My story of The Dark Knight Rises

My story of The Dark Knight Rises

This is how I predict the dark Knight rises will be but just note its a long read and kind of gets stale.

By Omegatron - Nov 14, 2010 07:11 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

The story starts outside of Arkham, there is thunder and lightning. Dr. Hugo
Strange who is walking down the hall of all the patients rooms. "Check, check, check", he checks down every patient that are in their room. A hysterical laugh screams all the way down the hall,"HAHAHOOHEHEHEHAHAHHAHAAA". Hugo strange begins to talk to himself,"The Joker has gotten madder then usual." Out of nowhere a growly, throat cancerish voice appeared "Everyday he thinks he's a different person, No matter what there is no cure for his insanity." Hugo strange is calm and tells Batman that he shouldnt be here and batman responds telling him he just has to make sure Joker is locked up safely. Hugo Strange pushes a button on his watch and a bunch of security guards with tasers and clubs come in. "THE BATMAN", the security guards scream. Batman takes them out one by one and tells Hugo Strange to get better henchmen that can actually fight.

2 days later Alfred tells Bruce that its time to leave the Penthouse because Wayne Manors is finally built. This is 5 months after TDK. Bruce is still depressed and is still thinking about the death of Rachel Dawes and the failed attempt of Harvey trying to change Gotham. "I thought i could give up being Batman alfred, but everything didnt go the way it was supposed to, the game plan was changed and it was changed only by one man. Gotham needs me more than ever and they dont even know it". Alfred looks at him with a sort of saddened face and then he tells Bruce that he was the one that made the decision to take the blame and from now on Gotham will hate Batman but they will also fail to see they need him. They head to the newly built Wayne Manor, Bruce quickly heads to the Batcave and Alfred says,"Didnt they do a good job on making Wayne Manor Master Wayne, Master Wayne, Master Wayne where did u go." Alfred realizes that there is a Green envelope at the front of the passage way to the Cave. He opens the envelope and reads it,"What suit of cards lays eggs youngest wayne" Alfred immediately goes down to the cave and tells Bruce the riddle he found. Bruce looks at it and asks Alfred what it suppose to mean, Alfred replies and says he believes that someone is calling him a coward. Bruce turns and heads to the Bat computer saying he has no time for stupid things.

"Master Wayne theres an invitation to Gotham cities banquet hall and you must attend" said Alfred."I have no time for dancing and introducing myself to people, there are more important things going on" Bruce rudely said to Alfred. Alfred then tells him that its a fund raiser and that it would help lots of kids if he atteneded. Bruce decides to attend and continues working. On the tv Jim Gordon is at a press conference where lots of news reporters are asking him when the Batman will be caught and put into custody."We are working very hard to capture the vigiliante, the crimes he committed will not be forgotten" At Wayne Enterprises Bruce and Lucius Fox are talking."I need a new vehicle, slimmer and faster", Bruce tells Lucius. " Mr.Wayne I'll see what I can do but i found this on your table", Lucius hands Bruce a Green envelope. Bruce reads it and it says,"Where am I in the night when everything is abandoned" Lucius answers the new constructed building right next to Robinson Park."

Later that night Bruce attends the Gotham Banquet and meets a girl named Talia Head who has an arabic accent. They talk about Batman and all he's done, they go back and forth on a debate on batman being good or bad. Out of no where a man bumps into Bruce and they look at eachother,"Thomas, Thomas Elliot" said a shocked Bruce."Bruce Wayne wow! its been so long, how are you doing" Bruce tells him he's doing ok but over hears one of the police officers tell Commissioner Gordon that theres a problem at the new building around Robinson Park and in code says The Dark Knight, Gordon and the officer hurry out of the fundraiser. Bruce tells Thomas he has something important to do and leaves, Thomas gets on the phone and tells someone that bruce is headed there.

"VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" Batman is on his batpod speeding away to the Building, taking short cuts and all he makes it there. When Batman gets in the building it is empty, he looks around and a voice comes out of the shadows," Ive been watching you Caped Crusader" A man in a green suit and black tie with question marks all over comes out of the dark and he says that he knows that Batman is indeed Bruce Wayne. Batman asks him who he is and the man tells him he wants his money to cure his cancer."Before I explain more about myself I would just like to introduce you to a long time "FRIEND"!Out from the shadows comes out a guy in a mask and trench coat."Well who would've known baby boy bruce would become the Batman" the man in the mask said in a similare voice as batman. He pulls out a gun and says "HUSH" bullets start aiming towards batman, batman dodges them and Riddler says to the man its time to leave. Sirens start to come and the building door gets kicked in, Flash lights hit Batman inside the dark building."Its the Dark Knight, all forces proceed to the building" Batman runs and bullets start flying in the building Jim Gordon scream for Batman to put his hands up.

Batman makes it back to the batpod where there are 3 cops surrounding the vehicle trying to figure it out. Batman takes them all out and gets on the pod. Police vehicles chase batman in a high speed chase. There are police ahead waiting for batman at the bridge, the tires of the batpod drives over sharp spikes making the batpod flip over and batman flying off of it hitting the floor. Jim Gordon and other cops get to batman, batman gets up slowly grunting cause of the pain and Jim gordon tells him its over and to put his hands behind his back. Batman puts his hands behind his back and grabs 2 smoke pellets, he then throws the pellets on to the ground and smoke arises. Batman jumps off the bridge and glides to an empty construction site while that is happening the police shoot at batman and a bullet hits him in his side. The police arrive at the construction site and they shoot a smoke grenade inside the place. Batman is unable to breathe as the smoke affects his lungs when he breathes and then one of the officers throws a grenade inside which angers Gordon,"BOOM" the grenade sets off and hits batman. The police run up to Batman and batman runs away knowing he cannot fight them off due to his injuries. Batman takes his mask off to breathe more properly. All of a sudden Alfred comes in a car and screams Bruce. He gets in the car and escapes the police look on as the car speeds away and Commissioner Gordon looks on with a little smile on his face.

2 days later Bruce wakes up not knowing where he is with a bandage on his head and he ask's what happened to himself. Alfred gives him a disgusted look and tells him,"Will there be a day that you can give up being batman for the night". Bruce is confused and lays in the bed trying to refigure his thoughts. Alfred tells him that a lady named talia has called and wants to go on a date. bruce thinks about it and decides to go on the date.

The man in the green suit who then reveals himself to be The Riddler is very sick and he ask's a doctor if he can cure his sickness. The doctor calls him by his real name Edward. "If it worked on Ra's and it will most certainly work for you."

A weeks later Bruce meets Talia at a famous resturant in gotham. He and her talk and she explains to him the word "Avenge" and how she would like to kill he man that killed her father. Bruce not having any clue on what she was talking about explains that getting revenge is not the way to go. All of a sudden a big explosion happens at the front door and everybody is screaming, Bruce looks around deciding if he should go and change into his costume."I am looking for Bruce Wayne". Bruce is shocked when he sees the man, the man approaches him and says,"I see you have met my daughter" Bruce and Ra's talk and Ra's says that his men are going to kill him right now. Bullets start boooming in the room and they hit Ra's henchmen, in comes Riddler and Hush and riiddler says if theres anyman that will kill Batman its Hush. Riddler and Ra's start arguing and Bruce escapes but talia stops him, begin to fight and bruce knocks her out with a punch. The Police and Gordon and arrest some of the people that were with Ras. Riddler and Hush leave the scene.

Bruce headed to the bat bunker whhich was his replacement cave in TDK. He puts on the Bat costume and sees a green envelope. The envelope says to meet at a warehouse, Batman makes it to the warehouse where it is very quiet. A voice comes out and says "SHOWTIME". Hush and batman start talkin and Hush reveals himself to be Thomas Elliot, Bruce is shocked and the begin fighting. Bruce is still hurt and from the time he was chased down and Hush is man handling bruce. Thomas then says he never liked Bruce as a child and takes out a gun getting ready to shoot Bruce in the head. A crash hits the warehouse and its the new batmobile which runs over Hush. Batman gets up and smiles, "The Tumbler would've done more damage". He sees Riddler running and takes him down, he tells him there would be no point in revealing his secret because he would gain nothing from it as everyone would be after Batman.

Few days later it is reported that Riddeler had been sent to Arkham and that Ra's Al Ghul had escaped. Bruce finally realizes that his life as batman will never end, the dtory ends with Bruce staring at the costume and Alfred in the background.

I know my story started off good but started to get bad and thats because I got bored with it.

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Hellothere - 11/14/2010, 8:45 PM
That's awful.
LEEE777 - 11/14/2010, 10:31 PM
KKKKwe @ Wow, why didn't you just finish up later or another day than just getting bored with it lol? : /

Thats what most of the writers on here do dude, you don't have to do it all at once, anyway cool.
ironmanfan - 11/14/2010, 11:33 PM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sorta great but for nolan no and you havent got the idea that the actors wont say what you sai they creat the charachter with thei voice etc
TheDarqueOne - 11/15/2010, 6:16 AM
When the Author says he got 'bored' it is pretty hard to take the work seriously. If you do not love it why would I?

LEEE gave some good advice.
supermaustify - 11/15/2010, 8:37 AM
I stopped reading after the first part lol... Batman had no real reason to be there other than to start a fight, or so it seems. And they're not henchmen! your treating it as if Dr. Hugo Strange is a villain from the start of the story with no motive at all to be one.
LEEE777 - 11/15/2010, 1:10 PM
DarqueOne @ Exactly lol!
FrankGarret - 11/16/2010, 3:46 AM
Yeah, that didn't make too much sense.
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