My First Justice League Movie Fan Cast and Plot Overview part 1

My First Justice League Movie Fan Cast and Plot Overview part 1

By TruthJusticeSuperman - Aug 03, 2012 12:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

MY First Justice League Fan Cast and Plot overview

Plot Overview:

Sinestro and the Sinestro Corps are on an unknown rocky distant planet preparing for battle against the Green Lantern Core. Sinestro delivers an amazing speech on using fear and the power of the yellow ring to crush and destroy the lantern core. You then see flashes the yellow lanterns getting build up for the upcoming battle and you'll see flashes of different types of alien creatures holding onto the yellow ring. At the end of the powerful speech by Sinestro all the Yellow Lanterns raise their arms up cheering Sinestro. You then see them flying of into space heading to the Green lantern Core. Then it cuts back to Hal Jordan watching a virtual earth in the central base or the Green Lantern core. reminiscing about wanting to go back to earth some day. John Stewart, then flies to Hal Jordan jokingly talking to Hal Jordan about wanting to go back to earth.

Jon Stewart- You do realize that you've been staring at that thing for almost an hour right.

Hal Jordan- And I've been realizing that you have been slacking off lately after your long trips around the galaxy Jon.

Jon Stewart- Oh and I thought that you and me being the only humans here you could cut me some slack.

Hal Jordan- Being human doesn't guarantee you success here at the core Jon that's definitely what I learned over the years.

Jon Stewart- Do you still wish you could go back?

Hal Jordan- Always

Jon Stewart- But you have to admit that being here at the core and meeting all the different aliens (Jon Stewart stares at an Green lantern women as she turns and stares back at him) and alien women it kinda makes you forget about Earth.

Hal Jordan- Yet still at times you just feel a bit

Jon Stewart- just a bit lonely

Hal Jordan- It would be nice to return and go back but right now my job is to keep the galaxy safe and make sure you don't blow up the damn place.

Jon Stewart- Well I mean we've all had are mistakes with blowing up peoples homes and (Both Hal and Jon are interrupted by an emergency call from the other Lanterns and both Hal and Jon fly out of the main base with a yellow lantern charging at Jon Stewart and Hal Jordan getting hit from behind.

The battle is like an awesome seven minute battle with the yellow and green lanterns imaging hammers, swords, guns, battle armor etc. Sinestro and his core has laid out the destruction of the planet. Hal Jordan then stares at Sinestro in anger and charges right at him. They both have a long hard battle while exchanging dialogue at the same time.

Hal- Look at everything you have caused, tell me something are you proud of the way things are.

Hal- I remember you being a man justice and freedom you wanted to save the world, worlds even.

Hal- I thought we were going to do everything right change not only our galaxy but others too.

Sinestro- what makes you think I don't want that

Sinestro- that I want to change things for the better

Hal- What through fear and destruction this is what this ring has turned you into.

Sinestro- I made me realize what it takes to changes things ,you think that your little police force has made a difference, I realized that to make the world better is through complete control and power.

Sinestro- If that cost the lives of millions even billions then so be it

Hal- No !!!!!! (Hal Jordan smashes right through Sinestro to the ground)(They both face each head to head with their rings colliding towards each other).

Hal-We use to be friends, What happened to us

Sinestro- My friend died in his ship a long time ago

Hal Jordan is then in shock and aw and he is hit by Sinestro and is lifted out in space. Jon Stewart is then trying to help with the Green Lanterns fight back, with Kai-Ro seeing Hal Jordan being lifted up into space. Kai-Ro is wanting to help Hal Jordan yet Jon Stewart refuses to let him go out there and possible get killed.

Kai-Ro- Jon i have to go out there

Jon- Yeah and yourself killed out there Kai-Ro stay down we need as much help as we need down here.

Kai-Ro- And I can't just leave him behind out there with Sinestro

Jon- Kai-Ro I'm telling you right we need you Hal can handle Sinestro we need you here

(Kai-Ro then looks back at Jon)

Jon- Kai-Ro what the hell are you thinking right now, cause if your thinking what I think your gonna do then I think you should just
(Kai-Ro then leaves to where Hal-Jordan with Jon shouting out his name and getting hit by a yellow lantern). Kai-Ro then charges at sinestro fighting him with all he can give him. Even though Sinestro fights hard against him Kai-Ro uses will power to stay alive. Jon then fights of a yellow lantern then flies to space to help save Kai-Ro yet is again attacked by a yellow lantern. Hal-Jordan then imagines a firetruck and charges right at Sinestro. Sinestro of course fires backs and destroys the firetruck however, Kai-Ro then fires back at Sinestro, as both Hal and Kai-Ro work together fight Sinestro and getting the upper hand against Sinestro. Sinestro then hits Hal Jordan and Kai-Ro hits sinestro through the chest with his imagined sword. Sinestro with the last bit of energy he has imagines a sword and strikes Kai-Ro each one faces each other head to head with Kai-Ro coughing up blood. Kai-Ro then puts his ring on Sinestro's head saying the Green lantern pledge as he says Jon and Hal head toward Kai-Ro trying to stop him. Thinking that the collision would soon kill them both. As Kai-Ro finishes his pledge he looks at Hal Jordan and smiles as the explosion kills Kai-Ro and the ring and sets Sinestro off into deep space severely injured. Kai-Ro is not completely obliterated but is burned limbs torn and his eyes closed. Sinestro's ring is also destroyed with the rest of the being overpowered and beaten by the green lanterns. Hal is then carrying Kai-Ro dead in his arms with Jon Stewart following him in regret. It then cuts to a short montage of quiet,sad,somber music as the core put Kai-Ro in a cybernetic funeral casket with the core watching the casket fly off into deep space. You'll also see the other dead lanterns being sent off into space. We then see the Guardians of the Universe announcing to the core about the damage that sinestro core has made while it cuts to sinestro traveling unconscious hitting hard on an unknown planet. It would then cut back to the Guardians giving out the speech about the ones that they have lost. They then introduce Hal Jordan to the rest of the core ready to give a speech.

Hal-Jordan- In this unexpected attack by Sinestro and his core our planet has suffered huge damage (Hal Jordan breathes and pauses for a moment)and also huge loses. Yet the core is still here today, we still stand here, we stand here fighting for what was why this core was built. What I learned, to protect this galaxy and even beyond that. No matter what no matter how many we've lost the war goes on.

They crowd of lanterns then raise their rings in rejoice and cheer on as Hal-Jordan does the same. The Guardians then talk to the lanterns saying that they will begin rebuild the core saying that everyone will work hard as the rebuild the planet into a brighter future. The crowd then cheers on even louder. Sinestro is then seen bruised and broken in battle, he wakes up and is surrounded by tall hooded figures, they then carry him to a huge futuristic palace and is brought into then main building. Then is laid down in front of what seems to be Darkseid. sinestro then wakes up in shock and aw as he looks and stares at Darkseid. Darkseid then questions Sinestro who is completely powerless and is carrying only little fragments of the yellow ring. He then explains how he got here and the loss of his powers. The hooded figures then tell Darkseid how he should just kill sinestro already or make him he permanent slave or pet. sinestro then begs Darkseid kneeling towards him bloody and bruised telling him not to kill him. Darkseid then smiles and looks at sinestro.

Darkseid- If I choose not to kill you then what use are you to me, your powerless, bloody and bruised, you could barely even walk let alone crawl.

The hooded figures then continue to taunt Darkseid to just kill Sinestro

Darkseid then grabs sinestro by the neck

Darkseid- You've haven't answered my question, what use do you have for me exactly creature

Sinestro then shows Darkseid the fragments of his yellow ring

Sinestro- Give me back my power and I'll show you what I can do

Darkseid- How do I know that your not lying.

Sinestro-( Coughs up some blood) you think I would be lying to you right now.

Darkseid then grabs the fragments of the yellow ring as he is in aw of its power.

Sinestro- with the yellow ring I have more power then you would have ever thought, with it I could destroy armies of a thousand men, maybe even worlds

Darkseid- then it looks likes I do have a use for you, (Darkseid then calls out the hooded figures his minions telling some to fix Sinestro's wounds and the other to help fix the the yellow ring using some of the fragments. It starts to bring in the theme music for the movie and the movie title Justice League.

The movie then cuts a fully rebuild and formed and rejuvenated Sinestro and behind him was Darkseid own alien army preparing for war. Darkseid then walks up to Sinestro

Darkseid- Sinestro I gave you your power fully formed and gave you you a powerful army

Sinestro- Yes Darkseid You gave me back everything, yet I fell that there is a price to pay for what you have given me

Darkseid- Yes your gift will not be full given without interest

Sinestro-(He then bows in front of Darkseid) What do you want me to do Darkseid

Darkseid- For years I've have lived on this planet and have seen what I've accomplished over the years. The Greatness and beauty of this planet has made me the better man he then laughs or should I say God of this planet. It is time that I should expand my greatness to the rest of the galaxy and even beyond. You will help me accomplish my goal with you power and my army we could conquer worlds beyond our imagination.

Sinestro- what if I do complete this task, what do I get in return

Darkseid- Then you the Guardian's heads on a platter right in front of you

Sinestro then looks at the large army and smiles while looking back at sinestro. It then shows a montage of Sinestro going out with Darkseid's army conquering multiple worlds.

He is then seen heading towards Mars where Martian Man hunter lives.

Martian Manhunter(MM) is seen inside underground hidden it a cybernetic cyber punk world almost similar to the one in John Carter of Mars. Each martian is communicating telepathically to each other. You see flashes of thousands of martians. talking and transforming into different kinds of alien type creatures. You see them wearing alien type outfits and costumes and little martian kids even transforming and flying around chasing each other. Martian Manhunter is a high ranking military officer and is seen wearing a military outfit in the main military base of the martians talking to soldiers telepathically. He then gets a surprise visit from his martian wife Celestra they both talk and flirt with each other a little while in the main base. MM then gets a distress call from one of the officers. Before he could fully give out the message he is killed by on of Darkseid's armed solider. MM then falls on the ground getting a huge pain in his head, knowing that the solider has died. He then quickly grabs his wife as they fly through the walls and into a secret chamber with MM telling Celestra begging her to stay in the chamber. Martian Manhunter then goes out to help the family's hide while fighting of Darkseid's army. Sinestro lays nothing but destruction and chaos to mars killing the soldiers and even the families that live there. MM tries hard to save as many soldiers and martians as he can. He then is in anger an disgust at Sinestro and faces him head one and his army. MM enters through his mind and controls him for the time being yet Sinestro finds a way to fight it and beat MM. MM is saved by his wife who uses her telekinesis to control Darkseid minions to fight Sinestro. Celestra then brings MM to the secret chamber. Celestra and the rest of the people all quake and shiver in fear. Celestra then tries to heal his wounds as the chamber shakes and pounds. The martian military officers then try to get people to further ground to the escape pods. Celestra carries MM down to the escape pods and puts him in one gently. At this moment in time Sinestro and his army have found the underground chamber and the remain g military officers are fighting hard against Sinestro. His minions destroy the escape pods while killing the the military officers. Celestra sees MM wake up and sends him launching out of mars. With him yelling at Celestra begging her to stop, He tries to move out yet Celestra uses her telekinesis to control him for the moment make sure he doesn't get out. The last thing MM hears his wife talking to him telepathically saying I love you. You then see Martian Manhunter being sent off to headed towards earth. As MM is being sent off he cries in tears for his wife as he gets a huge head pain signaling that she was dead. While headed towards earth dramatic music is played as he heads closer towards earth for what awaits him.

It then cuts to Superman in his built space ship similar to the ones his parents sent him to earth with. You then see him traveling towards a huge built of asteroids, remains, and debris. You also see a third part of a broken planet. Superman then activates the recorder and starts talking

Superman-Today marks my fifth exploration of my lost planet known as krypton as I have continuously looked and searched for krpytonian life or (He then pauses for a moment) at least the remaining.

Superman is then seen heading deeper into the mounds of debris.

Superman- From what I could gather from the reaming debris Krypton was at least the size of Jupiter with a an even greater gravity which could no doubt explain the origin of my superpower.

Superman is then seen with his space ship grabbing asteroids and debris analyzing it while talking. He then is seen encountering a large big S figure. He then steps out of the the ship with his spacesuit walking slowly to the giant S shaped figure. Touching it down gently and slowly. staring at it for a moment. He is interrupted by one of his robots telling him that there is an emergency down in the Congo of Africa.

Robot- Kal-El there is distress call in the Congo down in Africa.

Superman-I will be there in about 32 seconds(superman travels back to his ship)Are the rebels threatening the people's homes again.

Robot-No its seems as if they are in need of help.

Superman- Its highly unlikely 237 the people don't seem like the ones to pick a fight, especially with the rebels.

Robot-The people aren't the ones that are Oh no

Superman-Who is then?

Robot-its that tall jungle women superman

Superman-I've meet a lot of women 237 not one has ever lived in a

Robot-Its the amazonian superman

Superman-Except that one

It then cuts to Wonder woman with a crowd of African woman in the middle of a fire with the rebels being in handcuffs and tied to a rope. Wonder woman is then speaking in African to the crowd which is mainly fully of poor women with Ak-47. You then see flashes of dead rebels and some even being hanged on trees. She yells out with her sword to the crowd. Grabbing a male rebel and carrying out on his back similar to Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. The crowd of women carry out their ak-47's as wonder woman is about to throw the man into the crowd of angry women. Superman then comes flying in saving the man from his doom. The superman is shout almost a thousand times by the women yet do no damage to superman. He then removes the handcuffs from the rebel.The rebel first tries to escape yet is easily caught by Superman.

Superman-Not so fast its not like your getting off the hook that easily

The woman then yell and begin to charge at superman

Superman-Tell them to call Wonder Woman it wont do them any good

Wonder Woman then spits mostly in disgust and speaks in African to calm all the women.

Superman-It seems like you've been busy since I left Wonder Woman

Wonder W- How long were you gone ,cause the world seemed to miss you for the last couple minutes.

Superman-More like seconds Wonder Woman and also thought that even with me being gone at least one person would b able to help set a better example than this.

Wonder W- Setting example you mean by helping to liberate almost a entire country away from all theses scums rampage yeah I guess I have been setting an example.

Superman and Wonder woman are seen head to head with Wonder woman towering over Superman.

Superman- Through what murder and torture your no better then are

Wonder woman- I didn't kill any of them the women of this crime infested hell hole have and you know what they damn well deserved it.

Superman- Don't you understand this will only cause even more conflict with the people, they need better solution.

Wonder Woman- What have you done so far Supes all Big red and blue has your way really gotten you any closer to make things better. It seems like to me your no big enough to handle things here or should I say man enough to really change things around here.

Wonder woman then towers over superman even more with the crowd of women cheering on.

Superman- Wonder woman I'm given a chance now to let all of those men go at once

Wonder woman- Like your gonna do anything, Tell Supes are you really man enough to hit a lady

Superman-Who said you were a lady

Wonder woman then punches Superman far into the distance. With the crowd of women cheering on.

Wonder Woman- Hah I wonder why they called him the Man of Steel didn't really put up much of a fight.

Wonder Woman then grabs the man she was about to throw into the crowd she grabs him again yelling out in the crowd. Once she is about to throw him Superman comes back tackling Wonder woman and throwing here into the distance. Wonder Woman comes right back as they both fight in the air ground all over wreaking havoc across with superman his his heat vision ice breath and more. Wonder woman then pulls his he lasso and pulls superman on the ground. Superman then breaks free and uses the lasso against wonder woman and his ice breath to hold her down.

Superman-Sorry I'm keeping you hold for the moment now Wonder Woman right now you recklessness isn't work well here in my world. Your ways may work there but here reckless murder will only lead to more reckless murder. Hopefully you will learn something as you held here for the time being.

Wonder woman then growls and Superman yelling in anger.

Superman-Wonder woman I'm trying to help change to world as much you want to change the world. I hope this wont poison any relationship we had before.

Superman- No hard feelings right

Wonder Woman then spits in Superman's face, it then cuts to superman real sing the rebels and dropping them off at the African police station.

(To Be Continued)

Even though I am not completely finished with this story of the Justice League Movie I have other matters to attend to at the moment so I will conclude this story later on here are my fan casts for the movie and characters. (Sorry cant figure out how to put pictures)(Somebody (frik)ing help me!!!!

Superman: Henry Cavil

Batman: John Hamm

Wonder Woman: Gina Carano

Martian Manhunter: Idris Elba

Hal Jordan: Ryan Reynolds

Jon Stewart: Anthony Mackie

Sinestro: Marc Strong

Lex Luthor: Hugo Weaving

The Joker: Daniel Day-Lewis

Darkseid: The voice over James Earl Jones He did Darth Vader's voice for god's sake

Alfred pennyworth: Malcolm McDowell

Commissioner James Gordon: Bryan Cranston

Lois Lane: Rachel Mcadams

Perry White: Lawrence Fishburne

Jimmy Olsen: Jesse Eisenburg

Suggestions on who should direct the real movie

JJ abrams

David Yates

Peter Jackson

And if there is a God Joss Wheadon

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SAT - 8/4/2012, 1:15 PM
TruthJusticeSuperman - 8/4/2012, 2:19 PM
Thanks it took a while
SAT - 8/5/2012, 11:09 AM
I can imagine.
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