The Batman Fan-Cast [UPDATED]

The Batman Fan-Cast [UPDATED]

Gotham City has a new cast, a new reboot right this way...

By Ryden - Jun 19, 2013 08:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Right off the bat (no pun intended) I want to apologize for some of these massive pictures. This wasn't intentional, I had no idea some of them would turn out so big and I honestly have no clue how to scale them down. If an editor spots this it would be much appreciated if someone can scale them down for me. I know that they're distracting....

Batman/Bruce Wayne: Matthew McNulty

Beloved son of Thomas and Martha Wayne and heir to Wayne Enterprises and it's fortune, young Bruce Wayne suffered a tragic loss at the tender age of eight. After leaving a cinema showing of Bruce's all time favourite film the 'Mark of Zorro', Thomas, Martha and Bruce find themselves in one of the roughest areas of Gotham City. Whilst heading into an alley for some shelter from the rain as they wait for transport, they are met by a man named Joe Chill; a petty crook who demands their money. Thomas tries to put the man at ease, but panicking, Chill grabs Martha's necklace and in defending his wife, Thomas and then Martha are shot dead. Chill leaving with nothing subsequently leaves young Bruce with the same.

Angry and alone Bruce swears no other child will have to go through what he has ever again. Beginning at a young age, Bruce begins to educate himself on everything from the justice system, to psychology to quantum mechanics. At a later age, Bruce travels the world training in a number of martial arts as well as other forms of fighting. He learns first hand what it means to live in poverty and begins to understand that criminals, even the likes of Joe Chill are themselves bred through injustice. After years of training and studying Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham ready to make the city a better place. With the rampant corruption of the police force and justice system, Bruce takes it upon himself to administer justice to the criminals of the city. Taking on the mantle of the 'Batman' inspired by a bat crashing through his window in the dead hours of the night upon his return to Gotham, he becomes a hidden protector over Gotham, it's Dark Knight.

Matthew McNulty, while not a household name, has in his short career displayed a strong skill in portraying flawed, complex yet charismatic characters. Not only is Matthew a perfect age for a new Batman, he bares an uncanny resemblance to Bruce Wayne and has credible, respectable acting credentials with a promising career. He is to me, the ideal choice for Wayne/Batman.





Alfred Pennyworth: Bill Nighy

Alfred Pennyworth is the loyal butler, confidant and father figure of Bruce Wayne. Born and raised in England, he started off his career as a stage actor and later became a British Intelligence Officer. Eventually he took on the role of butler to the Wayne family, when Thomas Wayne was in his mid 20's. Proving to be more than his worth Alfred became as much a member of the Wayne family as any other, and soon welcomed young Bruce into the world. Alfred cared strongly for Bruce, and their bond only grew stronger after the tragic death of his parents. After the incident, Alfred became the legal guardian of Bruce and aided him through this difficult period. When young Bruce began his quest for justice Alfred was at first concerned, but realising that Bruce could not be stopped in his pursuit, Alfred instead tried his best to help him. When Bruce eventually donned the mantle of Batman, Alfred, loyal as ever stuck by him and has become an integral part of the Batman operation.

Bill Nighy is an accomplished and well seasoned actor. He has played a Myriad of roles in his long career and would inject a unique sense of humour to the role as well as provide viewers and fans with a return to the more traditional take on Alfred. Nighy's versatility as an actor would allow him ample opportunity to provide more layers to Alfred than previously seen. The comic relief, the faithful butler and the father figure.





Robin/Dick Grayson: Max Records

Dick Grayson was a twelve-year-old circus acrobat, nicknamed “little robin” by his mother and the youngest of a family act called The Flying Graysons of The Haly Circus. Dick joined the act at a very young age, having been trained in acrobatics from birth.

While on tour in Gotham City, Tony Zucco a well-known and feared criminal within the city threatens Haly (owner of circus) in an effort to extort money from him. When Haly refuses to give in Zucco takes his vengeance through sabotaging the Flying Grayson's act. That night Dick is forced to watch in horror as his parents' high wire snaps, sending them hurtling to their deaths, all the while many of Gotham's elite watch on.

Shortly after the tragedy Dick was placed in an uncaring juvenile services system, on the grounds that social services was full. Bruce Wayne rescued Dick by adopting him as his ward, but the boy grew frustrated by the lack of attention from his new guardian and the mystery still surrounding his parents' death. In an effort to uncover the truth Dick sneaked out of Wayne Manor one evening to solve the crime on his own - only to stumble into Batman, who was also investigating the murder. After being taken to the Batcave, Batman reveals to him that he was in fact Bruce Wayne. Together, they succeed in revealing Zucco's complicity, but he supposedly dies of a heart attack before his arrest. Seeing a reflection of himself in Dick;, Batman made the young orphan the offer of a lifetime; the chance to become his crime-fighting partner. Dick chose the name Robin, after the nickname his mother gave him, and the Boy Wonder was born.

Max Records is an exceptionally talented young actor who is just the right age for a successful Robin origin story. While Robin is a character many fans aren't exactly keen on seeing, I would argue that with the right writer, director and of course actor, the story of how Dick Grayson comes into the custody of Bruce Wayne could be both emotionally powerful and provide the audience with a more human Bruce Wayne. Records in his short career has already shown he can handle complicated characters, and as such I think he would be one of the best choices for the Boy Wonder.





Batgirl/Barbara Gordon: Chloe Grace Moretz/Sophie Turner

The teenage daughter of Commissioner James Gordon, Barbara Gordon is a fun-loving and adventurous girl. Upon coming to Gotham City along with her father she finds herself taken back by the sheer desperation of the people and the level of insanity of the criminal activity. Expressing a desire to become a police officer like her father, James discourages her as he does not want to see her hurt or worse. Taking inspiration from the local legend/myth Batman, she dons a crude outfit and takes to the streets as Batgirl.

She surprises even herself with how successful her first few nights of crime-fighting have been until she comes across the Joker. Overwhelmed and forced to take on the unpredictable villain help arrives in the form of the Caped Crusader himself, Batman. After teaming up together and taking down the Joker, Batman sees potential in the young vigilante and over a long period of time teaches her and moulds her into a formidable crime-fighter.

Chloe Grace Moretz and Sophie Turner are two young actresses who both have strong acting credits as well as experience working within a massive franchise. Focusing first on Chloe, right off the bat the obvious thing that comes to mind is her iconic role as 'Hit-Girl'. Showing in Kick-Ass that, despite her age, she was more than capable of holding her own with her co-actors and gave a lot of personality to her character. I feel she would do the same with Batgirl/Barbara.

Sophie Turner is a little older and I liked going the route of having Barbara act as an older sister figure to young Dick Grayson, it also makes a tad more sense when dealing with the age of Commissioner Gordon. Again Sophie is no stranger to fantasy, portraying the worn-out, suffering Sansa Stark. She displays a great deal of depth and plays off her other cast members well, her Batgirl may be that bit more sophisticated and real.








Batwoman/Kathy Kane: Jessica Chastain

Katherine "Kate" Kane, alias Batwoman is the daughter of a prominent Colonel Jakob Kane and Captain Gabi Kane. Her parents were both career military and worked extensively with military intelligence services. Gabi grew up with her parents and her twin sister Elizabeth Kane. As her parents were promoted they moved to wide variety of towns and bases. Her husband was often away from home. The Kanes family moved to Brussels in Belgium, since her parents were now serving at NATO. The family however were torn apart due to a terrorist attack. Gabi was was taking her daughters for the day, they were kidnapped by heavily armed men from the Religion of Crime.

Military intelligence eventually located the hostages, and Jacob was put in charge of the tactical unit that was sent to rescue them. However they were too late as as Gabi had executed along with Elizabeth. Jakob rescued Kate himself, but she was traumatized by the sight of her dead mother and sister. Kate tried to please her father by entering the Army. Little is known of her life during this time, except that she had to deal with bullying based on her sexual orientation. Eventually moving to Gotham, and utilising her own riches, she began a career as a costumed crime fighter inspired by the antics of Batman.

Jessica Chastain is an extremely talented actress that, in a number of roles, most recently her role in Zero Dark Thirty, has embodied a strong, independent female character. She is heavily celebrated and rewarded for her abilities and is more than qualified to take on the role. Kathy Kane needs an actress of a certain calibre to take her on and make her feel just as important as the big man himself, I feel that Jessica is the actress to do that.





Azrael/Jean-Paul Valley: Evan Peters

Jean-Paul Valley, a university graduate student of computer-science in Gotham City, is unaware that he is the latest in a line of assassin enforcers for “The Sacred Order of St. Dumas", a sinister religious secret society. For most of his life, he has been brainwashed by The System, a deep level of psychological conditioning.

Valley only learns of this upon the death of his father, who was also his predecessor, at which time his conditioning is activated and he is called upon to take up the mantle of Azrael. When he is sent by the Order to kill a weapons dealer, a rogue member of the Order who had turned against the others and killed his father, he crosses paths with Batman, also investigating the death of Valley's father. He works with Alfred Pennyworth to find the weapons dealer after he has captured Bruce Wayne, using the Batman costume to kill the other Order members.

As Valley works with Alfred, demonstrating a detective's intuition in tracking Lehah's movements and later risking himself to rescue Bruce despite his traditional mission of vengeance, he is shown the error of his ways and decides to fight alongside Batman against the criminals of Gotham, rejecting his "birthright" and seeking Batman's help in breaking his conditioning to forge his own destiny.

Evan Peters, despite soon to become everyone's second favourite Quicksilver, is a very talented young actor who has all the necessary skills to portray the rather complicated character of Jean-Paul Valley. His role as the Cobain-esque teen sociopath in American Horror Story is proof of his versatility as an actor that would be needed in order to fully provide the character of Azrael with a substantial palette of emotion.





Commissioner/Captain James “Jim” Gordon: David Morrissey/Bryan Cranston

James Worthington Gordon is transferred back to Gotham City after spending more than 15 years in Chicago. A man of integrity, Gordon finds that Batman is his only ally against the mob-controlled administration.

Both of these actors are more than capable of portraying the Commissioner. Focusing first on Morrissey, he is a classically trained actor who has portrayed a wide range of characters from the troubled police officer Thorne to the the diabolical sadist the Governor. While he could easily make an amazing villain, I felt having an actor of his calibre portray Gordon would offer a new look at the character.

Now on to Cranston, a fan-favourite of course and for obvious reasons. Not only is he the spitting image of the character but he simply a magnificent actor who has even played Gordon before, albeit in animated form. Like Morrissey he is heavily versatile as an actor, and has portrayed a number of diverse characters from the iconic and viscous Heisenberg to the loveable and goofy Hal. He would be an incredible Gordon.









Detective Crispus Allen: Jessie L. Martin

Originally from Metropolis, Detective Crispus Allen was a forty-something police veteran transferred to Gotham City where he was partnered with detective Renee Montoya on the Gotham City Police Department's Major Crimes Unit. Cris had a loving wife and two teenaged sons, whom he put above his job and the safety of others when Gotham was in crisis. Crispus saw Batman as a necessary evil, not wanting to deal with him but tolerating his presence.

Jessie L. Martin is an actor who has played a role similar to Detective Allen before. It would not be much of a stretch for Jessie to portray Crispus, one of the few honest cops in Gotham City.





Detective Renee Montoya: Nikki Reed

Renée Montoya was a police officer in Gotham City. She was partnered with Harvey Bullock when she was promoted to homicide detective by Commissioner James Gordon. As partners, Bullock and Renée became close friends. After Bullock was promoted to Lieutenant, Crispus Allen became Renée's new partner.

Nikki Reed is an accomplished and diverse actress. Despite starring in some less than stellar films (Twilight franchise) her roles in films such as 'Thirteen' and 'Lords of Dogtown' show that she is capable of portraying gritty and realistic characters such as Renee Montoya.





Commissioner Gillian Loeb: Delaney Williams

Egregiously corrupt, Loeb openly enjoyed the company of Carmine Falcone and several other of Gotham's "elite," whether criminal or simply rich and apathetic. He hired then-Lieutenant Jim Gordon to the force, expecting that he would fall into line, especially after being partnered with Loeb's equally corrupt subordinate, Flass. When Gordon turns out to be an officer of integrity, Loeb expresses disappointment, but his hands are tied because several of Gordon's acts have been covered by the press and made him a public hero.

Delaney Williams is a skilled actor who could handle a rather minor role such as Commissioner Loeb.





Arnold Flass: John C McGinley

Flass was Jim Gordon's partner on the G.C.P.D. and Gordon's first introduction to Gotham's seediness. Indicative of much of the Gotham City police force of the time, Flass was extremely corrupt, often on the take for powerful politicians and crime figures.

While a minor part, John C. McGinley excels in most every role he has portrayed. It would be interesting to see him play this character in a full adaptation of Frank Miller's Batman: Year One.





Mayor Hamilton Hill: Michael Keaton

Hamilton Hill is a corrupt politician who ran against Arthur Reeves in the mayoral elections in Gotham City. Hamilton Hill defeats Arthur Reeves when Reeves’s "Batman identity" photos turn out to be faked. Unbeknownst to the citizens, Hamilton Hill is in league with the crime lord Carmine Falcone who helps him become Mayor.

Having Michael Keaton in this role would be more of a nod to the Burton films than anything else, but that aside it would be interesting seeing him play the scummy, corrupt mayor of Gotham City as opposed to the noble Dark Knight.





Joe Chill: Charles Baker

Joe Chill is a petty crook who after a life of hardship has turned to crime to make his living. The mugging of a life-time comes by when he finds the famous millionaires Thomas and Martha Wayne in a run-down alley with their young son Bruce. Attempting to rob them, Chill shoots and kills both Thomas and Martha and panicking runs off with barely anything, leaving young Bruce Wayne alone to endure the sight of his dead parents. While Chill has never been found, his actions that night have made him indirectly responsible for the creation of the Batman.

While he would only be a minor character, Joe Chill is a vital part of the Batman mythos. Charles Baker would make a great Joe Chill, the desperation, the neediness, it's all possible for this actor.





Carmine “The Roman” Falcone: Ciarin Hinds

Falcone virtually runs the city, with the mayor, city council, and Commissioner Lobe under his influence. However, his power base comes under attack by the new mysterious and upcoming vigilante, Batman.

Simply a legend of an actor who could portray the menace as well as the desperation of the The Roman. Despite obviously not being of Italian descent I recognised that Ciarin's abilities as an actor outweighed that minor issue.





Tony Zucco: Michael Imperioli

Tony Zucco is as a low-level thug working for the Maroni Crime Family. He and another minor family head, Edward Skeevers, are put in charge of drug trafficking. After constant attacks by other enemies such as Penguin, Zucco starts a new method of smuggling these drugs. He only lets Skeevers in on the secret, believing that its success will make their minor families greater than the Falcones and the Maronis put together, and attempts to take over Haley's Circus in order to use its trucks for his trafficking activities. He kills Dick Grayson's parents as a demonstration of power to the circus' owner, and then quickly goes underground. He is later found by Batman and Dick Grayson, who is not yet Robin, and is chased down a dark alley by Grayson until he has a heart-attack confessing to various crimes.

No stranger to the role of gangsters, Michael Imperioli would be well suited to the role of Tony Zucco. Zucco is malicious and vile yet also a bit of a weasel, I think Imperioli could play that role excellently and seeing him square off against the young Max Records as Robin would be a nice, interesting dynamic.





Holiday Killer/Alberto Falcone: Ben Wishaw

Alberto Falcone was one of the sons of Carmine Falcone, born into wealth of a criminal empire. However, he received little respect from his family, ignored by his father and sent to Oxford for college. Eventually growing tired of his rejection from his Mafioso family, Alberto began murdering different members of organised crime families including his own on different Holidays and was labelled by the media as “The Holiday Killer”.

Ben Wishaw is a rising star who is continually improving upon his skills as an actor. He looks very similar to Alberto Falcone and could portray the Holiday Killer well on screen.





Penguin/Oswald Cobblepot: Mark Addy

Born Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, the Penguin was bullied as a child for his short stature, and weight. As a child, Cobblepot was forced to always carry an umbrella by his overprotective mother due to his father's death from pneumonia after a drenching. His mother owned pet birds that Cobblepot lavished with attention, his only friends. Cobblepot turned to crime after his mother died at a fairly young age. The Penguin pursues his criminal career with class.

Outraged at the rejection from fellow criminals who labelled him “penguin”, he resolved to make "the Penguin" a name to fear and the umbrella a fearsome weapon.

Mark Addy is a massively underrated actor who from time to time gets moments to shine. Most probably recognise him as King Robert Baratheon from Game of Thrones. I think he would make an excellent Oswald Cobblepot and would love to see him go from the smooth, wealthy owner of the Iceberg Lounge to the raging lunatic with trick umbrellas.





Calender Man/Julian Gregory Day: John Ventimigilia

Calendar Man is fascinated by dates and calendars – even his real name is a play on the Julian and Gregorian calendars. His crimes always have a relationship to the date that they are committed. The theme may be related to what day of the week it is or to a holiday or to a special anniversary on that date; he will plan his crime around that day. He often wears different costumes which correspond to the significance of the date, though he does have a main costume which has various numbers (meant to represent days on a calendar) sprouting from the shoulders.

John is another underrated actor who has provided brilliant performances on the hit TV show the Sopranos. I think John has it in him to portray an insane villain, and Calendar Man would be an interesting character for him to play.





Black Mask/Roman Sionis: Jeremy Sisto

Young Roman Sionis came from a rich family, his father a successful industrialist. His parents would drag him around to parties, and force him to be friends with the children of other wealthy Gothamites like the young Bruce Wayne. His parents hated other people like the Waynes though, but put on almost social masks in public to seem like more charming people. Roman hated the masks his parents wore. He would later inherit the prosperous Janus Cosmetics Corporation after his parents died in a suspicious fire. Roman quickly drove the company into the ground, leaving the company open to a Wayne Industries buyout. Driven mad by losing his legacy, he turned his hatred on Bruce Wayne.

Donning a mask carved from his father's coffin, he began murdering Wayne employees. In the ensuing battle with Batman, Sionis's mask became permanently burned into his face as a living death mask. Over time he would become one of Gotham City's most ruthless and sadistic crimelords, commanding the “False Facers," a masked army of henchmen. With each subsequent loss to Batman, his empire shrank and his sadism grew.

Jeremy Sisto is a magnificent actor who I personally feel is greatly underrated. In all honesty had Jeremy been a bit younger he would have been one of my top choices for the Joker. Jeremy, despite having recently appeared in less-than-stellar shows, can throw himself into a character and become remarkably charming despite seeming all-together crazy. He would make a great Black Mask and would love to see him play a Batman villain.





Anarky/Lonnie Machin: Asa Butterfield

Lonnie Machin was an ordinary child who, while abnormally intelligent, is apolitical and socially unaware. At eleven he gained a foreign pen pal, Xuasus, as part of a school program. Every month they would write to each other about their lives; Lonnie about how wonderful the United States is; Xuasus about the poverty and political repression that made up his nation. A year later Lonnie learns of Xuasus' fate. He writes Lonnie a final letter explaining that his father has been arrested, his mother has taken ill, his sister has died of malnutrition, and at age eleven, he is homeless and fending for himself.

Driven with worry for his friend, Lonnie fervently learns about Xuasus' country, discovering it to be a Third World dictatorship at war with Marxist guerrillas, with arms dealers from The West making millions in profits from the conflict. Further studies into war and political violence leads him to hold radical sympathies. He comes to view all wars as being caused by political elites, with common individuals forced or cajoled into fighting on behalf of the former.

Eventually he discovers the extremely rare book, Universe by Scudder Klyce, which attempted to unify all knowledge. Within it he finds several passages that convince him of the need to reshape society. He becomes convinced that if he cannot help Xuasus, he can fight on in his memory and give the oppressed people of Gotham City hope as Anarky.

Asa Butterfield is a gifted young actor who not only has the skill but has a physical presence I feel to portray the interesting and underrated villain, Anarky. Butterfield could handle the heavy ideological and political jargon used often with the character and believably pass it off as his own ideology.





Catwoman/Selina Kyle: Abbie Cornish

Selina Kyle grew up in one of the poorest areas in Gotham and came from an abusive household where her mother and step-father would fight and argue near enough every day and were drunk just as much. Eventually running away from home Kyle was forced to become a prositute on the streets of Lower Gotham, but unlike many of the other girls Selina was the one in charge. Eventually and inevitabley sick of the lifestyle she had entered she found herself with a new friend in the form of a retired jewel thief and cat burglar,. Teaching her everything he knew, Selina's antics as a cat-burglar quickly got her noticed by the press, who had labelled her 'Catwoman'. Embracing this new title she donned a cat outfit and continued her crime spree until she came face to face with the Caped Crusader, Batman. Since their very first encounter the two have had a unique relationship and an ever present romance.

Abbie Cornish has been my favourite choice for Catwoman for a long time. Abbie is a fantastic actress who would do wonders with the character of Catwoman. Personally I still feel that Selina Kyle hasn't been portrayed as close to the comic-books as she could be. And while I loved the approach taken by Michelle Pfieffer I found Anne Hathway's portrayal a bit over the top. Abbie, I feel could finally nail that character.





Hugo Strange: Christoph Waltz

First gaining fame as a psychiatrist who declared that he’d fully analyzed the Dark Knight from afar, Professor Hugo Strange lent credence to his own claims by deducing Batman’s true identity as Bruce Wayne. However, his interest in the Batman turned into a deranged obsession, and he’s used his medical expertise to hatch a series of bizarre plots based around genetics and mind control in order to defeat the Batman and possibly take his place. Strange’s fragile mental state has left him with intermittent knowledge of Batman’s true identity, a fact that hangs over Bruce Wayne’s head – for if Strange ever snaps completely, Batman’s greatest secret might be revealed…

Christoph Waltz is a fine actor who I think would own the role of Hugo Strange. Seeing Waltz play a villain is always a treat,and he would excel as the cold and creepy Hugo Strange. Waltz would be able to manage the level of obsession and hatred that Hugo has for the Dark Knight and would be bring this character to life like no other.





Deadshot/Floyd Lawton: Jonny Lee Miller

As a child, Lawton idolized his brother. His mother convinced his brother to kill their father. His brother locked Floyd outside, but Floyd, wishing to save his brother from a grim future, took a rifle to shoot the gun out of his brother's hand. He was sitting in the tree branch when it broke and Floyd accidentally shot his brother in the head. Lawton inadvertently kills the brother he loves to save the father he hated.

Deadshot is a hired assassin, regularly boasting to "never miss." He is capable of using a large variety of weapons, but prefers using a pair of silenced, wrist-mounted guns. He initially appeared in Gotham City as a new crime-fighter, but was revealed to be an enemy of Batman when he attempted to replace the Dark Knight. When this plan failed, he attempted to become king of Gotham's Underworld.

Jonny Lee Miller is a fantastic actor who I feel would embody the cockiness and arrogance of Deadshot perfectly. Seeing him portray a villain so selfish and brash would be fun to watch, and I think he is a very compelling actor.





Hush/Thomas Elliot: Michael Pitt

Thomas "Tommy" Elliot was a childhood friend of Bruce Wayne's. He becomes a costumed criminal who targets both Batman and Bruce Wayne. Although Hush's name originates from a nursery rhyme, Hush lives up to it by using manipulation and guile instead of noisy "signatures". Tommy and Bruce Wayne were childhood friends, and unbeknownst to Bruce, dark reflections of each other. A childhood sociopath, Elliot tried to kill his parents so he could inherit their fortune. When his plan failed partly to the surgical skills of Thomas Wayne, Bruce's father, Elliot blamed Bruce. An incredibly skilled surgeon as an adult, Elliot planned an elaborate revenge scheme on the Batman. He disguised himself as the villain Hush, his face covered in bandages, but he was in the end defeated and unmasked by the Dark Knight. Hush still plots revenge against Batman, generating complicated schemes with surgical precision.

Michael Pitt is a terrific actor who always brings his all to every role he does. Pitt clearly commits himself to the parts he plays and takes his craft very seriously. He would make a fantastic Hush, the one villain who Batman is afraid of.





Riddler/Edward Nygma: Vincent Kartheiser

Edward Nygma discovered puzzles when he was a young boy, and he gradually incorporated them into his criminal career. As a child his father physically abused him, which left him with a compulsion to tell the truth (materializing through the telling of riddles), as well as a desire to prove his superiority by outwitting everyone around him.

The Riddler's criminal modus operandi is so deeply ingrained into his personality that he is virtually powerless to stop himself from acting it out. He cannot simply kill his opponents when he has the upper hand; he has to put them in a deathtrap to see if he can devise a life and death intellectual challenge that the hero cannot solve and escape. However, unlike many of Batman's themed enemies, Riddler's compulsion is quite flexible, allowing him to commit any crime as long as he can describe it in a riddle or puzzle.

An incredible actor who would be able to bring the narcissistic genius to the screen like no-one before him. The Riddler is a character that has seen many overhauls over the years but I feel Vincent could deliver us a true Riddler performance based on the modern interpretation of the character.





Bane: Jon Bernthal

Bane spends his childhood in the hellish prison of Pena Duro the corrupt South American island nation of Santa Prisca He develops super strength through a forced experiment involving the drug Venom Although his dependency on Venom is an immense weakness, Bane has been one of Batman's most intelligent and physically powerful foes. He is well known for being the “Man who Broke the Bat”.

Jon Berthanal would make an excellent Bane for a number of reasons. First and foremost he has the acting capabilities to pull the character off, I still think we've yet to see the true Bane on screen given that both previous portrayals were wildly different from the comics. Jon I feel, has the potential to bring us the Knightfall Bane that we've all been waiting for.





Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane: Elijah Wood

Jonathan Crane suffered terrible abuse from his fanatically religious great-grandmother. His father takes off before he is even born, and his mother does not show any love or affection towards her son at all. He develops a taste for fear and an affinity for crows when his grandmother locks him in a dilapidated church full of birds. Crane's first murder was his grandmother, and learning that his mother gave birth to a baby girl, caused him to feel great jealousy and grief, reasoning why he is very cold.

After Crane scares a high-school bully to death he becomes intoxicated with the idea of terrifying people, and also enjoys being frightened himself. He grew up to become a Doctor and worked in Arkham Asylum where he was secretly conducting fear experiments on the inmates there. After taking his experiments to the people of Gotham he is encountered by the Batman and for the first time in a long time experiences fear. This fear of Batman causes him to become obsessed with the Dark Knight and is desperate to know just what the Batman fears most.

Elijah Wood is another actor I feel is a bit underrated, anyone who's watched Sin City knows that the guy is capable of playing these insane, diabolical characters and for a while I was considering him as the Joker. However, Wood made perfect sense in regards to Crane. The sly, unassuming, bookwormish type who actually harbours sick and twisted thoughts and wants to be the sole source of all your fears.





Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch: Andy Serkis

Jervis Tetch, formerly a research scientist, is completely smitten with the works of Lewis Carroll. As his criminal name indicates, he takes the appearance of the Mad Hatter from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. He is an insane neuroscientist and developed hardware that can control the brain and induce hypnotic states, and often uses hats or other headgear for mind control.

While a lot of people like Andy Serkis for Scarecrow and I still think that's a great pairing, I think Andy would be better suited to the Mad Hatter. The Mad Hatter has gone from goofy, joke villain to becoming one of the most perverse and terrifying Batman villains in the rouges gallery. Serkis, as we all know, plays crazy well, and the thought of seeing Serkis dance around in a Mad Hatter costume screaming about Alice is just perfect.





Ra's al Guhl: Jason Isaacs/Giancarlo Esposito

Ra's al Ghul is an international terrorist and assassin whose ultimate goal is a world in perfect environmental balance. He believes that the best method by which this can be achieved is to eliminate most of humanity. Ra's usually tries to assault the world's human populace with a biological weapon, such as a genetically-engineered virus.

He is aided in this quest by the Lazarus Pits, reservoirs of rejuvenating chemicals that restore the dying to life; these pits have granted him a lifespan of several hundred years. He considers Batman his worthiest opponent, and has frequently sought to make the Dark Knight his successor.

Jason Isaacs is a fan favourite for the role and I'm not one to argue with that notion. Isaacs not only looks like the comic book version of Ra's but with many of his characters, shows he can display an air of superiority and importance which would be required for an accurate portrayal of Ra's.

Giancarlo to me would make an excellent Ra's. He plays an excellent villain, displaying cold, ruthless tendencies and can frighten and intimidate anyone without having to raise his voice or change his expression. He would make an ideal Ra's.









Mr. Freeze/Victor Freis: Stanley Tucci

Dr Victor Fries is a molecular biologist who is fascinated with the freezing process. This comes into play when his wife Nora contracts a rare disease. In order to save her, Fries begins secretly working on a cryogenics using his boss' equipment and money. However, due to interfering from his boss, Fries is knocked into a cryo-freeze himself and Nora's life is put in danger. Now only able to survive at sub-zero temperatures, Fries becomes insane. Targeting those responsible for his accident and motivated to regain his wife back to full health, Fries becomes Mr. Freeze.

Let's face it, Mr. Freeze needs a second chance. After disastrous portrayal from you know who Mr. Freeze has entered the realm of joke Batman villains that don't get taken seriously. However, as any fans know, corny name aside Mr. Freeze is one of the few sympathetic Batman villains who actually has an emotional and heartbreaking back-story. For Mr. Freeze to be done properly he needs a fantastic actor to play him and I feel that Stanley Tucci is that actor,





Killer Croc/Waylon Jones: Ashley Walters

Born with a rare skin disease that only worsened over time,Waylon Jones was put under the guardianship of his incredibly abusive and alcoholic aunt after his mother died giving birth to him and his father abandoned him. Brutally abused in his home and locked up in a closet like an animal as his aunt drank and engaged in sexual activities and relentlessly bullied at school, Waylon accepted his place in society as always being seen as a monster. Murdering his aunt after finally reaching his breaking point, Waylon fled from society and eventually joined a travelling circus where he was made part of the freak-show, becoming known as Killer Croc.

Bonding with his fellow performers in the show, Jones finally felt as if he had a family, until a horrendous attack occurred in Gotham City by vicious audience members, destroying the circus and killing a number of whom Jones felt attachment for. Seeing humanity as a disgusting waste of flesh, Jones became a cannibal murderer, often employing himself to the mob for money, before being apprehended by Batman. As the years went on, Jones' condition would make him more and more into a monster, eradicating any traces of humanity that might have been left as Croc became a monster in body and spirit. Always seeking his next meal, Croc has never forgotten the scent of Batman and lusts to kill and devour the hero in retribution for his capture at his hands.

I tried to make sure that when casting Croc I wasn't just getting an actor who was bulky, it felt more important for me to find an actor who was of a high calibre and could create that fear and terror that just oozes from Croc. Ashley Walters would ace this role and would really benefit from getting to play a true villain.





Man-Bat/Kirk Langstrom: James Frain

Dr. Kirk Langstrom, a scientist specializing in the study of bats, develops an extract intended to give humans a bat's sonar sense and tests the formula on himself because he is becoming deaf. The extract works, but it has a horrible side effect: it transforms him into a hideous man-sized bat.[2] The serum also takes away his intelligence, so he goes on a mad rampage until Batman can find a way to reverse the effects.

James Frain is an excellent actor who would make for an exciting and unique kind of villain to the Batman world. Man-Bat is one of the more sillier characters, and with that in mind he would need an actor of experience and credibility to present him on the big-screen.





Clayface/Basil Karlo: Andre Royo

Basil Karlo was once a famous actor, but soon fell into madness after he learned that one of his classic movies was being remade with a new star in his previous role. Fashioning himself in the mask of the movie's villain, Clayface, Karlo assumed the character's name as his new identity and murdered several of the cast and crew before being apprehended by Batman and Robin. Using a substance from a group known as The Mud Pack, Karlo gained the appearance of a massive monster of clay, able to shape-shift into anybody he wishes to.
Putting his acting skills to the ultimate test, Clayface mimics both the personalities and appearances of those he turns into for his own pure amusement and to commit his own signature crimes.

Andre Royo is a phenomenal actor who was a recurring cast member on what is largely considered the greatest TV show ever created, The Wire. While Andre's character on that show is miles away from what Kirk Langstrom would be, it would be interesting to see Royo portray a kind of character he never has before. Royo has proven himself a capable actor, now he needs to show his audience that he is more than just a one-trick-pony.





Poison Ivy/Pamela Isley: Romola Garai

Botanist Pamela Isley was transformed into a plant-human hybrid by a science experiment gone wrong. With chlorophyll flowing through her veins instead of blood, she developed a toxic touch and a pheromone-fueled talent for seduction. Her sole goal in life is to eradicate humanity in order to wipe the world clean of pollution to allow her plants to seize complete control over it with her as their ruler.

Romola is a highly accomplished actress with many interesting roles under her belt. She has theright looks for Poison Ivy and has the acting skills to make her a credible villainess as opposed to the over the top cartoon she was portrayed as before.





Two-Face/Harvey Dent: Ryan Gosling

At one time Harvey Dent was the District-Attorney of Gotham City. At the time of his job as a district-attorney, the worst criminal threat in Gotham City was Carmine "the Roman" Falcone. He forged a triumvirate with Batman and Commissioner Gordon to bring the man down within the law, no matter what the cost. His slightly angrier temperament led Batman and Commissioner Gordon to develop a slight distrust for him, believing that it was slightly possible that he could be the vigilante dubbed "Holiday." The alliance ended tragically when Sal "Boss" Maroni, believing that Dent to be responsible for the death of his father, threw acid in his face during a trial. Dent was horribly scarred on the left side of his face and his left hand.

Dent escaped from the hospital and descended into madness. He became obsessed with duality and opposites, and developed a second persona, the villainous Two-Face, to compliment the law & order obsessed Dent. As Two-Face, his trademark was crimes involving the number two. His obsession even shows in his clothes, which are usually composed of two halves made out of very different materials. At all times, he carries a double-sided coin with one side scarred, which he constantly flips to make any choices. Two-Face flips the coin at critical junctures: The scarred side would usually result in a crime, but the clean side would allow Two-Face to do the right thing, such as returning his loot or restrain from a murder.

While Gosling is a popular choice for the new Batman, he has stated that he has no intention of playing a superhero. While he probably wouldn't be interested in playing a villain either I think that Gosling would be the perfect Harvey Dent/Two-Face. Gosling is obviously a well accomplished actor with a lot of credible work under his belt, he has the right look and he's the right age for Harvey Dent/Two-Face.





Deathstroke/Slade Wilson: Daniel Craig

Slade Wilson was sixteen years old when he first enlisted in the United States Army, having lied about his age. After serving a stint in Korea, he was later assigned to Camp Washington where he had been promoted to the rank of Major. In the early 1960s, he met Captain Adeline Kane who was tasked with training young soldiers in new fighting techniques in anticipation of brewing troubles taking place in Vietnam. Kane was amazed at how skilled Slade was and how quickly he adapted to modern conventions of warfare. She immediately fell in love with him, and realized that he was without a doubt the most able-bodied combatant she had ever encountered. She offered to privately train Slade in guerilla warfare.

In less than a year, Slade mastered every fighting form presented to him and was soon promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Six months later, Adeline and he were married and she became pregnant with their first child. The war in Vietnam began to escalate and Slade was shipped overseas. In the war, his unit massacred a village, which sickened him. He was also rescued by SAS member Wintergreen, to whom he would later return the favour. Chosen for a secret experiment, the Army imbued him with enhanced physical powers in an attempt to create metahuman supersoldiers for the U.S. military. Deathstroke emerged as a mercenary soon after the experiment.

I think having Daniel Craig play Deathstroke would be excellent. He would be brilliant at portraying that grizzled, experienced veteran that is more than a much for the caped crusader himself. Craig is of course an amazing actor that has proven himself capable of playing deep, complicated roles many times.





Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel: Zoe Kazan

An Arkham Asylum psychiatrist assigned to treat the Joker, Dr.Harleen Frances Quinzel instead became obsessively fixated on her patient, believing herself to be in love with him. She helped him escape confinement and took on her own criminal identity asHarley Quinn, named after the french court jester Harlequin, and would become almost as deadly as her boyfriend to the Dark Knight and Gotham City. Over the years, she participated in the Clown Prince of Crime's various schemes for destruction with her only motive being the approval and love of the Joker, though the villain rarely ever reciprocated her feelings in the slightest.

A rising star in the industry, Zoe Kazan has all that it takes to make it as the Clown Prince of Crime's loveable partner and sidekick. I found it very difficult to cast this part without resorting to the generic actors that a lot of people cast Harley with, but I feel Zoe has enough skill as an actress and quirky charm to pull off the insane former psychiatrist.





Joker: Alfie Allen/Jack Huston/Freddie Fox

Though many versions exist, a definitive origin as to how the Joker became the Clown Prince of Crime has never been known, and his real name has never been revealed. He himself is confused as to what actually transpired.

I imagine that none of these choices will be too popular, but let me explain them. I found it very difficult trying to find an actor who was both an original choice and would be good in the role, as awesome as Michael Fassbender or James Franco would be I just didn't want to use the same choices we've all seen before. So with that in my mind allow me to go through each of the candidates.

First off Alfie Allen, I figure this choice won't sit right with a lot of people, and I can see why. However despite being maybe a tad too young Alfie is an excellent actor with a unique physical appearance that would make him look like a pretty terrifying Joker. In recent years he has really come into his own as an actor and has grabbed audiences with his portrayal of the sympathetic yet traitorous Theon Greyjoy. I feel that he would do something different with the role and give us a Joker we've never seen before.

Jack Huston is another fine actor that would be more in line with the Ledger Joker. Huston has proved himself time and time again that he has what it takes as an actor and is more than capable of playing a sadistic and cruel villain such as the Joker. A character like this, arguably one of the greatest in all of fiction requires an actor such as Huston to play him.

Freddie Fox probably isn't too well known in the US, but the guy is definite Joker material. A frequent player in the intense gritty UK dramas that come now and then, Freddie plays characters with an exaggerated personality very well, and makes them feel real and grounded. He also has an air of uncertainty and menace about him that an actor portraying the Joker would need. He is another rising star and a role like the Joker would be his to own.














Red Hood/Robin II/Jason Todd: Ezra Miller or Jack O'Connell

Jason Todd was the child of Willis and Catherine Todd, being raised in Gotham City. His father was a petty crook who ended up serving a prison sentence, and even after the sentence was served, his father did not return to the family. That left Jason alone with his drug addicted mother, who he tried to take care of by ripping off car parts like tires for cash.

Sadly, his mother would soon die of an overdose and he would be left alone. He fended for himself just as he had taken care of his mother by continuing to rip off car parts. One night, Jason came across the Batmobile parked in an alley. Batman had recently put new tires on the vehicles but not replaced the hubcaps with the redesigned ones yet. This created an opportunity that Jason did not pass on. Batman caught him when he had already stolen one of the tires and was coming to take the others.
Batman tried to put Jason in a boarding school for troubled kids, but this did not work out for Jason as the owner of the school was actually running a training ground for youthful criminals. Batman instead decides that perhaps the boy's anger could be channeled against criminals as Robin, or else the boy would likely end up a criminal himself. This is how Jason Todd became the second Robin. He was not the acrobat Dick Grayson was, but he was a strong kid with skills from life on Gotham's streets.

If the time-line were a little different and Matthew McNulty were a little older I would have cast either of these two actors as Jason Todd. (Also on a side-note, would have had Aaron Johnson as Nightwing with Max Records playing Tim Drake). Both of these actors are rising stars in the industry and would both be able to portray the hurt and anguish that Jason Todd has went through and continues to go through. While arguably everyone's least favourite Robin Jason Todd has stepped up in his own right in becoming the Red Hood, a vicious vigilante who operates without mercy.









Just as a final word, I had intended on casting the brilliant James Gandolfini as Harvey Bullock in this fan-cast, but whilst I was adding the final touches and changes to it, I was sad to learn that the actor had just very recently passed away. I simply have decided to remove Harvey Bullock from this fan-cast as Gandolfini was my only choice.
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FlixMentallo21 - 6/19/2013, 8:47 PM
Nice assortment of acting talent. Fitting you included Jeremy Sisto--he voiced the Dark Knight in Justice League: The New Frontier.
Jolt17 - 6/19/2013, 9:21 PM
Wow, wow. I like this. Some original bits here and there, but overall, the cast is simply great. Elijah, Bernthal, Serkis, Morrissey, Whishaw, Kartheiser, Turner, Lee Miller, and Walters are the spotlight to me, while all of your Joker picks, especially Alfie and Freddie, look like very intriguing choices for the role. Also, I've got Craig for Slade myself, too, and Sisto's voice as Batman in Justice League: The New Frontier - that's the only role I've ever seen him in, actually - does allow him to be a great choice for someone like Black Mask. I for certain need to check out McNulty's work first, but he does look for the role, and...well, amidst the frequent picking of the usual suspects for the role, it's just really refreshing to see a fresh idea like yours. Kudos for that, man. And once again, all in all this is a terrific stuff, so thumb up, for that!
SirEdwardIV - 6/19/2013, 9:49 PM
For the longest time, I have thought that I had Matthew Mcnulty and Max Records, among select others -like Jeremy Sisto, Mark Addy, Ben Wishaw, and Evan Peters-, secretly tucked away as some of my favorite actors. Good to see I'm not the only one that appreciates their talent! Mighty cast, man. Cheers!
ItsATrap - 6/19/2013, 10:07 PM
a lot of these are spot-on, fantastic casting choices, and the ones i don't love are generally with actors i'm just not as familiar with. great job!
Ryden - 6/20/2013, 3:55 AM
Thanks guys! :D
Ryden - 6/20/2013, 7:42 AM
Cheers guys :), yeah BlackJack I doubt we'll see any of those guys for a while, Joker is assured though WB knows how popular he is.
789 - 6/20/2013, 8:07 AM
Cast is nice, but don't you think that Batman is a little short.

If you want know my view about Batman and other fan casts, check up:

FAN CAST:Batman by 789

FAN CAST: The Avengers by 789.

if you will have time you may check up other fan casts, which you will see in them.
Ryden - 6/20/2013, 9:17 AM
@789 - Thanks man, nah I don't focus on the height when dealing with fan-casts unless it's really important to the character. It's such a minor detail that when the actor looks as much like Bruce Wayne as Matthew does it really doesn't matter.
Ryden - 6/20/2013, 9:18 AM
I'll definitely check out your fan-casts though man ;)
TANKGIRL - 6/20/2013, 2:27 PM
OMG Ryden I missed you so much and CBM glad to see you back
Kyos - 6/20/2013, 5:41 PM
Definitely an intriguing and original cast! I need to check out your Batman, I seriously have no clue who the guy is. ^^
Ryden - 6/20/2013, 6:07 PM
@TANKGIRL - Haha it's nice to be back. :D Think I;m just going to pop in time to time with fan-casts haha.

@Kyos - Thanks man yeah he's a great actor. His biggest role is probably from the show Misfits, he plays a brooding character in that.
jmorin - 6/21/2013, 10:50 AM
btw, if you want to change the size of the pictures you can add a bit of text to specify height or width. So...

Set the width to whatever you want and the image will scale accordingly

flash23 - 6/21/2013, 5:05 PM
i love this cast, it's so original with alot of thought put in, only problems I had was with your Joker choices, i don't know just can't see any of them being Joker, my personal choice is Matthew Goode, after seeing him in Stoker
Ryden - 6/21/2013, 7:59 PM
@jmorin - Thanks bud I'll try it out!

@flash23 - Cheers man! Matthew Goode would be a good Joker :D
AUSSYACE - 6/27/2013, 7:49 PM
Abbie Cornish as Catwoman is just Pure Brilliance casting...
Ryden - 6/28/2013, 1:00 PM
Thank you @AUSSYACE! She's been my favourite for the role for a long time :D
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