It's that time of the year again. The time to reflect on the year in film. As with every year. You've got: the box office hits, the box office flops, the unexpected hits, unexpected flops, the over rated, the under rated, etc. After the listing my top five films of 2013 I will name the one movie I wish I would've seen this year, one movie I wish I would not have seen and one honorable mention.
5: 42

I've found 42 to be one of the more over looked and under rated movies of the year. Was there better? Sure. But, I think 42 told a very captivating story about the famous Jackie Robinson in a way that even someone like myself, who doesn't watch baseball, could get emotionally invested in it as well as engrossed into the overall acting and the story being told. Harrison Ford does great as always but the stand out is Chadwick Boseman. Boseman brought raw power and emotion to Robinson that I felt showed that he has loads of potential (Marvel Studios, cast him as Black Panther please!) and is someone to be on the look out for.
4: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

The first film on the list I saw in the theater and is the last film of the year I saw in the theater. Being a fan of the books, Catching Fire is my favorite in particular, It was difficult to build any excitement because the first film was more about the substance of The Hunger Games rather than what it should've been doing which was building the characters and their relationships because we did not get to know the characters at all. We knew the subject was dark but, the tone didn't feel dark and the emotion that was in the books didn't translate to the screen. Catching Fire, absolutely nails it! Catching Fire is most interesting when it's character driven, before the games. We got to know the characters and the relationships, there was humor, emotion and once you're back in the arena, there is absolute tension. It's definitely the best blockbuster of the year and one of the best films of the year. Well, that I've seen any way. Haven't been able to make as many trips to the theater as I've been wanting. Also, Jena Malone steals it as Johanna Mason.
3: The Spectacular Now

To let you guys know, I'm not a Miles Tellar fan as I was not impressed by him in Project X (a film I regret watching) and in 21 & Over. That being said, I did not watch a trailer for this film. I just saw the basic premise and a couple stills. Shailene Woodley (The Amazing Spider-Man 2's would have been Mary Jane) plays Miles' leading lady. I was impressed by them both, especially Miles Tellar because I was not expecting him to have the range he did. This film is an emotional, brutally honest look at young love. Sure, it probably does sound a little bad coming from me but with Miles Tellar's Stutter's drinking problem, daddy issues and the journey he goes on as well as Shailene Woodley's Aimee's home life and her journey, it's a very interesting story. It doesn't fall under any of the clichés, it's not the typical romance/drama film. It's about an hour and a half, not too long but it's a very interesting story in why Stutter is with Aimee, how he views himself and how others view him. These stories that are brutally honest and real, as with this film and (500) Days of Summer, are kinds of films I wish to see more of in cinema. From my understanding, it's on dvd next month and I would recommend you good people to watch it.
2: The Place Beyond the Pines
A triptic brought to you by the man behind Blue Valentine, Derek Cianfrance. The Place Beyond The Pines is a story about legacy and how one moment can change everything in the lives of just a few in big ways. Fantastic performances from the entire cast. The Place Beyond the Pines is one of the more emotionally impactful movies I've seen (recently turned 18, still got a ways to go). It's just an unforgettable film in my opinion and one that people seem to have forgotten over time due to the spectacle of the summer season and the award heavy films of the fall/winter. Must see!
1: Prisoners
Bet you saw this one coming. The most engrossing film I've seen all year and is the most interesting and emotionally driven film I've seen all year. Prisoners showcases through absolute phenomenal performances through the likes of Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal, just how desperate we as human beings can become and the lengths we can and are willing to go when we are to that desperate, breaking point. Thrilling, phenomenal performances, haunting, emotional and absolutely beautiful cinematography. Prisoners is by far the best film of 2013 and I think it's one of the most over looked films in the fall/winter seasons this year.
The film I wish I would have seen: Rush. Why? A Ron Howard drama starring Chris Hemsworth and Olivia Wilde? Enough said.
The film I wish I would not have seen: Gravity. Why? Another average acted, bland thriller from Alfonso Cuaron. But, I will give credit for the pretty great visuals and the amazing score.
Honorable mention: The Wolverine. While not number one of my best comicbook movies of the year. The Wolverine is the most interesting because it's essentially a character piece and up until the last 15-20 minutes, it's a thrill ride with amazing action sequences, some funny moments but mostly just a really dark drama and is a great emotional story for our titular character.
What about you guys? What's the five best films you've guys have seen this year? Comment below and let's get a good discussion going on.