As much as I don't like the thought of them making this movie, especially considering they've already made four movies that should have followed this one, they are in talks of making an X-men: First Class movie. Now, done right, this movie could be EPIC. Yes, EPIC. If they can capture the struggle the very first members went through, this movie could bring piece in a lot of ways. As a lot of people know, X-men was created during a time where racism, and sexism, amongst other things. Were very serious in America, and Stan "God" Lee created them, kind of showing how people were treated differently because of how they looked or what they could do in this case. But, he also showed how valuable they were to society, and how accepting them could open many to barriers to a better world. In my opinion, this fact alone, should be the main point they try to make with this first class movie...not that they will but they should. Anyways, when this movie gets the green light and we all know it most likely's who I think should be doing it....lets do it.
Now, I'm going to start.
My first pick would eventually grow up to be the leader of the X-men. Now, everyone already knows my pick for this one, some disagree. But, I promise you he would be perfect.
Robert Pattinson as Cyclops.

Moving on, Miss Pheonix herself, the beautiful and amazing love of Cyclops life. She's a huge part of the X-men story. Now, I chose Kristen Stewart, as this character, in my previous thread. But, due to the fact that I think she would have a much larger part in this movie. I need a much bigger, and atleast slightly more experienced actress....
Scout Taylor-Compton as Jean Grey.
Next, we have Storm. Beautiful, strong, and really hard to cast. I chose this girl, because of her "chops." She's got producing, television, and a few movies under her belt. Now, I'm not saying they were big roles. But, they've been many, and in some cases very long term. So that should say something in itself. Therefore, I think she would do great.
Persia White as Storm...
Coming up in fourth place. lol. We have the brute and intellect of the group. Now, it was very hard to find an actor to portray this role. He's a very hard character to depict on the big screen. But, with a little help, and possibly some cgi'd limbs. I think this character could pull it off...I give you....
Shane Kippel as Beast.
..and last but certainly not least. We have the fifth person to our little gang here. Everyone knows, that with each movie. They bring in a new character..or two. Anyways, I don't see why this should be any change. So I'm going to throw my vote in, and cast the Dazzler as the fifth member of the original(FOX)team. May I present...
Alison Lohman as The Dazzler.
...I was also thinking in the terms of cameo appearances...who would be good? I thought about a few characters. But I decided on Psylocke and Longshot. Not so much as original appearances. But as people that have something to do with... well anything.
Emanuelle Vaugier as Psylocke.
and David Gallagher as Longshot.
Well in the immortal words of porky the pig. That's all folks. Let me know what you think. See ya next time.