently. A red bull’s eye is seen at the back of Oliver’s head. The camera zooms out and a sniper rifle is seen. Then a man with a tight blue suite with orange gloves, boots, and a belt is seen taking his eye away from the scope. “So what are you waiting for Deathstroke? Kill him,” demands a man over Deathstroke’s ear piece. “A rule about a perfect murder: You must know everything about them before you kill them. Their movements, their word… their friends,” he says staring at Oliver through the scope. “I just want him dead no one else. You hear me,” says the man starting to grow irritated. “Whatever you say captain,” mocks Deathstroke. Through the scope he sees Oliver answer a phone call and presses a button on his ear piece that hacks into the call. “Hmm, that’s strange,” says Deathstroke twisting a small dial on his ear piece. “What,” asks the man? “I should be able to hear his call, but all I’m getting is static.” “Maybe you need new equipment.” “Maybe he’s hiding more than just project plans,” says Deathstroke packing up his sniper rifle. “By the way, you might want to hire a cleanup crew,” says Deathstroke as he walks past a couch and reveals a dead man and child with bullets in their heads, “Pity they had such a good view.” He exits the room and slams the door behind him.

In a Queen Industries conference room Roy Harper is leading a meeting with other company’s leaders. “Well all our numbers are good, if you guys truly want to talk business or merger, let us know.” The other people in the room get up and begin to leave when More Corp President Daniel Simmer approaches Roy. Simmer is a tall, older man that just moved his company to America from England after English policemen started to question his ethics. “Great meeting Roy, how do you think it went? A lot of big business people here.” “Good I guess, usually big names like Lex Corp and Wayne Enterprises won’t bite buts it’s always good to invite them,” says Roy half listening to Simmer as he packs up papers. “What about smaller business people like myself.” Oliver warned Roy that this man would try to make business with him, but Oliver thinks that his numbers and business manner are questionable. “Queen Industries is looking to expand Mr. Simmer. I don’t think any business venture you can offer us would create any expansion.” “Mr. Harper I admirer your maturity and knowledge, but maybe I should discuss this with the big boys,” laughs Simmer. “Pardon me Mr. Simmer, but if you want our business, you might want to watch how you talk. In this venture I’m the captain and you’re just another player trying to join the team. So I’ll talk to the big boys and get back to you later, ok,” says Roy annoyed and trying to leave. Simmer exits appearing less than thrilled and Roy leaves without a concern about what just happened.

In the Star City Police Department Commissioner Nudocredo is typing information into his computer. His computer reads prison transfer schedule and he’s searching for names. Then suddenly Lieutenant Cameron opens the door and sits in front of his desk and Nudocredo quickly minimizes what he has on his computer. “Is there something you need Cameron,” asks Nudocredo showing his irritation for having Cameron in his office. “So the Green Arrow had nothing to do with the arrest last night,” asks Cameron regarding the falseness of the statement. “Who cares how we got him as long as we got him,” Nudocredo takes off his glasses and stares at Cameron, “would you rather us give all the attention to a criminal who we can’t be sure had anything to do with it.” “The arrows and wounds might tell a different story.” “Well then fine I’ll issue a statement saying that Green Arrow saved the day again. That our cops, OUR TRUE heroes couldn’t bring this guy down, but a glorified Robin Hood could…Yeah maybe what I said was a lie, but at least people can have confidence in our officers,” said Nudocredo now growing much more angry. “Yeah you’re right; they should have confidence in our officers,” says Cameron remaining calm with his hands together on his lap, “Because they sure as hell can’t have confidence in you.” Nudocredo throws his pen across the room at the door and stands up about to say something angry as Oliver Queen and Fredrick Tuckman walk in.

“Is this a bad time,” asks Oliver with a smile. “No everything’s fine Mayor Queen, nice to see you again,” says Cameron returning the smile. “We have an appointment regarding are plans for the police force,” says Tuckman sitting between Cameron and Oliver. “Alright, what are the plans then,” asks Nudocredo with the same fuming mood as always. “Well we are planning on hiring more cops. You see after how long it took for Constantine Drako and other big criminals to get caught, we think adding a few more cops to the force would make things a bit easier.” Nudocredo looks like he’s about to explode about Oliver calling his force too weak. “We just think it would be better for the officers and our city if we just add a few more officers. Officers would be less time in the line of fire, more people would show up at the scene of crimes—“ “Officers would take pay cuts and we would have to shell out more money for more cars and training,” interrupts Nudocredo, “police officers earn shit salaries as it is. Adding more cops would only hurt them more.” “Well with the recent increase in funds provided by Queen Industry’s fundraisers and donations we have enough to maintain their status for a while,” responds Tuckman. “Plus maybe we’d get some better officers,” adds Oliver. Everyone’s eyes turn to Oliver with a look of anger. “You think our officers are inefficient Mr. Queen,” asks Nudocredo. “Not inefficient maybe just…under trained.” “I assure you Mr. Queen our officers have all been trained well from top police academies,” says Cameron trying to cut the tension between Nudocredo and Oliver. “I know, but maybe with a little more training they wouldn’t need more help.” “What makes you think the SCPD even needs help,” Nudocredo’s anger starts to show from his eyes and speech. “If they didn’t need help they wouldn’t need a guy dressed in green leather to save their ass.” “Oliver—“ “No Tuckman let me finish. You think your force is so great, then why has Green Arrow been first on most crimes. Why have so many criminals been apprehended in the time that Green Arrow has been operating? How come Green Arrow was able to capture Clock King and kill my girl-friend before any of your police force could do anything…If you think your men are so great WHY HAVEN’T THEY SHOWN IT?” “THAT’S ENOUGH,” demands Nudocredo on his feet, “Just because your Mayor makes you think you’re the king, BUT GUESS WHAT, TO ME AND EVERYONE ELSE YOU’RE JUST THE RICH KID RIDING ON HIS FATHER’S COAT TAILS. The only reason you were elected was because people felt sorry for the death of your WHORE AND THAT CRAZY OLD MAN THAT USED TO OWN YOUR COMPANY. Oliver stands up and gets in Nudocredo’s face as if about to strike, but Tuckman grabs his arm. “I think that’s enough for now, I think we should come back later,” says Tuckman trying to calm things down. They both exit and Oliver slams the door as Nudocredo fixes his jacket and wipes the sweat off his face.

They exit the police station and Tuckman takes Oliver into an alley and pushes Oliver into a wall. “ARE YOU CRAZY,” asks Tuckman with a look of fury that cuts through Oliver, “That man is the Commissioner of police; you need him on your side if you want anything done with the police force.” “Freddy you know as much as I do that that guy is as corrupt as the criminals he arrests. How can I trust him? Hm. ANSWER ME THAT.” Suddenly a flash of light blasts next to them and a teenager is taking a picture of Oliver pointing his finger in Tuckman’s face. Oliver then grabs the camera and smashes it on the floor. “Can we have a moment please,” says Oliver with a shaky smile that makes the kid run away. Oliver and Tuckman get into their car and Tuckman starts driving. “I know it’s not right. But you should know more than anyone that sometimes you have to deal with the evil to make good and this is one of those times. You can’t just go pointing fingers before you know you’re right,” explains Tuckman. “That guys up to something Freddy, and I’m going to find out what.”

Roy walks into his house and sees his father staring at four empty beer bottles on the counter. “What’s up dad,” asks Roy. “You know what’s up boy,” says Roy’s father still staring at the bottles, “What did you do with these?” “Believe it or not I’m trying to help dad,” says Roy throwing his back pack on the floor. “NO…you’re not helping you’re stealing. Those were mine and you STOLE THEM,” yells Harper Sr. “No dad it’s not stealing, I gave you that money for food and you buy liquor, now that’s stealing and a waste of my money,” says Roy trying to keep his cool. “That shouldn’t matter to you. You work for the richest man in Star City, we should be living in a mansion,” says Harper Sr. getting in Roy’s face. “Listen father, because of me we still have this shit hole of a house, if you could hold down a job maybe we could live in a mansion. Think of that,” says Roy pushing past his father to go upstairs.

Oliver is in the Arrow Cave looking for any information on Nudocredo that would connect him to the mob. He then starts to think that the recent crimes that no one can trace have something to do with Nudocredo, but he remembers what Tuckman says and knows that he can’t do anything till he’s sure. He stares at a picture of Nudocredo when Roy walks in. “Damn man, the only time you stare at a person that much is when you either want to kill’em or do’em,” laughs Roy but Oliver keeps a straight face. Then Oliver closes the picture and walks to a work bench and begins to sharpen some arrows. “So what you thinking man,” asks Roy. “When I stood up and got in Nudocredo’s face today I saw that he was looking at prison transfer notices, do you know if anyone’s getting moved today?” Roy goes to the computer and hacks into the prisoner transfer system. “No, no one’s getting transferred today, Drako’s is getting sent to Super Max in a week. He started a riot in the prison and killed seven guards,” says Roy looking at the screen. “There’s going to be a drug transfer tonight. I intercepted a message between two people that deal with drug trafficking. Three trucks are going to get into the city tonight and one’s going to have over 400lbs of cocaine.” “Sounds like a party. Am I invited,” ask Roy, but Oliver ignores him? “The only three trucks I found on traffic cams are a cement truck, a furniture truck, and an oil truck, all traveling together,” Oliver begins to put on his suite and quiver, “keep me posted on their location.” Oliver gets onto his bike and blasts out of the cave while Roy goes to his computer and starts to check traffic cams and finds that the trucks are 2 miles away from Star City.

Green Arrow goes up a parking garage and begins to jump from building to building on his bike until he finds the furniture truck. He drops down next to it and sparks line the sides of his wheels where he landed. He goes up next to the truck and the man on the passenger side starts to shoot Green Arrow with a machine gun. He is able to doge the shots and shoots the back two wheels and finds that they are reinforced and unable to break. He then goes around to the driver’s side and uses a small cross bow and shoots the driver in the hands binding him to the steering wheel. The pain causes the man to jerk the steering wheel and crash into a brick wall. Green Arrow stops his bike and blows open the back with explosive arrow from his bike and finds that nothing is there but a note that says “You’re cold”. Then he bashes the man in the passenger seat’s head into the dashboard causing him to faint. Soon after the police get there and Green Arrow quickly speeds off the scene.

He starts to continue his search for the other trucks. He winds through many alleys and goes on many rooftops before he finds the oil truck on the highway. He charges up an explosive arrow and gets ready to shoot it when a pick-up truck turns into him and almost rams him off his bike. Then the men in the pick-up continue to try and run him off the road. He dodges behind other cars thinking they would refrain, but the men in the pick-up ram cars into Green Arrow. The men in the car laugh as Green Arrow starts to grow more and angry. He looks on the other side of the highway and sees a SWAT truck passing by, “Hey you wanna help,” yells Arrow at the truck that continues driving away. Then Green Arrow comes up with an idea and speeds far in front of the oil truck and pick-up. The men in the pick-up look in front of them and only see the oil truck and begin to laugh and pat the driver on the back for making the Green Arrow quit. Then suddenly Green Arrow speeds around the oil truck and starts to speed towards the pick-up. The men in the car think he’s playing chicken and start to drive faster. Then one of the men notice that Green Arrow has his bow out and, suddenly shoots an arrow directly into the driver’s stomach, causing him to fall on the steering wheel and crash into the oil truck. The oil truck stops and Green Arrow gets off his bike and walks to the front of the car and finds the drivers with a bullet in his head from a recent suicide. He opens the back of the truck and finds a note that says, “Getting Warmer”. Green Arrow quickly gets back on his bike and speeds away trying to find the last truck.

“Roy, find the cement truck,” says Green Arrow as he speeds through the streets. Green Arrow starts to ponder why the notes were left. Did someone plan them to be caught, and if so why? Green Arrow looks into his mirror and sees the last truck gaining speed on him and pushes him into a building. Green Arrow gets off his bike when suddenly a rocket from a rocket launcher blows the wall inches next to him into a bicycle shop causing him to fall to the floor under the rubble. The truck stops and a large man in a trench coat wearing a bandana starts to slowly walk towards Green Arrow. Arrow runs towards the man with a punch but the man catches his hand revealing his fist made of iron. “Breaker’s the name,” says the man throwing Green Arrow into the bicycle shop, “And I’m here to break you.” The man then picks up a bike and with a yellow flash causes the bike to blow up in his iron fists. Green Arrow shoots three arrows at the man, but the man blocks two of them with his iron fists and grabs the third one and throws it back at Green Arrow causing it to explode. Arrow stumbles to his feet and Breaker punches him in the face am he flies onto a table and his mouth begins to bleed. “You know they said it would be hard,” Breaker grabs Green Arrow by his suite and throws him back out of the shop, “but it’s actually quite easy.” Arrow is now on the street in pain and takes out his katanas but Breaker swipes them from Green Arrow’s hands and kicks him away and pierces them into the wall next to Green Arrow as they explode, causing most of Green Arrows hood to blow apart and his face to heavily bleed. Now on the floor Green Arrow isn’t able to muster up enough strength to stand up. He rips off his hood and reveals his face that is still barely covered by a domino mask. Breaker picks up Green Arrow’s bike and lifts it above his head. “You know. I wonder if the cops will arrest me or hire me for killing you,” he says with a laugh. Then the bike starts to glow yellow and Green Arrow feels defeated when suddenly a motorcycle crashes into Breaker causing him to fly back and Green Arrow’s motorcycle to blow up on top of him killing him. Green Arrow looks up and sees a blond woman in a black jacket and black short shorts standing over him. “You looked like you needed some help,” says the woman helping Green Arrow up. “Who the hell are you,” asks Green Arrow trying to appear unharmed. “Black Canary,” she says with a smile. Then she looks to the street and sees police quickly getting closer. “We got to get out of here Arrow,” says Black Canary. Green Arrow pulls out his grapple and they fly to the top of the building behind them.

On the ground Lieutenant Cameron arrives with four other police cars. They see Breaker’s dead body and the destruction from the fight. Cameron and four cops slowly walk to the cement truck and open it finding nothing but a note under a brick that reads “You’re cold again”. Nudocredo gets there shortly after and instead of walking to the truck he finds Green Arrow’s hood and holds it tightly in his hands. Green Arrow looks down at them rubbing his chin and thinking about the SWAT truck he saw. “Were there any prisoner transfers today,” asks Green Arrow out loud but speaking to Roy. “Not that I know of, I’m not a cop,” says Canary. “There wasn’t supposed to be,” says Roy. “What do you mean,” says Green Arrow angrily now unfazed by the fact that Black Canary is next to him. “It was just announced over police radios that two inmates that go by Pick and Roll, and two guards are missing from the state pen,” says Roy. “It was a diversion,” says Green Arrow. “What was? Who are you talking to,” ask Canary. “This was all a diversion to hide Pick and Roll’s escape from prison. He didn’t want me to find out.” “That’s impossible the police would know, they would have stopped him,” says Canary. “You’re obviously new to this city,” says Green Arrow walking away.

Now we move to a dark room. The only light is from a lamp over a desk in the middle of the room. The chair is facing the opposite way of the door as a man from the pick-up truck stumbles into the room with his arm and leg bleeding. “The jobs done,” says the man in pain. “Do we have Pick and Roll,” asks the man in the chair. “Yeah, the Green Arrow had no idea. He took the bait just like you wanted him to.” “Of course he did. You completed what I needed you to, now leave.” “Did you clear my record? Like you said you would--” “I didn’t promise you that. I promised you a new start and a new beginning. I didn’t say how,” says the man. Suddenly a taser slashes across the back of the bleeding man. The man in the ciar turns around to reveal that he is Daniel Brickwell. “There is a new beginning, and it starts at your end.” A man in a black leather jacket and blue jeans with a red helmet covering his whole head walks into the light. “Good job Red Hood but that’s just the start. Breaker was a small loss in our journey to take over this city. Green Arrow thinks he can leave us in fear, but I think it’s time that Star City had something to truly fear,” says Brickwell. “We are just two men Brick, how can we take over a city,” asks Red Hood. “Two,” asks Brick with a smile? He presses a button on his desk and the garage door opens the SWAT truck drives in. “We are much stronger than just five men, and soon this city will feel our power and Green Arrow will fall,” says Brick stomping on the bleeding man’s face on the floor.

Green Arrow is standing in his Queen Industries office kissing Amy Taylor when suddenly she disappears and Stanley Dover is standing in front of him holding her hair in one hand and a bloody knife in the other. Green Arrow’s face turns to terrified. “She looks just like her. I would never hurt you Oliver…Never,” echoes Stanley’s voice. Oliver wakes up in the middle night panting as if he ran a mile. He looks at his clock and sees that’s its 2:00 AM. He gets up and walks out of the room.

Green Arrow is standing on a building looking down at the city as the sun comes up. He now only ears a green hat and green domino mask. Suddenly he gets a call from Roy. “Oliver, get to the graveyard, its urgent,” says Roy. “Why,” asks Oliver. Roy usually calls him Green Arrow when he’s in costume, and he knows that this must be important. “Just come,” says Roy hanging up.

Oliver shows up 20 minutes later now moving slower due to losing his motorcycle. He gets there and is greeted by a swarm of reporters. He quickly passes them and finds police officers checking the area for prints and many cops surrounding his parent’s grave stone. “Mayor Queen how are you,” asks Lieutenant Cameron with a look of concern. “I’m just fine,” smiles Oliver, “what is this regarding?” Cameron moving to reveal a gravestone between his mothers’s and father’s that reads “Oliver Queen, A Gift To His Family, A Curse To The City” and an impact mark of a bullet is underneath. “Do you know what this is about,” asks Cameron. “Well I am Mayor…I receive various threats, but…nothing like this,” says Oliver in udder shock. “What the hell’s going on,” asks Nudocredo walking up behind Oliver, “Hello Oliver, wow you look like shit,” says Nudocredo. “Yeah I haven’t been sleeping well lately,” says Oliver staring at his stone. “Yeah well I apologize but we have some other things to attend to,” says Nudocredo walking away. “Like the escape of Pick and Roll,” says Oliver still staring at the stone. Nudocredo stops in his tracks and looks back at Oliver. “How the [frick] do you know about that,” says Nudocredo in anger. “I’m Mayor Mr. Nudocredo; there aren’t many things I don’t know. It might have been able to be avoided with a few more cops,” says Oliver. “You listen here boy—““No Nudocredo…he’s right. We do need help if we want to fix things,” says Cameron. “Whatever. Do what you want,” says Nudocredo as he walks away. Oliver begins to walk away towards his car when he’s met by Tuckman. “Long night Oliver. You look like Shit.” “I’m fine. We need to find out who did this. Whoever it is might know more about me then I want people to.” “Alright, Roy and I will start looking through some old enemy files to see what we can find. By the way do you have my key to your office,” asks Tuckman, but Oliver continues walking away.

In a studio “Wild Bore” a political talk show is being filmed “Welcome, welcome, welcome to Wild Bore, where political figures can give us there true feelings about politics,” says talk show host Danny Boreman as the audience claps him on stage. “Our guests today are conservative tight ass David Spillman and Liberal hot ass Jenny Parks; let’s welcome them to the show.” The crowd claps as the guests walk on stage and sit in chairs opposite each other. “Now people let’s talk about a big shark of Star City, Mr. Mayor Oliver Queen. How do you think he’s doing as mayor so far,” asks Boreman with a smile. “Well he has only been mayor for a year,” says Spillman with an evil grin as the crowd lets out a small laugh, “but as a Greek philosopher once said “The liar and the thief rejoice in their first year only”.” “And that means—“ “That means that even though Mayor Oliver Queen may have opened homes for homeless and given jobs to many, he is still a thief and a liar and he can only hide for a year until we see who he really is. People fail to remember that he used to be a playboy, a womanizer, and a flat out jerk. And out of the blue he decides to become some political figure just because he was kidnapped and some loved ones were murdered. We didn’t elect him because he’s qualified; we elected him because we felt sorry for him, bottom line.” “Spillman, those were some pretty harsh words for your mayor. I mean you did campaign for Johnson but isn’t the consensus that when you lose you’re supposed to support the man that beat you.” “Yes that is true, but how can you do that when the person that won is a liar and a CRIMINAL.” “THAT’S BULL SHIT. You may think he’s unqualified and a liar, but a criminal I assure you HE IS NOT,” retorts Parks. “REALLY? I have proof that he has illegally married homosexuals and eliminated Sate sales tax within the city,” says Spillman, sweat trickling down his face. “Whoa Whoa,” smiles Boreman, “Things are getting pretty hot in here. Jenny Parks you’re Mayor Queen’s Chief of Staff, what do you think of these allegations?” “I assure you this is untrue. Anything and everything Queen does is legal, and everything that he does is to help resurrect and revitalize the cities revenue and status.” “Well that’s enough for me. When we come back more from the political bad asses of Star City,” says Boreman as the show goes to commercial.

The TV shuts off and Deathstroke is seen standing in front of the TV in his apartment. “Do you think I would still be standing here today if things would have turned out differently,” asks Deathstroke in a monotone voice. “That is unimportant, what is important is that he must be killed now, and you have turned this from a simple murder to a planed assassination,” says the man in anger standing in the back with his face still hidden. “You don’t understand. The best way to kill the prey is to make it feel threatened. To make it feel like it’s being watched every second. Then finally when he’s cornered and broken, we destroy him and make him feel the pain he has caused this city and yourself,” says Deathstroke crushing a rose in his hand and staring at a picture of Oliver Queen, “just a matter of time until he feels the pain.”

On the ground of Star City Dinah Lance is entering the flower shop where she works and another worker comes up to her. “Did you hear Dinah,” says the worker breathlessly with a smile. “No I didn’t what,” asks Dinah with a smile. “Oliver Queen just bought our shop,” she says still panting and waving air towards her face, “isn’t this great, now we can keep the shop open, oh and he left an envelope for you.” She hands the big orange envelope to Dinah who opens it and looks shocked. “What is it Dinah?” “It’s the papers for cosigning on the shop,” says Dinah still perplexed. “What?” “He wants me to be co-owner of the shop.” She continues to shuffle through the papers and on the last paper she finds a note that says “you said a few dozen flowers wouldn’t impress you, what about a few thousand? Dinner at 8:00…to talk about the papers of course” he signed it with a smiley face, and she sits down still staring at the papers.

Oliver Queen walks through City Hall waving and smiling at everyone that passes him. He reaches his office and greets his secretary. He takes out his key and opens the door. When he walks in he finds something on his desk. A box wrapped in red wrapping paper and a blue bow. He tears off the bow and rips off the paper and a white box is revealed. He opens the box and finds the shaft of a knife and a note that reads “You’ll feel the other part soon enough Mr. Queen.” Oliver drops the note and quickly walks out of his office. His secretary approaches him with a smile as he exits, “Hello Mr. Queen anything I can help you with?” “What is this,” asks Oliver panting and waving the box in her face? “I don’t know sir, why,” asks the secretary in innocence? “THIS was in my office. WHO PUT IT THERE,” says Oliver sternly as people turn and look at him. “I have no idea sir,” she says with a look of fear on her face as she backs up to a wall. Oliver punches the wall next to her, “DON’T LIE TO ME,” he demands. “SIR PLEASE, I HAVE NO IDEA, THE ONLY PEOPLE WITH A KEY TO YOUR OFFICE ARE YOURSELF AND MR. TUCKMAN,” she says in a panicky cry. Oliver looks around and sees that everyone’s eyes are focused on him. He takes his fist off the wall and brushes his hair back. He storms into his office slamming the door and sits in his chair looking at the shaft.

Roy walks down into the Arrow Cave and finds Oliver slashing training robots with his new ninja sword. He looks just as angry as when he fights real criminal. Roy picks up a bow and arrow and begins to fire at Oliver. Oliver slashes the shaft of all three arrows as Roy begins to shoot more. They circle each other as Roy shoots more arrows and Oliver doge them until Roy reaches for more arrows in his quiver but finds none. Roy lets out a chuckle as Oliver grabs a towel and wipes the sweat off his face. “I take it there’s a problem,” says Roy. “It’s nothing,” replies Oliver. “You know I think it’s funny that when I say it’s nothing you continue to beat me over the head with it, but when you say it I have to drop it.” “Just a little trouble at work is all; you don’t have to worry about it.” “Well if you want I can go out as Green Arrow for you, and you can stay home,” says Roy. “You have to go to the party at the Mayor’s Mansion.” “What do you have tonight?” “I have a date,” says Oliver putting on his dress shirt and putting on a tie. “So you get to go to out with a girl, while I get to talk to a bunch of stuck up rich people.” “Yeah, life sucks doesn’t it,” smiles Oliver as he straightens up his suite jacket. “Then who’s going to be manning the computers,” asks Roy. “Tuckman will take care of it,” says Oliver walking towards the exit. “Oliver….Are you sure you’re ok,” asks Roy. Oliver nods as he walks up the ladder to Queen Industries.

In a prestigious restaurant in Star City Dinah Lance is dressed beautifully tapping her fingers on the table nervously waiting for Oliver. Oliver smiles as he sits at the table. “No papers, I thought this was a business meeting,” says Dinah with a beautiful smile. “Well I’ve always believed pleasure before business Ms. Lance,” says Oliver. “Why did you buy the store,” asks Dinah, “It’s a good friend of mines and I would feel wrong co-owning it.” “You won’t be co owning it. You would own it.” Oliver laughs as she looks confused. “You just met me, what makes you think I’m such a good person to own a store.” “Part of being a businessman is to know when to take risks, and I’m taking one.” “If you think this will make me fall madly in love with you, you are seriously mistaken Mr. Queen,” says Dinah with a smile. “I just want to get to know you.”

Inside a bar Brick, Red Hood, and two other men walk into a room overlooking the rest of the bar. An old man is sitting in a lounge chair when Brick walks in. A man stops Brick. “I have an appointment with Mr. Montano, now step aside,” says Brick slamming the man into a wall. “Danny boy, is that you,” asks the man in the lounge chair with a laugh? “Yeah it’s me Montano,” says Brick. Montano is an older man skkiny man, no one would believe he was a mobster unless they actually knew him. “Danny boy it’s been so long. You look so different.” “Well that’s what happens with time.” “Yeah I guess so,” says Montano still smiling, “I heard about what happened to Alexander. Cross was the best, brought me a lot of business back in the day.” “Yeah he was the best. But he was slipping, everyday he lost a little bit of the city… a little bit of his power. He was done way before the clock stroke him.” “So let me guess, you’re going to take over for him. Take the city for yourself,” laughs Montano spinning his glass in his hand. “You could say that,” says Brick circling Montano’s chair. “And you came here to kill me,” says Montano still spinning his drink in his hand as his guys put their hands on their guns. “Hopefully not, I just want one of your guys.” “One of my guys,” laughs Montano, “which one I don’t care.” “Just one little guy. Theodore Davis.” Red Hood starts to look at the men protecting Montano, each putting their hands on their guns, but Red Hood remains leaning against the door. “Danny boy,” says Montano laughing, “I have no idea who that is.” “Oh yes you do,” says Brick getting closer to Montano. Montano signals his men to attack Brick. Three men charge him and Brick says “Pick,” as Brick says this one of his men jump in front of Brick yelling “PICK,” and knocking back all three men. “ROLL,” says the other man jumping over Pick and smashing all three men in the face. Brick continues walking towards Montano when three more people attack them. Pick and Roll team up against some of them men, Pick taking the hits and Roll dishing them out. Red Hood remains calm leaning against the door and looking at the desk. Suddenly he takes out a revolver and shoots Montano in the face, causing him to fall through the glass window and falling on the bar.

At the Mayor’s Mansion the floor is filled with rich adults bragging about their business and accomplishments. Roy is walking around smiling and shaking hands with everyone he sees. He tries to refrain from making eye contact as to not have people talk to him, but that plan ultimately fails. “Mr. Harper, how are you,” asks Clark Johnson, the man Oliver beat in the race for mayor. “I’m great how are you,” asks Roy taking a sip from his drink. “Well things could be better. I could be the Mayor of Star City,” says Johnson. “Yeah well maybe next time,” says Roy trying to end the conversation. “I don’t think there’ll be a next time. For me or Mr. Queen,” says Johnson with a smile. “What’s that supposed to mean,” asks Roy. “Well you see how Mayor Queen is doing, he hasn’t really done anything and his popularity is beginning to slip.” “Well I might be wrong but, isn’t yours as well. I mean it must be hard losing to a Play boy. How can anyone want you as their lawyer?” Johnson laughs but Roy remains serious. “I feel sorry for you Roy, you look like you could have been a great business leader. Maybe even owned your own company, but instead you’re a shadow of Oliver Queen.” “Well if that means I’m going to be Mayor one day, I guess it can’t be that bad. It’s better a person that can’t get over losing.” “Believe me Mr. Harper I am quite over it. And the day that Mr. Queen shows his true colors, people will wish they voted for me.” Johnson’s wife approaches them and wraps her arm around Johnson. “You won’t mind if I borrow my husband for a few minutes would you,” asks Johnson’s wife with a plastic smile. “Not at all,” says Roy as Johnson walks away, “oh and Mr. Johnson, if that day ever comes, do you think people will want you back or laugh that you lost to a screw up?” Johnson does nothing and continues to walk away, leaving Roy leaning against the bar.

“What the hell did you do that for, now we’ll never be able to find Davis,” yells Brick at Red Hood. “Maybe you should open your eyes. You said the shipment arrived today correct?” “Yeah…so?” “Look at the bottom of his soldier’s shoes, all covered in mud. It hasn’t rained here in weeks, so the only place they would find mud is the docks. When we walked in one of the men was fixing a picture on the wall.” “So, what does that mean,” asks Pick. “Then when you said Theodore Davis the men all reached for their guns, while one shuffled the keys in his pocket.” Red Hood smacks the painting off the wall and a vault is revealed. Roll searches for the key in one of the men’s pockets. “Then look at this bottle,” he says picking up the bottle and turning it to see the label, “this scotch can only be found in Greenland, where the shipment supposedly came from.” Roll goes to open the vault and finds papers about the arrival of the shipment and where it arrived. “Ok, so now how do we find Davis,” asks Brick. “We call him.” “How are we supposed to call him?” “You know better than anyone that when Montano gets a shipment he always keeps the phone number of the person in charge.” Pick begins to walk over to the window, to get his cell phone. “He of course wouldn’t have it in his phone, mob guys never want shit to be traced back to them,” says Red Hood searching through one of the dead man’s phones, “here we go T.Davis,” he says throwing the phone to Brick. “You would have been a great detective Hood,” laughs Brick staring at the phone. “No, not me, I was never a fan of detective comics when I was a kid,” laughs Red Hood.

Oliver and Dinah are still at dinner laughing and telling each other stories. Oliver begins to feel the connection building between them and feels something he hasn’t felt in a while. “Oliver, can I ask you a personal question,” asks Dinah. “Shoot,” requests Oliver. “Are you complete bull shit,” asks Dinah smiling. “What do you mean,” asks Oliver laughing. “I look at you and all you do, and wonder whether you truly care or are trying to mask something.” Oliver keeps laughing wondering what she’s trying to get at. “Like when Taylor or Dover died. You played it off as if nothing happened, as if you were unaffected and laughed it off. But I know you couldn’t be feeling that on the inside.” Oliver thinks this is ridicules but when he truly ponders it, he thinks she might be right. “Well when I was stranded on the island I learned that when something bad happens something good might be waiting in the end. When Green Arrow murdered my family I was upset but I remembered that they are in a better place,” says Oliver, not truly believing it but looking for an answer. “Do you really believe that?” Oliver thinks no. “…Of course I do,” says Oliver.

Brick jumps down from the room and smashes down on a table below him. “As you can see this bar is no longer owned by Mr. Montano, it’s mine and my crews. So if anyone has a problem with that step forward now.” A man stands up and shoots Brick in the chest, but Brick stays standing. He walks over to the man and squeezes his throat till he dies. “And if anyone wants to join me, also step forward.” For a moment no body moves, and then suddenly an arrow rips past Brick and hits centimeters away from his face. “I like your style Mr. Brick, perhaps we could do some business together,” says a man shrouded in the shadows. “And who the hell are you.” “I am the master archer, the assassin of kings, and most famously known as Merlyn the archer,” says the man walking into the light. He’s a tall man with black hair and a leather suite. “Merlyn….I think we could be in business with each other,” Brick smiles as does Merlyn.

Oliver is talking with Dinah when he gets a call from Tuckman. “What’s up Freddy,” asks Oliver turning to face the other direction. “Situation in Raiders, get there now,” says Tuckman hanging up. Oliver looks up at Dinah and lets out a sigh. “I’m really sorry Dinah, but I have to go…A situation with---.” “Don’t worry Oliver; you don’t have to explain yourself. You own a company and Star City, I know you’re busy.” Oliver gives her a small kiss on the cheek and storms out.

Roy is at the party talking to other business owners when Daniel Simmer approaches him. “Hello Mr. Harper.” “Hello Mr. Simmer, what can I help you with,” asks Roy. “Now Mr. Harper, cant I just say hello?” “You could, but I’d expect you want something else.” “I just wanted to know if you have spoken with Mr. Queen about our business deal.” “You know I have,” says Roy lying,” but he says he can’t do it, too much liability not enough reward.” “Are you sure there is no way I can change his mind.” “Have you met Mr. Queen,” laughs Roy and the other business men around him, “he’s not big on changing his mind. Excuse me.” Roy walks away and Simmer shoots him a glare.

Green Arrow is standing on a building just in front of a bar that has a small sign reading “Raiders”. The bar is in the center of an alley surrounded by buildings. “He uses a small pair of binoculars to pear into the window and door. “Any reason you’re not going in,” asks Black Canary walking up behind him. “Ms. Canary, fancy seeing you again.” “The same back to you Arrow. Now what’s the situation?” “A gun shot was heard here a few minutes ago, and then three cars sped away from here.” “So why aren’t we going in,” asks Canary. “You got to be new to this city. Raider’s is a bar owned by a Mr. Joey Montano. A mob boss, one of the few left. Years ago he opened a bar and paid off cops to never come buzzing around it. It’s like a safe haven for criminals. Anyone that tries to walk in there and change their minds doesn’t come out. The place is usually quiet, that’s why hearing a gun shot in there is weird.” “So what do we do, shouldn’t we be looking for the cars?” “No,” a man walks out of the bar and Green Arrow shoots a grapple arrow above him and swings down knocking the man into a wall. “Damn man what the hell was that for,” asks Jason Carter. “You know exactly why I’m here. Now tell me what happened.” “Man you know that I can’t keep squealing shit to you. That’s how people wind up dead.” “The reason you’re still alive is that you said you would keep me informed, and I wouldn’t tell anyone you were still alive. You remember that?” “Yeah and I still have the wounds to prove it,” says Carter lifting up his shirt to reveal the bullet wound, suffered by the hands of one of Alexander Cross’s goons. “TALK CARTTER,” yells Green Arrow waving an arrow in Carter’s face. “Fine…Danny Brickwell, you know the guy you came around looking for before. He’s back, he killed Montano.” Green Arrow thinks back about Brickwell, the guy in charge of kidnapping him and his friends. “Why would he kill Montano?” “I don’t know man, he had something Brick wanted I guess. You shouldn’t go up against this guy Arrow, he’s twice as strong as he was before, and now he can even take bullets and not die.” “WHAT WAS HE LOOKING FOR?” “A guy named Theodore Davis, he brought some shipment of some shit to Star City last night and Brick wanted it,” says Carter throwing some papers to Green Arrow, “that’s what he wanted, some morphine shit, just more drugs.” “He wouldn’t go to that much trouble for a few drugs.” “Whatever that’s all I know man, can I go?” “Do you know anything about Davis, where he hangs out or lives?” “He used to hang out with Giovanni’s crew in the club in The Glades.” “Alright, get out of here.” Carter walks away and Black Canary lands next to him. “So what’s our next move sweetie?” “We find Theodore Davis before Brickwell does.” “How will we do that, Brickwell’s already got the jump on us. He has three cars and we have two people. How are we going to find him?” Green Arrow pushes his communicator and calls Roy.

Roy is walking around the party taking sips from his drink when he gets a call from Green Arrow “What’s up boss?” “This is your shot. You’re moment.” “What are you talking about Oliver,” asks Roy trying to mask that he’s talking to Green Arrow. “If you can find a guy named Theodore Davis before I can, I’ll let you be my side-kick.” “Are you serious?” “This would be a terrible joke if I was joking. But you need a disguise and everything.” “Ok…thanks Oliver.” Green Arrow hangs up and walks back to Black Canary.

Roy quickly escapes and gets to the Arrow Cave. He presses a button and a case begins to rise from underground. He opens the case and a red suite mirroring Green Arrow’s is revealed. Under the suite is a red quiver and bow. He puts it all on and calls Green Arrow. “Alright man any information on this guy, anything I should be looking for,” asks Roy walking towards the entrance of the cave. “If I told you that, then you wouldn’t find him for yourself. By the way I’m on Black Canary’s motorcycle. What are you riding?” Roy walks to the entrance of the cave and presses a button causing the wall to move back revealing a yellow mustang. “I got a little something,” says Roy with a smile. He hangs up the phone and blasts out of the cave.

Roy is driving quickly through the streets, barely dodging the cars in front of him. He presses a button in the car and a small computer screen pops up. “AC!” “Yes Sir,” replies the monotone female voice of the car. “I need you to find information on a person.” The computer goes to a people finder. “What is the name sir,” asks the AC. “Last name Davis, first name Theodore, and living in Star City.” He continues down the street as the computer performs the command. A phone number and address are found. Roy does a sharp U-Turn and blasts towards downtown.

Green Arrow and Black Canary arrive at the club; nobody really pays attention to them as they walk into the back room. A man places his hand on Green Arrow with the intentions to stop him but Green Arrow grabs the man’s arm and breaks it “I’m really not in the mood, “ says Green Arrow entering the room. They enter and find Giovanni with one other man. The man takes out a gun but Black Canary quickly disarms him. “Hello Giovanni may we have a word,” says Green Arrow sitting down and placing his feet on the table. “What do you want Arrow, I haven’t done anything lately,” says Giovanni. “Now Mr. Giovanni we both know that is bull shit” says Green Arrow laughing, “I’m looking for a guy, Theodore Davis, you know him?” “A lot of people come into my club Mr. Arrow, I accept all people, even you.” “STOP THIS NOW,” yells Black Canary, “there are people’s lives at stake, so tell us where he is.” Giovanni starts laughing and Green Arrow lets out a smile. “Do you know where you are beautiful? You’re in Star City, the city where no one gives a damn about anyone else. A place where fifty can die and no one would even frown. In Star City you only care about one person and that is yourself. Take your friend here,” says Giovanni gesturing towards Green Arrow, “he was supposed to give people something to believe in, someone the people could trust. Now look at him, public enemy number one, sitting here next to me. And one day I know me and him could be best friends. So think about that before you start yelling IN MY CLUB.” “How about this, you tell us and I don’t stick this arrow through your head,” says Green Arrow pointing an arrow at Giovanni. “Now that’s the way things work in Star City. Davis is this guy that used to do imports for me. Take care of shipments and make sure everything went according to plan.” “And let me guess, it didn’t,” says Canary. “No it did, he got here with what we needed and everything was fine, I was happy. But then something terrible came upon him, something that tainted his soul. Greed. He heard that Montano wanted what I was selling and found it for a better price. Montano paid it.” “Why would Montano and Brick go to so much trouble for some drugs,” asks Canary. “Not just drugs my lady. Power. You see it wasn’t just morphine, it was augmented to be something powerful.” “What does it do,” asks Green Arrow. “If it’s inhaled, drunk or eaten, you become a carnivorous beast. The only thing you want is meat…human meat, the crave gets so intense that you turn against everyone and kill anyone just for a taste.” “WHY WOULD YOU WANT SOMETHING LIKE THAT,” yells Canary. “FOR THE POWER, if I waved this in front of somebody’s eyes they would instantly surrender to me, this city would be mine.” “We’ve got to find Davis,” says Arrow, “Do you know where he is? “He lives in some old apartment in Marquette, a place for bums.” Green Arrow and Black Cary start to walk out. “If you do find Mr. Davis make sure to let him know I’m looking for him.” They walk out of the room leaving Giovanni to wipe the sweat from his face.

Roy arrives at the destination and gets out of the car. It’s a tall old building in the slums of the city. People begin to approach his car as he takes out his bow and presses a button on his belt that causes the windows and wheels of the car to be covered. He walks in and there are people sleeping in the halls and rambling crazily, he walks up three flights of stairs armed with his bow until he arrives at Davis’s room. He pushes the door and finds that it was already opened. He quietly and slowly walks in, peering around every corner. He goes to the bedroom and quietly opens the squeaky door. When he walks in he finds a body sitting in a chair with its head hanging back as if his throat was slit. “What the hell,” says Roy to himself? “Let me guess, side-kick,” says Red Hood in the corner next to the door, “you all have the same look.” Roy aims his bow at Red Hood. “What are you gonna do, shoot me,” asks Red Hood with a chuckle. “No I’m gonna give you a hug,” says Roy circling Red Hood. “Who are you,” asks Roy. “The names Red Hood, what’s yours? The Red Arrow,” laughs Red Hood. Red Hood kicks the bow out of Roy’s hands and they begin to spar. Red Hood dishing out powerful punches and Roy blocking them. Roy grabs Red Hood and throws him at a wall that breaks when Red Hood hits it. Red Hood gets up and punches Roy in the face, and then he punches him twice more causing him to fall. “You know a thing I’ve learned from side-kicks is that, you try to be as good as the man you look up to, you’re not your own man,” says Red Hood picking up Roy and throwing him into a book shelf that falls on Roy. “You try to be like Green Arrow and that messes you up.” Roy gets up and slashes Red Hood with his arrows, one in each hand. Red Hood falls and Roy grabs him and throws him through another wall that collapses, and reveals explosives. Red Hood stands up and looks at Roy. “You’re a good opponent I’ll give you that, but you and your green friend will fall. 5 seconds my friend.” Roy looks at the timer and sees 5 seconds. He presses a button on his belt and jumps out the window. As he jumps out, the apartment explodes and the roof of the car opens as Roy falls in. Roy drives away as the rest of the building begins to collapse.

As Green Arrow and Black Canary are driving towards the building they see it collapse in the distance. “We’re too late,” says Canary. Green Arrow looks defeated as he sees a yellow mustang drive up next to them. “You need a ride,” asks Roy. Green Arrow jumps into the car. “Roy is that you,” asks Green Arrow. “No it’s Santa Clause,” replies Roy. “Did you do that,” asks Green Arrow pointing at the collapsing building. “Yeah, not my best work. This guy Red Hood was there, he killed Davis.” “You beat me to Davis, that was…speedy.”

They get to the cave and get out of the car, seconds later Black Canary arrives. “Arrow, what the hell is she doing here,” asks Roy in disbelief. “She’s in this too Roy, as long as we don’t tell her who we are everything’s fine. What’s with the suite and this car?” “Well the car I’ve been working on for a while its name is AC or Arrow Car, the suite…I’ve been waiting for the day that you’d let me go out and help, it’s pretty new actually. I made it when you became public enemy number 1.” “So what’s the plan guy,” asks Black Canary? “We find Brick and stop him from taking down the city,” says Green Arrow. “Who’s Brick,” asks Roy. “Danny Brickwell, he stole a toxin to try to destroy the city, we don’t know when and how but he’s going to release it.” “That’s probably who Red Hood’s working for, this guy I got in a fight with at the apartment. They have to be working together.” “Ok so we find Red Hood and Brick, take them down and save the city,’ says Black Canary. “Yeah one problem there princess, we don’t know where they are, they could be releasing the toxin as we speak,” says Roy. “Alright here’s the plan, Ro…you try to find Brick or Red Hood on the computers. Black Canary try to find them on the streets on any lead you might have. I’ll try to warn the city about the event.” “How are you going to do that,” asks Black Canary. Green Arrow ignores Black Canary and jumps into the Arrow Car and drives out of the cave. “You’ll get used to him ignoring you don’t worry,” says Roy walking to the computer.

Brick and Merlyn are back in the warehouse as a truck arrives. Pick and Roll get out of the front and walk to the back. They open the back of the truck and Red Hood is standing in front of three larges barrels. “That’s it,” asks Merlyn. “That’s more than enough,” says Brick with a smile. “So when do we release it,” asks Pick walking behind Brick? “Soon my friend, very…very soon,” says Brick as the camera fades.

Roy walks into his house and finds his father staring at him with a bottle in his hands. “Seriously dad, this drunken thing is getting kind of old,” says Roy. “Where the hell have you been Roy,” asks Harper Sr? “Just working dad, don’t worry about it.” “Look at you, all those damn scratches and bruises, where the hell were you,” asks Harper Sr. growing more angry? “Where I go is none of your damn business dad,” says Roy growing angry. “You getting beaten up on the streets is my business son,” Harper Sr. throws the bottle on the floor and puts up his fists, “let me teach you a few things, come on son put’em up.” “Go to bed dad.” As Roy starts to walk away his father pushes him into a wall. “COME ON SON. You wanna go out there getting in fights; let me teach you a few things.” “Dad—.” As Roy begins to speak he gets slapped in the face. “Come on son, fight me,” says Harper Sr. slapping Roy, “are you a big tough man, fight me then.” Roy’s father pushes him onto the couch and wobbles over him. “That should teach you to not get in fights.” His father walks back into the kitchen and grabs another bottle. Roy gets up and looks as angry as ever. “Listen dad, I’m sick of you, I’m sick of your laziness, your anger, and your god damn drinking,” says Roy snatching the bottle from his father’s hand and smashing it against the wall, “If you want to drink then go to a bar, maybe then you’ll get in a car accident on your way back and I’ll never have to see your dumb ass again. You’re pathetic, no wonder you lost your job, and mom left you, and you have to result to drinking. It’s because you’re a pathetic, lazy, coward. The best moment of my life will be when the final speck of dirt is slapped on top of your coffin.” Roy storms to his room and leaves his father sitting on the couch rubbing his forehead as tears start to come out.

It’s five in the morning and Tuckman goes down into the Arrow Cave finding Oliver sitting on the floor surrounded by paper. “I can bet this doesn’t have anything to do with your day job,” says Tuckman assuredly. Oliver doesn’t answer and continues to scribble on a piece of paper. “Did you even go to bed last night Oliver?” “It doesn’t make sense…it…it doesn’t make sense,” says Oliver speaking to himself. “Well at least let me see what you’re working on--,” as Tuckman grabs a page from the floor Oliver swipes it from his hands. “It doesn’t fit…it…it doesn’t fit.” “Oliver what’s happening to you?” “I’m trying to solve a problem, one you can’t help with.” “What about Roy or that Canary girl, or Dinah, how did that date go?” “No…no one can help me.” “Why Oliver…why?” “Why…because I found THIS on my bed.” Oliver throws a picture of him and his parents with their heads cut off towards Tuckman. “I went to go to bed last night and that was on my pillow. So I started to trace it. This, the knife, and the gravestone, all of it is linked. Someone is trying to break me Freddy, but that won’t happen.” “Oliver, you have to get some sleep man, you have to.” “Ok…yeah you’re right I need to. But first I have a meeting in City Hall so cover me until then. By the way don’t come down here for a while, Black Canary is going to be coming in and out of here so just stay upstairs.” Oliver goes up the ladder and walks away leaving Tuckman staring at the hundreds of pages around him.

Oliver is in his office gathering up his notes. He looks refreshed even though he still hasn’t slept in days. As he walks to the door he feels something under his foot. He bends down and finds a bullet with the words “Behind you” carved in to it. He turns around and Deathstroke quickly punches him across the face, sending him flying into a book case. “Hello Mr. Queen how are you?” Deathstroke grabs Oliver by his suite and throws him onto his desk. He slams his fist down but Oliver is able to roll off the desk and doge it. “Why are you here,” asks Oliver backing away from Deathstroke. “There’s a bounty out for you, and I’m here to collect.” Oliver thinks that Deathstroke is referring to Green Arrow but remains secretive. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Come on Oliver, you know exactly what it is,” Deathstroke pulls two ninja swords from the shafts on his back, and spins them in his hands, “everyone in this city wants you dead.” Deathstroke begins to swing his swords at Oliver who is able to doge them. He picks up a chair and uses it to block the slashes. “You’re quite skilled Oliver, did your parents buy those for you too, or did they die too soon?” “You know, you talk too much.” Oliver gets into a karate stance as Deathstroke aims his swords at Oliver. Oliver kicks Deathstroke in the chest, then spins and kicks him in the head. Deathstroke falls back and Oliver jumps up and stomps down on his chest. “What now,” asks Oliver with an evil smirk? “You look a bit tired Oliver,” Deathstroke grabs Oliver’s feet and throws him into the bookshelf. “It’s a pity you made these walls soundproof, people might go days before they celebrate your death.” Deathstroke slashes at Oliver but he quickly moves and presses a button under his desk that reveals his suite and arsenal behind a book shelf. “Interesting,” says Deathstroke at the sight of the suite. Oliver grabs two arrows and begins to quickly slash at Deathstroke. Deathstroke drops his swords, swipes the arrows from Oliver’s hands, and throws him over his desk. Oliver stands up and finds that Deathstroke has escaped through the window.

Oliver stands up and walks to a closet and replaces his sliced up suite with a new one. He quickly fixes his hair and storms out of his office. As he walks out of City Hall three reporters quickly attack him. “Mr. .Queen, any information on the collapse of the apartment building,” says a reporter jumping in front of Oliver. “Um…No comment…please I have to go,” says Oliver walking towards his car. “Mayor Queen, what about the recent Truck Drivers murderers attached to the Green Arrow,” interjects another reporter. “Please everyone—“ “Mr. Queen what about your recent outburst in City Hall,” yells a reporter for all the bystanders to hear. “PLEASE EVERYONE BACK THE **** OFF,” yells Oliver jumping into his car and speeding away.

Oliver drives into the Arrow Cave and finds Roy still in his suite searching databases and hacking into people’s phones. “How’s the search going,” asks Oliver lying on the floor. “Nothing yet man,” says Roy turning around to look at Oliver, “damn you look burnt out. Maybe you should go rest or something.” “I can’t sleep, haven’t for a while,” says Oliver staring at the ceiling. “When was the last time you did,” asks Roy still clicking away at the computer. “A week ago…hopefully…maybe more,” says Oliver closing his eyes. “A week, that’s not good man.” “Once the job is done I’ll sleep like a baby.” Oliver and Roy hear a motorcycle coming from the entrance and quickly put on their disguises. Black Canary parks next to the Arrow Car and walks up to Green Arrow. “You find anything Canary,” asks Green Arrow? “Last night a chemical was stolen from a lab,” says Canary. “That happens all the time. Do you know what it is or who took it,” asks Roy looking smug? “Brick and his men took it. But I don’t know what it is. Nobody does. The police haven’t even heard about it yet and the chemical is still labeled classified.” Green Arrow looks at a clock on the wall and sees that its 1:00. “I have to go investigate some leads. I’ll be back in a few.” Green Arrow walks past Roy and goes up through the Queen Industries entrance. “What’s up there,” asks Canary. “Um…It’s a…Um… You know, I don’t actually know…eh…you know G.A. he’s a quiet fellow,” says Roy thinking up an excuse.

Oliver is walking through the park. People back away from him and try to act like they don’t see him. Oliver notices the ugly faces and looks of fear and feels like he’s wearing his green and black. He gets to the river and sits on a bench looking out across the park. He turns and looks behind him to find that Dinah is walking towards him in a short skirt and long t-shirt. “Wow, this is probably the first time that I’m not the one late,” laughs Oliver. “Yeah sorry about that,” smiles Dinah, “But owning a company kind of takes up a lot of my time, you should know.” “I do. Sorry about ditching you last night, some important stuff came up.” “I told you you don’t need to give me excuses I understand, especially after recent circumstances,” says Dinah regretting every word she said. “What do you mean,” asks Oliver. “It was something like back the **** off me.” Oliver looks away from her to the river. She feels his pain and leans against him on the bench. “I know the jobs stressful Oliver, but if you want people to believe in you maybe you should try to clean up your act.” “Now you sound like Tuckman,” laughs Oliver.

Back in Deathstroke’s apartment a man comes in and slams the door. “Why the HELL IS HE STILL ALIVE,” asks the man furiously? Deathstroke remains on the couch replaying Oliver yelling at the reporters on TV. The man walks into the light and is revealed to be Daniel Simmer. “Now you listen to me and listen well. I hired you to kill him so KILL HIM GOD DAMENIT, nothing fancy just shoot him in his god damn head,” says Daniel Simmer growing more and more furious. “Listen—“says Simmer walking to Deathstroke. As Simmer walks towards Deathstroke he is suddenly shot in the stomach. The pistol is still smoking in Deathstroke’s hand as he stares at the TV. He gets up and stands over Simmer. “Ple…Ple…Please,” says Simmer grabbing his wound as he tries to slide away from Deathstroke. “Don’t worry Mr. Simmer that wound won’t kill you. Now you listen to me. You want Oliver dead for your own pathetic reasons. But he is part of a bigger picture. A picture that involves myself and many others like myself. The only problem is,” Deatstroke aims the gun at Simmer, “you don’t fit.”
Deathstroke shoots Simmer in the head and walks out.

That night Oliver returns to the Arrow Cave and finds that Black Canary is shadowboxing in the training room. She lets out a punch and Green Arrow catches it. “Nice arm, but maybe you need a real person to practice against.” Green Arrow puts down his quiver and gets in a fighting stance. “So you find anything,” asks Black Canary as she lets out a punch at Green Arrow. “No,” Green Arrow catches the punch, “not yet. People are pretty quiet about this thing. Did you find anything?” She kicks Green Arrow’s legs from under him and she falls on top of him. He stares deep into her eyes and is stunned by what he sees. “Dinah, is that you,” says Green Arrow still staring into her eyes. She quickly gets up “What did you call me,” asks Canary over Green Arrow. “Dinah its fine,” Green Arrow takes off his domino mask and hat to reveal who he really is, “It’s me Oliver.” He embraces her and they get into a passionate kiss, they move towards a room still kissing and Oliver removing his vest. They stumble into Green Arrow’s bedroom and slam the door shut.

Oliver is lying next to Dinah after their passionate night, still staring at the ceiling unable to sleep. He looks at her for a while admiring her beauty and feeling, for the first time in a long time, happy. He gets up and puts on pajama pants. He walks out and finds that no one is in the Arrow Cave. He walks to Roy’s room and finds the door open. He walks in and Roy isn’t there. The room is extremely dark, black walls and dark furniture with clothes and papers scattered everywhere. He begins to walk out when he sees something shining behind Roy’s desk. He bends down and finds a blade cut off from a knife. It is broken the exact way that the shaft found in the present box was cut. He admires it wondering why it is there. “You looking for something,” asks Roy in the door way. “What is this,” says Oliver waving the blade at Roy. “It looks like a broken knife, why,” asks Roy looking perplexed? “I thought I could trust you Roy,” says Oliver looking sinister. “What are you talking abou—“ “SHUT UP,” yells Oliver slamming his fist on the desk, “the other part of this knife was in my office, the only other people that can get into my office in City Hall are Freddy, myself, and YOU. Oliver throws the knife into the wall and Roy begins to back out. “Oliver you have to calm down, you haven’t slept in a while you’re delusional.” “No I’m not delusional, I’m a shamed that the person that I most confide in is trying to KILL ME,” Oliver is growing more angry and scared. “Exactly Oliver, why would I want to kill you? How would I benefit from killing you? This doesn’t make sense Oliver. THINK ABOUT IT,” Roy falls and slides back in fear! Oliver stands over Roy with his fists out like he wants to punch him. Then he thinks for a minute. Why would Roy want to kill him? He looks as Roy staring at him in fear, and he feels like the very monsters that he tries to defend people from. He quickly runs back into his room and lays next to Dinah breathing heavily.

Green Arrow is out patrolling the street thinking about everything that’s happened. He cuts off the feed to the Arrow Cave and just sits on a roof top looking down at the city. Suddenly an arrow strikes next to Green Arrow and second later blows up causing Green Arrow to fall from the building and hang onto a window sill. Merlyn walks over him looking intimidating with a sinister smile. “Hello Green Arrow, I am here to kill you,” he says in his sinister English accent, he loads up another arrow and aims it at Green Arrow. “You guys need to come up with new lines; I’ve heard that too many times to care.” Green Arrow jumps up and slams Merlyn in the face. Merlyn starts to run away while still firing arrows at Green Arrow. Merlyn’s arrows fly quicker and with a bigger force than Green Arrow has ever dealt himself. He is able to doge them but begins to fall behind Merlyn. Merlyn jumps down from a building and Green Arrow lose sight of him. Suddenly an arrow flies at Green Arrow face and cuts his cheek. Green Arrow grabs his wound as Merlyn jumps up out of the darkness and strikes Green Arrow in the face. Merlyn quickly dishes out punches, kicks and jabs that inflict a great amount of damage on Green Arrow. Green Arrow falls to his knees below Merlyn. “Come on Arrow I thought you would be better than this,” Merlyn releases a powerful kick to Green Arrow’s jaw and blood streaks across the roof top. Green Arrow tries to stand up but finds no strength. “You will die,” says Green Arrow slowly getting to his feet. “No my friend, that is for you to do.” Merlyn takes out a sword and begins to slash at Green Arrow who steps backwards to avoid every slash. He takes out a sword of his own and they get into a heated sword fight they begin to strike heavily on the edge of the building they cross swords and move into each other. “You cannot defeat me for I am the master.” “You think so huh,” says Green Arrow kicking out Merlyn’s feet from under him and causing him to drop his sword. Merlyn looks defeated, but then smiles his evil smile. He then drops from the ledge and falls down the building. Green Arrow looks over the ledge to see that Merlyn has fallen on to the train above the city. Merlyn turns around and fires five arrows at Green Arrow. Green Arrow doges them and fires three back as the train continues to speed away and Green Arrow presses a button on his belt as he jumps down the building. As he falls down the Arrow Car speeds under him and saves him. He speeds next to the train and Merlyn fires six arrows at Green Arrow. He quickly swerves the car out of the way and shoots four arrows from the car. “You must surrender my friend, or be struck down,” yells Merlyn from the train.

Green Arrow is aiming his bow at the train when suddenly something crashes into the car sending Green Arrow flying. Green Arrow stumbles up and looks to see Pick and Roll standing before him. “PICK,” yells Pick as he removes the car from on top of him. “ROLL,” Roll quickly jumps over the crashed car and delivers a strong punch into Green Arrow who blocks it but still flies back a few feet. Green Arrow takes out an explosive arrow and fires it in front of Roll. “PICK,” yells Pick as he jumps in front of the explosion to cover Roll. “ROLL,” yells Roll as he deals another devastating hit. Green Arrow continues to attack them, but every time he tries to hit Roll, Pick defends him, and every time Roll is defended he then attacks. “This is over Green Arrow, you can’t defeat us, you’re just one man, against an army of two,” says Roll approaching Green Arrow. Roll charges at Green Arrow and sends him through a wall, then Pick rips a street light out of the cement and launches it at Green Arrow like a spear. Green Arrow watches the poll come at him when suddenly Roy swings from a roof and grabs Green Arrow and they land in front of the building. “Nice save kid,” says Green Arrow smiling at Roy. “Who’s the boy,” asks Pick walking towards them? “This is my side-kick…Speedy,” he says as they both take out arrows and aim them at Pick and Roll. “What’s the plan,” asks Green Arrow? “Take this,” says Roy throwing an arrow at Green Arrow. It’s a strange arrow with a weird big back side, “Don’t fire till I say.” Green Arrow loads it as Roll begins to charge towards them. “Now,” asks Green Arrow as Roll gets closer. “No.” “Now?” “NO,” says Speedy as Roll gets twenty feet away. Speedy presses a button on the back of his arrow that shoots out a cable that connects to Green Arrows. “NOW,” says Speedy. They both fire their arrows and they stick into Roll’s chest and wrap him up. As Roll squirms on the ground the cable emits a strong electrical force at Roll causing him to scream in pain. “Nice toy,” says Green Arrow with a smile. “Thanks,” says Speedy returning the smile. They look and see that Pick is getting away on a motorcycle. They quickly jump into the undamaged Arrow Car and speed towards Pick. Roy takes out his Arrow as Green Arrow continues to bring them closer and closer. Roy shoots an arrow that pierces through Picks back tire causing the bike to flip forward three times as it crashes into a building and explodes.

“You think he’s dead,” asks Speedy. “Nope,” replies Green Arrow. They walk towards the smoke of the exploded motorcycle and find Pick severely bleeding under the ruble. “WHO SENT YOU,” demands Green Arrow grabbing Pick by his coat. “I can’t tell you, that’s top secret,” replies Pick spitting up blood. “Either tell us or die,” interjects Speedy. “Look at me kid, does it look like I’m getten out of this shit alive,” says Pick leaning his head against the rubble. “Then it doesn’t make a difference now does it,” demands Green Arrow. “Fine, Brick wants you dead, whoever does it first gets a special prize. Merlyn beat us to you.” “Why does he want me dead?” Pick laughs at this comment still spitting up blood. “Everyone in this damn city wants you dead. Roll and I just wanted to be the ones to do it.” “But why does Brick want him dead? What is he planning,” says Speedy. “He wants to take down the city with this poison he got from Greenland, it turns everyone into a zombie or some shit like that. He doesn’t want you to get in his way.” “What did he steal last night,” asks Speedy. “Turns out Red Hood is pretty tech savvy. He found out a way to control the zombies once they get infected. I’m surprised you found out. Brick was able to keep the operation on the down low.” “How many more people are working with him,” asks Green Arrow. At this point police sirens can be heard in the distance coming their way. “Well now it’s just Brick, Merlyn and Red Hood.” “The guy I fought in the building.” “Yeah sure,” Pick begins to fall unconscious as the police sirens become louder. “We have to go,” says Speedy. They quickly walk to the Arrow Car and drive away.

“Listen Speedy, what I said back in the cave…I wasn’t thinking straight man. I know you wouldn’t try to kill me,” says Green Arrow shifting gears. “I know Oliver, I know. We got to figure out who’s doing this man.” “We do….By the way how did you find me?” “The Arrow Car has gives a signal to the Cave. You think I’d actually let this thing out of my sight,” laughs Speedy as they continue towards the cave.

In a dark warehouse Brick is seen sitting at his desk as Merlyn walks in. “Brick I found the Arrow, but Pick and Roll intervened. Let’s say they won’t intervene again,” says Merlyn sitting in a chair across from Brick. Brick stands up and slams his fist on the table breaking a part of it. “I told you to kill Green Arrow, not to let one of our own DIE,” yells Brick as he throws his chair across the room. “Now now my friend now is not the time to lose your cool,” says Deathstroke walking in from the darkness. “Who the hell are you,” asks Brick still breathing hard. “I am Deathstroke. I heard you lost two soldiers, I am here to bring you five more.” “Yeah where are they,” says Merlyn still sitting in the chair. “You are looking at them. I have the strength and endurance of five men and I am here to help you.” “Why do you want to help me, I can’t pay you,” say Brick walking towards Deathstroke. “Green Arrow… I want to kill the man; you want to kill the symbol. In my book we are one in the same,” says Deathstroke as Brick walks in front of him. “Sounds like a plan,” says Brick extending his hand to Deathstroke. Deathstroke shakes his hand as Merlyn and Brick give sinister smiles. “I must go now, and prepare for later,” says Deathstroke walking away. As Deathstroke exits someone comes in through the garage. The car stops and Nudocredo exits. “What’s going on Brick, this plan was supposed to happen days ago. Now I have freaks battling on the streets and I have to back everything up like I don’t know what’s happening,” says Nudocredo walking back and fourth stressfully. “Do you know you’re part of the plan” asks Brick. “You want to run it by me again,” mocks Nudocredo. “Green Arrow is bound to show up to try and stop the plan. When he gets there I want you’re men to crash the place It’s easy Brian, even a man of you’re intelligence could do it.” “Are you sure about that,” interjects Merlyn? Nudocredo shoots him a look of anger and returns to Brick. “I’m definitely sure, now let’s begin,” says Brick.

Green Arrow and Speedy arrive at the cave and find Black Canary looking through files on the computer. “What’s up babe,” says Green Arrow as he gives Black Canary a small kiss on the cheek? “I haven’t found anything. Still looking though, trying to remain optimistic. The door from Queen Industries is heard slamming shut as Fredrick Tuckman walks down. He sees Black Canary and hides behind a pillar. “It’s ok Freddy, she knows who we are,” says Green Arrow looking at the pillar Tuckman is behind. Tuckman walks out and walks towards the group staring at the computer. “Have you guys found anything,” asks Tuckman. “Well we know that Brick is planning on turning the whole city into zombies, besides that we got nothing,” says Speedy with a cocky smile. “Hey Freddy can I talk to you for a second,” says Green Arrow. Tuckman and Green Arrow walk away and Speedy continues to search on the computer. Black Canary stares awkwardly at Speedy. “Can I help you with anything ma’am,” asks Speedy in a deep voice trying to mask his own? “Harper I know it’s you,” says Canary with a laugh. “I do not know that of which you speak of.” Black Canary walks over and takes off Speedy’s mask. “Well you were going to find out sooner or later.”

Tuckman and Green Arrow walk back into the room and Black canary and Speedy look up. “I think it’s time we stop them,” says Green Arrow returning to the group. “How, we don’t have a plan or a means to find them,” says Roy. “We found Davis didn’t we? It won’t be that hard to find Brick,” says Green Arrow. “But Oliver--.” “No Roy, if we can find one normal guy we can find one of the biggest mobsters in town.” Black Canary walks away from the group and into Green Arrow’s room. Green Arrow followers her and shuts the door behind them.
“What’s the problem,” asks Green Arrow. “Nothing, it’s just that we have to find this guy and I’m starting to lose faith that we can,” says Black Canary sitting on Green Arrow’s bed. “We’ll find this guy Dinah, I know w will. I won’t lose this city to some gangster. You just have to trust me.” “I trust you.” They get into a romantic kiss and Roy storms in. “Guys, I found something,” says Roy with a big smile. Black Canary quickly runs out and Green Arrow looks angry. “You couldn’t wait five minutes,” says Oliver with a smile. “Well if I would have waited five minutes then it would have turned into something that I would have had to wait longer for,” smiles Roy.

They walk back to the command center and Roy steps to the computer. “I just intercepted this message from a killer,” says Roy pressing a button. “Anyone that wants to live past tonight better get to the old toy factory, or risk becoming something ugly,” says a voice over the computer. “That’s Red Hood’s voice; we have to get there now.” Green Arrow and Speedy quickly run to the Arrow Car and Black Canary gets on her bike. “Tuckman, you know what to do,” says Green Arrow throwing a CD at Tuckman. “LETS GO TEAM ARROW,” yells Speedy as they flash out of the cave. Tuckman quickly runs to the stairs to Queen Industries.

In the SCPD Nudocredo is writing up something when Tuckman bursts in. “What do you want,” says Nudocredo with a look of disgust and covering his papers. “Queen’s about to start the project of expanding the police force soon, he’s already bringing in people from Metropolis as we speak,” says Tuckman sitting and rubbing his chin. “Yeah I know you got it your way now please can I get back to work?” “My way,” smiles Tuckman, “My way would have been to keep things as they are. Maintain the established order, and give some extra training to our already great squads. Hell maybe even giving our great commissioner a much deserved reward. No Nudocredo, this is not my way.” “So what are you here for then?” “After many questionable events Oliver Queen is becoming more and more unstable. He wanted me to do something that I just feel that I can’t do.” “Why not?” “Because my duty is to the city, and it’s not good for the city. I think a recall election might be in order.” “Why would you do that? He’s the reason you have a job.” “No Mr. Nudocredo I’M the reason HE has a job. Everything I do is to better the city, and all he has to do is sit in his office and soak up my glory, and if to better this city means to bring Oliver and myself down…so be it.” “Why is this of any interest to me?” “If there is a recall election, then he’s going to need someone to run against,” says Tuckman with a menacing smile. “How would I win against Mr. Queen?” “Remember the presidential election when Carter was elected. The republicans had a terrible rep from Nixon and the Democrats knew that they could bring in anyone and win. Well it’s our year Mr. Carter and get ready for The White House.” Nudocredo releases a threatening smile and stands up. “I accept your offer Mr. Tuckman, now if you could give me some time to plan things out it would be great.” “Of course,” Tuckman walks out and Nudocredo quickly takes grabs the paper he was writing and throws it in the trash.

Green Arrow, Speedy, and Black Canary walk inside the warehouse. They find many large tubs of chemicals across the floor. “What’s that smell,” says Green Arrow. “Don’t inhale it too much, we could get infected,” says Speedy cautiously moving across the floor. Green Arrow takes out an arrow and stabs one of the tubs releasing a red liquid. “No Arrow are you crazy,” says Speedy covering his face? “This is juice Speedy. We just walked into a trap.” As Green Arrow stops speaking the lights turn on and a floor full of people are revealed. But they aren’t normal, they’re zombies. Red Hood is stanind on the blacondy across from them and yells “GO GET’em.” All the people run at them and Black Canary, Speedy and Green Arrow all begin to fight them. They are quite easy to defeat because they are deranged and out of control. Green Arrow and Speedy go back to back and shoot many arrows at the crowds approaching them as Black Canary punches and kicks them. “What’s the plan Arrow, they’re too many of them.” Green Arrow takes out an explosive arrow and blows up many in front of him. Then turns around and shoots arrows that burst into flame at the others.

“Arrow he’s controlling them. I’ll go get him,” says Speedy shooting a zip-line arrow near Red Hood and shoots over to him. Speedy lands next to them and they get into a heated battle. Each punching and kicking but they are evenly matched. “Looks like you’ve gotten better side-kick.” “Or maybe you’re just losing you’re touch,” replies Roy. They continue fighting and Roy punches him in the stomach and then the face causing him to fall to his knees, then he punches him many more times in the face until the helmet starts to break. Speedy jumps over him with a blade out ready to stab him, but Red Hood jumps up and stabs Speedy in the stomach. “Looks like you’re not as good as I thought,” says Red Hood as Speedy gasps for air on the floor. He removes his mask his red helmet and reveals his face still covered by a domino mask.

Green Arrow and Black Canary finish killing off the zombies and then they notice Red Hood standing over Speedy. “NO,” yells Green Arrow. He goes to run towards Speedy when Merlyn and Deathstroke jump down from the ceiling and engage them in a fight.

Green Arrow shoots a grapples arrow up to the balcony throwing an arrow down at Merlyn who fires an arrow that blocks Green Arrow’s. Green Arrow continues to run away and fire arrows at Merlyn who doges them and fire many more at Green Arrow. “Is this you’re plan Arrow, to continue running from me,” asks Merlyn with his usual sinister smile. “It’s all I got so far.” Green Arrow fires two arrows at Merlyn that burst into flame they light the path in front of Merlyn.
Deathstroke and Black Canary fight vigorously, they are both evenly skilled but Deathstroke is much more powerful. Deathstroke kicks Canary out of the warehouse and she quickly climbs up a ladder to the roof. Deathstroke cuts the ladder with his sword and Black canary almost falls as she gets on the roof. He jumps up and shoots his two Uzis at her as she hides behind a vent. He walks around the vent and she quickly kicks him in the face and knocks the uzis from his hand. She begins to karate cop at Deathstroke who takes out two swords and knocks her in the face with the shaft of the sword. Then he grabs her by her feet and throws her into an air vent.

Merlyn is still standing behind the fire blocking him from Green Arrow. “Are you too afraid to fight me like a man,” asks Merlyn, “I’m kind of ashamed.” Green Arrow takes out two arrows and fires them at Merlyn. Merlyn quickly jumps over the flames and issues a devastating blow to Green Arrow’s face. Green Arrow jumps to a balcony across from the one that Merlyn is standing on and shoots two cables that are supporting the balcony and Merlyn falls to the floor. Green Arrow then quickly fires three arrows at Merlyn and two stab him directly in the chest.

Red Hood is standing over a bleeding Speedy blade still in hand. “It’s over side-kick, give it up. I told you not to trust the guy. He brought you into our trap. And now look at you bleeding like a dead dog. It’s pathetic.” Speedy gets to his feet and swings his fists at Red Hood, but stumbles and falls to the floor at Red Hood’s feet.

Green Arrow gets to the roof of the building and finds Deathstroke with his sword centimeters away from Black Canary’s face. Green Arrow takes out an arrow and aims it at Deathstroke. “Oliver, nice to see you again,” says Deathstroke. “LET HER GO,” yells Green Arrow. “I don’t think so. And if you shoot me, she dies,” says Deathstroke stepping behind Black Canary. “You know, I was almost able to kill you like I first wanted to. I had you right where I wanted you. Have you been having bad dreams lately Oliver. Are you unable to sleep?” “How do you—“ “How do I know? Years ago I was in Gotham during the big fear toxin outbreak. I was able to save some of the gas. I was originally going to save it for a weapon, but then I got the call from Simmer and I got a better reason to use it. A few weeks ago I started to spray the fear toxin on your pillow, so that when you went to sleep you would inhale it and get engulfed in fear. But it wasn’t enough. So on the night of your big party, Simmer went to your room and sprayed your pillow with more toxins. You became crazier and crazier. It wasn’t hard to place the knife in your office, it was harder to steal Tuckman’s key. I knew that after that any knife you saw would remind you of the shaft, whether it had the shaft or not. The insomnia starts to set in and you become crazy and start to think everyone’s against you. The picture was kind of sloppy of me, but I ran out of gas and needed to keep you from sleeping. I almost went all out with the plan but then I found out you were Green Arrow and I decided to go a different way with it.” Deathstroke walks in front of Black Canary still aiming the sword at her teeth. “Think of it Oliver, I win. Either kill the girl first or allow me to kill you first.” Oliver takes a sword out of his quiver. “Oliver, just let him kill me first, I would never wish to see you die,” cries Black Canary. “SHOULD I LISTEN TO HER OLIVER, MY ARMS GETTING KIND OF TIRED,” shouts Deathstroke raising the sword above Black Canary. “STOP,” shouts Green Arrow. Deathstroke begins to swing his sword down, when Black Canary lets out a loud shrieking pulse that launches Deathstroke at Green Arrow and they both fall. Green Arrow gets up and finds that Deathstroke is dead by flying through Green Arrow’s sword. “What the hell was that,” shouts Green Arrow. “Just a little thing I learned,” smiles Black Canary. They jump down and find Merlyn riding away on a motorcycle and Red Hood over Speedy’s body. “You take care of Merlyn; I’ll take care of Red Hood.” Green Arrow agrees and jumps into the Arrow Car and blasts away.

Black canary grabs Deathstroke’s sword and Red Hood grabs Green Arrow’s and they get in an intense sword fight. They slash at each other constantly as Speedy struggles for air. They cross swords and get in each other’s faces. “Either fight me or save the boy, make your decision.” “Why not both,” retorts Black Canary as she spins and kicks Red Hood in the chest. Red Hood falls back and Black Canary spins and releases a strong swipe at Red Hood’s chest.
Green Arrow is following Merlyn until they arrive at Brick’s headquarters on the other side of the city. Green Arrow walks in and is unable to see through the darkness. All of a sudden something hits him in the side causing him to fly violently into the wall. Then he feels an arrow pierce his leg. “You thought I was defeated Arrow, I could never be defeated by you,” says Merlyn. Green Arrow is still unable to see but loads an arrow on his bow. “You can’t hit me,” says Merlyn as he fires an arrow that pierces Green Arrow in the other leg, “if you can’t see me.” Green Arrow falls to the floor and fires two arrows at the ceiling that release large flairs that light the room. He sees three large transparent jugs with tubes connecting it to the sewer system. “Make the wrong move and the city turns into Zombieland,” says Merlyn.

Brick is in the office above Merlyn and Green Arrow; he is pacing across the room holding his cell phone in his hand. “Where is he, where is he,” says Brick to himself as he continues pacing.

Green Arrow jumps at Merlyn and knocks him into the toxin container. Then he punches him furiously in the stomach. He pulls out an arrow and stabs Merlyn in the stomach. “This time stay down,” says Green Arrow as he punches Merlyn the last for the last time. Green Arrow gets up and sees Brick in the office above him and shoots a grapple arrow at the office window.

Red Hood is on the floor bleeding when Black Canary walks over him. “He would be ashamed of you,” says Canary looking down at Red Hood. “I don’t give a shit about what he thinks. He’s not my boss anymore.” Black Canary knocks out Red Hood and ties him to a pillar. She quickly runs over to Speedy who is gasping on the floor. She picks him up and puts him on her bike and blasts off towards the Arrow Cave.

Green Arrow bursts though the window of Brick’s office and kicks Brick in the chest, but Brick doesn’t budge. “Good try,” says Brick. Brick grabs Green Arrow by the foot and throws him across the building to the other side and falls to the floor. Brick jumps down and knocks Green Arrow in the face causing him to spit blood. Green Arrow stands up and shoots an explosive arrow at Brick. Once the smoke clears Brick is seen unharmed by the blast. “Surprised Arrow,” asks Brick, “you should be.” Brick punches Green Arrow who flies across the room again. “Come on Arrow, you took down so many, why can’t you take me out,” say brick who kicks Green Arrow in the chin and he flies to the roof of the building and falls again. “I know why, because you’re too weak.” Brick swings again at Green Arrow who doges him with a back flip. He takes out an arrow and fires it into Brick’s mouth. “What was the poi---?” Suddenly a sticky substance resembling cement starts to grow in Brick’s mouth. Brick begins to choke and Green Arrow stands over him. “That should shut you up,” says Green Arrow walking away from Brick. “You think this is over Arrow,” says Merlyn still on the floor against the wall. “You will be defeated our plan is not over yet.” “What are you talking about,” asks Green Arrow in anger. “Did you ever wonder what happened to my friend Roll? He has a gift for you,” says Merlyn with an evil grin. “TELL ME,” shouts Green Arrow. “I think he deserved it too. The only man that actually believed in you deserves to die. A pity, Lieutenant Cameron was such a good cop. Roll’s probably on his way to Star City Police Department as we speak.” Green Arrow quickly darts out and jumps into the Arrow car, leaving Merlyn with an evil laugh.

Green Arrow arrives at SCPD and grapples up to Cameron’s office. He breaks through the window and finds Lieutenant Cameron with a green arrow through his head. All of the sudden three cops walk in and aim their guns at Green Arrow. They see Cameron dead and freeze in shock. Green Arrow looks down from the window and sees more cops. He quickly shoots three arrows at the men causing them to fall down. He jumps over them and knocks two more cops out of his way. Three more rush towards him and he shoots an explosive arrow behind him causing several cops to fly back. He continues running down the hall until he gets to the last office and slams the door behind him. He looks out the window and sees cops below him that begin to shoot at the window. He turns around at the door and hears people approaching the door.

Seven cops are on the other side of the door and break it down to find Green Arrow with his bow and quiver at his feet and arms together in front of him as if waiting to be handcuffed. All the cops are too afraid to touch him until Nudocredo rushes in and seizes Green Arrows hands and handcuffs him. Then he slowly removes the domino mask and hat and finds that it is Oliver Queen. Everyone in the room remains in shock, even Nudocredo. “Oliver Queen you are under arrest for the murder of Lieutenant Cameron, over 100 counts of murder---“Nudocredo continues as more cops enter the room and begin to remove Oliver’s arrows hanging from his legs and arms.

Tuckman is in the Arrow Cave and puts the CD into the computer and hacks into all the television channels in Star City and a video of Oliver Queen is shown. “Hello, this is Mayor Oliver Queen, and I am sorry to say that I have failed you all,” the narration continues as Roy is seen getting up from a medical bench in the cave, “I thought I could use the knowledge I have gained from living in this city for so long, but it proved to be too much for me,” a big screen in the middle of the city is seen broadcasting the message as everyone stares at in awe, “I hope all of you know that all I have done I tried to do to benefit this city, to try in help out anyway I could,” Oliver is in the back of a SWAT truck with his hands and feet cuffed, with three cops aiming their shot guns at his face, “when I started this I did it because I thought I could help the city, but it seems that I have done nothing,” a helicopter is flying to an island with a sign that reads “SUPER MAX”, “so it is with great shame and sorrow that I resign as Mayor of Star City, my deputy mayor Fredrick Tuckman will be taking my place,”

A flash back is shown with Oliver and Tuckman walking away from Black Canary and Speedy and they begin to speak. “Freddy, I thought I could be mayor, but I see that it was too much for me. With all my recent outbursts I doubt anyone can trust me, I see how people stare at me in disgust and I know I have lost all of their trust,” says Green Arrow looking depressed. “Then what do you want me to do,” asks Tuckman. “I want you to go to Nudocredo and tell him to run against me in a recall election. I know it’ll make him stop whatever his plan is for tonight, he’s a part of Brick’s plan and I know if I can stop Nudocredo I can stop the whole plan. This CD will describe everything I want you to do, but don’t play it until I cut the feed from my mask.”
The narration continues, “He deserves the position more than I ever did, he can lead you better than I ever could,” Roy walks into his house holding his wound. He looks around for his father and walks up to his father’s bed room to find him hanging from the ceiling dead. Roy quickly brings him down and sobs as he tries to resuscitate him. “I’m am sorry if I have caused you any pain, but I assure you Mr. Tuckman is a great leader, thank you Star City and good night. The video ends and Tuckman rubs his head.

“So that’s your story Mr. Queen,” says the old man’s voice from the beginning of the previous movie. They are sitting down in an interrogation room; the old man is a physiatrist at Super Max. “That’s all of it,” replies Oliver sitting in a chair dressed in an orange jumpsuit with chains on all of his limbs being held by four guards. “Take him away then,” says the old man leaving the room. As Oliver is being taken out Nudocredo gets next to him. “Looks like my police force is good enough,” whispers Nudocredo with a smile. Oliver ignores this and continues walking towards the cell block.

As Oliver is being brought to his cell the transparent door of all the other inmates are seen. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH,” laughs a maniac hidden in the darkness with only his red smile shown. “Riddle me this, riddle me that, the arrow is caught, what’s next? The bat,” says a voice from another cell. “Looks like I’m not the only rich man locked in this hell whole,” says another voice. “The clock strikes two looks like you’re through,” says a voice. Oliver arrives at an empty cell that slowly opens. The guards press a button that quickly unchains Oliver and the guards violently push him into the cell. “You’re ours now boy,” says a guard as the cell begins to close. A close up of Oliver’s face is seen as the steel door slides across the doorway until Oliver’s face is no longer seen and the movie ends.

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flames809 - 10/11/2009, 8:24 AM
cool like it
LEEE777 - 10/11/2009, 8:38 AM
KNIGHT @ Very cool, i like a lot man!!!

Hey kudos on the YOU TUBE casting thingie, damn how the [frick] did you make that lol!

Again great story, would make a great GA movie!!

Oh anyone who hasn't voted go futher down FAN FIC an vote for your GREEN ARROW!!

I deff like who you got for RED ARROW, whats he been in though, im only going by looks at the min!

I really like how you got MERLYN in ya story, cool villain!!

Also, luv all the PICS puts you right in there when reading the story.

Thumbs up man! ; )

Batmanknight - 10/11/2009, 9:01 AM
Thanks guys

@Lee- the video's pretty easy, I grouped the pictured on paint and then made it into a video on movie maker. I got the idea from HAWK.

He's in Vampire Diaries right now, and he was Lucas Luther in Smallville. He's really good at playing dark characters, and that's what i wanted Roy to be.

Yeah i wanted to get a lot of villans in this one cause Super Max has a lot of different villains that were never associated with Green Arrow.

I don't know if i want to write the Super Max story, or just do what happens after he escapes.

Thanks man, I voted on you're Green Arrow thing by way.
LEEE777 - 10/11/2009, 12:49 PM
Knight @ Cheers man!!

Damn, i didnt know he was in SMALLVILLE i gotta catch an rewatch 'em, as for VAMPIRE DIARIES, aint seen that yeet just TRUE BLOOD, but i will catch it! Thanx for the info man!!

An hey, its Sunday, wait till Monday it gets busier!!

Kudos again on ya great article dude, proper good stuff!
legionbecks - 10/12/2009, 11:55 AM
so far so good havent finished it yet.
Watchtower31 - 10/14/2009, 7:10 PM
Awesome story man.

The first one i thought had some shaky points but this one is truly amazing.

This would make for an amazing movie. I like how you brought in Black canary and Speedy, and really made all the villains in it work.

Are you going to make a Supermax story, cause i know it would be cool.

THEHAWK - 10/14/2009, 10:22 PM
Not bad man, I actually liked it, can't wait for your next story.

My main problems were your cast, primarily Heidi Klum as Black Canary and Sean Bean as Deathstroke. I can't see them in the roles you wrote for them. I would much rather prefer seeing Rebecca Romjin as Canary adn Ron Perlman as Deathstroke, he has the right build, is a great actor and voiced him on the Teen Titans tv show.

But I think you wrote Ewan McGreggor as Ollie perfectly!
Batmanknight - 10/15/2009, 1:34 PM
@Access thanks man, I think GA is definitly under rated and deserves a TV show or Movie.

@Legionbecks, thanks!

@Watchtower-thanks man, i'm glad you liked it

the first one, i admit, was kind of shaky and i should have worked on it better.

I'm still thinking about writing Supermax, i'm not sure yet. I may just do what happens when he gets out and have flash backs.

@HAWK- I know Heidi was a bad choice, but she kind of looks like Black canary, i found it hard to cast her. I know you like Romjin, but i don't like using actresses that have already done CBM's.

Deathstroke was also hard to cast. I picked Bean because i thought he had a really dark quality to him. I was thinking about using Perlman, especially after a picture I saw of Deathstroke without his mask, but i wanted some one young.

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