The buzzed about feature film “L.A. Slasher,” directed by Martin Owen and produced by Jeffrey Wright and Daniel Sollinger (“Girls Against Boys”, “The Alphabet Killer”) has recently completed post production. Jonathan Willis (“The Machine”), Shree Patel, Martin Owen and Abigail Wright also produce.
“L.A. Slasher” sports an eclectic cast: Danny Trejo (“Machete”), Dave Bautista (“Guardians of the Galaxy”), Eric
Roberts (“The Dark Knight”), Mischa Barton (“The O.C.”), Drake Bell (“Drake & Josh”), Brooke Hogan (“Hogan
Knows Best”), Tori Black (“Not Another Celebrity Movie”) and the voice of Andy Dick (“News Radio”).
Incensed by the tabloid culture which celebrates it, the L.A. Slasher publicly abducts a series of reality TV stars,
while the media and general public in turn begin to question if society is better off without them. It is a biting,
social satire about reality TV and the glorification of people who are famous for simply being famous, “L.A.
Slasher” explores why it has become acceptable and even admirable for people to become influential and
wealthy based on no merit or talent - purely through notoriety achieved through shameful behavior.
The opening sequence of the movie was created by the groundbreaking comic book artists, The Pander
Brothers. Their artwork has been instrumental in the success of the cult series, Grendel: Devil’s Legacy,
Batman: City of Light and Exquisite Corpse. Their visual storytelling has been nominated for the Eisner and
Manning awards for groundbreaking artwork in the graphic novel medium.
Says producer Wright, “The use of the Pander Brothers motion comic is a stylistic choice which draws the
audience immediately into the fantastical, colorful and unique world of the L.A. Slasher.”
Sollinger adds, “I have been a fan of The Pander Brothers for years. L.A. Slasher has a very unique style and
tone. The Panders Brothers understood what we were going for and took it to another level.”
Added writer and director Owen, “Our goal is to show our audience that this movie is everything you would not
expect from a typical slasher movie. The movie is very much the L.A. Slasher’s story, taking on the unique role
of both protagonist and villain. The Slasher becomes an avenging hero, while continuously defying logic in a
fun, playful way.”
WWE star Dave Bautista (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Danny Trejo (Machete) play iconic drug dealers in
search of the next big score. Director Owen was delighted when the pair accepted the roles “I am a lifelong fan
of the WWE and of Danny's incredible body of work. Their larger than life presence was exactly what I was
looking for. The result was a cinematic partnership that will be long remembered."
Using a meta casting angle which taps into pop culture zeitgeist, Mischa Barton plays an actress trying to regain
her previous fame through reality tv, while Eric Roberts’ character is a mayor who deals with a substance abuse
problem. Porn star Tori Black’s character is a teen mom who is the victim of “accidentally” released sex tapes,
while teen crooner Drake Bell plays a pop star that spits in the face of his fans.
Riffing on familiar television/film tropes, Brooke Hogan also appears as a reality T.V. star, along with a socialite
(portrayed by Korrina Rico) and an heiress (Elizabeth Morris). Actress Marisa Lauren appears as a stripper with
ambitions of fame, and Abigail Wright plays a reporter trying to make sense of it all.