Thats really all there is to say. Im completely indifferent about this movie. It did nothing for me in anyway shape or form. It was completely numbing. Bland acting, bland effects, bland fights, bland battles, bland story. Nice breast. Cgi fish, unfunny gags. That about covers it. I know its not a long or exciting review, which really fits for this movie. There were little things that annoyed me to no end, and things that annoyed me but ended. Ice does not sink, it floats, there's no need to wear sunglasses in the rain, if you don't talk your mask does not need lips, and dennis quad is officially done as an actor. So there you go folks. i know you were expecting more, but if there's any movie that does not evoke any kind of emotional response, even negative, this would be it. Maybe the movie succeeded in turning of my brain.