So the issue I find myself having with the new GI Joe movie is quite frankly the fact that they may in fact kill off Duke. Now there is no concrete proof of this its just pure speculation it still kinda freaks me out. Why? Well Duke is essentially the main character of GI JOe throughout the cartoons and comics. He is the hero. So why would they do this to him? Due to the negative reaction to Channing Tatum's portrayal of Duke the producers or writers or director or whoever must have thought well nobody likes him so lets kill him and start over. Yes the first movie was bad and yes Tatum's acting wasn't up to par. But hey it was a fun movie and Channing can be a good actor when he wants to ala 21 Jumpstreet. But let me remind you this should not be a Rock movie just like the Avengers shouldn't be Iron Man and friends. Duke is the main guy and like Puke Tatum or not he is already Duke so we should give him another chance. And besides honestly who cares about Roadblock I mean yeah he is cool and funny but he aint Duke. All one would have to due is show Duke in a new light make him more cool or whatever in this sequel and people probably will like him. So whichever ending the choose from the screenings, both should have Duke alive because Joe aint Joe without the main Joe. GO JOE!!!