When it comes to box office winners this weekend, there's one movie that's dominating all the coverage - Avengers: Endgame. With an estimated 350+ million opening weekend in guaranteed, Endgame is burying all other current April releases under its looming presence. But if there's one movie that's feeling these effects the most, it's David Harbour's Hellboy.
The comic book movie dropped 97% from last Friday, not only garnering one of the largest weekens drops in film history, but one of the lowest 3rd weekends for a wide release. The film lost 2/3 of it's venues for the MCU flick and plummeted 91% for the weekend, only grossing a shocking $350,000.
Still holding a whopping 900 venues nationwide, it seems as though Hellboy is the biggest victim from this weekends tidalwave. This likely does not fare well for a sequel. A cancellation of this iteration of the character is a forgone conclusion at this point.
To be fair, a release date this dangerously close to Endgame always destined Hellboy for a result like this, or in other words - it was inevitable.