Part 1.
The Beginning of a Hero.
So Peter Parker is a nerd struggling to live a good life. He's in love with Gwen Stacy who he is close friends with but he doesn't know how to tell her. So in the story Peter's class is going on a field trip to meet one of the Great Scientist Otto Octavius. Peter's all excited and when he gets there he plans to tell Gwen his feelings for her but ends up being bitten by the Spider. Later that Night at Osbourn Industries where Otto Octavius works Norman Osbourn asks Otto to make him a formula that can enhance his strengths so he can be stronger than anyone in the world. Otto decides not to as he knows the formula is not ready to be used and it could be fatal. Norman gets mad and he and Otto get into an get into an altercation which fatally turns Otto into Doc Ock.
While Peter is learning and adjusting to his new powers and finding out about the death of his Uncle Ben he decides to become Spiderman and makes sure no one feels the same way he felt after losing Uncle Ben. Doc Ock decides he wants revenge and is planning on killing Norman Osbourn for turning him into a tentacle freak while thats going on Norman Osbourn is developing a New Formula. Peter finally tells Gwen how he feels and she responds positively to how he has been feeling.
Doc Ock goes to Osbourn Industries to kill Norman destroying Oscrp alittle bit. Just before he's about to kill Norman Spiderman comes to stop him. Otto tells Spiderman this has nothing to do with him and they start to fight, Otto hits Spiderman and is able to leave jumping into a sewer near Oscorp and Spiderman escapes before the Police get there. Norman all mad decides he can't wait any longer to use the formula hes trying to create and ends up turning into the Green Goblin. Coming to the end of the movie Doc Ock decides to go to decides to go to Mid Town High and get revenge on Norman by hurting his son Harry, while Doc Ock is hurting everybody in his way to get to Harry Spiderman comes and the 2 have a clash were they end up fighting on the George Washington Bridge. Spiderman all banged up hits Doc Ock off the Bridge with SPiderman trying to save him, Doc Ock falls into the water. With that happening Green Goblin arrives and sees the whole fight and is impressed with Spiderman, He knows hes a teenager and while Spiderman and Doc Ock were still fighting decides to go back to Mid Town High to see if Harry's ok.

Goblin comes up with an idea to get Spiderman's attention and to also impress him, he sees Gwen Stacy with Harry and he grabs her back to the Washington Bridge. Spiderman all banged and bruised he hears a screaming of help from Gwen and hysterical laughing from the Goblin. With Spiderman realizing its Gwen he goes to save her but Goblin tells him to stop and they talk. Goblin tells spiderman he like the way he handles himself and says he has 2 options that 1. he can either fight him and let Gwen die or 2. Let him escape and save her. Goblin Drops Gwen off the bridge and Spiderman goes for her Goblin is surprised and says, "We'll meet again SPYYYYDAMAAAAN". As Spiderman is Diving to save her he cant reach her body to grab her so he grabs on to her and webs under the bridge so that he can pull them back up as that happens Gwens head snaps cause peter held on to strong to her hair, Spiderman not realizing brings her back to the bridge and finds out shes dead. Trying to revive her the Police come and Spidey leaves. Captain George Stacy is furious when he finds out that its his daughter who is dead and issues a search warrant for Spiderman. Peter is upset and vows to stop and find out who the green goblin is. They have a funeral for both Gwen and Uncle Ben and this is where Aunt May introduces Peter to Mary Jane. In the final Scenes Peter graduates from High School and meets Dr.Connors when he goes to visit the college he'll be attending.

There's a disturbance at one of the banks and it is shown that a man in Green is causing th commotion. Spiderman knows that it's Goblin and decides that this is his chance to stop him. He goes off to search for Green Goblin as the Police see him and chase him down and Goblin's Hysterical laugh is being heard in the background and the movie ends. Wait Wait the credits go on and after the credits Dr.Connor has an Experimental Serum from Osbourn Industries. He Drinks it and his Arm comes back but 5 seconds after turns into the Lizard having the lizard being the Main antagonist for Part 2 and Goblin still a minor Villain. So what do you guys think?
Part 2.
Kraven for the Lizard.
So the Story starts off hectically with a News anchor man saying theres a Lizard running the streets of Manhattan and people are running scared. Meanwhile Spiderman's on a rooftop looking for Green Goblin and also reading a headline from the Dailybugle newspaper saying,"Spiderman and THE GREEN GOBLIN New Foes to New York" Spiderman is mad, his phone rings and its Aunt May. She tells him to come home because its too late and shes worried for him, he tells her he's fine and he's working on school work so he'll need half an hour she tells ok she'll give him an hour and that she wants him to take a Taxi home cause there is a crazy Lizard running the streets in Manhattan Peter tells her ok. Spiderman jumps off the rooftop and heads to Manhattan where he sees The Lizard going into a Tunnel and Spidey follows. As he's walking in the tunnel where its very dark and hard to see the Lizard attacks Spiderman but Spidey fights him off and starts pounding on him until a Train comes and Lizard jumps to the other side leaving Spiderman to wait for the train to leave. The rain leaves and nobodies there. The next day peter arrives to his college and finds a newspaper on the floor saying Spiderman and The Lizard are in cahoots, Peter gets mad and goes off. At the Osbourns Norman is having one of his fazes talking to the green goblin in a mirror planning on capturing Spiderman harry hears his dad and wants to go bond with him after feeling Doc Ock could've killed him. As Harry tries to talk to his dad Norman ignores and says as Harry is just about to leave that he's nothing and Doc Ock should've killed him and says to him he should be more like Spiderman, Harry leaves upset and angry. Peter has lunch break for College and is planning on wearing the red and blue but he bumps into MJ who he doesn't remember until she reminds him that Aunt May introduced them to each other, peter remembers and they get to know each other more as they eat lunch together. In the Daily Bugle news its being said that Dr.Connors has been missing and nobody knows about his whereabouts. Spidey Swings around looking for Green Goblin but can't find him. In Australia a man named Kraven the Hunter is watching CNN news and sees The Lizard causing mayhem in Manhattan he decides he'll be going to New York to defeat the creature as he thinks it will be his best defeat ever. Aunt May warns Peter that she doesn't want him to stay out late because its too dangerous and with all the deaths around them.

The next morning peter decides to go to the Daily Bugle to get a job in photography but they reject his offer, he tells Betty Brant to just give J.Jonah Jameson a couple pictures of Spiderman in action. Peter leaves and bumps into Mj again and they talk a Big explosion happens from a Bank, Peter tells MJ to find safety to hide she asks him where he's going and he says to call Aunt May. As he's heading to the bank Spiderman thinks its The Lizard causing the commotion but its Green Goblin, Spiderman gets real angry and wants to avenge Gwen's death Goblin sees Spidey and gets on his glider with 2 bags full of money. Spiderman chases him through New York and Goblin says, "YES SPIDA FOLLOOOW THE GOBLIN" this makes Spiderman mad and his Spider sense to tingle but he doesn't listen to it because he wants to avenge Gwen's death, as he gets closer to Goblin Goblin throws a Goblin ball and it distracts Spiderman then he shoots a net from his glider and it gets him. Spiderman is trapped in the net and Goblin grabs him and takes him to an unknown area. They talk to each other and Spiderman asks him why he did what he did and Goblin tells him he's sorry that he killed his little girlfriend but it had to be done to get his attention. Goblin beats up Spiderman a little and is about to remove the mask of Spiderman but Spiderman gets his strength and breaks out of the net, he starts to beat up Goblin almost killing him until Harry comes and says, 'What's going on, I'm calling the Police" Spiderman realizes what he's done and leaves. The Kraven arrives to New York on a boat looking for The Lizard. He sees a couple of thugs and asks them where Lizard is they tell him nothing excpet for saying he could get killed for wearing clothes like that in their town. They try to mug Kraven but Kraven fights them off and kills them with a Machete and sees a newspaper about Spiderman and decides he wants to defeat Spidey too thinking that beating both the Lizard and Spiderman would be the greatest defeat of all. The Daily Bugle runs another newspaper report saying, "Spiderman and The Green Goblin have done it again only this time they rob the bank". Peter is furious and decides to see Dr.Connors to ask him about his power forgetting that he's missing. When he gets to Dr.Connors the lab is a disaster and he remembers that the doctor is missing but he also sees an empty bottle saying Oscorp Industries Repitilian Experiment and Peter realizes that Dr.Connors may have turned himself into the Lizard. In the News its reported 3 thugs were killed with a meachete. Peter goes to school to the science lab to work on a serum to cure Connors which takes him 3 days. Kraven is still looking for Lizard and finally ends up finding him. He chases him and jumps on his back trying to choke him out but Lizard fights back. TV news crews and civilians come to watch. Spiderman swinging sees on a big screen in New York the two fighting and figures this is the chance to save Dr.Connors. Spiderman gets to the scene and attracts the Lizard to follow him, Kraven all mad focuses to Spiderman for interrupting him andthe start to clash. Spiderman is too quick for Kraven which gets him real angry and Kraven decides to pull his machete out on him and starts swinging. Spidey gets his abbs sliced up then kicks Kraven in the face and grabs Lizard and swings off with him. They go to an abandon area where lizard immediately attacks Spiderman tearing up his costume and all. Spidey fights back and knock Lizard out, He injects the serum in him and the Lizard turns back into Dr.Connors.
Peter take Connors to the Hospital where Connors realizes that he took the reptilian experiment but cant remember what happened after. He tells Spiderman that he's sorry and he thanks him, On a Tv in the hospital waiting room Kraven calls out both Spiderman and the Lizard t come back and that if they dont he'll machete everyone in he can find in Manhattan starting with a Red Headed girl which turns out to be MJ. Spiderman realizes he has to get there on time, When he gts there Kraven has MJ who is crying by the throat with the Machete at her head. Spiderman tells him to stop and makes a wise crack joke saying he could get the Lizard so he'll have to deal with the spider.Kraven and Spiderman until Spiderman defeats him, he tells MJ to go home and Captain Stacy arrives with the police to arrest both Kraven and Spiderman telling Spiderman to wait and that he's under arrest, Spidey says no can do will have to do this next time when my costume is in good condition. They arrest Kraven with Captain Stacy still not satisfied of the fact that he thinks Spidey killed his daughter. The next day Peter is home and Aunt May is glad that he's safe and warns him not to stay out late anymore under any circumstances, peter agrees and MJ comes over. She tells him how much she likes him and the only person she could think of when she was about to get killed by Kraven was him and Peter looks surprised and they kiss. Peter tells her that he doesnt want her to get hurt because of who he is, not knowing he's Spiderman she just says,"Puny Parker can never hurt me" Peter recieves a call from the daily Bugle saying they want more pictures of Spiderman. MJ says, "Go gettem Tiger" and peter leaves Swinging in New York and thats the End of the movie. Wait wait the credits go on and after the credits Spiderman is finished taking pictures of himself and lands on a rooftop to take his costume off, across from another building Green Goblin is seen with a scope spying on Spiderman as he removes his mask it is revealed to Goblin that Peter Parker is Spiderman.

Part 3.
The Showdown.
So in the beginning Norman Osbourn is in having a faze with the green goblin the mirror. He tells Norman that he must kill Spiderman because if he doesn't he'll find out who he is and kill him first. Norman agrees and they make plans to kill Peter. Mean while Peter is in J. Jonah Jamesons office giving picture, he tries to tell Jameson that Spiderman is a good man but he doesnt listen and threatens to fire him Peter asks him not to and Jameson says just keep bringing in pics and he'll be working there for a long time. Peter runs into Harry Osbourn and they begin to hang out harry tells Peter he hates Spiderman because his father has not been the same since he showed up at Mid Town High he leaves saying he wishes someone would take out Spiderman.
Captain Stacy is depressed and angry due to the fact he thinks Spiderman is the reason his daughter is dead he gets drunk in a bar and gets into a fight with a gang, they beat him up and leave him bloody and bruised. Spiderman comes into action and fights them off he then takes Captain Stacy to the Hospital were Doctors blame him for what has happened. Police chase Spidey and he leaves going back home.
Peter gets back home sneaking into his attic were MJ is waiting for him. He tells her how depressing it is being Spiderman, she gets annoyed with all the Spidey talk and starts to make out with Peter. Peter tries to go all the way but ends up not when MJ pushes him off and says its getting late. Aunt May wonders whats going on in the attic and calls for Peter Peter hides the costume in a trunk and MJ leaves through the attic window with Aunt May getting upset emotionally after seeing some of Uncle Ben's stuff in the attic.
The next morning in the Daily Bugle newspaper it reports that Spiderman tries to kill Captain Stacy. Peter gets mad and Swings around as Spiderman checking up on Dr.Connors and looking for Green Goblin. Norman looks for Harry and tells him he's sorry for what he said to him the last time he talked and that he didn't mean it he was only stressed. He asks him about Peter Parker and if they are close they are as friends, Harry tells them they're nt best firends but they're friends and gives his dad more information on Peter and how he lives with Aunt May and is dating MJ.
Harry asks his father why he's so interested in Peter and Norman tells him that he and his Aunt are trying to take him to court after the little spiderman bite incidents. Harry goes out to look for Peter to confront him when he finds him they fight with Harry beating him down peter and peter not revealing his true strengths. Green Goblin watches the whole fight with his scope and is unsure if Peter is exactly Spiderman and if he was playing dress up.
Captain Stacy is back from the hospital and has a press interview saying that he doesn't remember what happened but he knows Spiderman tried to kill him like he killed his daughter and tells New York to find, capture Spiderman and bring him to him at all means or hell will break loose if he's still out there.
Peter and MJ are out on there first date and Peter is talking about Spiderman and how he's stressed out with everybody hating Spiderman, MJ gets fed up and tells him shes had enough of all the Spiderman talk and tells him to either give up Spiderman or to not talk about him anymore to her. She leaves angry with peter Confused.
While MJ and Peter have their dinner Aunt May is walking home from grocery shopping just before she gets around her lawn her house blows up and she falls to the floor recieving a Heart attack. With that happening she can not see very clearly as the pain is too much for her and someone comes to her saying tell Spiderman that he will soon be dead and Aunt May passes out.
Aunt May wakes up with Peter crying at her side. She tells him to stop crying and peter says he shouldve been home on time, she tells Peter to leave and visit her some other time as she is very mad with him for being upset that he should've been home on time because if he was home he could've died in the explosion.
Harry tells Peter he's sorry and invites him to stay at his place since his house is destroyed peter accepts and they become good friends. Norman realizes that Peter is in his house and is in disbelief but realizes that Peter doesn't know anything about him.
Peter Swings into the streets as Spiderman and the Police chase him down a bullets scrapes his arm but he is able to escape and heads to MJ house sneaking into her room. MJ all scared realizes its Peter and she patches up his cut and tells him that last time they were together she was too rude, Peter says he cant talk and leaves.
The Next morning Peter goes to see Aunt May and she tells him she's sorry and that she was glad he wasn't at home because she wouldn't be able to lose another family member. Peter is happy but then asks her if she saw anything suspicious. All she says is she remembers hearing someone say Spiderman will die and a Hysterical laugh afterwords. Peter realizes its Green Goblin and that Goblin knows that he's spiderman.
Spiderman looks for Goblin but cant find them so he decides to help civilians that are in trouble but they don't want his help. Spiderman on top of a building gets a Phone call its Mary Jane she's screaming telling Peter that, "he's going to kill her if he doesn't hurry" Goblin gets on the phone and says I know who you are and i know the people you love. He also tells him that its going to end the same way it began at the George Washington Bridge. Before he goes to save her he calls Captain Stacy directly saying that both Spiderman and Goblin will be at the bridge.
Spiderman hurries to the bridge where he sees Mj be held by Goblin. Peter tells him to stop and says he's already lost since he knows who he is. Goblin makes the same deal with Spiderman that he made he kidnapped Gwen Stacy. Spiderman man tells him no deals no nothing just lets her go, Goblin pretends he doesn't hear him and lets her slip saying, "Oops SPYYYDAMAN I guess you'll have to make a choice". Spiderman dives for MJ making multiple webs grabbing her, he makes sure she's ok and tells her to leave immediately.
As that happens Captain Stacy arrives alone and Goblin come from behind him kicking down. He reveals to Stacy that he was the one who killed Daughter saying, " Your Daughters death would've been quick and easy only if Spydaman hadn't been there to try and save her". Stacy tries to fight goblin but Goblin throws a Gobby ball at him burning him a little bit and knocking him out. Goblin then steps on his face with Stacy trying to say no. Spiderman comes and Goblin is holding Captain Stacy's neck where he says, "Spydaman I see youve managed to save the girl but you wont manage to save him," Goblin snaps Stacy's neck and also says in a rude way,"I guess he felt same fatal death his daughter had gone through"

Goblin laughs hysterically and gets on his Glider, Spiderman chases him and says this ends tonight no matter what. Goblin leads Spiderman back to the Osbourn's place where all the Goblin plans have been taking place. Spiderman and Goblin fight and Goblin beats Spiderman up then chokes him and says he going to kill him and everyone he loves. Peter suffocating webs a Goblin ball to his hand and hits Goblin in the face with it revealing that Norman is Green Goblin. Peter is in shock and Norman still attacks but Peter thinks off all the times Norman has hurt him and ends up almost killing him but realizes it wont solve anything. He is about to leave where Goblin says, "I wont lose SPYDAMAN" and his Glider starts to shoot bullets. Peters spider senses goes off and he moves out of the way with the Bullets shooting Norman in the chest.
Harry comes down and sees Spiderman and Green goblin again in his house but can't see Spiderman's face as he leaves quickly. He walks up to goblin and sees its his father and starts to cry. Saying to himself its all Spiderman's fault and that he'll make sure he pays.
The next month Aunt May and Peter decide not to fix up the house that was destroyed as Aunt May feels there are too much problems that have happened and the might happen there in the future. They go off to Captain Stacy's funeral and Harry is at his father's not far away. Harry meets up with Peter telling him he will kill Spiderman is it the last thing he has to do.
Peter and MJ talk and she tells him shes real sorry and to forgive her. She lets him know that every time they're together its always about Spiderman and that he never asks about her life, Peter understands and tells her he loves her and they Kiss. Peter hears sirens from a fire truck and tells MJ he has to go she understands and Peter dons the red and blue and Web Slings off with Aunt may and Mj walking home.
Credits start to run but wait wait after the credits it shows a few months later and Spidermnan is talking to some black guy. Its Nick fury saying he's been watching him ever since the bridge incidence with Gwen Stacy and tells him to trust him when he say he has his back anytime Spiderman says thank and Nick Fury leaves. All off a sudden Spidey sees a Big hard glowy rock. He goes up to it and Black goo spits on him turning him into the Black Spiderman and him sayin, "AWWW This feels So Good" The Movie ends and the Start of the New trilogy begins. So what Do you Guys think?
Part 4.
Enter the Venom.
So the movie starts with reports on the news saying Spiderman has gotten himself a new look but is still wanted for the deaths of Gwen and Captain Stacy and that there's a new Captain in the NYPD and her name is Captain DeWolff, She holds a public press conference saying she will find Spiderman and bring him to justice once and for all.
With Peter Parker watching he shape shifts into his Symbiote suit and Webs to Dr.Connors and asks him to take a little piece of the symbiote he had and to experiment on it, Connors agrees to do it and say he knows Spiderman didn't kill Gwen or George Stacy because if he did he would've kill him when he was the Lizard. Spiderman smiles and leaves.
Harry has now taken over Osbourn Industries also giving it a few touches like Osbourn Movie Industries and Osbourn News. In Osbourn Movie Industries there's a man named Quentin Beck who works on special effects for movies that are being made but gets fired when a movie fails to make money. He decides his life is over but realizes he's good at making magic and illusions. He makes plans to rob a bank but needs more technology as he doesn't have enough equipment to rob a bank and goes to Osbourn Movie Industries to get more. He successfully gets the equipment by making little illusions to distract security.
At Osbourn News new employee and top Photographer Eddie Brock is seeking to find Spiderman in his new costume and take pictures of him so that he gets a raise and puts Osbourn News over the Daily Bugle. Meanwhile Peter goes to the Daily Bugle to give picture of the new Spiderman suit to Mr.Jameson and asks him for a raise for getting the pics, Jonah says no and that he'll fire him if he doesn't give him the pics. Peter tells him he quits and Jonah says he will never work for Daily Bugle again or any news company with Peter responding that he's heading over to Osbourn Industries and that he's good friends with owner and shoves J.Jonah to the ground leaving Jonah looking stupid and upset.
Later Quentin Beck robs a Bank by making scary illusions sending everybody out of the bank. Spiderman arrives on the scene and meets Quentin but in his Mysterio costume, they fight but Spiderman loses as the Mysterio makes it seem as the bank is on fire and the Symbiote costume goes crazy when the alarm goes off. Spiderman realizes that there's no fire with Police coming in and seeing Spiderman, he gets angry and beats up all the cops that are trying to arrest him and he realizes he makes a big mistake and goes to Connors to see if he's done experimenting what the symbiote is.

When he gets to Connors Connors tells him what is and that it could be fatal if someone gets it on there skin, he asks Spiderman if he has touched it but Spidey leaves and heads home. Peter arrives to their new home and Aunt May asks him where he been all day Peter replies saying, "Get off My Back Old LADY!" leaving Aunt May upset and worried. Peter says to himself in his head that he wants to catch Mysterio and kill him for framing him but it the symbiote that is telling him this in his head.
The next day Peter and MJ have lunch and she tells him he's changed ever since he gotten the new suit because he quit his job and beat down the cops. The Symbiotes get angry which makes Peter angry and almost slaps MJ stopping just before he hits her and calls MJ the B word then tells her its over. MJ starts to cry.
Mysterio plans to rob the Bank of Manhattan to make more money.
Peter heads to Osbourn where he gives Dexter Bennett photos of the new Spiderman suit and is hired as the new Photographer of Osbourn News thus meaning that Eddie Brock is fired. Brock gets mad and leaves vowing to ruining Peter Parker's life. The daily Bugle is going Bankrupt as there main feature was Spiderman and with out Peter there is no way of selling news.
Harry meets Peter and tells him that since he know Spiderman from taking all his pictures that he wants to meet him and avenge his father. Peter tries to convince him but Harry ends up punching him, peter fights back with security holding him back. Harry says why don't you do me a favor and stop protecting Spiderman, Peter looks at Harry and then leaves.
Mysterio again with his schemes is robbing the Bank of Manhattan but this time his illusions make it seem like it Spiderman robbing the bank. When Peter finds out he heads to the bank with Mysterio using many of his illusions Spiderman tries to fight him and the Police not knowing who to shoot. Spiderman realizes that everything that's going on is an illusion and beats down Mysterio revealing to him that its Quentin Beck. The Symbiote tells peter to kill Beck but Peter fights the Symbiote in his head and decides not to and leaves with Police arresting Quentin.
Peter arrives back to Osbourn to give Dexter Bennett more pictures when he arrives Nick Fury is there waiting for him and he tells him there is something big going to happen and that he's needs him to join a team of Avengers that has other talented superheroes such as him joining already. Peter asks him why he should and Fury tells him he's been watching him making sure he doesnt get hurt. Peter gets angry and punches him saying where was he when Gwen Stacy died and Goblin tried to kill him.
Peter leaves swinging off as Spiderman remembering all the people he's hurt and realizes that the symbiote is what is making him what he is. Spiderman remembers that the alarm at the bank made the Symbiote go crazy. Spiderman sees a church with a bell and goes off to get rid of the suit once and for all. As he gets there the symbiote tries to fight him innerly but Peter fights back and hits the Bell making the Symbiote go crazy. He hits it a couple more time and the Symbiote cant take it anymore and leaves Peter. As that happens Eddie Brock had been following Spiderman in his car, he sees him enter the church and follows as he get in the church he sees Peter from a far distance and is wondering why hes there laying lifeless on the floor.
2 seconds later Brock hears a scream and he follows it, when he gets to the sound he doesn't hear anything. All of a sudden he turns around and the Symbiote has jumped all over him turning him into Venom.
2 days later Peter wakes up with MJ and Aunt May at his door, they tell him they are sorry for whatever they've done, but Peter tells them they shouldn't be sorry and it was his fault. Aunt May leaves MJ and Peter in the room saying, "No Hanky Panky". MJ and Peter patch thing up and make out they see a report from Osbourn Industries saying that Spiderman has murdered someone revealing it to be Venom to Peter. Peter puts on his red and blue and tells MJ not wait up it going to be a long night. Spiderman swings off getting ready to find Venom.
Harry is outside Peters house getting ready to tell Peter he's sorry but then see Spiderman come out of his window and the movie ends.
Wait Wait the credits come on and after the credits Harry is in his Fathers old lair and he say's to himself I should've done this along time ago and takes a formula that turns him into Green Goblin with the scene ending with the usual Green Goblin Hysterical Laugh.
Part 5.
So the Story begins with Peter quitting from Osbourn industries as he doesn't like what Dexter Bennett is doing with the company. He leaves and gets brushed by Eddie Brock who tells him to watch where hes going. Peter decides to go back to the daily bugle after in part 4 he quit his job and shoved J.Jonah Jameson to the ground, Peter is waiting for the train in the Subway when all of a sudden he hears people screaming and sees a big Black monster that is only seen from behind charge and push him in front of a train, Peters Spidey senses goes off when the train comes and he jumps on the front of the train moving him down the tunnel.
When Peter gets free from the train he goes to an alley and starts think to himself why his senses didn't go off when the Black thing pushed him but went off when the train came at him. He gets to the Daily Bugle and asks Jameson for his job back, Jameson immediately gives his job saying the company was gonna die without his photos. Jameson tells him he wants pictures fast and Peter hurries to get him pics.
Peter remembers that his costume was destroyed with the symbiote suit and needs to head to MJ's for the new suit she's making him. Peter swings quickly to MJ's with his hoodie on, she shows him the new suit and he doesn't like it but jokingly from MJ that was not the suit and she gives him a fresh new Red and Blue. They make out and Peter leaves taking pictures, all of a sudden Spiderman is being attacked with bombs.
It gets all smokey and Spidey waits to see who is attacking him, when he sees the person he cant believe his eyes as he thinks the Green Goblin has returned. They fight and Goblin says to him I still know who you are getting peter all worried. Spiderman tries webbing away and Goblin chases him with Spiderman ending up on Goblin's Glider. They continue to fight and then they fall of the glider into a mall, when Gobby gets up Spiderman is gone and he screams, "THIS WONT END SPYDAMAN". People run away in fear.
Eddie Brock heads to Parker's house to kill him because now he feels peter has stolen something else from him which was a job t Daily Bugle because he had an interview with Jonah Jameson which got canceled due to Peter getting his job back. Also the symbiote finally reveals to Eddie that Spiderman is Peter Parker and that he wants to kill Eddie.
As Eddie heads to Parkers he knocks on the door and Aunt May doesn't open because she has a bad feeling but asks who's out there and Brock says its him a friend of Peter. May tells him he's not here and he'll have to come back another day with Brock responding ,"DAMN OLD LADY OPEN THE DOOR NOW". Eddie bangs and bashes the door with May getting scared and saying she'll call the police. The bangs stop and Aunt May cries when Peter gets home he sees Aunt May with MJ and he asks what happens and she tells him. Peter tell Aunt May to stay at The Watsons because its not safe Aunt May packs her bags and leaves the house.
Peter goes out as Spidey looking for criminals and gets attacked from behind but this time not knowing he was being attacked. It was Venom and Spiderman realizes that Venom was the one that had pushed him into the train. They have a big fight with people watching and taking picture. SPiderman is beating Venom and the Symbiote tells Eddie Brock to hold back and retreat. Venom runs away and Spiderman remembers that the suit and has a plan for there next encounter.
Peter delievers Jameson the pictures and gets a big raise. When he leaves he is confronted by Brock, Brock pushes him on the wall and chokes him saying that next time he wont lose to him and that he'll kill his Aunt. Peter realizes Brock is Venom and is in shock.
Coming to the end of the movie Green Goblin calls Peter and tells him to meet him at a Meat Packing Plant. While that's happening Goblin sees Venom and he throws a Goblin ball at him and a chase scene begins to the Plant. When they get to the plant Venom catches Goblin and Spiderman arrives knocking down Venom.
Goblin smiles saying his plan is working and Venom and Spidey have another fight but this time Venom is too strong. Venom destroys Spiderman ripping his suit. It is raining hard and Venom is beating down Spidey, Green Goblin decides to cut down an electric line at the Plant so that Venom kills Spiderman. When Venom see the electric line he grabs it and aims towards Spiderman. Spiderman jumps up over Venom webbing his eyes, he grabs the electric line and then puts it on the back of Venom's neck shocking him and the Symbiote. The Symbiote gets off of Eddie weakly crawling towards a sewer. Spiderman tries to stop it but it goes down into the sewers, Eddie is left down knocked out and the Police arrive seeing Spiderman. Captain DeWolff tells him to freeze and Spiderman says you can't shoot me unless I attack you for a wise crack joke and Webs off.
A week later Aunt May comes home and Peter welcomes her with MJ there too, they have a little party until Osbourn News reports there is a hostage situation. Peter tells both of them he has to go take pictures and leaves. Spiderman swings to the situation and the movie ends.
Wait Wait the credits go on and after it shows Harry talking to his Father and the Green Goblin in a mirror having a faze. They tell him to take more of the Osbourn Experimental Formula to get even stronger and kill Spiderman/Peter Parker. Harry Tells them he'll do it and that he'll avenge his father with the movie ending.
So leave comments on what you think about the the 5th and my series is almost done with one more part to go.
Part 6.
The Final Battle
So my story begins with harry coming out of a chamber and after in the last Part Norman Osbourn and Green Goblin tell him to take more of the Osbourn Experimental Formula. Harry comes out strong and buffed out and says "Peter is going to Die and I'm going to make him die slow like my father did".
Spiderman is shown swinging around until he hears a bank alarm go off. When he gets there he sees a guy in green and yellow, the guy tells him to back off and not to mess with the Electric Man, he starts throwing lightning bolts at him Spidey dodges them all and Spiderman makes wise crack jokes calling him Electro. Electro gets angry and starts shooting electricity all over the place, Spiderman grabs a fire hose and washes electro down. Spiderman makes another wise Crack " I guess Water's Not Your Best Friend" Electro tells him this is not over and that there's a bigger picture to this. "They're coming".
Peter gets home and wonders what Electro meant. Aunt May asks why Peter is so late. Peter tells her he had things to do for the bugle with Aunt may showing him a College report saying he's getting expelled for failing his courses. Aunt May is very upset nd she tells him if he keeps it up he'll come home to a locked door.
The Next Day Peter goes to College to explain as he is talking to the Dean there is an alert saying get out of the school. Peter goes to check and there is Sand all over the place. Everybody is running and Peter finds a spot to change, out comes Spiderman and he makes a wise crack joke saying to the Sandman "The beach is on the other side of Queens if you know" Sandman tells him to get out of that because he's look for Connors. They Brawl but Spiderman can't win as every time he punches him his hand gets sucked into his body. Sandman throws Spiderman into the Janitors room slowing Spidey down. Sandman looks for Connors but Spiderman comes back this time with a vaccum from the janitors room, Spidey sucks him up and leaves him for the Police. When the Police get there Sandman has escaped.
Harry meets MJ and they talk. He asks her if she knows about Peter and his skills. She pretends at first like she doesn't know what he's talking about but then decides in her head that they're all friends and it doesn't matter. She tells Harry how cool it is he's Spiderman and they come across a TV which says Spiderman teams with the Electro and Sandman New Foes to New York. Harry smiles and then say's to himself quietly, " My Plan is working" Mary Jane asks him if he said something and Harry grabs her arm twisting, MJ asks him to stop but he Punches her out cold.
Green Goblin flies to the Daily Bugle he threats J.Jonah to tell Peter Parker to take more Photos of Spiderman so he can frame him even more. Jonah tells him nervously he doesn't have a problem with that. The next day Peter arrives to the Daily Bugle and Jonah immediately tells him to leave and get pics of Spidey. Peter leaves immediately and swings off to pose. As he is swinging he gets attacked from behind and its Kraven. Spidey is shocked as he thought he put him in jail.
Kraven tells him there is something much bigger coming and that when he arrives Spiderman will have no choices but to give up. Peter thinks to himself and says first Electro and now Kraven. 2 days later in the Daily Bugle Newspaper It says Spiderman has kidnapped Mary Jane Watson and that he wants a ransom of 2 billion dollars.
Peter is furious and doesn't understand, he goes swinging off as Spidey and all of a sudden bombs are blowing up around him. Spiderman looks behind him and it goblin he tells Spiderman that it ends tonight, Spiderman thought that Goblin died and he says "Norman you don't have to do this, Think of Harry". Goblin screams hysterically and says' " You're going to have to this or She'll dieee SPYDAMAN, SHE'LL DIEEEEEEE". Peter immediately thinks MJ.

They fight with the fight leading all the way into Osbourn Industries. Peterasks him what hes done to MJ but Goblin just laughs and finally beats down Spiderman tearing up his mask and costume. He tells him that he's going to pay and that he's stronger than ever revealing himself to Spiderman. Harry tells him that he killed his Father the one person he loved in his life, Peter tries to explain but Harry says he going to kill him and then the woman he loves Mary Jane Watson. Peter finally beats down Harry and he explains, Harry doesn't want to listen shaking his said saying, "NO NO NO ITS ALL A LIE YOU KILLED MY FATHER", Peter explains that he would never kill Mr.Osbourn. Harry realizes and says he's sorry but immediately turns his Back on Peter Saying, " I'LL AVENGE MY FATHER ILL AVENGE HIM". Peter reverses his attack and Harry says if I'm going down your going down with me, Harry pushes a button on his hand setting off Goblin balls all over the building which have 45 seconds to blow up. Peter punches Harry a little and asks where MJ is harry replies saying shes on the last floor and you'll never make it in time.
Spiderman jumps out the windows shattering it to pieces and he webs up to the last level with 20 seconds left and he gets up there. He finds Mj tied to a chair crying with Goblin balls attached with 15 seconds left. Peter unties it safely and and gets out with her leaving 3 seconds to go. As they are flying down they hear Harry laughing saying," This is not the end PETA PARKAAAAAA". BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.
The Building blows up and Peter is swinging with MJ in his hand saying to himself why Harry? He takes MJ home and he starts to cry in MJ's hands. He tells her that he's losing everybody he loves in his life, First Uncle Ben then Gwen, almost losing you and Aunt May and now Harry. Peter says to Mj he wants to break up but she tells him no and that shes ready to take any risks that come along the joy ride. The scene ends with them kissing.

On top of NYPD roof Captain Dewolff and Nick Fury are talking. Nick tells DeWolff everything that Spiderman has done and that he is not a criminal. DeWolff believes Fury and drops all charges against Spiderman claiming to be a Murderer. The Next day its revealed to the Public that Spidey isn't a criminal and the charges have been dropped. Osbourn Industries is being rebuilt after the explosion but now Dexter Bennett the Head of Osbourn Industries has bought out all the shares Norman and Harry ever had and are the build is now being called the DB News Company.
Peter finds MJ and grabs her swinging off he tells her its time to celebrate and that its a new era fr New York and Spiderman.
The Movie ends but wait wait the credits come on and after the credits You see The Sandman, Electro, Kraven, Mysterio and Lizard all standing together. Mysterio says he's coming, the door opens with bright lights show not being able to see who's coming in. As they look at who it is the man says, " WE ARE THE SINISTER SIX and Spiderman will be NO MORE" revealing it to be DOCTOR OCTOPUS smiling. Movie Ends.
Did you actually think I was going to end the story right there NO NO NO, there's still one more left and its going to be great.
Editors Note: Please do not post six articles in a row like this, there are other people in the fan fic section who post articles. I fixed it this time, please don't do it again. Posting an article a day, is perfectly fine, you can even post two if you want, just not at the same time. We have to make it fair for everyone on our small part of CBM who like to contribute their work. P.S. Good story.
Guidelines to making a perfect fan fiction article.