Hello folks, first article here, so take it easy, will you? Browsing through the headlines today, I see the GL was postponed, Juno Temple is playing Robin, Armie Hammer was pegged for Captain Planet, and The Wolverine was canned because of the Tsunami...Boy, do I hate April Fool's Day. However, it did start me thinking about the biggest prank I could remember regarding comic book movies. Immedietly, one came to mind above all others. For those of you who don't remember, it was major news on the casting of Captain America, exactly two years ago today.

After a long search that had involved Brad Pitt, Will Smith, and Matthew McConaughey, the man who would lead the Avengers was finally tapped. David Maisel, then Chairman of Marvel Studios, announced that Seth Rogen, the star of Pineapple Express and Knocked Up, would play pre-super soldier serum Steve Rogers. In the release, Maisel claimed "Seth Rogen is today's 'everyman,' someone that we can all relate to. He has a strength of character only hinted at in his previous roles." Needless to say, almost EVERYONE was up in arms. Even worse, there was no hints or clues that this was, in fact, a joke. None, except for a blank line right before the end of the article that no one thought to highlight. See the whole article
Forums exploded, comments called for blood, more fat jokes were made in that day alone than during an entire season of The Biggest Loser. Oh, did the fans throw a fit. Eventually, people figured out the article was a prank, and a very successful one at that. For me, I got a good laugh. Others almost had a stroke. So, I ask you guys, what's your favorite April Fools' prank from this site or others regarding Superhero movies? You know where to comment.
Oh, and thanks for reading.