Were Three Huge Action Scenes Cut From FANTASTIC FOUR Before Filming Even Started?
When does it end? Probably the most controversial CBM in recent memory, Josh Trank and Fox's Fan4stic has been shrouded with discouraging rumors as early as 2013, and and the latest suggests that Fox had cut three action scenes BEFORE filming even began!
By MrCBM56 -
Aug 07, 2015 09:08 PM EST
Source: Comic Book

John Campea of Collider Movie Talk has recently revealed that multiple sources of 20th Century Fox agreed for Josh Trank to direct his vision of The Fantastic Four - which was desrcibed as a very dark Amblin-esque, Cronenberg inspired "tragic tale", displaying the horror of what can come out these trasnformations before becoming the iconic Fantastic Four. However, merely days before filming, Fox apparently stripped three huge set-pieces from the film! Could this have led to Trank's "destructive behaviour" towards the crew and becoming indecisive and demanding? But wait, there's more!
Campea's sources also revealed that the downfall and utter dreadful third act wasn't Trank's doing and he was actually removed from the editing room entirely! It's suggested Kinberg could've directed those scenes though Trank was still on set. Apparently, it was those removals from the film that made it feel adrupt, being described as a puzzle, "once you start moving the peices it starts to look out of whack." I don't know about you guys, but I'm itching for a "What Happened..." documentary! So what do you think? Are any of these rumors adding up or are we ready to move on from the movie? Let us know in the comments.