now ive only really played gears 2 but i know gears is a great video game and deserves a great movie franchise with great acting directing and producing
first of all i think that behind a great movie is a great director, and i think the perfect director for the gears of war franchise would be Michael Bay. Michael Bay has a talent for making great epic movies just look at the "transformers" movies and one of my favorite peices of his work "the island"
second i think that the legendary Quentin Tarantino should produce, Tarantino can bring the extream gore to the movie and he has a nact for making his movies stylish and independent
this is my dast for delta squad! more character will be posted soon
Gerard butler as Marcus Pheniox
ever since i saw gamer i realized that butler is an extream bad ass and a good actor. he could totaly fit the role of sargent marcus pheniox.
Mark Ruffalo as Dom Santiago
now i know most of you wont agree but if ruffalo just got totaly beefed up for the role and grew the thin beard than he would totaly be awsome as dom. plus its also a big switch in movies for him, i think its about time he turned into the total bad ass.
Tyrese Gibson as Augustus Cole
i think tyrese is a great actor and pull off cole's intensity and pull off the total bad ass he is perfect for the role
Chris Evans as Damon Baird
Chris Evans knows how to be the comedy relief and is great action i think he fits the role of baird
well thats my fancast for delta squad!! what do you guys think