Fancast Overview:
Season One--The Blazing Blade:
Season Two--The Binding Blade:
Season Three--The Sacred Stones:
Season Four--Path of Radiance:
Season Five--Radiant Dawn:

1. Addendum
Way back in my fancast's overview, there was one little detail that I forgot to include in the structure of my hypothetical series--specifically, the opening title sequence. Remember that song I kept putting at the end of each part?
This beautiful piece of music, composed and conducted by Hiroyuki Kôzu and Yuka Tsujiyoko, is probably one of, if not the best reorchestrations of the Fire Emblem theme music. I'd consider it timeless, which is why I would dust it off as the main theme tune for my figurative Netflix anime. As for what goes on during the title sequence, my idea is for the main hero (or heroes) of each season to be given a short but sweet first look, sort of like what they did with X-Men: The Animated Series back in 1992. In chronological order:
-0:00-0:36--a series of titles, following the usual 'A Netflix Original Series' title, with the logos of Nintendo, Intelligent Systems, whatever animation company would be contracted, and whatever studio would be producing, ending at the Fire Emblem title logo over a vast grassland, at which point the camera pans to...
-0:36-0:44--Lyndis from The Blazing Blade as she draws her sword while lunging after a trio of bandits, transitioning to...
-0:44-0:51--Eliwood from The Blazing Blade as he, sword unsheathed, fights off a couple of Black Fang sellswords, transitioning to...
-0:51-1:00--Hector from The Blazing Blade swinging his axe at a couple of armored warriors, transitioning to...
-1:00-1:07--Roy from The Binding Blade as he duels with King Zephiel of Bern, transitioning to...
-1:07-1:15--Eirika and Ephraim from The Sacred Stones as they square off with Grado soldiers that quickly become Revenants, transitioning to...
-1:15-1:23--Ike from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn running off a hill's ledge, his sword in hand, as he dives into an army while doing his signature 'Aether' move, which transitions to...
-1:23-1:30--Elincia from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn, astride her pegasus, sword pointed forward as she leads her Crimeand Royal Knights into battle, transitioning to...
-1:30-1:40--Micaiah from Radiant Dawn, facing a trio of soldiers, as she casts a spell from her light tome Thani, her hand raised as she motions the burst of energy downward, towards the camera...
The screen is briefly engulfed in a flash of light, which fades to reveal the Fire Emblem title logo.
2. Acknowledgements
First off, this particular site was very handy in helping me with the character bios for each season: Secondly, I would like to thank all of you who commented on each entry of my fancast, in spite of knowing little to nothing about the
Fire Emblem franchise. The great thing about fancasts on this site is if they're for a property that's not as well-known in fan circles, they serve as a decent introduction. I have seen some great fancasts based on videogames and anime/manga series on this site, like @BobGarlen's great
Max Payne or @Brippy's
Black Butler from last year. Those two, along with a really great
Mass Effect and
Trigun from a while back, gave me great confidence in getting this whole shebang off the ground. I strongly encourage any of you to give the
Fire Emblem games a shot--if you want a small sampler of the mythos but don't want to shell out the dough just yet, the
Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game is a good place to start.
But I'm not done with you, my fellow CBM'ers, just yet.
Pardon me while I take a moment to throw down a gauntlet.
3. The Gauntlet is Thrown
Each season of my hypothetical Netflix series was based on my favorite games in the franchise. That leaves a good number of entries in the series that I haven't tackled, by choice. They aren't necessarily my personal favorites, which is why I won't be giving them the fancast treatment, which brings me to all of you. I hereby challenge any who would pick up the gauntlet to try their hand at fancasting those games that I did not devote my time to, each one of them with a rich mythology of their own. I refer to the following:
*It was both Parts 1 and 3 in particular that served as the inspiration for the short-lived anime produced in 1997.*
The Judgral Saga
The Hoshido-Nohr Saga
Who here will rise to the challenge? To pull the sword from the stone, to retrieve the Golden Fleece, to clean the stables of Augeas? There are a good number of talented fancasters on this site--who among you thinks they have what it takes to tackle one of these stories? If anyone here can last through multiple seasons of Game of Thrones and Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, six movies based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkein, and seven books chronicling the adventures of Harry Potter, then surely you are worthy of this challenge. To any who decide to tackle one of these games in their next fancast--good luck to you. You have my faith in your capability.
Till Next We Meet...