My MARVEL movie plans for 2021

My MARVEL movie plans for 2021

In this article I wanted to explain what movies and tv shows would I do if I were the chief of Marvel Studios and how would I manage the studio.

By BaronZemo - Sep 10, 2013 09:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

It will be the origin story of Ultron but Hank Pym will not be the one who will create him. I guess the one will be Tony Stark, it has sense. I think that even Jarvis could be Ultron in A2 but I wouldn’t do that. If Ultron is not going to be created by Hank Pym, I would like Tony to do that. But I would not make Jarvis Ultron, that is a mix of things that have nothing in common. How should it turn evil? It could be like in the comics or Thanos could see that Ultron is a very powerful weapon that Tony Created so he enchants him creating a massive hate for humans inside him. Then Ultron would create Vision and both would fight the avengers, as well as Ultron’s army. At the final battle Vision would help the avengers cause Scarlet Wich would cast a spell that would wake him up and make him act like a normal person would.
Joss Whedon said that Hank would not be the responsable for Ultron's creation or something but I don’t know if he means that he is not going to be in the movie, cause he should, as well as Black Pantherand Wasp. I know that the Thanos idea is not very clever cause a lot a people propose that idea but it is the way go, this way, at the end, the Avengers could investigate a little bit about who is behind these attacks to earth, maybe even ask loki about it.

I did not say much in the avengers but i have some ideas for Ant-Man. It would be an origin story, of course, and a prequel to the avengers 2. The villain would be egghead, an evil scientist and he would be creating weapons for and Madame X, a russian evil woman, using Pym particles. In the movie, Ant-man would fight Madame X henchmen and then Egghead realizes he can’t fight him with bullets because these can’t hit him. So he builds some artifacts that create wind and gives them to a henchman, creating whirlwind. He has appeared in AEMH, in the invincible Iron Man and in the Avengers united they stand. At the final fight Ant-Man would become Giant man and Whirldwind would create a giant tornado in which he is in and they would fight. In this article i have my ideas it pretty summarized but Egghead wouldhave a bigger role in the movie. Other classic Ant Man villains are porcupine, a guy who shoots spikes, doctor nemesis: A man who can shink or enlarge, and he can change the weight of things without changing his mass or volume. For example, he can throw a normal basketball and have it strike with the force of a 100 pound object moving at a similar speed. Radioactive Man, or equinox, a man who has the powers of iceman and human torch at the same time. I like the egghead whirlwind plot but i would make egghead very creppy. With a tumor on his head (that is why he would be called egghead), walking with a cane, with a respirator on, grey skin and a very creepy voice. I wouldn't make a franchise out of this.

Phase 3 would start with doctor strange in 2016 (Or with Ant-Man, i don't care, that is not important). He would fight dormammu, baron mordo and the mindless. It has been revealed that these villains are possible villains for the movie. I don’t know any possible plot because I don’t know much about his “universe” (although I know the character and his personality). Marvel has revealed some ideas but I didn’t want to read them. I wouldn’t make a franchise out of this. As you may know, marvel studios has revealed that three more movies are coming on May 6th 2016, July 8th 2016, and May 5th 2017. If you didn’t, now you do. My doctor strange movie would be on May 6th 2016.

Next one, on july 8th 2016, Black panther. It would also be a prequel to the avengers 2 and of course, an origin story. This has some frnachise potential but I rather do movies of other characters although I am really excited for this, don’t get me wrong. The villain would be Ulysses Klaw and the more physical villain would be Man-Ape or Killmonger. I don't know if the solified form of Ulysses Klaw would work. I’d like this movie to really focus on the African tribe style. I want this movie to be really different to the rest of the MCU movies. And I would like the audience to see the jungle, all of the problems that the king has with other tribes and how the life of this hero is much different to iron man’s life for example. In the end credit scene, an idea that I had is that a servant of T’challa tells him that Tony Stark wants to buy some vibranium. I don’t want any Nick Fury there, he can’t enter into wakanda.

Next one, on May 5th 2017, Captain America 3. I would love Baron Zemo to appear. It could be either Helmut or Heinrich. And maybe with other secondary villains like Cobra, Grimm Reaper or Taskmaster (if marvel studios owns him, because I think FOX is the one). Maybe the death of captain America plot, with the return of crossbones and the Bucky Captain America. But I guess that would be a little bit hard to introduce in the MCU, it would have to be after Civil War right? It is very confusing so I personally wouldn’t kill captain because then it would also have to involve the reborn storyline. Anyways, the thing is there is a lot of possible thing to do in this movie. I really like Baron Zemo because he is an amazing character and I think he should be the main villain. I would also add some more shield agents like Quake or Mockingbird. Maybe even batroc could appear again. Cause he is just going to appear a little moment in Cap 2 so maybe he could appear a little bit again in Cap 3. I was also thinking about the super-patriot and US agent plot.

Next one, also in 2017, Thor 3. At first I was doubting with either doing a Black Widow and Hawkeye film in this date or a Thor threequel but then I thought a Thor movie would fit better with the rest of the MCU. He would fight the Surtur, very epic character and Beta Ray Bill, wich is also very epic. You have to admit that gods fighting and cosmic stuff and Asgard and these things are very epic. I don’t know if Loki cold fit there well but I am sure that a thor comicbook fan would make an amazing plot with all these characters. There would be like a super epic battle of the Surtur fighing Odin. Another character that I want to appear is Hercules.

Next one in 2018, Hulk: Gamma World, with Hulk, she-hulk, Soc Samson and the leader as the main villain. As you may know, Ty Burrel played Doc Samson in his human form in TIH aswell as Tim Blake Nelson, who played the Leader also in his human form. These characters have left a hole in the MCU, what happened to them? Specially to Samuel Sterns, aka the leader. His head mutated and that was the last time he was seen. And both actors want to reprise their roles with the gamma form. I am saying that this movie has to happen. Even Edward Norton said TIH is definetly intended as a chapter one.The plot would consist in the leader wanting to infect everbody with gamma radiation and this creates She-Hulk and Doc Samson, Abomination Scapes from jail, everybody is a monster, Ross finds an excuse to fight Hulk so he is also annoying around, maybe even Red Hulk gets created or even Absorbing man… so yeah, pretty epic movie isn´t it? I also had an idea of Thor helping Hulk fight Rulk but I’m not sure if that would work.

And in the end, also in 2018, Avengers 3 with Thanos as the main villain. The movie would be a GOTG and The avengers crossover. This way they would also be in Phase 3. I would like other cosmic characters to be there, like Captain Mar-Vell, Adam Warlock, Nova, The collector (a character who will appear in GOTG and has been announced that will also be in other marvel movies) and maybe even Miss Marvel cause lots of fans want her in the team. Aside of those characters, Doctor Strange would also be in the team and Hank Pym would turn into YellowJacket. The avengers would be in space but the avengers with space suits would be ridiculous so Doctor Strange would cast a spell so the team could breathe in other planets. Maybe the team in outer space could change radically the feeling of the avengers movie so a possibility is having them in out of the planet only in the final battle but if the movie is done well, everything can be done. Another place where I would like them to be is Asgard, that would be epic, maybe in the final battle. Thanos would get the infinity gauntlet and all. Plus, I would mix it with the Rangarok plot so this way we would have Thor believed to be defeated in action and we would have his robot clone in Avengers Civil War (which would be in Phase 4 and I will talk about soon). Rangarok is like a massive battle in Asgard, aswell as his clone, it is called like that, but forget about the clone, whenever I say Rangarok from now on I will be talking about the battle. The Rangarok battle in Asgard would be the final battle of the Avengers 2. I was also thinking about doing the Rangarok plot in Thor 3 but if this is done the movie would have to be in Phase 4, before Civil War cause his “death” would have to be before civil war but it would have to be after the Avengers 3 cause he would have to be in there, so that is why we cant have the Rangarok plot in Thor 3 in Phase 3, it would have to be in Phase 4 as I said, before civil war and after the Avengers 3. But I think having the Rangarok plot in the Avengers 3 would be better (think about it, it is before Civil war and Thor would be in The avengers 3).Why would it be better? Cause having Thor believed to be defeated in action in the end of his franchise would create confusion. Plus, I was thinking about Thor returning at the end Civil War so this way he would get “killed” in an Avengers movie and he would return in another Avengers movie so this way the Avengers would be an independent franchise with no need to see Thor 3. If you didn’t understand what I said it doesn’t matter, just remember that I would do the Rangarok plot in the end of the Avengers 3 and have thor believed to be defeaded in action, that is it. Then in Civil War, he would return, but I am going to explain that later.

Through all of these years, there would have been a TV show called Heroes for Hire. The main characters would be Iron Fist and Luke Cage, also Misty Knight and Jessica Jones. Other characters appearing from time to time would be Moonknight, Punisher, Daredevil and maybe Ghost Rider, who has also been in the Heroes for Hire. I have also considered this as a movie but there isn’t any space for it, it doesn’t fit. Villains: Bullseye, Jigsaw, Wrecking Crew, Kingpin, Boomerang and the entire Marvel mobster, cause Marvel Studios owns the TV rights of every marvel comicbook character. Yeah that is right. The TV show wouldn’t be for specifically for kids, adults could also see it. The main audience would be adults.

Phase 4 would start in 2019, with a Hawkeye and Black Widow origin story. In the film Hydra would have survived through the years after WW2, and would be now ruled by Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker and black widow would be one of his agents. Shield would have got created by Howard Stark and Nick Fury, like it was said in Iron Man 2 to fight Hydra. The timeline would be around the year 2000. Hawkeye is sent to kill Black Widow but he falls in love, I guess both would fall in love. Widow changes sides and helps Shield. There would be a battle in the UK so this way Union Jack could be introduced. There is a huge final battle in Budapest. This is right according to the comics because Black Widow first worked for the enemy and Baron Strucker was one of the supreme leaders of Hydra and was in the highest range when Red Skull died. This also follows the things said in the avengers about Black Widow and Hawkeye´s past and Clin’t mission and Budapest… But anyways in CATWS we are going to get more info about BW’s past so maybe there isn’t any sense making a movie because everything has been spoiled. But I really want this movie done.

That same year, Inhumans. Apparently there is a lot of people who want this done. They are like a team that fights cosmic beings.

2020, Namor the Submariner. I know Universal owns the rights but I guess they ill rebert back to marvel. He would fight the forces of of Atumma and Tiger Shark, who is a very cool character. This movie would be a Thor kind of movie. A guy who lives in an unknown kingdom and sometimes goes to earth end everything.

That same year, a Miss Marvel movie, cause a lot of fans also want it. Or a Guardians of the Galaxy sequel. If Namor stays at universal i would do the Miss marvel instead and then the Gotg sequel.

And these two years there would have been a TV show called the runaways. Yes. I’m sure some of you will not know them if you don’t it doesn’t matter. This is also for the fans. I am trying to put everything so nobody gets sad. Then, finally, in 2021 Civil War and everything ends. I’m sure right now you are like: what about Daredevil? Or Punisher? Well, I think that if you want franchises of these characters is better to wait till this MCU ends cause if you do a DD, Punisher or Ghost Rider Movie in Phase 4, for example, the MCU would end in a couple of years and these franchises would have to be rebooted all over again. And there couldn’t be other TV shows because we would alredy have the Runaways and maybe Heroes for Hire if it hasn’t ended. But I guess agents of shield would have ended. But hey, if you don’t want to wait it is okay, I don’t care, I just thought that maybe you would rather this. These movies are not very expensive to make. Anyways I alredy introduced Punsher, DFaredevil, Moonkight and Ghost Rider in the Heroes for HireTV show so this way they also exist in this universe and they can be in Civil War.

Now for Civil War, as I said in 2021. Characters: Iron Man, Cap, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor’s clone, she-Hulk, Doc Samson, Black Panther, YellowJacket, Wasp, Doctor Strange, The Inhumans, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Misty Knight, Namor and his army, Miss Marvel, Moonkight, Punisher, Daredevil, Falcon, Union Jack, Winter Soldier, Quake, Mockingbird, Vision, Quiksilver, Scarlet Witch, Hercules, Shield, Nova and Captain Marvel. Also some other characters that would have appeared in the Miss Marvel movie, in Heroes for Hire and in the Inhumans. Also some more characters that would have appeared in agents of shield. I have an idea for Agents of shield, they investigate the new, the strange, the unknown, right? So I would introduce Blade and Tigra in the TV show so they could also be in Civil War. They fit well in the TV show. I also wouldn’t do a Blade Movie for the same reason of daredevil, Punisher and these guys. I don’t really know if Ghost Rider would fit there aswell as the Hulk. Sony and Marvel would have a long long chat and they would share spiderman for this movie and Iron spider would be introduced. I would also add villains like Radioactive Man, Abomination, Whirlwind, Baron Zemo, Crossbones, Bullseye, Wrecking Crew, Boomerang, Absorbing man, Batroc, Extremis people… etc. And also some spiderman villains. If Abomination is in there Hulk could also be in there. FOX doesn’t want to cooperate at all with Marvel Studios although sony is open so the X-Men and Fantastic Four would probably not be in there (not because I don’t want them to be in there), but we don’t need them.

The plot would be the same like in the comics. At the beginning of the film I would show that the world is very changed and full of superpowered beings. I would introduce the young avengers like some kids that were inspired and also wanted to be superheroes. And Cloak and Dagger would existence would be explained. These characters would appear. I really want to show how big the marvel cinematic universe is and you know, the thing I said about the world full od superpowered being and all, I really want to set that clear, that would be the thing about the movie. Even a TV show would have emerged, the New Warriors. A group of noob superheroes that have their own tv show. This would also set clear that now there are a lot of random people in costumes. They go into a house full of extremis people and they screw everything up, they go in there without a plan and there is a big explosion that destroys Stamford. The government decides to create a law to control superheroes and everything starts. As you may know in the civil war comics, at the end, captain America gets arrested. I wouldn’t do it like that because is the end of the Mcu. What I would do is captain America is about to kill Iron man but Thor returns from his hibernation and tells them that what they are doing is not okay. Cap doesn’t go to jail and there is a decent happy ending for everything. The movie would be super epic and important, like the end of the harry potter films. I would also like it to be very long like two hours and a half or something. The final battle would be very long, longer than the one in the avengers. It would be like40 min long. End credit scene: The camera doesn’t move, it is pointing at an office with a table with some marvel comics on. Then a door opens from behind and a man appears. It’s Stan lee. He sits and blows. Then he looks to the camera and says. Nuff said. Everything goes black and it ends.
That is it people, if you liked my ideas hit the like button, tell me your opinions. Also subscribe if you want to. I wouldn’t do a GOTG sequel or a Quik. And SW spin off because the key characters for them are owned by Fox. I alredy talked about the punisher and daredevil so yeah I guess that is it. See ya.
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TTT0809 - 9/10/2013, 12:52 PM
Ummm.... WOW!!
QuinlanVos - 9/10/2013, 2:04 PM

I would like to see a Heroes for Hire Movie or AMC show created by the RZA. Check out the Man with Iron fist Gung-Fu & Hip-Hop=Luke/Danny!
BaronZemo - 9/11/2013, 12:37 AM
@MrSundayNight The thing is, there are so many moives that have to be done that there is no space for it. But i have also thought that a daredevil film does not cost much mony so... Maybe marvel could do three movies in one year.
BaronZemo - 9/11/2013, 12:41 AM
@MrSundayNight I am starting to think that you didn't read the full thing because i alredy talked about daredevil, punisher, moonknight...
BaronZemo - 9/11/2013, 1:02 AM
I think i am going to change the title
NovaCorpsFan - 9/11/2013, 10:53 AM
... Whoooooaa...
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