ARROW is a ripoff

ARROW is a ripoff

Is Arrow just ripping off other comic books movies?

Editorial Opinion
By Bearjew - Apr 03, 2015 10:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Green Arrow

  1.  Arrow steals Batman villains
   Less bothered by Deadshot in season one and more-so by Ra's Al Ghul and the League of Assassins and the shirtless sword fight with Ra's, the parallels are undeniable.
  2. Cupid is a Harley Quinn knock-off
    This character is weak anyways, I could tell Arrow's writing was dwindling when it seemed like every week's villain suddenly was a master archer. Harley Quinn is a psychiatrist who falls madly in love with the Joker, and today has wound up on the Suicide Squad, it's easy to see with all the hardly veiled thievery from the Batman franchise that Cupid -who becomes obsessed with the Arrow (what's wrong with calling him Green Arrow?)-  is nothing more than an attempt to copy the ditsy, obsessive psycho traits of Harley Quinn.
  3. Deadshot origin in episode 'Suicidal Tendencies' is an American Sniper rip-off.
     Not to say that Deadshot's origin story didn't already exist before American Sniper was written but the creation of this episode seems like an obvious attempt to coast off of the success of American Sniper with it's similar story about a PTSD sniper for the American military who comes home and struggles to deal with day-to-day life.
  4. The Atom is going to be first an Iron Man rip-off (and a couple months before Ant-Man is released will try to coast off of it).
  There have been complaints that Ray Palmer's billonaire genius philanthropist eccentric persona and bionic flying suit most certainly have direct correlations to Iron Man -this much is undeniable. People are also saying that this will get better because the Atom's comic book powers of shrinking are going to shown on the show soon, but I believe this is another attempt to coast off the excitment of Ant Man closer to the release date.

  5. The New Count Vertigo is a rip-off of Ra's Al Ghul from Batman Begins.
    Case in point, the folks at Arrow even tried to get Liam Neeson to play the new Count but he declined. Count Vertigo's new formula that when he was injected brought out his worst fear is obviously close to Batman Begins' fear vapor. 

 6. Brother Blood was a rip-off of Scarecrow from Batman Begins.
   With Sebastian Blood's mask (which looked like they were almost trying not to make it look like Scarecrow's) his testing of the Mirakuru formula on unsuspecting individuals and a spooky voice this guy is just another example of the Arrow writing staff's laziness.

  Look, up until this season I enjoyed Arrow a lot -I enjoy the Flash- and I thought the Ra's Al Ghul/Oliver duel was badass but all this blatant coopying is simply lazy and boring to watch. And I think fans are gonna stop forgiving it soon.



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Bearjew - 4/3/2015, 11:51 AM
And Tarentino takes elements from his idols to create amazing stores but there's a different between crafting an original story using element or themes and blatantly stealing material and loosely veiling it as your own work
Odin - 4/3/2015, 12:16 PM

Also, why do people nowadays think that a comment qualifies as an editioral.
TheRockmore - 4/3/2015, 12:21 PM
Just to adress one of your points, "Villains", WARNING this will be longer then your whole post:

Villains: Ah the age-old (since 2012 when Arrow premiered) claim that "Arrow uses 'Batman villains'" ... but is it true? Absolutely not.... A "Batman villain" or a "_____ villain" (hero specific villain) is a villain who draws that hero to them in nearly every appearance. For example, whenever Joker faces lets say Superman, Batman ALWAYS appears in the storyline...because Joker is a Batman villain, when you have have the other. REAL Batman villains include the greats...ala Joker, Bane, Scarecrow, Penguin, Riddler, Mr. Freeze, etc. Second rate villains such as Dollmaker and Firefly have faced off against other heroes time and time again without Batman's intervention.

As for Green Arrow's rogues’ gallery from the comics...well its relatively nonexistent excluding: Merlyn, Brick, Shado, Edward Fyers, Chine White, Onomatopoeia, Constantine Drakon, Count Vertigo, Komodo and Deathstroke, who...SURPRISE! Have all appeared on the show (minus Onomatopoeia). A rogue's gallery consisting of about 10 villains, and then a whole bunch of aimless and lame other archers who are villains as well: Ape Archer, Rainbow Archer, the Archer From Mars, Archie the Archer, Beau Brummel the list of lame archer villains goes on. In that case...what do you do if you want a show that you want to last for about 5+ seasons and there is a vast universe that has villains floating around here and there and everywhere!?!... You borrow ... just like almost every other long running comic tv show has ... unless you would prefer they went the Smallville route ... and just made up arbitrary one off villains. Regardless of how it is viewed...most fans just read the name of the villain ... and since he is borrowed... they get mad even if that anger is unwarranted.

Here are some of the "Batman villains" fans claim Arrow uses:

Ra's Al Ghul and the League - Anything with Ra's Al Ghul and the League in my own opinion is grey area because this is the one comic character the comics don't tackle correctly. In the comics it is indeed Ra's Al Ghul who trains Green Arrows main adversary, Merlyn the Archer, and it (may be) the League of Assassins who trained the New 52 version of Merlyn the Archer as well. On top of this, Ra's runs a worldwide organization of assassins, the fact that he has yet to come into contact with other heroes baffles me.

Deathstroke - Generally a Teen Titans foe, Deathstroke fought Arrow during the events of Identity Crisis where the hero stabbed him in the eye with an arrow. Since then, Deathstroke has targeted the Emerald Archer.

Deadshot - Deadshot discovers he has a daughter, Zoe, who is being raised in a crime-filled area of Star City. Lawton decides to do right by this daughter, and embarks on a lethal war on the local gangs that plague the area. The series ends with Deadshot faking his death, having realized a normal life isn't for him, but also having mostly cleared up the area and convincing Green Arrow to patrol it more regularly.

Harley Quinn - First of all, she didn't even show up (technically), but if she did, so be it! Harley is a member of the Suicide Squad in the New 52, the Suicide Squad that goes off on missions all the time that don't involve Batman at all...successfully making her, not a Batman villain. Also, it isn't as if she hasn't come into contact with Oliver either, a relationship the Injustice comics really played up.

Firefly - Throughout the course of his comic run he has faced heroes who are most certainly not Batman. Despite facing Batman more than other heroes, it isn't like Arrow made him a colossal villain by any means, he was a one episode wonder, he was there and then he was gone.

lock King - William Tockman committed crimes with clocks as a theme under the guise of the Clock King becoming one of Arrow's frequent sparring partners until he began to tangle with the Dark Knight....yup...he was a Green Arrow villain first before Batman TAS "stole him"...

Dollmaker - The name as a whole isn't a "Batman villain" Dollmaker has faced off against heroes such as Supergirl, etc. without Batman (By this I mean yes the version of Dollmaker they used has faced MOSTLY Batman ... but other versions have faced other heroes alone.

Huntress - The Huntress is an anti-hero in her own right, often striking out on her own, in no way does this make her a Batman villian/associate; yes they are friends, but only in the New 52, and storylines where Helena Bertinelli is actually Helena Wayne are Batman and Huntress closely tied.
LEVITIKUZ - 4/3/2015, 12:31 PM
5. The New Count Vertigo is a rip-off of Ra's Al Ghul from Batman Begins.
Case in point, the folks at Arrow even tried to get Liam Neeson to play the new Count but he declined. Count Vertigo's new formula that when he was injected brought out his worst fear is obviously close to Batman Begins' fear vapor.

Pasto - 4/3/2015, 12:44 PM
Arrow's got problems, and your article does an amazing job of completely missing them.
Pasto - 4/3/2015, 12:46 PM
Apologies, you manage to acknowledge one of the actual problems with the show. Other than that, you should honestly considering deleting this article. And you should actually watch 'Arrow' for yourself instead of just coasting off of what people have said about the show. It's blatantly obvious you've been prowling Arrow threads looking for the complaints people have stated, not knowing if they have any merit.
CommanderShepard - 4/3/2015, 12:57 PM
Lol...that is just too funny.
Bearjew - 4/3/2015, 1:00 PM
Haha dude this is hilarious, @Pasto I have seen every episode of the show, these are my own genuine complaints so go [frick] yourself you little nerd
Pasto - 4/3/2015, 1:13 PM
Cupid is a Harley Quinn knock-off
This character is weak anyways, I could tell Arrow's writing was dwindling when it seemed like every week's villain suddenly was a master archer. Harley Quinn is a psychiatrist who falls madly in love with the Joker, and today has wound up on the Suicide Squad, it's easy to see with all the hardly veiled thievery from the Batman franchise that Cupid -who becomes obsessed with the Arrow (what's wrong with calling him Green Arrow?)- is nothing more than an attempt to copy the ditsy, obsessive psycho traits of Harley Quinn.

If you've read a comic, you'd know comparing a character who has an obsession with a villain is nowhere near the same as a character who has an obsession with a hero. And to top it all off, they've only acknowledged how she clings to certain people all of two times this season. So as I said, you should watch the show for yourself.

Deadshot origin in episode 'Suicidal Tendencies' is an American Sniper rip-off.
Not to say that Deadshot's origin story didn't already exist before American Sniper was written but the creation of this episode seems like an obvious attempt to coast off of the success of American Sniper with it's similar story about a PTSD sniper for the American military who comes home and struggles to deal with day-to-day life.

I honestly blew some air out of my nose at this particular statement. You're honestly saying that because someone who was a soldier experienced PTSD, that are copying off of a film that more or less came out months after the episode itself was written? And by your logic, every single soldier whose dealt with PTSD, is a copy of a film starring Bradley Cooper. I mean.....what?

The Atom is going to be first an Iron Man rip-off (and a couple months before Ant-Man is released will try to coast off of it).
There have been complaints that Ray Palmer's billonaire genius philanthropist eccentric persona and bionic flying suit most certainly have direct correlations to Iron Man -this much is undeniable. People are also saying that this will get better because the Atom's comic book powers of shrinking are going to shown on the show soon, but I believe this is another attempt to coast off the excitment of Ant Man closer to the release date.

This part right here shows you haven't read any comic involving the Atom. Sure, his suit is an "Iron Man rip-off", his personality however is all him.

He's always been an eccentric guy. So that comparison, like your others, is completely asinine.

The New Count Vertigo is a rip-off of Ra's Al Ghul from Batman Begins.
Case in point, the folks at Arrow even tried to get Liam Neeson to play the new Count but he declined. Count Vertigo's new formula that when he was injected brought out his worst fear is obviously close to Batman Begins' fear vapor.

Yah know I'd honestly feel like a jerk if I acknowledged how wrong this statement is. I'm just gonna move on.

Brother Blood was a rip-off of Scarecrow from Batman Begins.
With Sebastian Blood's mask (which looked like they were almost trying not to make it look like Scarecrow's) his testing of the Mirakuru formula on unsuspecting individuals and a spooky voice this guy is just another example of the Arrow writing staff's laziness.

This statement alone blatantly shows you know nothing about the comics. You don't reference Scarecrow IN the actual comics this shit is based off of, you reference his appearance in Christopher Nolan's "Batman Begins". And other than that, you compare Scarecrow's fear inducing toxin to Brother Blood's drug that grants people superhuman abilities. I mean WTF.

What do we learn from this awful article kids?

Know your shit before you open your mouth
01928401 - 4/3/2015, 1:32 PM
It's not that he hasn't seen Arrow, he just hasn't read enough/any comics. The Green Arrow wiki page was probably his main source for this article.
wookiefit - 4/3/2015, 1:47 PM
@ Arrowverse
@ Pasto

You guys beat me to it. Thanks for explaining how wrong this "article" is and that the writer obviously hasn't read any books or understands the characters.
LehnsienZad - 4/3/2015, 1:50 PM
i dont EVEN watch Arrow and i know you're a little prissypants shit-fiddler
wookiefit - 4/3/2015, 1:53 PM
I wonder what Bearjew looks like. This:

Or this:

And yes! You did hurt me Bearjew. You hurt my eyes from reading this article.
Pasto - 4/3/2015, 1:53 PM
Good point.
blackandyellow - 4/3/2015, 2:15 PM
Somebody needs to submit this magnificent piece of comic book journalism to the Eisner Award judges. This editorial needs industry-wide praise and recognition.

The grammar. The syntax. The paragraph structures. Just perfection.
wookiefit - 4/3/2015, 2:17 PM
I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna "thumbs up" this in hopes that more people can read it and die a little like we all did when we read this.

I'm doing it.
BigFoster - 4/3/2015, 3:04 PM
Someone doesn't know what they are talking about
sKeemAn - 4/3/2015, 3:08 PM
This editorial is more like long ass comment. And I would definitely do some more research. You cant just say this person is a rip-off of that without anything to back you up.
Bearjew - 4/3/2015, 3:08 PM
Wow, these hurt.
MisterSuperior - 4/3/2015, 3:15 PM
"Case in point, the folks at Arrow even tried to get Liam Neeson to play the new Count but he declined."

Cruel - 4/3/2015, 3:42 PM
WTF was this?
Dear god this was painful to read.
There was nothing salvageable.
Please never type anything again.

WinterOstritch - 4/3/2015, 4:10 PM
Pasto is roasting this article faster than a 1940's German concentration camp
Lhornbk - 4/3/2015, 4:36 PM
@Pasto, thank you for making all my points for me so I don't have to.
WYLEEJAY - 4/3/2015, 5:45 PM

Wait.........this..............this here.....isn't a joke? Are you sure you didn't mean for it to be a joke? So hold on.....what your telling that you actually believe the bullshit you wasted part of your life typing out? When's the last time you have seen sunlight? Or a woman? Or an episode of Arrow?
WYLEEJAY - 4/3/2015, 5:46 PM
I'm with wookiefit. Thumbed.....
WYLEEJAY - 4/3/2015, 5:52 PM
And there's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from other characters. It's actually quite a compliment. Every writer is inspired by something. You call it a RIPOFF. But you have horrible evidence to back your claim. So maybe you should have said INSPIRED, cause that I could of seen. There's a big difference. Deadpool is a RIPOFF of Deadshot. As a joke. I quite enjoy Deadpool more too.

Here's a tricky one for you. Man Thing and Swamp Thing. Figure that one out. Who's the RIPOFF?
MarvelousAgentX - 4/3/2015, 6:34 PM
According to Bob Kane, Batman is based on Sherlock Holmes.
Maestro - 4/3/2015, 9:45 PM
This is an article that is NOT written properly. But yes, obviously arrow is heavily influenced by Nolan's TDK series. This much had been acknowledged for a while now. People have gotten over it though.
ScottMontgomery - 4/3/2015, 9:59 PM
I don't even like Arrow, I just came here for the comments!
Fekkius - 4/4/2015, 1:36 AM
RextheKing - 4/4/2015, 5:48 AM
We got that block button, how about a dislike one next?
MaximusTheMad - 4/4/2015, 9:00 AM
@Bearjew @Arrowverse @Pasto

I don't think using other heroes' villains or replicating the tone and plot elements of other franchises can be called ripping-off in the case of Arrow and The Flash. I'd call it doing what you can with what you have! Arrow and Flash wouldn't have become the juggernauts they are today without borrowing a little here and there.

I mean these shows (especially Arrow!) had almost everything against them including lacking the permission to use popular characters and being shown on a shitty network channel that caters to materialistic teen girls.

Despite all of this though, these shows came through and managed to improve until they became the best superhero shows in almost a decade.

Call it what you want but in this case, I think the idea of "ripping off" other franchises was the best thing that ever happened to DC's TV-shows.
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