Yeah I haven't done a fan-cast in a while and I've been itching to do one for sometime. There are not so many Iron Man Reboot fan-casts on here so I figured I'd give it a shot. Hope you at least find this an interesting read.
Iron Man/Anthony “Tony” Stark: Jack Huston

Son of industrialist millionaire, Howard Stark, Anthony “Tony” Stark was born into wealth and fame. At a young age he displayed incredible levels of intelligence, he entered MIT aged just 15 to study electrical engineering and computer science. After the death of his father and mother, Tony inherited Stark Industries, and with his Devinci like sense of design brought about a new age of technology and made the company billions. Upon a visit to China to show-case a new weapon design, he is attacked and kidnapped by a group of terrorists under the leadership of the man known as The Mandarin. In the ensuing struggle to flee the terrorists Stark was caught in an explosion and because of this his heart was severely damaged. Upon waking up in his cell he finds himself under some heavy machinery keeping him alive, doctor Yinsen, a fellow prisoner is looking after him. He informs Stark that there is shrapnel heading towards his heart and that the machine is keeping him alive. Stark tells Yinsen that he can design a better solution. And through Stark’s instructions ends up creating the arc reactor, which fits on Tony’s chest and powers his heart. The Mandarin tells Stark to build him a weapon, instead Stark designs a suit of armour and escapes, unfortunately Yinsen passes away. Upon returning back to America, Stark comes to the realisation that he could be helping people personally with the technology he has created and so re-designs the armour to make it sleeker and more powerful, eventually donning the new armour and becoming the Invincible Iron Man.
Jack Huston is an incredible young actor, I first saw him on the hit HBO show ‘Boardwalk Empire’ playing the disfigured, ruthless war veteran Richard Harrows. His performance is downright terrifying in some instances and I had to check the guy out. I had no idea that he really looked like the spitting image of Tony Stark. I think he’d do an amazing job as Tony; he comes across as a highly versatile and dedicated actor. So whenever RDJ decides to leave the franchise he should hand it over to Jack.
War Machine/James “Rhodey” Rhodes: Anthony Mackie

James Rupert Rhodes was a combat pilot in the United States Air Force. He has been a long-time friend of Tony Stark’s since they were young. Rhodey accompanied Stark to the China show-case where Tony was kidnapped, he was slightly injured trying to save Tony but remained relatively unharmed. He and his superiors worked around the clock to find and rescue Tony but to no avail. Rhodey eventually found Tony back in the US where Stark had managed to escape for himself. Rhodey then learned of Tony’s other alias, Iron Man. In order to keep Iron Man a secret, S.H.I.E.L.D informed the public that Rhodes and his team had managed to rescue Tony but the captors escaped. Rhodes was Tony’s confidant and kept the public unaware of Tony’s true identity. After Tony is injured fighting Titanium Man, Rhodes dons one of the Iron Man armours known as “The War Machine” armour and acts on Tony’s behalf. Eventually he is allowed to keep the suit, and he himself takes on the guise of War Machine.
Anthony Mackie is an accomplished young actor who proven his acting capabilities in various films. His performance in the Hurt Locker is very powerful and realistic and he brings a certain humanity to the hardened soldier he portrays. This is somewhat reminiscent of Rhodey, a military man with an internal conflict over his career and his best friend. I would love to see Rhodey take on the role of confidant more than babysitter like he is in the current film series. Mackie would easily be able to bring that to the table.
Virginia “Pepper” Potts: Bryce Dallas Howard
Pepper Potts is Tony Stark’s personal assistant and friend who more than often she is forced to steer him in the right direction due to his playboy lifestyle. For a long time Tony and Pepper have had romantic tension but have never acted upon it. Pepper is also one of the few to know Tony’s secret identity, the Invincible Iron Man and although she is worried for his safety she admires his new found sense of heroism and supports Iron Man whenever she can.
Bryce Dallas Howard is no stranger to the comic book/action movie genre and is a very talented actress. She is more than capable of playing the love interest for Iron Man in the role of Pepper Potts, and would be able to bring interesting and unique qualities to the character.
Harold “Happy” Hogan: Bobby Cannavale
A former boxer, Happy was hired by Tony Stark to be his bodyguard and chauffeur but quickly grew to become a loyal friend to Tony as well. He also knows of Tony’s secret identity, the super-hero known as Iron Man. He has had a romantic relationship with Pepper before, much to the dismay of Tony however they mutually decided to end the relationship, knowing that Tony will always be first in both of their lives.
Bobby Cannavale looks like a real body-guard who could handle himself and protect the wayward playboy that is Tony Stark. He’s also a talented actor, having an important role in the show ‘Blue Bloods’. Bobby is the ideal Happy Hogan, he looks the part and could play the part with ease.
Howard Stark: Tom Selleck
The father of Tony Stark, Howard was a genius inventor and businessman (not unlike his son) who founded Stark Enterprises. He had early connections with the government spy operation known as S.H.I.E.L.D and helped design their base of operations the Hellicarrier. Howard had a unique relationship with his son, although he loved him dearly he could come across as cold or unloving towards Tony because he was so busy. He was also a light alcoholic which would inevitably encourage his son to become one too. Howard and his wife died in a plane crash, although many, including Tony feel there was more to their death than simply a plane crash.
What can I say, Tom Selleck is perfect for Howard Stark. In his younger years he would be more than qualified to portray Tony himself. A fantastic actor who has the right look and presence to portray the father of Iron Man, it’s a no-brainer.
Hawkeye/Clint Barton: Rob Kazinsky

Clint Barton at a young age, lost both of his parents in a car accident. After living six years in an orphanage, Clint and his brother Barney ran away to join the Carson Carnival of Travelling Wonders. Clint soon caught the eye of the Swordsman who took the young boy on as his assistant. Along with the help of Trick Shot, the Swordsman trained Clint to become a master archer. Clint later found the Swordsman embezzling money from the carnival. Before he could turn his mentor over to the authorities, Clint was beaten and left for dead, allowing the Swordsman to skip town. Clint's relationship with his brother Barney and Trick Shot soon deteriorated as well.
Clint adapted his archery skills to become a star carnival attraction, a master archer called Hawkeye, known as “the World’s Greatest Marksman”. He witnesses Iron Man in action and is inspired to become a costumed hero. However, after a misunderstanding on his first outing, Hawkeye is accused of theft and believed to be a criminal. On the run, the naive Hawkeye meets the Black Widow, a spy for the Soviet Union, whom he falls in love with. Blindly following the Black Widow, Hawkeye aids her attempts to steal technology developed by Tony Stark. In one of their battles with Iron Man, the Black Widow is seriously injured. Hawkeye rescues her and flees the battle to save her life. But before Hawkeye can take her to a hospital, the Black Widow disappears. Hawkeye decides to go "straight" from then on. He soon after joins S.H.I.E.L.D along with Black Widow, and then later becomes a member of the Avengers. Although he is an ally of Tony’s the two have an interesting relationship.
Rob is a very skilled and underrated actor who just recently left the Hobbit film for personal reasons, however the fact that he was cast in what is surely to be another of Jackson’s masterpieces proves that he is becoming more recognised as a talented actor. Being a relative unknown within the states makes him the perfect person to play Hawkeye, so that he can make the role his own. He gives off a cocky but likeable attitude and looks just like the character. I think he would play well off of Jack Huston’s Tony Stark.
Bethany Cabe: Malin Akerman
Bethany Cabe was a former girlfriend of Tony Stark. She met him at a party where he was taken aback by her beauty. The beautiful red-head turned out to be a bodyguard. The two had an interesting relationship however it was strained as Tony refused to tell her of his true identity. They eventually decided to end the relationship as Bethany felt there were too many secrets. However they remain close friends.
Malin Akerman is a talented actress who has proved her acting capabilities in recent years. She is more than qualified to portray the character of Bethany Cabe, she looks similar to the character and would be satisfying in the role.
Rumiko "Ru" Fujikawa: Fann Wong
Rumiko is the daughter of Kenjiro Fujikawa, the man who was a business rival of Tony’s and also planned to take over Stark's company. She begins to date Tony largely as an act of rebellion to parents who disapproved of Stark. Rumiko's romance with Tony enjoys many highs and lows. She enjoys his jet-set lifestyle but finds he is often too obsessed with his work and does not pay enough attention to her. This fact is made even worse due to all the problems facing Stark in his career as Iron Man.
She may be 40 years old but she doesn’t look a day over 29. Fann Wong was considered for the part of Rumiko back when Iron Man 2 was going to feature her as a character. For whatever reason they decided not to go with her character in the sequel. However I think she’s an interesting character and Fann Wong is a talented actress who I believe could play the character well.
Nicholas “Nick” Fury: George Clooney
Nicholas Joseph Fury was a solider in WWII who led the legendary team of ‘Howling Commandos’. During the war a piece of shrapnel hit Fury’s left eye and so he began to wear his famous eye-patch. After his service in the war was finished Fury was approached by early S.H.I.E.L.D representatives to come and join the organisation. He accepted and became their top agent throughout the years. He then volunteered to take part in a special project where he would be injected with something known as the Infinity Formula. This caused Fury to age at an incredibly slow rate. Throughout the 70’s Fury worked alongside Howard Stark within S.H.I.E.L.D and in the early 90’s took over operations as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
I was going through a lot of different actors in regards to Nick Fury, from Denzel Washington to Bruce Willis however I eventually settled on George Clooney. George totally has the look of the original Fury and would bring a bad-assness to the role like no other man could. Clooney is well overdue to make a comic-book movie appearance after his first ‘disaster’ but that was due to poor direction. Clooney would totally own as Fury.
Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff: Milla Jovovich
Black Widow is a Soviet agent trained as a spy, martial artist, and sniper, and outfitted with an arsenal of high-tech weaponry, including a pair of wrist-mounted energy weapons dubbed her "Widow's Bite". She begins her career as a villainess but slowly under the guidance and advice of Nick Fury decides to use her skills for good alongside S.H.I.E.L.D and becomes a high ranking member of the organisation and later the Avengers. She has had romantic relationships with both Tony Stark and Clint Barton.
Milla is a highly skilled actress who is no stranger to the action genre, she is in my opinion perfect for black Widow. Being born in the USSR gives her a background worthy of the Widow herself, and she is incredibly good looking. She looks very similar to Natasha and I think she’d do a wonderful job in the role.
The Mandarin: Ken Watanabe

The Mandarin's late father was one of the wealthiest men in pre-revolutionary mainland China (and a descendant of Genghis Khan), while his late mother was an English noblewoman. Their son was born in an unnamed village in mainland China before the Communist revolution. The boy's parents died soon after his birth, and he was raised by his (paternal) aunt, who was embittered against the world and raised him with much the same attitude. Every last bit of the family fortune was spent obsessively training the Mandarin in science and combat, with the result that he was completely broke upon reaching adulthood. Unable to pay the taxes on his ancestral home, The Mandarin was evicted by the government.
Hoping to find a means of avenging himself upon the civilization that had taxed him and rendered him homeless, the Mandarin explored the forbidden "Valley of Spirits," where no one had dared to set foot for centuries. There he found the skeleton and star-ship of Axonn-Karr, an intelligent dragon-like alien from the planet Maklu-4, who had come to Earth centuries ago and died. Over the following years, the Mandarin studied Makluan science until he mastered it. He also learned how to use the ten rings he found within the stars-ship which were apparently its propulsion source, among other things. The Mandarin then became a conqueror and subjugated the villages around the Valley, and, through his advanced science, rapidly became a power that not even the Chinese Army could successfully challenge. He then embarked on a long series of attempts to achieve world domination.
The Mandarin sees technology as the surest means to achieve his goals. Over the years, he has frequently attempted to turn the weapons of various nations against them. Among the Mandarin's earliest schemes is the sabotage and theft of American missiles and spy planes built by Tony Stark. To restore public confidence in his workmanship, Stark donned his Iron Man armour and flew to China to investigate. Iron Man soon became the Mandarin's principal obstacle against his plans for world domination.
Ken is a fantastic actor and is also a fan-favourite for the role of the Mandarin. I’m certainly not one to argue with that. He fits all the requirements the role needs. He would be able to make the Mandarin more believable and frightening, I would also love to see how he would play off of the Jack Huston Iron Man.
Whiplash/Blacklash/Mark Scarlotti: Josh Brolin
Mark Scarlotti is originally a gifted electrical technician at Stark International's Cincinnati branch, but desires a life of luxury and becomes a professional criminal. With a costume and a sophisticated metal whip of his own design, the character becomes Whiplash, a weapons designer, special agent, and assassin for the criminal organization the Maggia. On behalf of the Maggia, Whiplash fights the hero Iron Man – secretly inventor Tony Stark and Scarlotti's former employer.
This may seem like an odd choice but I believe that Whiplash could do with a bit of a revamp. Brolin is a great actor and could deliver a menacing and intimidating Whiplash that we’ve never really seen before. I would love Whiplash to be somewhat sadistic and cruel as a villain, which is why I think he needs an amazing actor to portray him. Brolin is that actor.
Blizzard/Gregor Shapanka: Vincent Cassel
Gregor Shapanka is a Hungarian scientist obsessed with immortality, and decides studying cryonics is the first step towards his goal. Shapanka then joins the company Stark Industries to fund his research, and eventually attempts to steal directly from Tony Stark - secretly the hero Iron Man. Shapanka is caught and fired, but, following a remark made by Stark, he creates a suit containing cold-generating devices. After Shapanka uses the suit for committing robberies, he is dubbed by the papers Jack Frost. He then attempts to raid Stark Industries, but is defeated by Iron Man. Several years later, Shapanka returns with an updated suit and using the alias Blizzard. He again attempts to steal from Stark Industries and is once again defeated by Iron Man.
Vincent Cassel is a great actor who could bring a uniqueness to the rather bland character of Blizzard. He looks villainous and would deliver a powerhouse performance in the role. He’d make an excellent Iron Man foe.
Blizzard II/Donald “Donnie” Gill: Desmond Harrington
Donald “Donnie” Gill became a criminal mercenary at an early age and was hired by Justin Hammer to don the guise of the Blizzard as the previous Blizzard was killed. Donald then donned an upgraded version of the original Blizzard’s suit and alongside Blacklash and Beetle attacked Tony Stark/Iron Man. He has become a recurring villain ever since, but unlike his predecessor shows some form of compassion and it is a possibility that he can be reformed.
A relatively unknown actor, who has achieved moderate success in TV and film. However I feel he is a very underrated and deserves a shot at the big-time. The second Blizzard is a perfect starting place for him due to the character being a bit goofy, however Harrington has a serious demeanour which I think would eventually make the character threatening.
The Beetle/Abner Jenkins: Jude Law
Abner Jenkins was a master mechanic at an aircraft parts factory who became dissatisfied with his boring, low paying job. Using his considerable mechanical knowledge, Jenkins built an armour-plated, strength-augmenting suit, a pair of gravity-defying wings, suction-fingered gloves, and a cybernetic control helmet. Calling himself the Beetle, Jenkins decided to use his battle-suit for fame, wealth, and adventure. He hired his services out to many different people including the Kingpin and Norman Osborn, but most notably was Justin Hammer who sent the Beetle to steal some Stark weaponry only to be confronted by the Invincible Iron Man.
I wanted the Beetle to sound intelligent and cunning, I felt that Jude Law would provide this. Jude Law is a skilled actor and has a cocky, mischievous presence to him that I think would suit the Beetle well.
Ghost: Stephen Moyer
Virtually nothing is known as yet about the true identity of the Ghost. He claims to have been a business executive at one time, and that businessmen made him what he is. The Ghost works as a freelance industrial saboteur and seeks to destroy various corporations through sabotage, and is apparently most interested in attacking those dealing in electronics and high technology. He is willing to do this without financial re-compensation, but often hires himself out to corporations that wish to destroy rival companies, having developed a pathological hatred for high technology businesses and business executives. The Ghost is a brilliant inventor, technician, engineer, demolitions expert, and computer scientist.
Stephen Moyer is a great actor who I think would be perfect as the mysterious Ghost. I imagine the Ghost to be quite a sinister character and would have a distinctive voice, which is where Stephen comes in. Moyer could pull off both the physicality and menacing presence of Ghost, and would make for an excellent foe against Jack Huston’s Iron Man.
Iron Monger/Obadiah Stane: Bruce Willis

As a child, Obadiah's father Zebediah Stane was a degenerate gambler and Obadiah's mother died of unknown reasons. One day, his father, who considered himself on a "lucky streak"; played a game of Russian roulette and shot himself in the head. This trauma caused Obadiah to lose all of his blond hair and go bald and shaped him for years to come. From there on, Obadiah Stane was a ruthless manipulator who studied his adversaries to find weaknesses to exploit. Stane enjoys chess, and lives his life with the same kind of methodical logic that he uses in the game. In addition, he is a strong believer in using psychological manipulation to his advantage. For instance, in a childhood chess match against another boy whose skill at least equalled his own, he killed the boy's dog so that the other would be distracted from the game.
In adulthood, as a wealthy financier, Obadiah Stane becomes the president and CEO of his own company (Stane International) as a munitions dealer. He also goes into business with Howard Stark. After Stark and his wife died in a car accident, Stane turns his sights on acquiring control of Stark International, the industrial corporation he had worked with, now owned by Tony Stark. Stane managed to steal designs for a new Iron Man armour and created a replica of the suit, dubbing himself ‘The Iron Monger’ he proceeded to attack Stark and has become a recurring enemy ever since.
It was very difficult to think of an actor skilled enough to top Jeff Bridges amazing performance in the first Iron Man but I finally came to choose the legend that is Bruce Willis. At first I thought he maybe to likeable but upon further though I realised that Willis is a skilled enough actor to portray a menacing villain, I think he’d do a great job as Iron Monger.
Justin Hammer: John Hurt
Justin Hammer was born in Surrey, England, and later became a citizen of Monaco. A rival of industrialist Tony Stark (Iron Man), multi-billionaire businessman Hammer later became a criminal financier using unethical methods. In exchange for fifty percent of the crime profits, he would pay bail for costumed criminals and finance the development and replacement of both their weaponry and equipment. In the event that a mercenary under his employ violated his contract, Hammer would send an enforcement unit, usually led by his most reliable super villain employee, Blacklash, to attack the rogue and confiscate his assigned equipment.
Although I really enjoyed Sam Rockwell as Hammer I’d really love to see the original Justin Hammer make an appearance. John Hurt would do wonders as the menacing rival of Tony Stark and Iron Man. Hurt is beyond perfect for the part being both of the right age and nationality.
Titanium Man/Boris Bullski: Karl Urban

Boris Bullski was born in Makeyevka, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union. According to the Black Widow, he was a KGB-member when he was a young man, and she was his combat instructor for a time. An ambitious official of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Boris Bullski was demoted after displeasing his superiors.
While working as an administrator of a Siberian labour camp, he commissioned the imprisoned scientists at the camp to build a suit of armour using the lab of Anton Vanko, the creator of the original Crimson Dynamo armour. Seeking to win back the Party's favour, Bullski conceived the idea of winning a propaganda victory against the West by defeating the American superhero Iron Man. He assigned the scientists to create a powerful suit of titanium armour based on the Iron Man technology, though the inferior resources available to the scientists meant that the armour was twice the size of Iron Man's. Bullski received permission to issue his challenge and Iron Man accepted, defeating Titanium Man in a battle before a worldwide television audience.
Karl Urban has achieved critical acclaim in recent years and rightfully so. He is a very talented actor who needs more challenging roles. I think the villainous Russian villain Titanium Man would be a great test of skill for Urban. I think he possesses the physicality of the role, that sort of domineering persona.
Crimson Dynamo/Anton Vanko: Christopher Meloni

Professor Anton Vanko. A Soviet scientist of Armenian birth with a Ph.D. in Physics, Vanko was the world's foremost expert on electricity. At the behest of the Soviet government, he built a powered exoskeleton capable of performing incredible feats; the Crimson Dynamo armour allowed Vanko to generate and control electricity in all of its forms, allowing him to fire devastating bolts of lightning and fly using electromagnetic propulsion.
As the Crimson Dynamo, Vanko was tasked by the Russian government with defeating Iron Man, his American counterpart, in battle. After losing to Iron Man, Vanko defected to the United States out of fear that his superiors would kill him for failing. Vanko began to work for Tony Stark as one of his chief scientists. Eventually, the two became friends, and Vanko developed pride and admiration for his new home. Unfortunately, soon the Soviets came for Vanko, just as he predicted. The KGB sent their top agent, the Black Widow, as well as Boris Turgenev, the latter of whom stole the armour and became the second Crimson Dynamo. Vanko died saving Iron Man by firing an unstable, experimental laser pistol at Boris, killing himself in the process.
A talented actor who I think could pull off the classic Iron Man villain, once again he’s another actor who’s yet to really shine on the big screen and be challenged. This role would be a great example of his skills.
Madame Masque/Whitney Frost: Carla Gugino

Madame Masque was born as Giulietta Nefaria, the daughter of the master criminal Count Luchino Nefaria, in Rome, Italy. Her mother died when giving birth and Luchino wanted his daughter to lead a respectable life, so he gave the child to Byron Frost, a wealthy financier and an employee of Nefaria, and his wife Loretta to be raised. He called the child Whitney and raised her as his own.
As a young adult, Whitney was a debutante and socialite, and became engaged to politician Roger Vane. The Frosts died and Count Nefaria approached Whitney and revealed her true parentage. He told Whitney that he wanted her to take his place as leader of the Maggia, a Mafia-like organization running the East Coast of the United States. Whitney at first refused, but when she told Roger about her father, he left her, afraid that her connections to a known criminal would hamper his political career.
Whitney accepted her father's offer to become a professional criminal mastermind and was trained by him in strategy, criminal activities, and combat. She turned out to be a brilliant student and when her father was imprisoned, she became the new Big M, the leader of the Nefaria family of the Maggia. Her role as Big M brought her into conflict with Iron Man. Whitney was forced to flee after a raid on his company, Stark Industries. The plane she escaped in crashed and Whitney's face was scarred, but she was saved by the criminal Mordecai Midas and started to work for him as his agent. Midas was obsessed with gold and Whitney hid her face behind a golden mask and used the alias "Madame Masque”.
A wonderful and beautiful actress who is usually the highlight of any movie she’s been in. She is more than capable of playing the villainess Madame Masque who manages to keep on luring Tony in. She would be fierce in this role.
Living Laser/Arthur Parks: Tobias Menzies
Arthur Parks was a struggling scientist who felt robbed of his fame by Tony Stark and his constant scientific advances. In retaliation of the creation of Iron Man, Parks created a two bracelets that created powerful laser beams that rivalled Iron Man’s. He set out to attack and destroy the Iron Man armour, not knowing that Stark is operating the armour from inside. He has since become a recurring enemy for the Invincible Iron Man, the Living Laser constantly updates his tech to battle Iron Man.
Another talented actor who needs some recognition, Tobias knows his way around a character and can really bring out a very human response in his acting. This would do well with the Living Laser as he can at times be portrayed as a sympathetic villain.
Unicorn/ Milos Masaryk: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Milos Masaryk was a Soviet intelligence agent assigned to track down the original Crimson Dynamo, who defects to America after being tricked by Iron Man. Wearing technology designed by the Dynamo, Masaryk gives himself the alias the "Unicorn" and battles Iron Man after Iron Man catches him spying on Stark Industries. Although Iron Man crashes the Unicorn's plane, the villain manages to escape and he has continuously returned to battle Iron Man again and again.
An up and coming star in the states, Nikolaj has already achieved stardom in his home country but is now becoming recognised for his talents in Western media. Considering the Unicorn is a rather bland villain this gives much room for the actor to experiment and create and be much more comfortable in the role.
Spymaster: Matthew Macfadyen
The original Spymaster was a costumed freelance industrial spy, saboteur, and assassin with advanced weaponry. He was a master of espionage, and died without revealing his true identity, although it is known that he was once a boxer. He and his team of assistants, the Espionage Elite, were hired by the criminal organization the Zodiac to infiltrate Stark Industries and steal all of company owner and genius inventor Tony Stark's secrets. His efforts were stopped by Stark's alter-ego, the armoured superhero Iron Man.
Matthew is a phenomenal actor who has gained more and more recognition in recent years, starring in increasingly more acclaimed film and TV. Matthew has a certain presence which I think would fit well with the Spymaster, a cunning and ruthless individual who is scarily still and quiet. Not too dissimilar to the Ghost, although without the charm.
I hope you enjoyed the fan-cast, cronstructive criticsm is welcome. Cheers.