Tony Bedard who is now the writer behind the 'Green Lantern Corps' comics is currently working with Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi to write 'War of the Green Lanterns' which will start this week in 'Green Lantern issue #64', which brings together the stories of 'Green Lantern, 'Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors', and 'Green Lantern Corps'.
He recently spoke to Newsarama and lets us know that the movie is important to the comic-book universe.
"The movie is definitely important to our plans. The month [June] the movie hits will also present readers with good jumping-on points in all three Green Lantern monthlies. But we're not reinventing the comic to follow the movie. It's more that the entire Green Lantern franchise is coordinated so there's a synergy between the different media, be it print, feature films, animation or online."
Be sure to head over to
Newsarama for the full interview where Bedard goes on to discuss 'War of the Green Lanterns'.