What if?! All the Marvel Movies were released in 1993?

What if?! All the Marvel Movies were released in 1993?

My idea about if James Cameron had started a Marvel Movie Revolution in the early 90s. I cast every major character in the Marvel Universe with actors popular in the early 90s. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!

By drakk2012 - Jul 30, 2016 08:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Alternate timeline.

In 1990 Chris Claremont and Stan Lee met with James Cameron who had expressed interest in an X Men Movie. The meeting went very well with Chris Claremont making the movie pitch of the Century. James Cameron had originally considered merely being a Producer of the film with his then wife Kathryn Bigelow directing. Chris Claremonts pitch was so good that James Cameron began having thoughts of directing the X Men film himself.

Towards the end of Chris Claremonts pitch Stan Lee began to think about pitching a Spider Man movie idea to James Cameron as well. We all know that this was the demise of the X Men Movie in the early 90s. Yet in this timeline, just as Stan Lee was about to speak, a gnat which had been buzzing around the entire meeting flew down Stan Lees throat. He began coughing uncontrollably. He coughed up the gnat but the damage had been done. He drank water but continued to cough, his throat being so irritated and hoarse as James Cameron and Chris Claremont watched on uncomfortably. Embarrassed by his sudden condition Stan Lee had to get up and walk out of the meeting and go to the bathroom to get himself together. His attempt to compose himself took so long that Chris Claremont was left alone with James Cameron to further pitch the idea of an X Men Movie which would change not only Marvel Comics but all mankind, for all time.

Chis Claremonts pitch convinced James Cameron that he should be the one to direct the first of a trilogy of X Men Movies. With Kathryn Bigelow directing the second and possibly third. The meeting ended up lasting over six hours and they discussed all the X Men history and characters. All the supporting characters, the villains and story lines. James Camerons imagination took off. He envisioned a trilogy of movies which would include nearly all the X Men characters in supporting but relevant roles. Utilizing a majority of the villains for plot lines to bring perhaps the most faithful adaption of any comic movie up to that time and long after. The meeting ended with Stan Lee being driven home mortified of having embarrassed himself in front of one the best movie directors of Hollywood. But he was fine with Chris Claremont pitching the X Men Movie idea since Camerons response to it was seemed soo positive. So Stan Lee felt he may have another opportunity to pitch a Spider Man movie to Cameron someday, yet this would never be. James Cameron had decided his next movie project would be "X Men the Movie".

James Cameron was ecstatic about this new film project but he knew that his current movie studio Carolco was having financial issues and could not possibly finance this series of movies which he knew would possibly require around $300 million to complete. So he decided to reach out to other movie studios to finance his new project. A big budget comic movie in the 90s had not been attempted but the meeting with the studio executives went well solely because of who was pitching the idea, James Cameron. They thought he was insane but also had complete faith in any James Cameron project. Especially since his latest movie, Terminator 2 was doing so well. He secured funding from Paramount Pictures and soon after 20th Century Fox decided to come on board.

James Cameron had his money. The date was June 1991. But the story is only partially complete.

When word gets out of an X Men Movie directed by James Cameron. All the movie studios go into a frenzy thinking this will be the next big movie genre. Marvel Comics offices are flooded with phone calls requesting meetings to discuss other possible Marvel Movie franchises. Realizing they have a motion picture goldmine on their hands, Marvel and most notably Editor In Chief Tom Defalco and Stan Lee himself, wanted to give their fans the experience of a lifetime and decided not to lease the rights to their properties unless each studio was willing to keep each respective property in the same universe. This would require the need to cast one actor to each character which would be interchangeable in other movies regardless of what studio was producing the film. The ideas was unprecedented. News of James Camerons casting choices began to leak leading to every movie studio interested in making a Marvel movie feeling confident to accept Marvels offer, and so it was done.

Five movie franchises were agreed upon. X Men, The Avengers, Fantastic Four, Daredevil and Spiderman being financed by every major movie studio in Hollywood. Nearly every major Marvel character would be featured in the relevant universe they are apart of with dozens of characters appearing in other films produced by other studios. This was gonna require the employment of over a hundred actors and create thousands of jobs more over the next 5 years.

When it is contractually agreed by all studios that all Marvel characters will be interchangeable, Tom Defalco and Stan Lee suggest that all screen writers for each respective film franchise should work together in creating a universal story line which could affect and be relevant to every film being produced. This would allow for a story line for each individual film to work off of and give the opportunity to bring in other characters from other franchises. In December 1991 the screenplays for every film is complete. In another unprecedented move it is decided for every movie to begin filming in June 1992. With filming lasting nearly 8 months and post production lasting nearly a year. James Cameron offered his newest special effects technology to every film being directed and was used as a consultant on every film since it will be considered that the X Men would be one of the main focuses of the universal plot line.

All that was left was to cast the characters. Since it is agreed that the films would require alot of special effects considering the fantasy element of the genre, a majority of the budget for each film is reserved for post production. So it is accepted that hiring expensive actors to fill the roles would not be likely. The films would depend on the quality of the film and story line to make the film a success. The best directors are the only thing considered to handle each film and with the unique concept behind this unprecedented Hollywood experiment, many great film directors had offered their services. Once the directors were confirmed, the actors were next.

After many many considerations the final roles to some of the most popular fictional characters in history are finally decided upon, and this is what a series of Marvel movies released in 1993 would look like......what do you think?

The second big budget franchise to be approved was a trilogy for The Avengers. Many directors offered their services to direct this adaption. In the end the movie studios went with the proven and highly respected Tony Scott. With the writing duties given to action screen writer Shane Black and comics veteran John Byrne. After consulting with the universal plotline a story is decided upon and these actors are chosen to portray
Marvels The Avengers.

The third franchise to be approved was Fantastic Four. This was considered to a more family friendly franchise and so the movie studios decided to pick the very talented Richard Donner with writing duties given to Chris Columbus and first time screen writer but highly talented Jim Starlin. After many considerations these were the actors chosen to film a trilogy of movies based upon the Fantastic Four.

The fourth franchise approved was SpiderMan. Considered a more kid friendly franchise it was decided the Sam Raimi would be a good fit for this trilogy of films. Writing duties were given to Sam Raimi himself and long tinw SpiderMan comic writer David Michelini.
After an exhausting search to cast the characters for this series, these actors were finally decided upon to film SpiderMan the movie.

The fifth and final franchise approved for a trilogy was Daredevil. Sean Penn was very interested in playing the lead role. Once cast he became an executive producer of the film, making sure the movie was very faithful to the comic book itself. After weeks of auditions these actors were chosen to portray the characters of the Daredevil universe. Having seen several of his films, Sean Penn strongly suggested that John Woo's style of filmaking along with Frank Millers script would bring to life the Devil of Hells Kitchen.

I originally posted this on another website but the conversation there turned into issues about race in this country. It was a waste. So i decided to try this website.

I spent weeks putting this idea together. Since the early 90s when X-Men was the #1 selling comic at Marvel under Jim Lee and Chris Claremont i had always wondered what actors could be cast as the X-Men. Just a few years ago i found out that James Cameron had actually attempted to bring a live action X-Men movie to life in that same era. That would have been every comic book fan at the times dream come true.

My curiosity now enhanced do to the possibility of an X-Men movie in the early 90s actually almost happening i started to piece together in my mind who would be good choices for the X-Men based on the popular actors of that time. Being a big fan of movies and comics i decided to give it a shot. In doing so i couldnt help but cast the rest of the Marvel Universe. So i present to you my backstory and casting for big budget Marvel Movies, had they been released in 1993! Let me know your thoughts or changes. Hope you enjoy!

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MileHighRonin - 8/1/2016, 11:14 PM
Great read, you put a lot of effort into this and it shows.

I like most of your casting, just suprised no Arnold for Colossus.

Also what would the films be about?
drakk2012 - 8/13/2016, 10:06 PM
@MileHighRonin - Thank you. You know i posted this idea on another website and i got that suggestion of Arnold for Colosus over and over. lol I said to them that growing up Arnold was the ideal choice for Colossus in 1993. But in the scenario ive posted here i tried to make the casting as realistic as possible. So i know Arnold in 1993 would have been expensive to cast. So i dont think Cameron would have forced the studio to hire him just for his star status. Plus i have a feeling Arnold would have wanted script changes to give Colossus more screen time. As integral as Colossus is to the XMen i really think he has always been a sideline character like Banshee or Nightcrawler. So #1 reason i didnt cast him even though he would have been great as Colossus was i know he would have been too expensive in the scenario ive posed.

What the films would be about? You know i thought about this as i was finishing the casting images. I really feel if all the Marvel franchises were interconnected the way i suggested with all the studios cooperating, that the movies should not or could NOT BE ORIGIN MOVIES. Therefore the stories would make better sense as being in a movie universe where Superheros have been around for decades just like in the comics using the same history as in the comics. But the #1 reason for this was to justify using faithful adaptions of the 'costumes' in the movies. The costumes would be very important for this concept to work in my mind.

Ive felt that the reason they dont use such faithful adaptions of the costumes is because #1. like i said above to @metropolisman2, theyre making the movies too mixed up in OUR real world #2. because all the marvel movies have been origin movies, theres not many superheros in the movie universe theyre creating. So to have colorful costumes like the ones in the comics would look kind of strange, BUT if there were hundreds of superheros in the movie universe like there are in the comics that have been around for decades like im suggesting, a bunch of cool looking costumes would not seem so unusual. Hope that makes sense...

Therefore I really feel the stories would be based on the Villains in all the movies just causing trouble and the superheros saving the day. BUT as i mentioned there could be a universal storyline that all the movies try to stick to so that eventually they could all lead to a big crossover MOVIE. And the best crossover story in mind has always been the Infinity Gauntlet. So i know thats what is actually happening in the Marvel Movies today but its the only way to go. So im glad theyre actually doing that. Im not trying to be lazy, but i really do think the Infinity Gauntlet story would be the only direction the movies in my scenario could all lead to. Maybe ill expand the scenario ive posted to explain this idea. lol

Thanks again!
Baba2522584337 - 8/8/2016, 2:11 PM
Timothy Dalton as a 90's Tony Stark is so spot on. So are a lot of your other choices, too. I was really impressed with the X-Men cast, and I'm kinda upset I'll never get that movie. Lol
drakk2012 - 8/13/2016, 10:10 PM
@Baba2522584337 - thank you. I appreciate that. I feel the same way. There were plenty of decent actors who could have pulled off a faithful comic adaption in the early 90s. Its a real shame James Cameron was never able to make an XMen movie or SpiderMan movie for that matter in the 90s. Imagine how different the superhero movie genre would have been by now. lol
Thanks again!
Kevwebsz - 8/8/2016, 5:12 PM

My 90s pick for Professor X because DUH
drakk2012 - 8/13/2016, 10:16 PM
@Kevwebsz - Ughhh. Patrick Stewart again...lol

You know i get that he looks like Professor X with the bald head and dark eyebrows and all. As i mentioned in my post, i had posted this idea on another website and some crazy fanatic kept angrily posting that Patrick Stewart was the ONLY choice for Professor X.lol I get it, but I just dont see a Michael Beihn as Cyclops and Mel Gibson as Wolverine taking orders from a short skinny younger Patrick Stewart. lol Especially with James Cameron directing. Ed Harris would have been a decent Professor X. But thats just me. Any other alternate casting ideas?
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