James Gunn was interested in the Marvel Cinematic Universe long before he was chosen to take the helm of Guardians of the Galaxy and in a new interview, the filmmaker has revealed that he was at one point keen on taking the helm of a movie revolving around The Hulk...and the fan-favourite Red Hulk!
It was during a Q&A on Facebook that Gunn made the reveal, stating that, "I wanted to do Hit Monkey. Like REALLY wanted to do it. I was also interested in doing a Hulk/Red Hulk film." As many risks as Marvel takes, a Hit Monkey movie seems way outside the realm of possibility, though the obscure character showing up could happen depending on whether Marvel has any interest in that.
As for Red Hulk, rumours swirled that the character was supposed to show up in Captain America: Civil War, but neither he nor Bruce Banner showed up. General Ross was obviously present, but there were no hints whatsoever that he might be able to transform into a Hulk of any sort during his scenes.
Do you guys think this movie had become a reality? Where do you think Red Hulk should be introduced? As always, feel free to share your thoughts on this news in the comments section below.