A couple of months ago,I posted an idea of what the batwing might look like if Chris Nolan made one. Now I've decided to do the cave and other vehicles. Now first I thought it would be fun to do the robin cycle[if he's ever intreduced.] It would be like the same style as the batpod, but swichted the black colors for the red and silver.
Next up, I know that alot of people have speculated that scence in "TDK" the tumbler blew up, there would be a new batmobile. If this is true I'd sugest that it should resemble the classic 90's Burton era batmobile, but in the same style as the tumbler and batpod.
Now last, personaly scence in "TDKR" wayne mannor has been rebuilt, I'd like to see a finishd batcave but not the complete one because he's still at the early stage in his bat-years. So for example the giant penny and the dinosaur are not there.
That's all for now. Let me know what you think in the comments.