Deadpool. He's pretty much the comic book version of that plastic bag scene from American Beauty...if the bag had a tendency to break the 4th wall. I think that actually happened a lot in the director's cut but alas, FX has yet to get that movie in the rotation. I THOUGHT YOU HAD THE MOVIES, FX? Any-who, the Deadpool movie is fast approaching and what are you going to do about all of your Deadpool goodies? You going to try to get them at the movie theater? Pfft. If they are charging $6.50 for a bag of Peanut M&Ms I wonder what a shirt would cost? See? That's exactly what I'm talking about. Of course there are plenty of places to find great Deadpool gear but let's be honest...not everybody has time to search for stuff. You have to troll the opposing comic book company, you know? Just jump into a Suicide Squad trailer post and cut loose!
Don't worry though, we have you covered over at SuperHeroStuff! We did all the groundwork for you with our patented mystery HeroBoxes. You see, we hand-cultivate these things from endless fields of Deadpool. Those fields are actually pretty easy to maintain; you just plant some chimmichangas and a couple of weeks later you have some Deadpool sprouting! These plants yield all sorts of goodies like t-shirts, mugs, keychains, stickers, buttons, plushies, glasses, and a bunch of other excellent items. We had to do a fair amount of genetic engineering to get the Deadpool plant where we wanted them, but hey, that's why people go to college...that and writing for Sports Illustrated. Who would have thought there would have been 10 of those in every writing class?
With limited quantities, the Deadpool HeroBox comes in two different flavors. One is Silver and contains 70 dollars worth of stuff for $49 while our Gold has 100 bucks worth of stuff for $69! We toiled the lands day and night for you guys. You get tons and tons of stuff that you will absolutely adore much like your coveted Regenerating Degenerate. Hey look, I figured out why the Merc with a Mouth wasn't around to help us work the Deadpool Fields...he was off stealing the Death Star plans! Guess we don't need to watch Rogue One now, eh?