TOM HIDDLESTON 1 on 1 Interview regarding CRIMSON PEAK and More

TOM HIDDLESTON 1 on 1 Interview regarding CRIMSON PEAK and More

In this one-on-one interview, actor Tom Hiddleston discusses his role of Sir Thomas Sharpe in Guillermo del Toro's ghost story, Crimson Peak. Additionally, he shares his feelings about working with fanboy directors like del Toro and Joss Whedon and much more.

By EdGross - Oct 15, 2015 11:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Horror

After marrying the charming and seductive Sir Thomas Sharpe (Hiddleston), young Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska) finds herself swept away to his remote gothic mansion in the English hills. Also living there is Lady Lucille, Thomas' alluring sister and protector of her family's dark secrets. Able to communicate with the dead, Edith tries to decipher the mystery behind the ghostly visions that haunt her new home. As she comes closer to the truth, Edith may learn that true monsters are made of flesh and blood.

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LEVITIKUZ - 10/15/2015, 11:34 AM
Wonder how Tom feels about finally working with a critically acclaimed director in del Toro.
EdGross - 10/15/2015, 11:35 AM
LEVITIKUZ, just click the play button and hear what he has to say about del Toro.
SauronsBANE - 10/15/2015, 11:36 AM
@LEVITIKUZ Well he WAS in War Horse, directed by a certain Steven Spielberg =P
EdGross - 10/15/2015, 11:45 AM
Thanks, dio. It was great talking to him.
LEVITIKUZ - 10/15/2015, 11:49 AM

Lol. Nobody likes a smart ass
PsychoticSpaceRaccoon - 10/15/2015, 11:51 AM
I'm going to see this, even though I know it won't be that great.
EdGross - 10/15/2015, 11:53 AM
Thanks, Gusto.... I guess. Not sure what SuperCat has said, but glad you liked it.
SauronsBANE - 10/15/2015, 11:58 AM
McGee - 10/15/2015, 11:58 AM
Great interview Ed.
McGee - 10/15/2015, 11:59 AM
I would have asked him how big little Hiddleston was, but that's why you interview people and I don't.
EdGross - 10/15/2015, 12:03 PM
McGee, thanks for saying it for me.
McGee - 10/15/2015, 12:03 PM
Tom Hiddleston: Oh, my son is getting bigger everyday it seems. They grow up so fast. My happiest moment as a father was hearing him brag about his dad to his friends. I was so proud, I almost cried. I'm getting weepy eyed just thinking about it.

McGee: No, I was talking about your penis.
McGee - 10/15/2015, 12:04 PM
LMAO!!! ;)
blackandyellow - 10/15/2015, 12:06 PM
Nice interview, Ed. You're the Connie Chung of CBM.
blackandyellow - 10/15/2015, 12:15 PM
Ask Tom if he's gotten any of those dozens of vials of blood I've sent him. A few of them were even my blood.
Brainiac13 - 10/15/2015, 12:47 PM
Another great interview Ed. ☺
McGee - 10/15/2015, 12:51 PM
LMFAO!!! B&Y doesn't just send vials of blood to anyone! Hiddleston and Emilio Estevez belong to an exclusive club.
Greengo - 10/15/2015, 1:12 PM
I'll listen to the interview later but I saw the Crimson Peak trailer when I was watching Everest on IMAX3D (wish I had spent that $15 on The Walk) and was really captivated by it.

The cinematography was breathtaking.
Greengo - 10/15/2015, 1:12 PM
speak of the devil @Gusto lol : )
CombatWombat - 10/15/2015, 1:51 PM
I'm actually kinda looking forward to this one.
RealNimbus - 10/15/2015, 2:19 PM
Ugh. Please someone extract the readable text from this. I don't want to listen to the full interview.
EdGross - 10/15/2015, 4:20 PM
Sorry, RealNimbus. Look at it this way, it's only about eight minutes long.
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