Is MAD MAX: FURY ROAD Director George Miller In Line To Helm The GREEN LANTERN CORPS Movie?
George Miller himself has confirmed discussions with Warner Bros. in the past, and now a new rumor suggests he might well be gearing up to direct the studio's planned Green Lantern reboot...
Ever since Mad Max: Fury Road knocked us all on our arses last year, fans have been salivating at the prospect of George Miller taking the reigns of a comic book movie. Of course the director was at the helm of the now defunct Justice League: Mortal, so it was rightly assumed that conversations with Warners about the possibility of stepping back into that world kicked off again after Fury Road's success.
Though Miller has confirmed that there have been talks, he never gave any indication of what project the studio had in mind - but in this week's installment of Heroic Insider, El Mayimbe reveals that he's heard it's going to be Green Lantern Corps.
Plus, in some rival studio related news, Mayimbe has also heard that Captain Marvel will debut in Avengers: Infinity War before her solo movie.
Skip to the 30.00 mark for the relevant chatter.
Take it with the requisite pinch of salt for the time being of course, but what do you think of the prospect of George Miller's Green Lantern Corps?