My Ultimate Cinematic Superman Film Cast

My Ultimate Cinematic Superman Film Cast

A Very oddball casting of Superman that I want to see how people would react to it.

By UltimateDCandMarvel24 - Apr 04, 2014 06:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
What Superman Means to me
Superman is one of the longest and most popular character known to man. His symbol is known universally. He stands for Truth, Justice, and the American way. Him and Captain America are the boy scouts of their respective brands. They represent what is all good and american. Their good nature is what makes them unique and special out of all the characters in their brand. Superman even is referenced to Jesus. Which was one of Grant Morrison's inspirations when making the highly praised All Star Superman.  Superman's good nature has also made him the hardest charcter to write. It seems that only a few were able to crack the code on the man who can do almost anything and can be harmed. Some writers turn him dark, making him a super powered batman. Or they try to come up with a more powerful villian for him to fight. If not for either of those options, they have Superman facing a really mediocore villian. It's unbelivable to me that a character who's such an influence in pop culture, can't seem to have that same success on the screen or page.

I mean what makes Superman so special. Yes, he maybe the first superhero ,yet what makes him as good a character as say Batman. Even Captain America has more interesting storylines. I mean hollywood has been able to do so many characters to great success consistently. Yet, we can't get our first American made hero to reach the success of lets say The Dark Knight. Is the problem the character itself? Maybe Superman is just too boring. Its hard to writea god like character such as Superman well. Other than kryptonite nothing hurts this guy. Also the only characters that can truly take him on physically is Doomsday or General Zod. You have a trouble of trying to balance out the character and make him interesting to people. Usually that is done with a great villian such as Lex Luthor. He is the total contrast to Superman. Same way the Joker is to Batman. Making Lex Luthor a man really does bring an interesting dynamic to Superman in the comics and even in the animated series by Bruce Timm. Yet, has not really remembered on the big screen that much. You have great actors portraying him, yet the writing is very inconsistent and makes Lex Luthor more of a joke to Superman. However, even with poor adaptions to the screen Lex Luthor is still considered one of the greatest villians in comic book history.

He is so great as a character he out shines Superman a lot of the time as far as being a more dynamic character. Some could make the case that his villians if done well are better than the character of Superman himself. Even his side characters could be more dynamic. Being the first superhero and a super powered Jesus, you'd think there would be more dynamic storylines from this character. Sure, there a some really good maybe even great Superman stories. However, compared to his DC brand characters and Marvel he brings kind of a yawn in terms of story telling.

Superman is also hard to adapt because of his long history of being this Christ like figure. He is such a [frick]ing boy scout. You can't really write him outside of those tropes and if you do your not going to get a warm welcome from Superman purists. There hasn't been a lot of alternate versions of this character. There's only a couple ways you can go with the character. The Christ side of Superman was really present in All Star Superman. There is also Clark Kent the DAily Planet reporter which is really present in Scott Snyder's Superman Unchained. You have very little options when writing Superman. Its why not everything he's in is not a slam dunk as you want it to be. So how come I'm so fascinated by this character?

To me what makes Superman so special, is not that he can leap tall buildings in a single bound or run faster than a speeding bullet. Its his heart and humanity that makes him more special than any other character in my opinon. His power exceeds the power of gods. He could crush you in seconds. Yet, the man would rather talk you down that fight you in metropolis. His morales are what every superhero follows. He doesn't need a cape or shiny boots to be a hero. If he wasn't Superman Clark would problem find safer ways to help people. That is his weakness the people, the earth , and everything around it. He never resolutes to killing or come close to that option. Honestly he probably holds back a lot of the time. He always finds a way. No matter how dire the situation may seem. I mean his an alien and he seems more human than any of us. Its hard to not see him as a good when he shoots the power of the sun from his eyeballs. However, thats not what he wants to be. Honestly, if we all just did out part in society Superman wouldn't be so busy. Yet, there those who will cheat there way into getting fame or money. He maybe an alien ,but maybe that what makes him so special. Being raised with the core values of doing the right thing is a very important lesson parents always try to teach his kids. However, being a high school doing the right thing is not the most popular choice at times. Kids slack off and do some pretty odscene or heinous things at times. Mainly cause they think its cool to disrupt authority. Its funny to me how we saw Clark in Man of Steel as one of the unpopular kids. Which is what he would actually be in high school. He would be one of the prep students ready to go to Harvard. He would be the prom king and Batman would lead the goth kids. He is always concerned about the well being of others than at times even his own personal problems.

He doesn't want to fight anyone. He wants to inspire us to be better people. In the same way Jesus was sent here to cure us of our sins. Whether you believe in God or not is out of the question. I mean there only three Gods I follow Superman, Joss Whedon, and Kurt Cobain. Also since we are discussing Superman, lets see what I think about him in the current DC Cinematic Universe. Also what the future holds for the Man of Steel.

My Opinon over Man of Steel and Future for Superman
If you read my last fan-fic which I doubt some of you did, I'd like to say that I thought Man of Steel overall was a big let down for me. I know that some may call it the greatest comicbookmovie ever. However, for me it really was a misopportunity to advance the character on the silver screen. I felt that it was a misdirection tone wise for the script to be so lifeless for a Superman movie. I believe they tried to do what Christopher Nolan did for the Dark Knight trilogy. However, instead of using the basic elements of that character and reinvigorate it for the silver screen. They just copied the tone of it and tried to attach it to Superman. I mean thats the main difference between the two characters. Batman is naturally a dark character. Some interpretations mayne lighter such as Batman: The Brave and The Bold. Yet, the origin of Batman is built on that dark, gritty tone. Superman's whole exists is hope and optimism. It just didn't work for the movie as a whole. However, by making it a darker movie it did really focus on the struggle of Clark being an alien. Also the struggle of the kents was really done well in the movie. On some parts making this emo Superman does help really get invovled with the psyche of the character. Even though we barely get to hear him talk at times. Yet, I feel this Superman to be boring, plastic, and with no charisma. I feel Henry Cavill has the chops to play him. We just need to give him a better script. I also felt a very underwhelming performance from Micheal Shannon. Also the excessive amounts of action that was at times unncessary. It seemed that they were trying to solve the problem of Superman Returns of having no action. I also thought amy adams was very held back as Lois Lane. I got a more lively performance out of her in Enchanted. I felt Zack Snyder was right for direction ,just don't touch a page on the script. I also want someone not from Nolan's camp to write theses movies. I also feel that DC needs to take a chance with somebody who truly knows and loves the character. I mean look at Captain America: TWS that was a great movie and its from the guys who did episodes of Community. They need someone who will not just make it look cool and cut a fine trailer. We need a person that knows how to handle the material. There are tons of young directors that could take on a DC property. I mean look at Jeff Nichols, what if he made a Superman movie.

No Lets Get Started!!!!!

Visual Effects Artist

Tim Webber
(Gravity, Avatar, Harry Potter: The Goblot of Fire The Dark Knight)
The SFX supervisor on one of my favorite films of the year Gravity and in charge of the revolutionary visual sensations known as Avatar.  I think that he will bring a new visual flare to Superman than the very tinted visual style of Man of Steel. I want to make this character come to life in the visual stylings of Frank Quietly and Alex Ross. Bright and bold is what I'm going for in this movie. And we need an academy award winner to get us there.

Executive Producers

Geof Johns, James Ponsoldt, Scott Neustadter, Micheal A. Weber, Zack Snyder, Max Landis David S. Goyer
(Chronicle, The Spectacular Now, 500 days of summer, Smashed, Fault in Our Stars, 300, Man of Steel)
This is a very odd bunch of people to put together. I choose this team because of their filmography and their styles each can fight for what I want in a Superman movie. Even Zack Snyder and David Goyer, each of whom I've had problems with, in terms of the end result of Man of Steel. Yet, I feel they can have some pretty creative ideas when it comes to Superman.


Mike Patton and The Grizzly Bears

(The Place Beyond the Pines, Blue Valentine, I Am Legend)
This two are again a very odd bunch. However, I feel they can give us a different vibe while watching the movie. Each are very indie artist who have great discography. Faith no more is one of my favorite bands in the 80s and early 90s. The Grizzly Bears are one of my favorite modern day bands. I recommend some of their film scores which are also great. They both can create something dynamic for a Superman movie.

Costume Designer

Joanna Johnston

(Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump, Cast Away, Back to the Future 2)
An academy award winning costume desinginer who has worked with Steven Spielberg and Robert Zemeckis. Two directors that maybe would have made a great Superman movie. She also has worked in fantasy with Jack the Giant Killer as well.


Emmanuel Lubezki
(Tree of Life, Gravity Children of Men, To the Wonder, The New World)
An amazing cinematograhper who has done most of the modern day Terrence Malick films. He is able to capture the old american terrain in such an imaginative and beuatiful way in Tree of Life. Which was the only thing good about that movie. He can really show us a unique visual style of Superman. I was also impressed with Gravity as well for its outer space scenes. Just can't wait to imagine what he would do with krypton.


Max Landis, Scott Neustater, Micheal H. Weber

(Fault in Our Stars, Chronicle, The Spectacular Now, 500 days of Summer)
With the knowledge of Superman that Max Landis has and the great dialogue and chemistry of The Spectacular Now and 500 days of Summer I think this could be a really awsome pairing. I want a Superman movie that has heart and hummanity. I feel this creative team can do it.


James Ponsoldt

( The Spectacular Now, Smashed)
A very small indie director who's great with working with his leads. He was able to capture some harsh realism in both of this movies while keeping heart and humanity within the film. I f think that with the creative team supporting him. James can do a ton with Superman.

Superman/Clark Kent

Scott Eastwood

(Fury, Trouble with the Curve, The Forger)
The son of the legendary actor/director Clint Eastwood, Scott is very much a shadow of his fathers legacy at least for now. I tried to find an unknown for this role since I believe that unknowns will allow people to just see the character not the actor. I think he has the physic to play him when he buffs up. I believe also with the director and creative team behind this project he will have no trouble handling the material. He is also about to break out soon with Fury 2014 staring along side Brad Pitt. I'm not expecting people to like this casting. In fact I think people will down right hate it. I'm really casting this thing on high risk and high reward. Hopefully Clint has rubbed off his acting genes on this kid right here.

Lois Lane

Mary Elizabeth Winstead
(Smashed, The Spectacular Now, Scott Pilgrim vs the World)
A very beautiful and good actresses. Who can bring the right attitude to play an amazing Lois Lane. She's at the right age and has the experience to play the character. She was great with Jesse on Smashed and I know she'll be great as Lois Lane.

Jimmy Olsen

Miles Teller

(Whiplash, The Spectacular Now, Project X)
A very charsmatic person on screen. Almost casted him as my Superman. Yet, I feel he doesn't have the body for it. I think that they'll give Jimmy olsen a lot more to work with. Maybe even make Clark Kent and Jimmy childhood friends. I feel that he has what it takes to bring a lot to this role.

Perry White

Kyle Chandler

(Zero Dark Thiry, The Wolf of Wall Street, The Spectacular Now, Argo, Friday Night Lights)
He is a very underrated actor with chops to even go up against Leonardo di caprio. He has teh age and comedic timing to play Perry White. I think he would be great

Cat Grant

Julie Bowen

(Modern Family, Happy Gilmore)
A great comedic actresses especially if you seen Modern Family. She may not have the boobs ,however I choose charisma and comedic timming over looks somedays. It just so happens that I choose today. She would do a great job with the role.

Martha and Jonathan Kent

Bruce Dern and June Squibb

(Nebreaska, About Schmidt, Scent of a Woman, Silent Running)
Both amazed me in the movie Nebreaska and were able to naturally fit in the mid west setting that they were. They both with the experience with comedy and drama can really be great parents for the Clark Kent in this movie. The problem maybe age for me ,yet I feel that they are too good as a resemblence to how the kents look like in the comics. I couldn't pass them up.

Supergirl/Kara Kent

Brie Larson

(21 Jump Street, Short Term 12, The Spectacular Now)
An absolutely wonderful actresses especially in Short Term 12. She was robbed from an academy nominated worthy performance in that movie. I feel that she has the depth to truly bring more to the character than what a lot of the comics bring. She would do an amazing job with this role.

Jor-El and Lara Von-El

Matthew Mcconaughey and Rose Bryne

(Mud, Killer Joe, The Place Beyond the Pines, X-men First Class, True Detective)
Both are really good actors. I think they each can give something dynamic to each of the role. I feel that Matthew's voice can really work for Jor-El. I'm not worried about his acting just worried about whether he's able to change his accent is all. Both I think are at the right ages for theses roles as well. I think they both will be amazing.

Lana Lang

Shaliene Woodley

(Divergent, The Spectacular Now, Divergent)
A very good actress who I think would do a great job playing Clark's first crush. A problem could be that she still looks like she's in high school which was the main goal. This is a character who I want invovled in Clark's early days going up. Since Shaliene has worked in coming of age movies before I'm sure this role will be a piece of cake.

General Lane

Robert Redford

(The Sting, All is Lost, Captain America: TWS)
One  of the greatest directors and actors of all time. He has always been great. Was robbed from an oscar nomination that he should have gotten. He fits the age of the character well for this movie and has the acting chops as well. This will be a thankless role compared to his filmography. Yet, I think its a one he'll be great in as always.

Lex Luthor

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

(Game of Thrones, Oblivion, The Other Woman)
An excellent actor who has the swave, charisma, and gravitas to play Lex Luthor. He is at the right age to play this role and I feel that with a role like this he could really break out in the mainstream with audiences. He'll kick ass in this role

Mercy Graves

(Hard Target, Kick Ass)
For this role I wanted someone experienced with action so I decided to pick Hard Target co star Yancy Butler. She has the look and with some trainers can bulk up a ton. She's already experienced with action scenes I think she'll do a good job in the role.

General Zod

Timothy Olyphant
(Justified, Deadwood, I am Number Four)
An amazing actor who hasn't gotten a ton of main stream success. I think that he has a ton of charisma and chops to play the powerful General Zod. I suggest watching Deadwood he is truly amazing in that show.


Myanna Buring

(Doctor Who, Downton Abbey, Twlight)
A very good actresses who has a ton of experience with action scenes. The hair color maybe a problem with others however there is a thing called dyeing your hair. I believe she could play Ursa with a ton of toughnesses and give Superman a run for his money.


Max Martini

( Captain Phillips Pacific Rim)
I remember him in Captain Phillips and Pacific Rim and I feel that he is physically capable of pulling this off. I also think what with Geof Johns as Producer he just like he did in his Superman: Last Son run will give this character a lot more depth in the script and Max has the chops to pull that off. He is also a great physical match for Superman as well.


Kevin Spacey

(Moon, A Bug's Life, Se7en, American Beauty)
A wonderful actor who was robbed of showing us what the lex luthor who could have been in that awful Superman Returns movie. I choose him mainly for his voice. I think that with Moon his has that balance of calm and scarnisees to play the pyschotic manchine Braniac.


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ThedamnBatman - 4/4/2014, 7:30 PM
Very well thought out fan cast, I love all your choices, just I'm not sure about supes, after having Cavill on the role, I think it's just hard for me to see anyone else play it right now. Great job, you get a thumbsup!
TheHero - 4/4/2014, 9:21 PM
This was really well thought out. However, like Axe, I can't see anyone else playing Supes.
But, great job. You really set the standard for Fancasts around here.
DaVinci31 - 4/4/2014, 9:50 PM

breakneckbeck - 4/4/2014, 9:52 PM
Lemme just start off by saying Nikolaj Coster-Waldau would be a freaking AMAZING Luthor
aevelasquez - 4/5/2014, 12:19 AM
I liked it overall. Except for Max Landis. [frick] Landis.

I've met several people who have punchable faces before. I've never met someone with a punchable personality, and this douche takes the fat ass cake. The man is the epitome of pretension. Hearing what few details I could bear about his idea for Wonder Woman was more than enough. The guy's got half the creativity of Dennis Dugan's left nut but thinks he's the second coming of Kubrick.

My ass.

That [frick]er was born on third base thinking he hit a triple.
UltimateDCandMarvel24 - 4/5/2014, 7:23 AM
@MrNiklander if he handle the material so well explain to me the almost hour long unnecessary fight scenes and destruction in the movie. Also the poor handling of supermans morales. who is suppose to save people but doesn't save one soul in that whole movie. also how come in the end where there is a morale judgement of whether to kill sod to save a small group of people yet he won't save the people dying in the falling buildings. There is also really bad Shakespearian type dialogue from zod. With a thankless performance from Michael Shannon and sticking Lois lane anywhere they could just because she's Lois lane. I mean non of it made sense in terms of the plot. I think Zack Snyder was fine directing superman its the writing that I thought was inconsistent.
breakneckbeck - 4/5/2014, 7:29 AM
ANYWAYS, back again,

Other than that there are some hit and miss parts, I can understand some of your gripes with the movie we were given, but I still think it was good enough to move forward with. And Cavill was perfect.

When it comes to picking an unknown so we see superman instead of an actor we know playing him the problem with casting Eastwood's kid is he's a spitting image of his pop and the whole time I'd just be thinking that kid looks just like frickin Clint Eastwood. I do hope the Eastwood kid gets some bigger roles though.

The rest of the and crew are not my favorite though. Especially McConaughey as the Texan from space and Kevin Spacey as another Superman villain even though I like both actors.

I respect the amount of work you put into this though. I'm glad people are so passionate about Superman. Hopefully his movies will just keep gettin better from here, I think they will.
Shadow11 - 4/5/2014, 8:57 AM

Not a bad fan cast definitely not bad but as for who I would have gone with as Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-El I would stick with Henry Cavill as Superman but hell Scott Eastwood he wouldn't be a bad Superman but just can't envision him as Superman, I could see him however as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern or even see him as Barry Allen/The Flash but as for who I would have also have gone with here would be Matt Bomer

As Lois Lane I would have gone with Rachel McAdams or even Olivia Wilde

As Jimmy Olsen I would have gone with Jesse Eisenberg

As Perry White I would go with Alec Baldwin in the role of Perry

As Cat Grant I actually like your pick of Julie Bowen she's actually perfect for it now that I think about it

As Supergirl/Kara Kent I would definitely go with Amber Heard

For the role of Superman's biological parents Jor-El and Lara Von-El I would cast Jim Caviezel as Jor-El and as Lara Von-El I would go with Jennifer Connelly

As Lana Lang I would go with Shaliene Woodley as Superman's high-school sweetheart but only in flashbacks though

As General Lane I would definitely go with Robert Redford any day of the week so we can actually agree on that

As Lex Luthor I definitely agree with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau provided he were to shave his head completely bald then if he were to do that then he would be perfect as Lex

As Mercy Graves I would go with Kristanna Loken, Ronda Rousey or Milla Jovovich

As General Zod I would go with Gerard Butler

As Ursa I would go with Diane Kruger or Alice Eve or Carrie-Ann Moss

As Non I would go with Max Martini too

And as Brainiac I would go with Hugo Weaving, Jason Isaacs or even Ralph Fiennes because any one of these 3 men in the role would definitely shine in it

But overall your fan cast definitely wasn't bad, it was okay, so out of 10 for me anyway I would say 7.5 out of 10
UltimateDCandMarvel24 - 4/5/2014, 10:29 AM
@MrNikelander first of all the avengers did address the fact that people died in the movie. Your telling me that zod and superman fought in an evacuated area when it wasn't even shown that people where being evacuated in the movie. Its surprising to me that such a dark realistic take on Superman has all these destruction and 9/11 type damage with people being covered in dust and rubble yet it ends on such a happy note. It just like they build metropolis the next day. Even if that place was evacuated wouldn't superman be a little more careful. Why does it seem that this superman only solves his problems by punching and going through things. There's no intelligence to how he solves things what so ever. I mean the movie was actually going somewhere but then just turns into this DBZ knock off. I mean so me a clip of people being evacuated to a safe place. Plus you can't say that those buildings were all of a sudden empty its just makes it an accuse to destroy hundreds of dollars of property. I mean if this is such a real world how come we didn't see Superman face the repercussions that he would have when doing something like that. I mean you have to admit while there was damage done in the avengers they were not as reckless as this movie was. Plus I also want to say that the Lois and superman relationship was very weak in the movie as well. I

UltimateDCandMarvel24 - 4/5/2014, 10:31 AM
@Shadow11 why wpuld you pick amber heard over brie Larson. I think that brie is a far better actress than amber who hasn't really proven herself in any dramtic roles at all.
HeisenbergSaysRelax - 4/5/2014, 4:55 PM
"suppose to save people but doesn't save one soul in that whole movie"
He saves Lois from that robot that attacks her, then when she falls. He helps get people out of cars during the tornado, he saves all the kids on the bus, he saves Chris Meloni from Faora, he saves the Army man who falls during the Smallville fight...OH YEAH and he saves the entire world by destroying the world engine and stopping Zod. So you're mistaken about that. He saves a lot of people.

However, Brie Larson is in this fancast. Brie Larson is easily my favorite everything ever in the world, so I approve of this. Also Max Landis is pretty [frick]ing awesome and I love his attitude AND he's also in this fancast, so this thing is just chock full of win in my opinion.

For those reasons, I'm not gonna be a dick and argue the merits of Man Of Steel. I'll let it go this time.
UltimateDCandMarvel24 - 4/5/2014, 9:11 PM
@MrNiklander I meant reckless in the fact that we say him go through countless buildings in the movie without any regard to anyone's safety. I mean you show me a snip-it of footage of police getting only a couple of people of the street. Well how can you explain the people in the building that was collapsing over them. How did they get out. Also its a huge contradiction for the movie to have it end on such a light note after all that chaos. Also Superman is suppose to save people. I mean in Superman Unchained you see him trying to help people get to safety from a huge alien attack. Or in Superman 2 where he's afraid of a couple of people in a bus getting killed. This Superman seems to have no regard for the safety of people. Also I didn't mean that Metropolis was build in a day. I meant it as a comment to the movie for not addressing how long it took to rebuild that safety. The consequences that Superman must face for not being able to find a better solution than just punching Zod the whole time. I mean we barely seem him get hurt in the movie. We just see a bunch of people who can't get hurt punch each other for an hour. It was like an episode of DBZ. The first half had a lot of heart and humanity. Even with some of the bad dialogue and very weird pasting, it still worked. Yet, the movie really disappointed me in the second half where there is nothing but fighting. No real development for Superman at all. It just felt that the movie just put in a lot of action to make up for the lack of action that Superman Returns had. Yet, we really didn't get to know Superman truly in either of these movies. Each barely talk or have any really screen presence. I blame that mainly on poor screen writing. I mean there's no reflection over the damage from Superman. I mean it feels that he wasn't array of where he was. All he did was throw himself at zod thousands of times in the movie. I mean it felt like Zack Snyder just let himself loose with the CGI machine on through that second half. I mean yeah Superman has been in some pretty huge fights in the comics and animation. Yet, it just doesn't register to me when I'm watching it in live action. And with the CGI looking so real and all the dust and damage looking so real and the movie having such a realistic tone, it bothered me that with such a realistic take on Superman they didn't handle that situation in a very realistic manner. I mean in The Dark Knight which this movie has very similar tone to it the city was in chaos because of 8 people died in that film. They wanted Batman to be convicted and get rid of him. People we feeling the streets with only one building blowing up. I mean look what the joker did with a couple tanks of gas and bullets. Yet Superman destroys countless buildings and there is no consequences. If your gonna take a similar tone and feel the the Nolan trilogy at least make it have the same consequences.
UltimateDCandMarvel24 - 4/5/2014, 9:15 PM
@HeisenbergSaysRelax I mainly was talking about the second half of the movie with the countless fighting. I know that he did save a couple of people in the movie before the big fight. The quote was a bit exaggerated I guess. Yet, it doesn't skew that fact that I think this is still the most reckless Superman I've seen in a live action medium.
CherryBomb - 4/6/2014, 12:52 AM
I like a lot of the casting choices!
They're very refreshing and not necessarily the ones EVERYONE chooses which is so good.

MCott - 4/6/2014, 9:52 AM
Matthew Mcconaughey is an interesting choice for Jor-El. He is showing us that he's more than just a funny man with a pretty face; he's a hell of a good actor. However, I think he's all wrong for Jor-El. I actually see him taking or more active role as a superhero. I don't know what it is, but I can see him killing it (in a positive) as Guy Gardner
Shadow11 - 4/7/2014, 5:35 AM
I would pick Amber Heard over Brie Larson for the role of Supergirl/Kara Kent because looks wise Amber Heard she would be perfect for the role of Supergirl and not to mention she is probably at this point more established than Brie Larson as an actress even though she hasn't had any dramatic roles but with Amber Heard she is a fan favorite especially for the role of Supergirl
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