In my first attempt to cast the JLA I made some mistakes in my casting and realized I should have added alot more information to my story and to my characters. So here is my idea for the first JLA movie in my trilogy.
In JLA: The Beginning, Lex Luthor sends a message into space hoping that an intelligent life form responds. He receives nothing and is warned by Superman that if anything does respond and it isn't friendly then he will be held responsible. After shutting the project down, Lex Luthor is disappointed that he didn't receive any sort of response but it still interested in outer space. He is visited by a star shaped creature that sticks itself to one of his employees face to use it to talk to Lex and tell him that he is to join the legion known as Starro or fall with the rest of the world. He agrees and states that the only problem standing in their way are the heroes throughout the world. Starro and Lex make a plan to take down the heroes one by one but they never counted on them pulling together and forming The Justice League of America.
The Justice League of America
Henry Cavill- Superman/Clark Kent
Everyone knows the origin of Superman so im not going to get into that and my casting is an obvious pick.

Christian Bale- Batman/Bruce Wayne
I hope that after the Nolan trilogy is finished, that Bale will reprise his role as TDK.
Lucy Griffiths- Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
Shes a gorgeous actress and I think she would make an awesome WW.
Scott Speedman- The Flash/Barry Allen
Hes a great actor and was great in the Underworld movies.
Ryan Reynolds- Green Lantern/Hal Jordan
Hes perfect for this role and I can't wait to see him as GL this summer.
Jon Hamm- Martain Manhunter
Hamm would make the greatest older Superman but would also make a very good J'onn J'onzz just by seeing him on Mad Men
Kevin McKidd- Aquaman/Arthur Curry
He was a really good Poseidon in Percy Jackson (though that movie sucked)
Kevin Spacey- Lex Luthor
Luthor will be the reason why Starro comes to invade Earth and the reason why Max Lord betrays the JLA
Just look as this picture...nuff' said
Starro- C.G.I.
Starro received a message from Luthor Corp. and comes to invade Earth.
Michael C. Hall- Maxwell Lord
Max Lord will be the one who gets the JLA together and eventually betrays them.
Im planning out the sequels now.