Another Kick-Ass Q&A with Mark Millar!

Another Kick-Ass Q&A with Mark Millar!

The comic book writer talks more about the movie and shares his thoughts on why he chose not to write the screenplay...

By JoshWilding - Mar 29, 2010 12:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Kick-Ass
Source: Metro

Here are some exerpts from a recent interview that Mark Millar did with Metro. Here he talks about Kick-Ass and comic books but for more from the writer just follow the link at the bottom of the article.

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Is writing a comic about a ten-year-old girl swearing and chopping people’s heads off in bad taste?

People have said Daily Mail readers and church groups are up in arms about it but I’m a Daily Mail reader and go to church every week and I’m not offended. It’s made by Daily Mail readers for Daily Mail readers.

Has child actress Chloe Moretz been left mentally traumatised by making the film?

Are you kidding? Chloe’s the world’s smartest kid. She’s got a career plan – she’ll work with Martin Scorsese next year. She’s handled this better than anyone.

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Mika’s done the soundtrack. Are you worried he’ll put people off?

I’d never heard of him. I’m 40. I feel embarrassed when my friends are talking about current music. That should be left to young people.

Jonathan Ross’s wife Jane Goldman wrote the script. Why didn’t you adapt it yourself?

With this and Wanted I stayed on as a producer. Screenwriting isn’t that well paid and doing 20 drafts of a script seems miserable. They make a fraction of comic writers. Occasionally you’ll get a big pay day as a screenwriter but the comic guy owns the intellectual property. When French Connection sells a Kick-Ass hoodie I get a cut of that.

Which superheroes made an impression on you when you younger?

Spider-Man. I drew his mask over my face with Magic Marker just before my Holy Communion and it didn’t wash off in time. You can see the faint lines over my face in the photos.

Who are comic books aimed at?

Guys aged 16 to 25, the same as the movies. Ten years ago it was about five per cent female readers but now it’s around 30 per cent because of the films. When I first went to conventions it was all fat guys with beards, now it’s more like a music festival. People who read tend to be smarter than those who don’t so it’s a nice audience.

Kick-Ass is released in the UK on Wednesday and in the US on April 16th.

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JoshWilding - 3/29/2010, 12:36 PM
I know a lot of people dont really like Millar (Just because he promotes himself? How may comic book wrters get the chance to do that? I dont blame him!) but I always enjoy hearing from him! Great dig at The Daily Mail as well! :P

Guys, check out my STAR WARS: THE FORCE UNLEASHED Fan Cast!!! Just click the link!!! :)
joob234 - 3/29/2010, 12:40 PM
hey does anybody know a good site to read comics online on??????????????? jw, besides htmlcomics
InTylerWeTrust - 3/29/2010, 12:46 PM
F*ck Millar.
JaySchluffy - 3/29/2010, 1:02 PM
This is one horrific interview, its for a free underground newspaper in the UK and the interviewer is bring out anything and everything negative about kick-ass and comic book communities!
JaySchluffy - 3/29/2010, 1:03 PM
And also its an interview about him, hes bound to talk about himself in the process...its not like he's got them round to his house and is doing a cribs style interview of his life and everything he owns. Usually when your being interviewed you do talk about your work...

If you made a film you would be plugging it like mad left right and centre, (ala Stan "The Man" Lee!)
joob234 - 3/29/2010, 1:27 PM
ya but you gotta pay lol, im broke
Shaman - 3/29/2010, 1:43 PM
See... normally, i'd be up in arms about another damn Millar interview, hell i started the poll to shut him up in the first place. But here, this is just a simple interview about kick ass. The questions were fine as well as his answers since it didn't have to do with anything he's brainfarting at the moment. So... yeah... carry on ;P
contrast - 3/29/2010, 3:43 PM
Hmms...speaking of self-promotion, check out my Ant-Man fan fic/fan cast over in the Fan Fic section, or just click

but, back on topic... I can't wait for Kick-Ass. It's going to be, well, kick-ass.
JoshWilding - 3/29/2010, 4:13 PM
Jeez, I dont get the negativity towards the guy! Look at the other great comic book writers out there today - Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, Dan Slott, Brian Bendis...none of these guys get the chance to be interviewed like this but Miller is lucky that he created something that's now been turned into a highly anticipated movie! Can you blame him for enjoying the publicity!? It's rare for a comic book writer to get a chance like this so let him have his fifteen minutes while promoting Kick-Ass!
InTylerWeTrust - 3/29/2010, 5:11 PM
Millar gets to me because he constantly talks about shit that never comes out. Let's see, he talked a crap load about his proposed Superman idea. How has that turned out? He talks out of his ass like half the time. All he talks about are ideas and pitches, and I wouldn't be so opposed to him if he didn't do it about every other day. And I'd say he's had more than 15 minutes. He's been going on about his Superman crap since late 2008!
Ryguy88 - 3/29/2010, 7:22 PM
Millar pretty much just said that he is too good to write movie scripts. Maybe that is why he "turned down" X-Men 4. What a prick!
JoshWilding - 3/29/2010, 8:43 PM
TYLER: I dont see that he talks about shit that never comes out! He's mentioned his Superman pitch a lot, firstly because it was being considered and more recently because he's been asked if it was still going to happen and he's just talked about what he would have done! The only other pitches and ideas I've seen him talk about are Kick-Ass 2, Nemesis and the Scottish superhero thing - all of which seems to be happenning!

Ryguy88: Dude, he said nothing even remotely like that - he's just saying that he doesnt like the thought of writing a script 20 times and he'd rather write comic books because he'll make more money...seems sensible to me! :P
InTylerWeTrust - 3/29/2010, 9:51 PM
I really don't feel like explaining my dislike for Millar, because Multi and Shaman have already done it for me in other articles. He's a fine writer, he just mouths off way too much and it's gotten to the point of annoyance for me. Just my opinion.
Shaman - 3/30/2010, 7:46 AM
Anil- Millar is a tremendous writer. He's definitely part of the big boys like Johns, Ennis, Miller, Gay-man(i'll always write it like this), Moore, etc. So believe me when i say that when we comment about him always mouthing off, we don't comment about his tried, tested and true talents. We're commenting about his habit of laying all his brainfarts out for everyone to see, hear or read EVEN BEFORE they are produced. This here, is a NEWS website. You wanna know why we always come and read every damn Millar interview, even if we hate the fact that he exhales his unproduced brainfarts after every breath? Cause this isn't "", this is "" which is a NEWS site about comic book movies. And us "Millar haters", we're here for NEWS. We read EVERY article to know what NEWS they bring. It's not our fault that his interviewers choose to ask him about what other projects he's planning and it's sure as hell not our fault if Millar opens his trap and vomits all he's thinking of at that very moment and at every damn opportunity he gets. There are alot of people i admire in the entertainment field yet NONE of them pull "Millars" on every damn inteview. Why doesn't he just stick to protocol and say "well, there are always a few turnups boiling about in the pot so we'll see what the future brings". It's that simple. Take this interview for another great example of what he could do instead of pissing every non biased Millar fan/news reader. Just stick to straight answers and if there are any questions about future projects, see turnup reference above. As for our comments, they are our opinions and everyone's entitled to them. Notice that at anytime, i could have said the same comment as you said, "no disrespect to biased Millar fans, but why would you read comments of a guy u think is just a Millar hater...cuz it's obvious you r gonna say 'shaddup' you guys know he's dissing Millar, why not just ignore the comment cuz it clearly pisses you guys off"... see? But it's all good, there's enough room for all of us here ;)
EditNinja - 3/30/2010, 7:55 AM
Haha, in the 'Greed Vs Art' stakes, Mark Millar is like the polar opposite of Alan Moore. But they're both two of my favourite writers...just both a bit eccentric!
Shaman - 3/30/2010, 8:39 AM
EditNinja- HA!!! Too true, great observation LOL ;P
Shaman - 3/30/2010, 9:34 AM
Anil- HA!!! "Supermike effect" LOL Man, that supermike sure left an impression on us! I don't know what the hell he's up to lately. Yet we know exactly what Millar is thinking right now... hmmmmmmmmmm.... LOL :P
JohnHolland53 - 4/7/2010, 11:04 AM
Today is 4/7/2010 and I just viewed a dozen different trailers for the upcoming movie “Kick-Ass”.
This comment is an urgent appeal to every parent reading this. Please protect your kids (older and young) from this devious attempt to pervert our children’s minds and hearts, disguised as entertainment.
I am quite shocked at a few things and I don’t shock easily. The language is hard core and completely un-necessary to tell this story, especially when it requires cursing from a 13 year old girl (Chloe Grace Moretz - born February 10, 1997). Not light cursing, but the kind of filthy cursing that makes you twinge. There are so many young actors in this movie delivering such filth from their mouths. I just sat here at my computer with my jaw hanging as I listened to some of the disgusting words kids were saying. The filth just wasn’t necessary. How perverted can you be to subject our youth to this kind of filth in language. I say “subject our youth to this” because what kid doesn’t want to see good guys beat up the bad guys, so they will find a way to see it. But unfortunately, here the good guys are as bad as the bad guys. Every kid in America will watch it somehow because of the young cast and the fantasy of being a crime fighter.

I am equally shocked at the adult actors that have willingly contributed to the killing of adolescent morals. I thought actors who were also parents had some moral standard for their children’s sake and would only go so far in the type of characters or the kind of movies they would do. I guess I was wrong there!
The nudity that was shown in a trailer was a deliberate effort to entice the viewer into thinking there was more to be seen. Again, this whole movie is simply an evil attempt to pervert the minds of our young.
Even the graphic killings and mutilations that kids were performing is disturbing to me. I don’t want my children ever thinking that murder is entertaining. A 13 year old, killing people with a sword. Imagine that!
The guys who are responsible for this script and this movie (and I do mean they are responsible for all of the affects this movie will have on the minds of our young) are nothing less than people who have prostituted themselves for the sake of the almighty dollar, at the cost of our children and our society.
I know that some people will say that the “R” rating protects children, but that is pure garbage. In the technological age we live in, our young and even small children have a multitude of devices and places to gain access to this and other movies that should never have been made. It’s not entertainment when it erodes the very fabric of a decent society… in fact in the minds of the moral majority, its criminal!
Lastly, I will say to the creators of these kinds of movies, this script could have been a really great adventure story for kids. But instead it is a horrible, blatant attack to further destroy the moral standard of our lives through our young. And greater still, it is another piece of a large agenda in Hollywood to destroy the moral character of our future generations, so that their standards will be more accepted.
But I say, change your minds, not ours!
These are the people responsible for creating this filth. Boycott anything they do:
Matthew Vaughn – Director
Jane Goldman, Mark Millar and Matthew Vaughn – writers
Nicholas Cage – Actor - He has always been my favorite, but I can no longer support anything he does! He is the only big name actor here but the other actors also deserve to be boycotted. What a shame!
Rest of the cast:


A concerned citizen and parent
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