Deadpool in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - How this could work!

Deadpool in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - How this could work!

Using almost everything established in the Marvel Cinematic Universe from Phase One to present time, let me be allowed to show you my theories on how this could be done, if done at all.

Editorial Opinion
By Vaderpool99 - Dec 21, 2013 12:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Before you all have a heart attack I want to aware you that I would not, in any respects, want Marvel to get the rights back to Deadpool. Granted they represent their characters with a lot more decency (with the exception of The Mandarin and Malekith) and respect than Fox, that goes without saying, but I would like to see where Tim Miller and his team go with his story arc in that universe.

Now, onto pressing matters...

The image above describes a series of existing and established plot points that tend to carry through every phase in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It shows all the way back from HYDRA to the Super Soldier serum to Extremis, ultimately leading up to The Merc with a Mouth himself. Looking back at this I should have instead put A.I.M instead of HYDRA seeing as we have no clue outside of quick dialog whether HYDRA still exists or if A.I.M is HYDRA. But set back, set back, interperut however you please. These elements I believe combined in the right respects could work and you wouldn't need to change much of anything else. The Super Soldier serum makes you faster and stronger, something a man dying of any form of cancer would need, and it wouldn't hurt to be able to heal or regenerate to overcome any illness or disease. And HYDRA loves their mercenaries, and would go to any lengths to create the ultimate soldier, perfected unlike the Red Skull and to prove quite the match for Captain America or any of The Avengers. Instead of Stryker, Killebrew, etc. creating him, why not have Baron Von Strucker? He is rumoured for a small role in The Avengers: Age of Ultron which is supposed to be carried over from Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Still keep Deadpool insane, talking to the voices in his head, breaking the fourth wall, classic Wade.

Well, there it is, folks. Please don't be to harsh, this was just something that I had a ton of fun with and chose to share it with all you here on CBM. God bless and happy holidays!
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pesmerga44 - 12/21/2013, 1:13 PM
Issue Deadpool is owned by Fox and Fox with anything X-men is never going to let them go.
Vaderpool99 - 12/21/2013, 1:50 PM
I'm aware of that, good sir. This was just a What If kind of thing and how I would choose to execute it.
CharlesLord - 12/21/2013, 3:12 PM
I think the idea could work, but that would be one HELL of a loop to go thru to make sure they dont infringe
GuardianDevil - 12/21/2013, 3:46 PM
"Granted they represent their characters with a lot more decency (with the exception of The Mandarin and Malekith) and more respect than Fox."

No, they really don't....

But that's beside the point, sure it can work but Deadpool belongs at Fox with all of his related characters.
GuardianDevil - 12/21/2013, 4:19 PM
First of all, you need to shut up because you are the epitome of a troll. Quit trying to start things up!

But if you really think about it, there is really nothing wrong with Fox's X-Men films. Except for Origins and Last Stand, but all studios have their weak points look at Marvel with that mess Iron Man 2 and that bland watered down crap Captain America movie. 

Think about it, how many central characters have the X-Men movies gotten "wrong"? Two: Cyclops and Deadpool, even then they got Cyclops right in X1 just not the rest of the movies.

How many central characters has the MCU gotten "wrong"? At least five: Red Skull, Mandarin, Malekith, Crimson Dynamo and Iron Man. While they got Iron Man right in the first movie they take his character to strange places in the next three. Far off the from the comics. 

MCU fans hate any Marvel movie that doesn't have a Marvel Studios sticker on it. If Elektra was released with a sticker on it that says Marvel Studios you would all be masturbating. You KNOW this is true...

I actually feel Fox generally treats then with more respect than Marvel does. Because Marvel puts humor and action as the top priority. Fox puts story, villains and characters as top priority. Most of the really should stop being such a blind follower like most of the children who worship Marvel Studios. Realize that lots of other studios make great movies too, in the end this company bias you have only restricts you from enjoying dozens of good movies...

/end rant.

sikwon - 12/21/2013, 5:05 PM
@Jj63.... Storm, Iceman, Rogue, Jean, Deadpool, Sabertooth (X1), Stryker, Legion, Deathstroke, Wolverines entire origine, The Blob, Pyro, Angel, Sebastian Shaw... the ONLY THING that Fox used in terms of these characters was their names, basic look and basic powers. Beyond what they HAD to keep, these characters are nothing like their comic inspirations. Atleast Marvel keeps the essence of the character. Thats the difference.
sikwon - 12/21/2013, 5:06 PM
Hell with shaw and rogue they kept one aspect of their powers.
GuardianDevil - 12/21/2013, 5:27 PM
Rogue, Storm, Iceman, Jean, Sabretooth, Stryker, Blob and Angel are the same as the comic characters mostly. 

Pyro is pretty close, the costume is different but the character is mostly the same. 

Shaw, true but you gotta admit he was a badass villain.

Deathstroke, umm...I hope you realize this is not an X-Men character or even a Marvel character.

Deadpool, well yeah I already said that.

In all honesty, I respect your guys' opinions but personally I feel that the X-Men movies are MUCH better than the MCU. To me it's the same as comparing old and new Star Wars films. 

Prequels/MCU are all about great acting, humor, epic fight scenes and huge over glorified set pieces.

Classics/X-Men are all about deep interesting story, drama and progression of the characters.

They are both great in their own way, but at the end of the day I gotta go X-Men all the way!

True, just add the stories, heroes and villains. And that statement would be correct...
GuardianDevil - 12/21/2013, 5:39 PM
You betcha!
SnapperCarr - 12/21/2013, 6:52 PM
I wish Deadpool could somehow be in the MCU, because then we could see Deadpool and Agent Bob kick ass together!
BANE5000 - 12/21/2013, 8:06 PM
Yeah...Too bad is still owned by FOX
AnthonyLantern - 12/21/2013, 9:43 PM
Why would we want Deadpool in the MCU?
GuardianDevil - 12/21/2013, 10:33 PM
Shut up already, you ARE THE WORST TROLL ON THE SITE. Everyone knows this, you are THE LAST PERSON to be accusing someone else of trolling.

What I don't understand what DO YOU GUYS HAVE TO GAIN BY HATING X-MEN?

All you are doing is restricting yourselves from liking good movies. Your memes don't make your argument any more meaningful.

Anyways, Rogue didn't have all those powers to begin with. 

Iceman has a similar spunky attitude. Perhaps not as much as you'd like...

Pyro, not 100% familiar with the character.

Storm, she is EXACTLY the same character from the comics.

What is true is that the ESSENCE of the characters is the same. You guys are complaining about minor details and design, etc. Marvel changed the essence of multiple characters most notably Iron Man, not in the first film. But then in the other three his character is vastly different from the comics. In the comics he is a flawed yet selfless hero, in the movies he is an obnoxious, narcissistic ego-case. With MOST of the cases in X-Men, they change small pieces of the backstory or the design. But the essence of the characters are still the same, with Iron Man they gutted the character and replaced it with something more marketable. Which is fine, I don't care because I'm not even a fan of comics Iron Man anyway. But with X-Men design and details were changed, but the essence is the same. With Iron Man, Mandarin and Crimson Dynamo/Whiplash they rip out the core of the characters and change it completely. Of course I don't even care about source material mostly or that changes are made. But you guys are denying the fact that Marvel has tampered just as much.

I still am trying to keep this relatively friendly, but it's you guys who are throwing insults and calling me stupid and troll. That's uncalled for...having a differing opinion does not make me a troll. Attacking people for having different opinions makes YOU the troll. (This last paragraph is directed mainly at Intruder, not Omega)

GuardianDevil - 12/21/2013, 10:36 PM
I like Origins, but objectively it's not that good. It's the Iron Man 2 of the X-Men movies, it's that movie that is a hell of a lot of fun but deeply flawed at the core.
GuardianDevil - 12/21/2013, 10:52 PM
I feel that X-Men is mainly about deep thought provoking story, characters and progression.

While MCU is about big fight scenes and hilarious moments.

There are exceptions, look at X3 or Iron Man which are the exceptions but not the norm.

They are both great for different reasons, but when it comes down to it. I prefer X-Men, unlike most of the Marvel fanboys I'm not trying to make everyone else see things the way I do. I respect your guys' opinions but subjectively I feel the X-Men series overall is MUCH, MUCH better. That's still just IMHO, like I said I'm not trying to force my opinion on anyone else just defending where I stand. 
MightyZeus - 12/22/2013, 2:01 AM
I guess this concept would be interesting in bringing Deadpool to the MCU. It would be difficult but it would also be a huge challenge. It's a shame that FOX wont let go of the X-men properties to it would be easier for Marvel studios to get the rights to some of these mutants and give them feature roles or a proper film.
NovaCorpsFan - 12/22/2013, 6:25 AM
We should make more comic book based equations.
Vaderpool99 - 12/22/2013, 7:42 AM
Guys, just to set the record straight, I absolutely do not hate the X-Men movies, at all. All that I was stating was that whether it was Singer or the guys over at Fox themselves or not these characters are mostly either cardboard cut outs (Iceman, Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost) or not given enough to chew on (Cyclops, Pyro, Sabretooth (from X-Men), Shadowcat) like the comic books give them. I love these movies, even The Last Stand, the worst of the worst I can at least argue a couple things I had fun with in that movie. First Class was the best in my opinion, second would be X2 and I am anxiously waiting to see what Singer brings for Days of Future Past. I like him in the director's chair, unlike most people. I'm not saying that they are God awful films, I'm just saying that they are God awful adaptations. The story's the same as in the comic books, yes, but in the end we all want to see our favourite X-Men kicking ass whether the story's good or bad. Think about it, 20% of these characters are given proper treatment (excluding Wolverine since he is Fox's poster boy for the X-Men) and that is only counting the likes of Nightcrawler, Magneto, Professor Xavier, Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue (even though they tweaked with her personality and powers a bit), and in my opinion even Stryker at some points (both the Huston and Cox). Are they perfect? God no. Do they have serious problems? I would be lying if I said I couldn't see where most people were coming from, and I do hope Days does the franchise justice and gives it a fresh kick start. I'm not going to act like Marvel always does perfectly with their characters (as I said, Mandarin and Malekith) what I just mean is since they are Marvel Studios they do try to give their characters the respect and proper treatment and in the end I find that's all that matters. You can tell they want to give us these terrific stories and characters that we'll like and want to see be around for a long time. I just always had this feeling that Fox was more so in it to get asses in the seats. Which, sure, that's their job but Marvel seems like they just care more about us while still trying to keep their job. C'mon, everybody hated The Mandarin BS pulled in Iron Man 3 that there's rumours on the web that Marvel's going to fix that for us with a One Shot. Hell, I believe it! Sure, Marvel can slip up majorly sometimes, but that's going to happen when you have a fire breathing Guy Pearce in your motion picture. So, it isn't about who's better or more perfect, it's about who's not trying to take your money, but take your money and have you not regret a damn thing.

And again, yes, I am well aware, more than well aware, that DP is owned by Fox. This was a What If scenario that I just decided to have fun and fiddle with and honestly it was a blast. Whoever complimented it, thank you so very much, but I expect people to have their own opinions and I'm more than willing to accept that.
EpitomeofAwesome - 12/22/2013, 10:25 AM
Not true about the Marvel sticker thing, I love MCU movies and I despise Iron Man 2. I do like the X-Men movies, too, though
GuardianDevil - 12/22/2013, 1:05 PM

You're missing the point though...I'm not talking about specific back stories and details about characters being changed. Like Storm being an African warrior not being mentioned in the films, or Pyro not having and Australian accent. I'm talking about the essence of the characters and what they believe and how they act being MOSTLY the same. Okay, maybe Rogue didn't have all the powers that you wanted her to have but originally she didn't have the Ms. Marvel powers. Rogue's powers tend to change around. Sure the X-Men have made changes to designs and details about the characters but at the core they have faithfully adapted MOST of them. Probably not Deadpool, Cyclops was faithfully adapted in the first film but not in the rest. But I'd argue that most of the rest get the characters at least 90% right.

Think about it this way: The Incredible Hulk 2008, many things about this version of the character have been altered. Like how he originally got the condition, the gamma bomb, Rick Jones, etc. So many things about his character are changed. But the essence of character on the inside is a perfect adaptation of The Hulk. Which is why that is one of my favorite comic book movies. Yeah a LOT of things are changed and tampered with but at the core the essence of the character is the same. That's the same way I feel about the vast majority of the X-Men characters, except Deadpool. 

Just to say I personally feel that the film versions of Wolverine, Young Xavier, Old Xavier, Young Magneto, Old Magneto, Beast (in X3), Mystique (Romijn), Jean, Shaw and Stryker are at least almost as good as their comic book counterparts. I will give you this: I started with X-Men movies first, comics second. Of course I started with Fantastic 4, Daredevil and Hulk (2003) movies first. But I still feel now that they are greatly inferior to the comic book characters.

And by the way, I HAVE made the argument multiple times about story, characters, etc. That is why I feel the X-Men series overall is better than the MCU. That's just my opinion though. Why does it seem that I take a jab at the MCU when defending X-Men? I don't necessarily, but I will use them for example/contrast. My issue is mostly not with Marvel, it's more or less with their fans/fanboys. Who act like Marvel Studios can do no wrong, and all Sony/Fox do is wrong. That's the way guys like Intruder seem to see things, they have that pompous arrogant attitude like they are too good for all non MCU Marvel films and act as if they are bad. When they're obviously not, in fact I'd say a lot of the films (Blade 2, Spider-Man 1 & 2, X-Men 1 & 2, First Class, Wolverine and Daredevil Director's Cut) are just as good if not a little bit better than the average MCU film. I love The Avengers for being so massively iconic, epic and industrious. I love the first Iron Man for being a deep emotional character search. I love The Incredible Hulk for being a darker toned, character search with a lot of great action. The rest? Eh...range from good like Thor 1 & 2 and Iron Man 3 all three of which I like but are kinda boring and generic. To average like Iron Man's fun but at the core is a heavily flawed bad movie. To crappy like Captain America, wooden, lifeless characters. A silly villain with no motivations and is really just a neutered watered down pussy. Weak plot....

I don't dislike the MCU by any means, it's just that their fans judge movies with a HUGE double standard. With most: whether or not the film has a sticker on it that says Marvel Studios is what determines the film quality. 

And the fact that Marvel has tampered around and changed many characters from the comics just like Fox. So we LIKE it when Marvel does it? But HATE it when Fox does it? That's pretty much how it goes...double standard just like I said.

Yeah bro, sorry for polluting your article with a discussion that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Sorry for that...

Not true about EVERYONE. Just some...I was referring mainly to Intruder in that comment.
GuardianDevil - 12/22/2013, 5:13 PM
Also, FYI I've read dozens of X-Men comics. The movies are not THAT far off, they are about as far off as the MCU is. All I'm saying is that specific details and such have been changed or not mentioned. But the essence of the characters themselves are at least 90% there...all except for Deadpool.

Sure, I saw the first two movies before I got into comics. But I've read countless amounts of X-Men comics, so you need to stop trying to sound condescending and saying that I've never read X-Men. The X-Men movies make many changes yes, but that's no reason to hate it because other film series' do it JUST AS MUCH.
GuardianDevil - 12/22/2013, 10:22 PM
Cut it with the high and mighty pompous holier than thou bullshit...

Tell me how she is different? Personality, look, powers...all 90% there. Specific elements of the backstory and such are left out but the essence of the character is exactly the same.

You are really reaching to find reasons to hate. Because you are an MCU follower....

Marvel butchers characters just as much AND just as bad if not worse. Red Skull is the perfect example.

Please get that arrogant ass outta here! Quit trying to sound condescending it really doesn't work over the Internet bro. 
GuardianDevil - 12/22/2013, 10:29 PM
Anyways, I'm done with this silly argument unless you intend to keep it going. For two reasons 1) It's not worth it, you are blinded by company bias so why even try. 2) I'm sick and tired of your holier than thou attitude, YOU'RE telling ME what I have and haven't read?? Get over yourself man...

Go, continue on to other threads with the Man of Steel/Fox/pretty much anything not Marvel bashing. Merry Christmas by the way!
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