For those of you who aren't familiar with me, which may well be most of you, I frequently post articles in the fan fic section of CBM, most of which are on my favorite comic book character, the Punisher. But I'm not here so I can promote myself. No, no, I'm here to discuss a different matter.
Let me tell you a little story. While trying to get my brother to read some of my fan fic articles, he said no. I asked him why he denied me of this and his explanation was simple:
"It's about comic books."
I asked him why that mattered and he said something that led to my being here typing this article:
"Comic books are stupid."
Let me say, the closest thing my brother has read to a comic book is Marmaduke in the newspaper. For example, he believes that graphic novels are paperback books with sex in them which goes to show that he knows nothing about comic books.
Comic books are stupid? Yeah, just look at V for Vendetta, what a piece of shit that was, Watchmen, what a waste of time, and The Death of Superman, wasn't that just garbage? I'm being sarcastic, in case you didn't get it. Now yes I will admit that some comic books are terrible. But that is not the fault of it being a comic book, that is the fault of either the author alone or perhaps the company, which is much more rare. It took some doing, but I finally managed to figure out where my brother's "knowledge" came from:
Seeing bad Comic Book Movies.
And I guess that's where the main basis of comic book haters' opinions come from, seeing bad adaptations of comic books (Jonah Hex). But that is the thing that is so wrong about their views. They are merely adaptations, simply a group of people trying to take the best stuff out of a comic book and translate it to the big screen. They are not the comic books themselves. And, unless someone makes an absolute word for word adaptation of a graphic novel, which I find highly unlikely, that's what they always will be, adaptations. So I guess, in an appropriate reversal of a popular phrase, don't hate the game, hate the player.
So, in conclusion, while I don't mean to attack people's right of free speech (God bless America), I call for a stand against these ignorant people to be familiar with the source material before they judge them as bad, stupid, or otherwise. Hell, who knows? Maybe comic books will gain a couple more fans out of it.
Until next time...