Marvel Studios Vice President Kevin Feige talked to Wizard Magazine and gave us updates on the status of three upcoming comic book movies currently in the works...
"[Writer] Mark Frost has turned in a draft for 'Fantastic Four' and now he's working on some minor revisions," said Feige. "Mark's working on his polish with an eye towards getting a director."
Feige added that "[Writer/director] Mark Steven Johnson is held up in a beach house right now, working on a rewrite of 'Ghost Rider' and we should get a sneak peak soon. Hopefully aiming for a spring start depending on scheduling."
And about The Hulk 2, which just got an undisclosed writer, he said "It is set up at Universal again. We talk to Universal almost on a daily basis about 'Hulk 2'. Hulk is a great franchise with a lot of life left in it."