EDITORIAL: The 3 MOST Important Superheroes

EDITORIAL: The 3 MOST Important Superheroes

In this article, I will explain why Superman, Captain America and Spider-Man are three of the most important heroes ever created.

Editorial Opinion
By EdgyOutsider - May 27, 2013 07:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

I was sitting at my computer, listening to music and thinking. Terrorist attacks, teen suicides, ect. The general public enjoy superhero movies but they don't read the comics. What they fail to realize in my opinion is that, these characters are important. Captain America, Spider-Man and Superman are the three that come to mind to me, despite my general dislike for Superman. I won't lie to you, while what had me depressed was nothing to get as depressed as I got about it, it really made me think of who I am as a person, my screw ups and why people in general dislike me. It made me think that, maybe I should cut myself. Though no, I never did. I got to thinking about all that and realized, people think they've got it bad. If they're depressed and what not, why not look up to a hero? I see it a lot in people my age, it irritates me and their actions make me think "why?". So, Why do Captain America, Spider-Man and Superman become three of the most important characters in comics that should effect the general public? Well, let's see.

Captain America

Steve Rogers was skinny, weak and had a lot of physical imperfections. He's what I feel that, a lot of people should aspire to be. He's good for the sake of being good. He's that type of guy. Despite being the physical peak of humans, he's not a perfect person. During the storyline where we were introduced to, The Winter Soldier. Although it wasn't by his design, it's proof that our past may come back to haunt us at some point in our lives. It tears the poor man apart, the way he deals with it is simple. He goes after it and defeats it. He pushes through the pain. There are people like him in real life, the U.S military. Marines, Navy Seal, ect. They protect us. They make us feel safe. They also exist in our local cities and towns all over the world, they're called the Police. People these days feel the need to take matters into their own hands, that's never a good thing. Steve Rogers fought back against Tony Stark In the Civil War storyline and he nearly beat him to death. Personally, I view us humans as animals, monsters if you will. It's our nature to kill, be violent. But, it's also in our nature to be like Steve Rogers. Kind, loving, care for one another. Everyone is like Steve Rogers, it's a matter of our actions and the actions of people around us, close to us that I ultimately feel we misbehave and become our weaker, more violent selves. There's a reason for everything we do. Erskine said in Captain America: The First Avenger "Stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier but, a good man" that is something I feel is very important. Steve Rogers doesn't like bullies. Nobody does but, at some point in our lives we are. Even if we can't admit it. Steve Rogers is important beyond comics because he's the type of person we can be, the type of person we ultimately should be.


Peter Parker is pretty obvious why he's important. It's always been obvious. He's the everyday man who learns responsibility. Every boy looks up to his father as his hero. For me, it wasn't just my father, it was Peter Parker. I felt like I was Peter Parker. I've always been the outcast, weak, girls never found me "attractive". He's the shining example of why even though we're an outcast that, we still need to be responsible. Which let's face it, no teenager is. Especially this days, at least to me. It's always drinking, drugs, driving under the influence, ect. Yet, when someone close to them dies and they boohoo and cry, they don't blame themselves. They go into depression mode and ask themselves why it couldn't be them instead of their (friend, family, whatever). They ruin their futures with drugs and alcohol, nobody cares about education anymore and it's truly sad.

Our actions reflect who we are and they ultimately have consequences and they affect and shape us into the person we're "suppose" to be. It would be hypocritical of me to personally say this but, why can't we all be just responsible? Peter Parker didn't do the right thing, it came back and bit him and now he's responsible. It shaped him for the better. Problem is, nobody cares anymore. Everyone thinks they've got the worse end of the deal when they don't somebody in the world has it worse than you. Peter Parker shows us to be responsible but, to me, shows us to be happy and accept the things and people we have In our life. Honestly, last summer I read the first issue of Ultimate Spider-Man and I felt bad about myself as a person. I had realized how much of a dick I am towards others and how I need to be more responsible.


"It's not an "S", on my world it means hope"

Keyword, hope. That is what Superman as a being stands for. I recall when the boston bombing happened, Levitikuz made an admirable article on this site, about why it's the perfect time for the return of Superman and how it's similar to why when 9/11 happened, it was the perfect time for Spider-Man. I will have to agree with him. Superman is a symbol of hope and as David Goyer said, it's what the world needs right now. People don't have hope these days and it's truly saddening. Children, teenagers and adults. They don't have hope these days for whatever the reason it may be. The reason Superman is so important is cause despite being a fictional character, he gives us hope and like Captain America, he's the ideal of WHO people should be. Especially with the terrorist attacks that happen in the world. I honestly, don't have a lot to say on this and I apologize. My expectancies of things and how predictable things like terrorist attacks are (not when they happen but, predictable as in that they will happen again) really make this be a reasonably length section of the article. I look at things realistically when it comes to that and those things don't affect me.

Bottom line: I'm sure what the characters are, are obvious. But, when you compare them to how people are these days in behavior, beliefs, everything. It's not hard to see why these characters are so important to the real world and that the general public should take a deeper look at these characters and realize that they are us. They're not perfect but, they show us what and who can be. There is hope and that making the right choices and being a good person morally, ect and taking responsibility will give us good, healthy lives and that nothing will ever feel as bad as they do.

Agree? Disagree? Comment below.
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GuardianDevil - 5/27/2013, 8:11 PM
I agree 100%, been saying this for years.

Spidey, Supes and Cap are exemplary heroes who purpose to do right no matter what the cost, put their own selfish needs at the end of their list of priorities. And are good, simply for the sale of being good. These three are THE GREATEST examples of true heroism and the ones that people look up to the most.

They are the only ones who are truly incorruptible, and the world needs to look to them as an example...."an ideal to strive towards"
GuardianDevil - 5/27/2013, 8:16 PM
But I also gotta say, I think Superman is the most important of the three.

Because the MU looks to Spidey and Cap as their examples of true heroism. But not just the DCU, but comicdom AS A WHOLE sees Superman as THE example of heroism.

Superman is arguably the greatest hero of all time...

(keep in mind, he's not necessarily my #1 favorite, but overall Supes is the greatest hero of all time)
TonyChu - 5/27/2013, 9:02 PM
Great article. I would also add Wonder Woman and Batman among this list.
unknownfacts - 5/27/2013, 10:50 PM
Good write up.Should've spent a little more time on the Superman=hope part but you got the point across very nicely either way.So good job.
QuinlanVos - 5/27/2013, 10:54 PM
I never liked Superman as a kid, But I did grow to respect him and become a fan he's not my favorite but he is the greatest! In my opinion their are only three Marvel heroes that can go toe 2 toe with him Hulk, Silver Surfer and Thor. On a side note If he really wanted to Supes could kill everybody in the DC universe!
QuinlanVos - 5/27/2013, 10:55 PM
Great Article by the way!!!!
EdgyOutsider - 5/27/2013, 11:09 PM
@unknownfacts: I really wanted to and I plan on going back and extending it. With my mind set and how I work though, it got a bit complicated for me to continue it.

@Soto &TonyChu: Wonder Woman is definitely up there but Batman, I never understood. Cap, Supes and Spidey are the main three the general public should look at when it comes to a deeper meaning morally, ect.

Superman isn't my favorite superhero by any means but, I respect what he stands for and why he is so beloved.
Brainiac13 - 5/28/2013, 8:21 AM
Good Article!
tonytony - 5/28/2013, 10:36 AM
this is the first nick salinski editorial that isnt overtly biased towards marvel, normally his articles are thinly veiled attacks towards DC.

This is a decent write up. However there is no way you can leave out the likes of Batman over captain america (but I guess that would be asking too much of him). Having said that its a decent point and in reality the true architect and indeed archetype for this is superman above all others.
tonytony - 5/28/2013, 11:26 AM
@fangz i guess so.
GuardianDevil - 5/28/2013, 12:59 PM
@TonyChu, SotoJuiceMan, TonyTony, Batmaniac.

I think you guys missed the point of the article, it's not about who's the best character. It's about who's the most heroic, inspiring, always does the right thing, stuff like that.

Batman is a great character, but he doesn't fit in that group.
GuardianDevil - 5/28/2013, 1:00 PM
Yeah, Superman is the type of guy no one could dislike.
tjgosurf - 5/28/2013, 1:24 PM
Burn in hell Nick. But seriously I don't know if you can name 3 important ones. After the first, though I hate to admit it, Superman is the king. Captain America got us through WWII and Spidey helped us cope after 9/11....dammit.

angus666 - 5/28/2013, 2:07 PM
Jesus why is everyone butt buddies with Batman? He's not God, and if he's not on a list the world isn't ending. Calm down.
lucio7lopez - 5/28/2013, 2:09 PM
... AND "THE BATMAN"?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Steelgoat - 5/28/2013, 3:52 PM
Great article, very thought-provoking and introspective.
MoonDoggyX - 5/28/2013, 7:55 PM
Nice read! It is missing something, however... BATMAN!

If you can't see why batman is just as or maybe even more important than superman, then i don't have enough space in comments to explain it to you... Read a comic people!!!
MoonDoggyX - 5/28/2013, 7:59 PM
Honestly, not on batman's nuts at all, but even in this article everything you said about spidey AND cap can be said about bats... Except he didn't fight Nazis and have a movie out right after 911...
aresww3 - 5/28/2013, 10:54 PM
Marvel And DC are very different in emphasis. DC heroes are architypical timeless, where as Marvels are born of the atomic age and relate specifically to our time.

Having said that, I believe Marvels 3 most important heroes in order are:

1. Spiderman

2. The Incredible Hulk

3. Wolverine (I put him in reluctantly/I would rather say the X-Men)

These three heroes embody the troubles and worries of the automic age. They symbolize the, concern over our mastery of nature and its potential dangers (Spider Man/Hulk), the ennui we face and feelings of ineptitude. In a meaningless world what is our purpose? (Spider-Man) The division of the self, the uncontrollable forces that we repress (Hulk) social injustices and inequality, how should we face them (the xmen wolverine)
Marvel really was ahead of its time in challenging these issues in comics and far supersede DC in this.
But lets take our hats off to DC as well DC has given us our ages pantheon of Gods, only steeped in a modern secular lexicon. We as much look up to Batman and Superman for our views or justice and heroism as the Greeks did to Hercules; the only difference we don´t believe they exist, we just wish they did. We aspire to be fiction.
As such the 3 most compelling DC stories are as follows:

1. Superman
2 Batman and Wonder Woman (who are equal in my eyes)

Why? They are the most classical myths of any comic creation. Go back to the ancient greeks or romans and explain the story of Batman, Superman or Wonder Woman they would get it.
1. Superman.
Say Kal-El, last son of mount olympus, was sent down by his loving father who knew that Olympus was soon to die due to mans increasing impiousness; that man nolonger believed and praised the Gods leading to their demise as it was our worship that fuelled their immortality. As such in a last ditch hope to save the last of the olympians, he sends his only son to Earth knowing he will be safe due to his incredible powers. Once on Earth the boy is adopted by a peasant family whose simple life represent mans greatest strengths, and, core vulnerabilities. When discovering his powers he fueled by the morality instilled by his adopted parents fights against corrupt despots who conquer and enslave more simple peoples.

2. Batman
Young Prince, witnesses the brutal death of his parents by an invading army, who are soon defeated by his peoples. After seeing this he is blinded by rage and vengence and decides to fight the forces of chaos brought on by mans desire for conquest and irrationality of war. He trains himself, as well as his people to be a force against such conquering tribes and they roam the ancient world preventing what happened to him ever happening to anyone else.
(This is looser; But I think you get the point)
3. Wonder Woman
A child of a Utopian Society (doesn´t have to be a woman) separated from the world by the Gods, seeks to know something other than paradise. For thousands of years now all she has known is solemnity and peace; and although her elders warn her about the world of man, the notion of seeing it still excites her. He/she wishes to escape, even if it means disobeying her elders. One day she finds out that her birth on the Island was no accident. It was preordained by the gods; she would one day take the teachings of her utopian society and try and fight for peace in the world of man.

These are the basic premises of these stories and though I´ve done it in brief I hope
I´ve demonstrated how timeless and classical all 3 are. They all 3 represent something deep in the human psyche
1. Hope and justice
2. Vengance and overcoming fear of the underworld
3 Peace and the desire for unity. Overcoming conflict.

Thats why I say this generation needs WW as much as we need Superman to give us a vision to aspire to and Batman a place to expel our darkest demons. We need Wonder Woman to show us we all have the inner-strength to reach those aspirations and fight those ever prevalent demons. What those historically constructed weak, who´ve been oppressed and exploited have great power. Or she shows what we could do with great power.

aresww3 - 5/28/2013, 11:00 PM
Good article I will reply.
CaptainDC - 5/29/2013, 5:21 AM
Good article, but here's why Batman should be on here in replace of Captain America. Batman is not only of the most popular and longest running superheroes, but he also shows people you can be a superhero without super powers. Yes, Bruce Wayne is a millionaire who has a lot of money to aid him in his crime fighting. But he shows through martial arts and detective skills that you can be a superhero. His impact on the comic book movie and tv show genre is unparallel to Captain America.
LEVITIKUZ - 5/29/2013, 9:02 AM
Hehe. I got in the article.
GhostZero - 5/29/2013, 9:45 PM
Who the [frick] gives a shit about Captain America?
aresww3 - 5/31/2013, 5:40 AM
@fangz: I liked your article too. And I care about Captain America. He and Red skull are one of comics greatest creations.
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